What’s up with Alex Jones?

How fortuitous.  Just the other day I had resolved to write about radio show host Alex Jones on this blog. He’s the hyper-provocative host of Infowars.com/PrisonPlanet. I’ve only recently begun listening to his broadcasts and am stunned at what he’s getting away with.

Because I respect the background knowledge that so many TOO readers have exhibited, I intended my blog as an appeal for opinions and background on Jones.

Now Kevin MacDonald’s latest posting on Glenn Beck’s implicit anti-Semitism (National Review Fires Derbyshire) provides the perfect framework for my appeal. To wit: Is Alex Jones peddling anti-Semitism?

Let me explain.

I’ve long understood MacDonald’s discussions on implicit Whiteness, as I’m sure most readers have, too. MacDonald ties that to the recent spate of firings of media people who have made implicit appeals to White interests. He then adds:

However, appealing to implicit Whiteness, implicit race realism, and implicit anti-Semitism translates to good ratings, so we will continue to see this sort of programming directed at White audiences—programming that feeds into their very legitimate fears, frustrations, and anxieties, not only about the current state of affairs but also about their future in a society where Whites are no longer the majority.

MacDonald’s article is based on Richard Spencer’s comments  on the Derbyshire affair which include some very clear examples of implicit race realism:

The Blaze and Breitbart (Beck’s and Breitbart’s answers to the Huffington Post) have filled their webpages with salacious stories of various flash-mob attacks and general Black misbehavior. As I write (Sunday, April 8), the top story on The Blaze is about the New Black Panther Party’s call for a “race war.”

On the same night that Breitbart declared John Derbyshire to be a non-person for talking about the dangers of Blacks, its best-read story was one on a unsuspecting White Man who ventured into Black Baltimore and was attacked and stripped of all clothes and possession by a feral gang.

Refining it further, Spencer writes, “The new wave of conservatives, represented by Breitbart and Beck, have peddled implicit racism; they’ve made a great deal of money off implicit racism. But the trick only works if they shun and condemn anything approaching actual White Nationalism.”

Which leads me to ask readers: Is Alex Jones also peddling anti-Semitism (as it is conventionally understood) and, if so, is it implicit or explicit? If he’s peddling anti-Semitism, what do readers think of his tactics? His prospects?  Is he nuanced enough to appeal to sophisticated listeners? For those who have listened to or seen him, it sure seems like he’s using code words for Jews and Jewish power. For example, consider this:

Every key person in the Bush administration and now in this next administration just so happen to be the sons and daughters of the founders of Israel and Mossad chiefs and people, and they’re openly not even US citizens, and they openly are at the head of the table in anti-gun operations in the US, and I’m sick of it….This nation is now completely and totally under international crime syndicate control, a consortium of wicked robber barons, black nobility – that is the old royal families of Europe, intermarried and inter-bred with the Rothschild’s, and the Rockefellers.

Jones’ contributors and guests also feature many who harbor skepticism about Jewish behavior. For example, Rev. Ted Pike, who has long battled against the ADL’s war on the First Amendment and whose website states that he “is an outspoken critic of ADL’s evil Jewish leadership,”  included this rather explicit claim on Jones’ site: “As Jewish-dominated media increasingly persuades the public and government to agree with this stereotype [about Christians], it will become easier to pass Christian-restricting hate crime laws. All who adhere to the Bible on homosexuality or Jewish complicity in Christ’s death could be subject to state-sponsored prosecution.”

Thus far, I haven’t been able to find statements by Jones (or Pike) that contextualize these statements in the way Beck does by invoking his love for Israel.

Let me close with this: What might happen next? I await the day for implicit messages and feelings to become explicit. In the above blog, MacDonald writes

the entire exercise becomes transparently threadbare and an obvious sham. The needle keeps getting pushed. And at some point it will be clear to everyone that the Republican Party or its successor is the party not only of implicit Whiteness, but also implicit race realism and perhaps even implicit anti-Semitism. And at that point, it’s a short step to where it all becomes explicit.

Bring it on. Let it become explicit. But will Alex Jones help bring that day closer?

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