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120 search results for: Foxman


Abe Foxman’s Retirement: A TOO Retrospective, Part 2

Part 1. The Canard Strategy. Foxman loves to silence his opponents by simply saying that they are resorting to canards. Andrew Joyce began his article “Justice Denied: Thoughts on Truth, “canards,” and the Marc Rich Case” by noting: One of the most intriguing features of the posturing of the Anti-Defamation League, and other Jewish ethnic […]


Shocker! Abe Foxman is a hypocrite.

Israel has long had  policies where people can be stopped and asked for identification; racial profiling is the norm. But Jewish organizations in America are vehemently and pretty much unanimously opposed to the Arizona law that does the same thing. Now an article in Haaretz discusses the fact that it’s not just about suspicious-looking Palestinians […]


Disappointing interview of Mel Gibson by Joe Rogan

Around 26:40 they start discussing the resistance to Gibson’s Passion of the Christ movie, attributing what was an assault by Jewish Hollywood as just due to Hollywood secularism. Some other material on Gibson from the TOO archives: “What’s Up with Mel Gibson” Mel Gibson has announced that he will be involved in a movie about the revolt led […]


A Brave Woman Has Passed: Ursula Haverbeck

Ursula Haverbeck (11/8/1928 – 11/20/2024) recently passed at the ripe old age of ninety-six. She was known or “notorious” in Germany because she dared to challenge the Jewish Holocaust ‘narrative’ of six million. Time after time, she got into trouble with the German authorities for ‘Holocaust denial’ and ‘incitement to hatred,’ a crime that often […]


“Cursed Be He”: Divine Wrath and the Lying Jewish Ideologies of Transgenderism and Trans-Westernism

“Why do they all look like that?” asks Mark Steyn’s resident Jewish mother, the highly ethnocentric Laura Rosen Cohen. She’s talking about a translunatic pediatrician in California who “proposes renaming …  clitorises as ‘dicklets’” and who claims that puberty-blockers are “fully reversible.” Sure enough, the pediatrician in question looks both demented and depraved in typical […]