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59 search results for: moral particularism


Verbal Aggression and Moral Superiority as Components of the Jewish Approach to Immigration

It’s refreshing to see John Derbyshire’s comment on his experience at National Review with conservatives dealing with immigration policy. Words have power—magic—and sometimes they have so much of it that we can no longer discuss rationally the things they refer to. That has been the case with National Question issues for as long as I have been […]


Two Ingroup Morality Items

As noted ad nauseum at TOO, while Diaspora Jews in the West continue to promote immigration and multiculturalism as intrinsic goods and unquestioned moral ideals, in Israel the whole point of public policy is to retain its Jewish character. The most recent example is shipping to Sweden dozens of African refugees living in Israel. Patrick Cleburne’s […]


The Morality of Majority Rights and Interests

Assertions that Whites have interests are met with a firestorm of moral condemnation and ostracism. These moral panics warrant any and all actions against the miscreant, including removal from one’s livelihood, or even physical assault. So what is the morality of ethnic self interest? There are at least two ways to think about. One is that many […]