Armed Migrant Gangs Stalk UK While Government Cracks Down On Native Brits

From Zerohedge

It’s a story we’ve seen before.  In the US and Europe during the pandemic lockdowns, far-left rioting and looting in the name of BLM was widely celebrated by the corporate media and protected by government officials.  The lockdown mandates were not enforced when it came to progressive unrest.  Conservative anti-mandate protesters, on the other hand, were treated as terrorists and governments were quick to censor, suppress and intimidate.  A two tier policing system and legal system bubbled to the surface.

Wherever conservative, nationalist or “right wing” protests arise in the west the full force of government power is applied to frighten the public into compliance.  It might be to enforce covid mandates or it might be to prevent the populace from questioning open border policies.  In the UK The mask has truly come off.  The message? You will accept mass immigration from the third world, or else…

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s recent announcement on the government response to British protests are highly revealing.  To summarize, indigenous and “right wing” Brits are not allowed to take to the streets (or online) because their ideology is “wrong.”  Armed Muslim migrant gangs and leftists are apparently free to do whatever they please.

UK authorities, not surprisingly, have also called for a “covid-style lockdown” in order to control British patriots.  The conspiracy theorists were right again – The lockdown policies of the pandemic were never about protecting public health, they were a test to see how effectively they could subjugate the population.

Many Brits argue that Starmer’s proclamations have emboldened violent migrant gangs and armed Muslim groups to take to the streets and attack white people at random.  The migrants refer to this as “asserting dominance”.  Starmer has made little mention of the migrant gangs now patrolling the streets of UK neighborhoods and has focused solely on indigenous British protesters.

The only reason migrants are able to behave this way without being checked is because UK authorities made it clear that Brits who organize to defend themselves will be prosecuted.  The two tier system is designed to protect non-citizens and the open border ideology.

Keep in mind, a teenage child of Rwandan migrants went on a killing spree at a children’s dance recital in Southport last week and this is what triggered the civil unrest to begin with.  After a decade of relentless unvetted immigration, rising crime and rape gangs, the British are finally fed up.  Yet, Starmer and the UK government made no statements addressing the continuing problems caused by mass immigration from third-world countries.  They have treated these numerous incidents as coincidental and denied any relation to the criminal’s ideology.  Native Brits feel utterly unrepresented by their own political leadership.

Migrant gangs, calling themselves the ‘Muslim Defense League’, stalk British cities with impunity.  Few if any police are in sight when these gangs are engaging in criminal activity.  When police do encounter the gangs, they reassure the migrants that the authorities are “there to protect them.”

The media, referring to the Muslim groups as “anti-racism protesters”, have tried their best to make the MDL look good but they are having some difficulty.

The amount of footage showcasing the lack of policing when it comes to migrants is endless, not only in the past week but also in the past several months of aggressive Pro-Palestinian protests in London.  The absence of safety and the special treatment of migrants by the legal system is what British patriots have been complaining about, and the UK government just doubled down.  Ultimately, it may be time for Brits to accept the reality that the current government is the source of their pain, and migrant violence is just a symptom.

9 replies
  1. Arnold Bannerman
    Arnold Bannerman says:

    Some of those demonstrating alongside the English and Union flags have attacked stores and looted them, set fire to buildings with people inside as well as police cars. This is no better than BLM rioters except that it provides the authorities with the pretext and opportunity further to suppress free speech and association of the “White British”; and that is all it has achieved. Stealing goods won’t stop boats.

  2. Rudolf
    Rudolf says:

    Our world is becoming more unbearable every day. It’s very unfortunate not to own a sailing boat and to be able to simply “drop out” of the whole circus of madness. I wouldn’t sail the Baltic Sea but the Atlantic (e.g. between Ireland and Newfoundland). I certainly wouldn’t be checking the news while I was doing it. It’s a pity that sailing is such an expensive and organizationally complex hobby. The only thing left for us one-armed fantasy-captains is to follow the journeys of others on the screen, and thus at least get a hint of an impression.

    Self-made documentary (subs can be deactivated):
    “On the trails of the Vikings along the Baltic coast.”
    Curiously, the maker has a Turkish surname, which
    suggests that he has German and Turkish parents.

  3. Reeson
    Reeson says:

    ” Ultimately, it may be time for Brits to accept the reality that the current government is the source of their pain”

    That is almost correct and in the proper direction of thinking. One layer further would be to define, identify and confront those who influence policy which the government makes and hold them personally accountable.

    Concerned Whites have severe apprehension about meeting with others (stress; IN-PERSON) of like mind and organizing their efforts. They’ll fail to retain their lands without such meetings.

  4. Karl
    Karl says:

    Interesting stuff and theory, “Aryans” attack directly, while Jews deliberately and surreptitiously let their opponents run to their doom. They choose the indirect route by scattering ideological traps and mines, setting up honey pots, and only have to wait for their victims to step into them.

    Although my enthusiasm for the “sport” of chess is limited, I do recognize the enormous power of this ancient archaic “Indo-Aryan” purely spiritual struggle. Especially because you can derive such wonderful metaphors from it (“checkmate for the queen in the game”).

    The best thing I ever experienced was a German TV series called “Chess of the Grandmasters”, which ran from 1983 to 2005 because it was then canceled without replacement (apparently as too intellectually demanding for a now dumbed-down audience).

    What’s more, the innuendos and old man jokes that were constantly used were no longer considered acceptable. Those were the good old days when a man was still “allowed” to be a man. All forbidden now.

    Czech “Vlasti” Hort was also able to score points rhetorically in his endearing accent.

    Rainer Brandt has just died, a “grand master” of this genre, of incredibly funny wordplay and raunchy innuendo that was never vulgar, tasteless or obscene, as we knew it from ribaldry cannons like Fips Asmussen or Karl Dall.

    • Karl
      Karl says:

      A somewhat awkward fellow human being asked me how he should react most quick-witted to his colleague’s maliciously motivated bad “humor”. I put together a little list for him:

      “Joke, come out, you’re surrounded!”
      “This joke already has a very long beard.”
      “I’ll laugh later!”
      “Never mind.”
      “Don’t worry about it!”
      “What is the name of the disease?”
      “Is that curable?”
      “Your asthmatic neighing is obviously meant to represent laughter.”
      “You haven’t been embarrassed for a long time, have you?”
      “Really funny. I don’t mean your so-called joke, but that you can find something like that funny at all.”
      “In order to be able to laugh, humor must first be included.”
      “Don’t be disappointed, but I’m not amused by bad humor.”
      “Which tomb did you dig this old stinky mummy out of?”
      “What pond did you pull this old joke corpse out of?”
      “The lack of style is bad enough, but the whole thing coupled with tastelessness and primitiveness knocks the bottom out of the rancid barrel.”
      “What’s the difference between you and a root canal without anesthesia? Sometimes there’s still something to laugh about during root canal treatment.”
      “What’s the difference between you and cave painting in Neanderthal? The jokes in the cave aren’t that old.”
      “Congratulations! You’ve just set a new world record for the longest silence after a punchline!”
      “I’ve seen more wit in a fortune cookie, and those are mass-produced.”
      “The joke is so old, the first time I told it, a guy came up to me on stage and said, be quiet for a minute, I’ve just invented fire!”

  5. Karl
    Karl says:

    Ultimately, all Jewish capitalism (in the “speculative” sense) is based on a kind of feminine, indirect, passive-aggressive attack strategy: “What can I do that you’re giving me all your wealth? It’s your own fault because of your own ignorance!”

    There, too, a huge effort is made to mislead customers, suggesting all kinds of “needs” that they did not have before seeing the beautiful, glittering, colorful advertising. It’s all about the design of the packaging, the contents ultimately remain the same and at most vary “in taste”.

    A car only ever has four wheels, an engine and a steering wheel. But in the age of individualism, everyone wants to “stand out”. In the end, they have bought nothing but junk, which will be worth nothing in a very short time because the next trend will already have started.

  6. Rudolf
    Rudolf says:

    Martinez aka Muttbeanez welcomes not only his current “favorite topic” (“pedo Scott Ritter”), but also the heat of summer and enjoys “sweating like a pig”. Something he probably has in common with Negroes. He says he feels sorry for everyone who is exposed to the cold climate.

    I strongly suspect he is a descendant of the Moors who once laid siege to the Iberian Peninsula for centuries. Because if he were a descendant of the Visegoths, he would have a genetic disposition to manfully endure the ice-age cold that is part of our nature.

    Mr. Brandy is a stranger to looking forward to winter and almost longing for it as part of himself. He is not a true Canadian like Shawn “self reliance” James.

    If I could choose between seasons, I would always opt for winter and spring instead of summer and fall. I’m glad when this Saharan heat is finally over and I don’t have to stand under a cold shower three times a day.

    Since I’m already an energetic guy without the sun, I hate it when I’m also supplied with energy from outside that I can’t turn off except with air conditioning. I could also never live in Florida like “Mangina” Kyle Hunt.

    He, too, seems to be a minus who needs an external supply of energy instead of manfully giving it away and sharing it. Brandy would feel “at home” not only in Israel but also in Ghana, as he says he finds the climate of his “homeland” Canada “hostile” without remorse.

    However, the Eurasian Slavs, whose relatives, the Czechs, his mother is said to be descended from, are more fond of winter than the sultry summer. Just hold an activated lighter near an anthill. Then you will notice that the heat energy rapidly hyperactivates these little animals in their movements.

    Winter is clarity, honesty, thriftiness, efficiency, a connection to the land, the stoic qualities of making do with only the bare essentials. Then it also becomes clear why Brandy is almost instinctively opposed to “Nordicism”, it is his “nature” that rebels against everything Nordic.

    Only recently, he “fled” from Canada to the Spanish enclave of Ceuta in Morocco to give language lessons to “refugees” arriving from Africa for a British employer. He then lived in Bulgaria for over a year. Now in Spain.

    Not only does he take a perverse pleasure in molesting teenagers on Omegle, he also has a sadistic urge for all shocking and frealish internet sensations e.g. in which people do violence to each other. Something very un-Nordic. This is roughly how his “fight for Europe” presents itself.

    With unemployed “capitalists” (in reality he is just a passive consumerist, not only of industrial products but also of other forms of energy such as summer heat, and welfare recipient without any family to use up his energy) like Mr. Brandinez, the Earth’s poles would still be undiscovered today.

  7. anon324
    anon324 says:

    My reply to

    Who brought the Israelites to the West, over and over, and then emancipated them, declared them legally equal to ethnic Europeans, and then gave them the legal right to use their superior genetics to take over all the Western resources? It may give one emotional comfort to morally hold the Israelites culpable for the current European decline, but this is really the result of the ethnic Europeans. They decided to self-destruct during the Enlightenment. All the European Nationalists continue to hold the Israelites culpable, but, it was the Europeans who imported them during the Roman Empire, and then kept them in the West century after century for more than two thousand years, and then VOLUNTARILY handed over the entire West to them. Thus, Europeans were never a functional race to begin with. Europeans were always genetically dysfunctional. All Gentiles are dysfunctional (except for Palestinians and Lebanon who seem to be highly Group Selected and fighting to the death to protect their race/culture, even though they are 100% guaranteed to fail and go extinct with all their lands annexed by the Israelites).

    Basic point is that Europeans were never meant to have their own lands. They have always been dysfunctional – not a true race. Their whole history is one of intra racial warfare, and one where the elites never cared for the citizens. The Kings and the Nobles always brought in the Israelites to use their superior intelligence to acquire wealth. It’s over for the Europeans. A global tsunami of Africans/Browns will engulf them.

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