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38 search results for: Holodomor


Destination 1982: Wilmot Robertson’s “Ventilations” Then and Now — Part 2 of 2

Go to Part 1. 4598 words Reshaping and Reordering a Decadent United States Clearly, “Kosher conservatism” is what we today call neoconservatism (and neocons). “Militant liberalism” certainly foreshadowed the feminism, DEI, LGBTQ+, illegal immigration, BLM, critical race theory, global warming and ESG (environmental, social, governance) movements that have divided (and conquered?) this country’s people. Robertson […]


A Brave Woman Has Passed: Ursula Haverbeck

Ursula Haverbeck (11/8/1928 – 11/20/2024) recently passed at the ripe old age of ninety-six. She was known or “notorious” in Germany because she dared to challenge the Jewish Holocaust ‘narrative’ of six million. Time after time, she got into trouble with the German authorities for ‘Holocaust denial’ and ‘incitement to hatred,’ a crime that often […]