American Rabbi: Europe must accept immigration swamping

Thanks to Jewamongyou’s Blog for drawing my attention to a classic: In Paris, Muslim and Jewish leaders pledge to stand together against the rise of extreme-rightist parties, European Jewish Press 09/Mar/2011

PARIS (EJP)—Prominent Muslim and Jewish leaders from across Europe pledged to stand together against the rise of extreme-right xenophobic and racist parties that represent an escalating peril to ethnic and religious minorities across Europe, including Jews and Muslims.

These leaders made the pledge during a gathering in Paris of the “Coordinating Committee of European Muslim and Jewish Leaders.”

The first meeting of the Coordinating Committee was initiated by the New York-based Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU), the World Council for Muslim Inter-Faith Relations (WCMIR), and the World Jewish Congress (WJC)…

“If Europe wants to remain true to its ethical and spiritual foundations, it must embrace people from different cultures, religions and ways of life. If not, it will not only fail as a concept, it will lose its soul,” said FFEU President and World Jewish Congress Vice President Rabbi Marc Schneier.

Rabbi Schneier is an American, resident in New York where his foundation is headquartered.

A considerable amount needs to be said about this, and happily Jewamongyou has said it

Sometimes I question the assessment of Jews as an “intelligent people”. If we are so smart, why are those who supposedly represent our people so oblivious to the obvious?…

If anti-Semitism is “growing rapidly” across Europe, perhaps idiots like Rabbi Schneier should consider their own role in causing it. After all, it is the likes of him who give Jews a bad name. He might as well sacrifice Christian children for their blood. How can you dwell in somebody else’s land, promote policies that will surely transform the natives into minorities – and then wonder why people do not like you? I wonder if Rabbi Schneier also promotes massive Arab immigration into Israel. Would he accept scores of Africans into his own home and grant them “equal rights”?

I wonder if during the conference, described in the article, anybody even asked basic questions such as “is there any justification for anti-immigration sentiments among Europeans?” or “might high crime rates among immigrants, and the targeted rape of native European women, have anything to do with the rise of such movements?”

The writer of Jewamongyou is an unusual man. So, it appears, is Rabbi Schneier.

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