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1391 search results for: white anger


White Anger Surfaces Again

Kevin MacDonald: Today’s LA Times op-ed by David Paul Kuhn (“Revenge of the White Men“) is yet another indication of the increasing  racial polarization of American politics. “Among whites, only 35% of men and 43% of women say they will back Democrats in the fall election. Women’s preferences have remained steady since July 2009. But […]


Anger in White America

Sarah Palin emerged in the presidential campaign of 2008 as the candidate of the Republican base — the people the globalist elites in the party pander to every four years so that if everything breaks right, they may have a chance of winning. Palin is the very image of White fertility and small town Americana […]


Mbogba’s Machete: More on Blacks Blighting Whites

I’m the creator of the universe. And so are you. There’s a huge and immensely complex universe, crammed with color, sound, taste, scent and sensation, that exists only because of me. It’s the universe of my personal experience, brought into being by my brain, even (or especially) when that brain is asleep. Pseudo-mystical leftist nonsense […]