The AEI, a Major Neocon Thinktank, Implicated in the Sackler Family’s Opioid Crisis

My 2017 article on the Sackler family and the unfolding opioid disaster (“Opioids and the Crisis of the White Working Class”) emphasized the corruption of the academic and medical establishment:

As in The Culture of Critique, this was a top-down movement based ultimately on fake science created at the highest levels of the academic medical establishment, motivated by payoffs to a whole host of people ranging from the highest levels of the academic-medical establishment down to sales reps and general practitioner physicians.

Now Tucker Carlson has uncovered another angle intimately tied to our new Jewish elite: the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). The AEI figured prominently in my article “Neoconservatism as a Jewish Movement,” published in 2004:

Jewish intellectual and political movements also have typically had ready access to prestigious mainstream media outlets, and this is certainly true for the neocons. Most notable are the Wall Street Journal, Commentary, The Public Interest, Basic Books (book publishing), and the media empires of Conrad Black and Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch owns the Fox News Channel and the New York Post, and is the main source of funding for Bill Kristol’s Weekly Standard—all major neocon outlets.

A good example illustrating these connections is Richard Perle. Perle is listed as a Resident Fellow of the AEI, and he is on the boards of directors of the Jerusalem Post and the Hollinger Corporation, a media company controlled by Conrad Black. Hollinger owns major media properties in the US (Chicago Sun-Times), England (the Daily Telegraph), Israel (Jerusalem Post), and Canada (the National Post; fifty percent ownership with CanWest Global Communications, which is controlled by Israel Asper and his family; CanWest has aggressively clamped down on its journalists for any deviation from its strong pro-Israel editorial policies. Hollinger also owns dozens of smaller publications in the US, Canada, and England. All of these media outlets reflect the vigorously pro-Israel stance espoused by Perle. Perle has written op-ed columns for Hollinger newspapers as well as for the New York Times.

Neoconservatives such as Jonah Goldberg and David Frum also have a very large influence on National Review, formerly a bastion of traditional conservative thought in the US. Neocon think tanks such as the AEI have a great deal of cross-membership with Jewish activist organizations such as AIPAC, the main pro-Israel lobbying organization in Washington, and the Washington Institute for Near East Policy [which produces pro-Israel propaganda]. (When President George W. Bush addressed the AEI on Iraq policy, the event was fittingly held in the Albert Wohlstetter Conference Center.) A major goal of the AEI is to maintain a high profile as pundits in the mainstream media. A short list would include AEI fellow Michael Ledeen, who is extreme even among the neocons in his lust for war against all Muslim countries in the Middle East, is “resident scholar in the Freedom Chair at the AEI,” writes op-ed articles for The Scripps Howard News Service and the Wall Street Journal, and appears on the Fox News Channel. Michael Rubin, visiting scholar at AEI, writes for the New Republic (controlled by staunchly pro-Israel Martin Peretz), the New York Times, and the Daily Telegraph. Reuel Marc Gerecht, a resident fellow at the AEI and director of the Middle East Initiative at the Project for a New American Century [a neocon group], writes for the Weekly Standard and the New York Times. Another prominent AEI member is David Wurmser who formerly headed the Middle East Studies Program at the AEI until assuming a major role in providing intelligence disinformation in the lead up to the war in Iraq. His position at the AEI was funded by Irving Moscowitz, a wealthy supporter of the settler movement in Israel and neocon activism in the US.[2] At the AEI Wurmser wrote op-ed pieces for the Washington Times, the Weekly Standard, and the Wall Street Journal. His book, Tyranny’s Ally: America’s Failure to Defeat Saddam Hussein, advocated that the United States should use military force to achieve regime change in Iraq. The book was published by the AEI in 1999 with a Foreword by Richard Perle.

Given this history—and understanding the Sacklers’ modus operandi—I should not have been surprised that AEI has been involved in promoting false, Purdue-funded research that doubtless had a prominent role in creating the crisis. Here’s Tucker’s segment:

In my 2017 article I described how Purdue funded research that found that Oxycontin was not significantly addictive.

Purdue essentially created a very large community of people who benefited financially from prescribing opioids. They set up and funded organizations that lobbied for more aggressive treatment of pain by treatment with opioids. Millions were funneled into organizations like the American Pain Society and the American Academy of Pain Medicine and Purdue’s own advocacy group, Partners Against Pain, as well as to medical professionals willing to provide data supporting the movement. Purdue hired an army of sales reps to promote opioids to all medical personnel, from doctors to physician assistants. A consistent part of the pitch was to minimize addiction rates. Purdue claimed addiction rates were less than 1% by cherry picking studies that did not examine the effects of long-term use. Other studies often showed much higher rates, as high as 50%. This misrepresentation was at the root of the $600M judgement against Purdue obtained by the US government.

The AEI could have been included in this assessment It received $50,000/year from Purdue from 2003 “until recently”—~$800,000 total—pocket change for a family that walked away with at least $11 billion. The original “research” touting the non-addictive properties of Oxycontin and based on 38 subjects was performed by R. K. Portnoy of the Metropolitan Jewish Health System. But there were others:

Scott Fishman and Perry Fine [were] prominently associated with the American Pain Foundation which got 88% of its budget from Purdue and other pharmaceutical companies. Fine has been funded by at least a dozen drug companies and Fishman has had relationships with at least eight companies, including Purdue, for which he was a consultant, paid speaker and recipient of research support. They claim that all this financial remuneration did not affect their opinions. And if you believe that, you are an idiot.

As Tucker notes, in 2004 the New York Times published an article by AEI writer Sally Satel, presumably Jewish, opposing jail sentences for doctors who over-prescribed opioids after running it past a Purdue lobbyist. And in 2007 the Wall Street Journal, a major neocon media outlet, published another article by Satel in which she called Oxycontin a “godsend” and lamented that it not being prescribed enough.

Satel is intimately associated with the AEI as a Resident Fellow. She is typical of our new elite and its involvement in elite institutions and media. Wiki:

Sally L. Satel(born January 9, 1956) is an American psychiatrist based in Washington, D.C. She is a lecturer at Yale University School of Medicine, the W.H. Brady Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and author.

She has continued writing on the topic with, e.g., an article in Politico from 2018 in which she argues that physician-prescribed opiates are not the problem:

I have studied multiple surveys and reviews of the data, which show that only a minority of people who are prescribed opioids for pain become addicted to them, and those who do become addicted and who die from painkiller overdoses tend to obtain these medications from sources other than their own physicians. 

The two studies linked above do not actually support her conclusions. There is no reason to trust any of the conclusions of the first study. It reviewed 17 studies with “extremely heterogeneous results”—not surprising given that “all the present data derived from studies with weak designs, e.g. uncontrolled case series and cross-sectional surveys. These studies suffer from low-quality reporting, with little information on the characteristics of patients, type of opioids administered and route of administration.” One wonders how many of the studies were funded by drug companies like Purdue. This review only used studies with patients with chronic pain in supervised settings, and did not address opioid prescription in the public at large, especially for non-chronic pain. Recall that the entire focus of Purdue’s propaganda was to prescribe Oxycontin for non-chronic pain in order to widen the use of the drug. The previous practice of prescribing opioids only for serious chronic pain was labeled cruel. Hospitals were pressured to administer opioids for fear that they would have lower rankings after Purdue provided data to regulatory agencies, resulting in a “dramatic increase” in prescriptions. Moreover, neither study cited by Satel addressed the issue of people who had been prescribed opioids going to the black market for drugs like heroin after treatment.

The second concluded, contrary to her assertions, notes that

The extended prescription of opioids (>8 weeks) for the treatment of chronic pain has questionable benefits for individual patients and presents substantial public health risks. The risks of overdose and addiction from this prescribing practice — both among patients with chronic pain and the public at large — increase with higher doses (>100 MME), longer duration of prescribing, and perhaps the use of long-acting opioids. Despite these facts, a Medicaid study showed that more than 50% of opioid prescriptions were for doses higher than 90 MME and for periods of more than 6 months. Better results can be obtained by using the most contemporary guidelines for pain management.

Contemporary guidelines are much more restrictive, really a return to previous practice before Purdue began its promotional campaign. Other studies are quite clear that “Misuse or abuse of prescription drugs, including opioid-analgesic pain relievers, is responsible for much of the recent increase in drug-poisoning deaths” (here).

The entire episode is an excellent example of how our new elite works. I concluded in my paper on the opioid disaster:

The opioid phenomenon reflects aspects of Jewish activism in general. These are top-down movements that are well-funded,  they have access to the most prestigious institutions of the society, and, because of this prestige, they are able to propagate fake science. In the case of the Jewish drive to enact the 1965 immigration law, pro-immigration committees were funded, fraudulent academic studies were created on the benefits of immigration, prominent people were recruited (like JFK, recruited to put his name on a book titled A Nation of Immigrants written by Myer Feldman and published by the ADL), positive articles about immigration appeared in the media, lobbyists and politicians were paid. The main fake scientists discussed in The Culture of Critique were the Boasians with their fake race science (utilized in the debates over the immigration law of 1965), psychoanalysis with its fake sex science, and the Frankfurt School with its fake theory that ethnocentric Whites have a psychiatric disorder resulting from poor parenting. Like the fake scientists who participated in promoting the opioid epidemic, these activists had access to prestigious academic institutions and, in the case of the Frankfurt School and other activist academic research in the 1950s and 1960s, their research was funded by the organized Jewish community, such as the American Jewish Committee, and promoted by Jewish academics.

Or consider the neoconservative infrastructure, with think tanks funded, prominent spokesmen at prestigious universities, and a very large media presence. Neocons can bet that if they are forced out of a job in the Departments of State or Defense that they will have many options to fall back on. Despite promoting disastrous policies, such as the war in Iraq, and despite their obvious ethnic loyalties to Israel, they are still a very powerful component of the U.S. foreign policy establishment.

Jews are an incredibly successful and influential group. We can’t win unless we understand that.

In my 2004 article I included AEI as part of the neoconservative infrastructure of our new elite. Now we know that the AEI—an exemplar of Conservatism Inc.—is deeply involved in the greatest public health crisis of our time. As many have noted, Conservatism Inc. has utterly failed to conserve anything of importance. The AEI, along with the mainstream Jewish community, favors the immigration tsunami which is displacing the traditional White majority of America.  For example, I notice that an AEI writer, James Pethokoukis, takes seriously Bryan Caplan’s proposal for open borders, giving Caplan softball questions and never raising the interests of White America. Could there be a greater indictment of Conservatism Inc.?

States’ attorneys general and many other jurisdictions are suing not only Purdue Pharma, but also individual Sackler family members. The outcome, however, remains in doubt. The most recent development (November 6) is that a federal judge, Robert Drain of the Southern District of New York, has extended protection from lawsuits against Purdue. An issue was whether Richard Sackler himself was liable. The answer, of course, is a resounding yes, although his attorney claims that “was not involved in the marketing of opioid OxyContin.”

Sackler was a key figure in the development of Oxycontin being the moving force behind Purdue Pharma’s research around 1990 that pushed Oxycontin to replace MS contin that was about to have generic competition. Sackler also worked to enlist Russell Portenoy and J. David Haddox into working within the medical community to push a new narrative claiming that opioids were not highly addictive. In pushing Oxycontin through to FDA approval in 1995 Sackler managed to get the FDA to approve a claim that Oxycontin was less addictive than other pain killers, although no studies on how addictive it was or how likely it was to be abused had been conducted as part of the approval process. The addictive nature of opiates had been known for thousands of years.

Sackler became president in 1999. In 2001 he issued an email to employees of the company urging them to push a narrative that addiction to Oxycontin was caused by the “criminal” addicts who had the addiction, and not caused by anything in the drug itself. Sackler also urged pharmaceutical representatives to urge doctors to prescribe as high doses as possible to increase the company profits.

He was made co-chairman in 2003. Sackler was in charge of the research department that developed OxyContin. As president, he approved the targeted marketing schemes to promote sales of OxyContin to doctors, pharmacists, nurses, academics, and others. Shelby Sherman, an ex-Purdue sales rep, has called these marketing schemes “graft”.

In 2008, Sackler, with the apparent knowledge of Mortimer Sackler and Jonathan Sackler, made Purdue Pharma measure its “performance” in proportion to not only the number but also the strength of the doses it sold, despite allegedly knowing that sustained high doses of OxyContin risked serious side effects, including addiction. (Wiki)

The judicial system is a central part of our corrupt new elite, so I’ll be very surprised if any of the Sackler family give up much of their ill-gotten gains—much less spend the rest of their lives in prison. Even life in prison, the best that could possibly be hoped for, is far too lenient for a family that is ultimately responsible for over 200,000 deaths.

20 replies
  1. Peter
    Peter says:

    I watched Tucker’s program containing this piece this morning.

    ” in 2007 the Wall Street Journal, a major neocon media outlet, published another article by Satel in which she called Oxycontin a “godsend” and lamented that it not being prescribed enough.”

    Rupert Murdoch (Tucker’s boss at Fox) bought the WSJ in 2007.

  2. Charles Frey
    Charles Frey says:

    If memory serves, did they not also subsequently come out with a drug, promoted in your described method, which purportedly cured the damages caused by them in the first place ? Burning the candle at both ends.

    Qualitatively, if not quantitatively, Weimar conditions.

  3. W Raftshol
    W Raftshol says:

    Tucker is 2 for 2 ,first connecting Paul Singer and Ben Sasse and next the Sacklers and AEI.

    The field is wide open for some real journalism.

  4. Robert Dolan
    Robert Dolan says:

    My niece is a Sackler casualty. She had a car accident and they gave her Oxy for a broken shoulder.
    Ruined her life. She was a good kid, very smart. After getting hooked on Oxy,
    and getting her BF hooked as well……her life took a nosedive. They lost the business they’d built together….
    lost their new truck…..had run ins with the police……drug fueled fights, etc.
    She finally went to rehab and seems to be doing ok….fingers crossed…..

  5. tito perdue
    tito perdue says:

    Just imagine that you were a white nationalist and suddenly your VISA card will no longer send money to sites deemed unacceptable by the company. Imagine you were an author (like me) and suddenly AMAZON will no longer offer your books for sale. That PayPal no longer will transmit payments to disapproved sites, that Twitter and FaceBook won’t accept your business, that your best friend has suddenly decided he can’t be a white nationalist any longer, (he needs his job), that National Review doesn’t want your subscription, that on-line newspapers will not print your comments however so courteous they may be. Imagine in short that you’ve been blacklisted.

    Try it! It’s the creepiest feeling in the world.

  6. Wael Ahmad"
    Wael Ahmad" says:

    200 000 deaths caused by a single party of the Jewish operations in America, will fade away and forgotten quickly, the victims of the Jewish crime industry are in tens of millions around the world, The Jewish cartel of spreading death, disease, poverty, wars, financial bankruptcies, moral & ethical degeneracy, the erasing of historical and cultural values & assets, should be bundled in one criminal case against this historically evil race, and prosecuted for all of the above, and for the vast amount of human suffering the caused all through old and modern times, I believe that the intellectuals and leaders of the Jewish race, believes and have faith in one single fact, that is: Since the Jews are a fraction minority among an ocean of gentiles, the only way for Jews to survive is by means of total destruction and enslavement of their rivals/ adversaries/ enemies, the goyim of the world, Christians, Muslims, Hindus Et al.

  7. Tom
    Tom says:

    The next global elite scam, currently underway and propagated by the usual left-wing suspects, is veganism. Big Food is already pushing it throughout the western world and all the Left’s soyboys in high academia will soon make this a cause celebre on the same caliber as the so-called climate crisis. Never mind miscegenation, the vegan cultists will simply brainwash Europeans into dying slowly from malnutrition and critical vitamin deficiencies.

  8. Rob Bottom
    Rob Bottom says:

    This, like so many of their crimes, is so enormous in scale as to be simply baffling. It is the sort of thing that makes one wish that hell exists, because no punishment in this life would render justice.

  9. Daniel
    Daniel says:

    Come on! Isn’t this Opioid crisis really all about setting the market for marijuana [The outlaw and control of drugs was used to create an artificial demand along with artificially high prices for them I had been on OxyContin for almost 1 year. I was managed perfectly by the doctors involved. It was not like I was just started on OxyContin. As the pain got worse it was decided that OxyContin was needed. After my surgery I properly weaned off the OxyContin within 2 months. As for those legalsuits didn’t they all end with legal settlements before legal trial[s]? Non-disclosed full and final releases with the possibility that insurance paid for this billion dollar as crisis created payout charade?

  10. Charles Frey
    Charles Frey says:

    Hopefully a Moderator in an already Christmasy mood will allow me to mention here, that I added a 51 Comment to Liddell’s article; in Response to Stik. How the hell can one purport to write of the GB-Polish relationship, without reference to the assassination of ‘ Polish Government in Exile in London ‘, leader Sikorski; with the at least tacit approval, or lacking disapproval of good old Winnie ?

  11. milan
    milan says:

    Another interesting or shocking article on health care:

    This stuff makes 9/11 and Auschwitz lies look minor deceptions.
    Germs (bacteria) do NOT cause disease. They arrive to help clean up a disease after the initial conflict/creation phase of the illness. this can be easily demonstrated (and has been). Some doctors have literally eaten whole slides of various bacterial cultures (labelled as “causes” of whatever said illness). They do not get the illness. They might feel sick if their stomach doesn’t like the input but they do not acquire the illness. Neither do they get it if the bacteria is injected into their bloodstream.
    The “viruses” blamed for illnesses do not exist. I wonder if I’m going mad … but this fellow demanded to see the ‘viruses’ and no one would show them to him. Viruses in nature [hundreds of thousands of benign viruses per litre in seawater] can be captured and photographed using an electron microscope.
    The link below quotes from the creator of New German Medicine, who died in 1917. The quotes include the following stunner:
    ”Many Jewish MDs were helping their Jewish clients with NGM. However, they continued to use the dangerous and practically useless modern therapies on their goy clients. Dr. Hamer protested this hypocrisy. This is why the Jewish community labels him as an anti-semite.”
    I’m going to get friends into this and give a short talk on the issue during the week. Is there ANYTHING we are told that is not b*******!?

  12. Argyle
    Argyle says:

    Another recipient of the Sackler family’s largesse(over more than four decades) is Tel Aviv University, whose medical school and Faculty of Science both bear the Sackler name. This fact has received some attention in Israeli media.

  13. Jerry cornelius
    Jerry cornelius says:

    One of the big selling points for Oxycontin (Oxycodone continus) was that the oxycodone was released slowly over 12 hours. As the drug released was in small doses it was less addictive!? (the reps assured the doctors deceitfully). It is about as valid as the ”Medical fact” that Heroin was a cure for Morphine addiction.
    Morphine was created over millions of years of evolution in symbiosis with man and we have receptor sites for it in the brain, unfortunately, it is natural and cannot be put under Patent.
    One smart guy suggested that we give licences to farmers in poor countries to grow opium, giving them a living and also cutting out the criminals (we have world shortages of opium)
    Synthetic opioids are much more addictive than natural counterparts. No Patents-No big profits.

  14. Jack D.
    Jack D. says:

    As an Alaskan physician who practiced medicine during these Oxycontin years I remember how everything changed with the coming of this drug. In the 80s and 90s the typical drug rep was a portly, balding middle age guy who brought donuts/coffee to the office, chatted for 5-10 minutes on his latest drug then left.

    Then, everything changed…..drug reps (for Oxycontin) became attractive, smart, well dressed (and perfumed!) young women in their 20s. They arrived with a bagful of Purdue imprinted coffee mugs, pens, Rx pads, clipboards and “study materials” – all extolling the benefits of Oxycontin.

    As a recently divorced (and lonely) middle aged guy at that time I was helpless against this onslaught of femininity – hanging on her every word like some lovesick teenage boy and believing everything she said.

    As mentioned above Purdue’s made over $13 billion with this drug and is responsible for the biggest opioid epidemic in years – resulting in over 200,000 deaths. They should all go to jail but we know this won’t happen. The Sassoon family (all jewish) also played a big part in the massive Chinese opioid trade and epidemic of the mid 19th century, so the jews are not new to this maneuver – Purdue absolutely knew how addictive these drugs were.

    If evil can be defined as someone making a conscious decision that they know will result in harm to others then these people are as evil as they come.

    • Achilles Wannabe
      Achilles Wannabe says:

      Evil? I think it would be more productive to think of the Sacklers as just Jews. They are probably quite nice, quite moral vs. a vs their families, other Jews, Israel. But they are Jews and Jews have an organic natural relationship to each other and to the goyim. The oxycontin scam is – at the extreme – what Jews do to gentiles if given the opportunity. The parasite is in the nest. That simple

  15. Eric Novak
    Eric Novak says:

    Can we convince the moderator to get rid of the nutjob comments on OO articles? Microorganisms don’t cause disease, and the clampdown on opioids is a conspiracy to explode the price of pot. This kind of koo koo in high percentages of a small comments section doesn’t exactly attract new converts.


    (Mod. Note: This mod approves many comments which he personally categorizes as the opinion of a “nut job”. Your “nut job” may be someone else’s “smart guy”. The main comments not approved are those which are: disgustingly insulting to TOO’s owner, off-topic, trolling to cause internal squabbles, ‘chatty’ comments better suited to a chat page, and last but not least … not complying with the mission statement on every TOO page header. Carrying water for anti-Whites doesn’t impress me as fitting the TOO mission. FWIW, VERY few comments aren’t approved. Let the discourse flower!)

  16. Mark Gobell
    Mark Gobell says:

    UK Daily Mail

    Sackler pharmaceutical empire behind the addictive painkiller OxyContin which has been blamed for the US opioid epidemic is slammed for cashing-in on the crisis by selling its overdose cure around the world

    The Sackler family makes millions selling prescription painkillers in the US
    Their company Purdue Pharma makes the high-strength opioid OxyContin
    Affiliated companies sell the OxyContin overdose antidote around the world
    Experts said it is ‘deeply cynical’ for the companies to profit at both ends

    By Sam Blanchard Senior Health Reporter For Mailonline

    Published: 05:35, 15 December 2019 | Updated: 14:00, 16 December 2019

    Billionaires shouldering the blame for the US opioid crisis have now come under fire for making money off an overdose treatment.

    The Sackler family, who own the company which makes the addictive high-strength painkiller OxyContin, are no strangers to scandal.

    Facing thousands of lawsuits accusing them of causing soaring drug overdose rates in the US, they now stand accused of profiting from OxyContin’s antidote.

    A UK-based company called Mundipharma, owned by the Sacklers, is selling a nasal spray drug named naloxone for around £38 ($50) a dose.

    It can be lifesaving for people who have overdosed on painkillers. Experts said it was ‘deeply cynical’ for the wealthy empire to be selling both.


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