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59 search results for: the smell of money


The Smell of Money

John Graham’s writing on Jews and financial misbehavior is priceless, beginning with the must-read article he co-wrote with Kevin MacDonald, Is the Madoff Scandal Paradigmatic?. This week Graham brings us Did Schumer Shill for Madoff?, which strongly suggests that New York Senator Charles Schumer was complicit in the massive financial swindle perpetrated by co-ethnic Bernie […]


Patrick Cleburne smells Jewish money behind the Jeb Bush campaign

As American politics becomes ever more racialized, the powers that be are intent on defusing any hint that White people are at last determined to stop the unfolding horror. Back on December 8 the New York Times noted a desire to limit the field early on to prevent a “second-tier” candidate from winning the nomination. […]


SEC’s Becker/Madoff saga: How could it smell worse?

The announcement on Monday Former SEC Counsel Rejoins Cleary Gottlieb Amid Madoff Scrutiny by Joshua Gallu (Bloomberg May 9, 2011) pretty much settles the matter: former General Counsel David Becker’s departure from the Agency was hasty and unplanned. Becker had been unemployed since the end of February: no professional living by generating hourly fees would […]


Take the Money and Run: Jewish White Collar Criminals Welcomed by the Jewish Community

We Westerners really do live in a Jewish world. Jewish control of the media is undeniable, as I’ve written about for years. One area that remains under-treated is the one most people still associate with Jews—and not always kindly: financial matters. Whether a Jewish group evolutionary strategy is responsible for their outsized success with money, […]


Money Talks

Never has money been so important in human relations. Never has it so much affected the destiny of so many Americans and Europeans. Today money has become a civil religion that makes it the centerpiece of discourse in all cultures and subcultures. At European and American cafes, on the Champs Élysées, or on Sunset Boulevard, at […]


Tucker Interviews Curt Mills: Pushing the Envelop on Mainstream Conservative Foreign Policy

This interview pushes the envelop on conservative views on the Middle East, neocons pushing America’s forever wars, the shamelessness of pro-Israel media, Trump’s relationship with Netanyahu (not good), the evangelicals at Fox News, and much else. My excerpt begins with their discussion of these issues. The entire interview is here. One can only hope that […]