Entries by M. Jaggers

How the Media Preys upon our Values

The Cultural Marxist media adorns their arguments with “holy relics” which cannot be criticized. This diabolical strategy is deployed to persuade normal Americans to act contrary to their own self-interest.   It entails playing upon our inherent respect for certain institutions and principles, which are held in uniquely high esteem by Western/Anglo-Saxon peoples.  This unique foible […]

New Year’s Thoughts: Celebrating in the Police State

My New Year’s thoughts do not circle around new resolutions, seeing as that I have already resolved to do everything possible to make this difficult existence more tolerable.  Rather, my thoughts linger on the fact that we now live in a police state precipitated by Muslim immigration and the general coexistence with various and sundry […]

All Publicity Is Good Publicity, Even for the Alt Right

The Alt Right currently holds a symbiotic relationship with the mainstream press: they are both interested and repelled by us; we are repelled by them, yet interested in the communicative power that their platform affords us.  With the Alt Right’s rise from relative obscurity to international notoriety in six months, this is worth exploring.  Could […]

The Lying Press looks Inward

There has been some introspection among a few mainstream journalists, who have stepped back and asked themselves, have we gone over the top in our media campaign against Donald Trump? We should be cautious in attributing this to integrity, something we haven’t seen too much of in the media.  But every now and again we […]

“All Lives Matter” at the RNC and Other Mild Versions of Implicit Whiteness

The following is a clear sign that Whites’ position vis-à-vis the government and elites has become perilous, or at least tenuous.  Traditionally in political rhetoric, the phrase “all Americans” is meant as an implicit rebuke to those who in their hearts would very much like to exclude one particular group who is outside the norm […]