Entries by Colin Liddell

The BBC’s “Denying Jihad” Playbook

Why, oh why is the BBC routinely called fake news these days? One of the main reasons is their ludicrously overprotective treatment of Muslims, which leads them down the path of ridicule, along the lane of absurdity, and into the parking lot of incredulity. Everybody, including Joe Public, the BBC’s intended audience, knows that Muslims […]

The Self-Defeating War Hypocrisy of the Left

The world tends to run more on unintended consequences than intended ones, it seems. One of the reasons that Trump is now in the White House tearing through Obama’s flimsy legacy like an angry tornado is because he was ultimately seen as the “peace candidate,” while Hillary came to be perceived as the “war candidate.” […]

Važda Marie Ladenburgerové: Život ohrožující nedostatek vitamínu „R“

Original article: The Murder of Maria Ladenburger: A Fatal Lack of Vitamin “R” Vražda Marie Ladenburgerové: Život ohrožující nedostatek vitamínu „R“ Zasláno Redakce   Syndrom Amy Biehlové, kdy altruistické bělochy zavraždí lidé, kterým se snažili pomoci, a jejich rodiče následně vrahům okamžitě odpustí a projevují s nimi účast. Bělošská patologie par excellence. Autor: Colin Lidell Přestože […]