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13 search results for: Untermeyer


A Conflict of Philosophies How the threads of peace were severed in 1939

Support Horus’s Substack. Subscribe Our last article (The Litvinov School: On Who Betrayed Whom in 1938 – The Occidental Observer) concluded with the Munich settlement of September 1938. Peace was sustained for the time being; those who wanted war against Hitler’s Germany were embittered. Peace still had many advocates, and among them was the Prime […]


Champions of Judea: On the supplanting of British foreign policy

Thanks for reading Horus! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. Our last article discussed the pursuit of Jewish interests by Winston Churchill and the British ruling class. Recall that Churchill considered Jews (at least as compared to Arabs) to be racially superior and strove energetically to enable Jewish colonisation of Manchester […]


Champions of Judea: On the supplanting of British foreign policy

From Horus on Substack. Please subscribe. Excellent research. Our last article discussed the pursuit of Jewish interests by Winston Churchill and the British ruling class. Recall that Churchill considered Jews (at least as compared to Arabs) to be racially superior and strove energetically to enable Jewish colonisation of Manchester and London as well as of Palestine. He was […]


A 2000-Year-Old Rabbinical Psyop: Did Jews Invent Christianity to Deceive Gentiles?

Anyone reading White Nationalist literature is bound to come across articles hostile to Christianity. The foremost claim appears to be that Christianity itself was invented by Jews (whether by Saint Paul or some unknown rabbinical cabal) for the purpose of deceiving gentiles. Christianity was devised by Jews, then, as a way of conditioning gentiles to […]


Jewish Scientist Who Developed New Vaccine “Saved the World”

Dr. Drew Weissman (along with colleague Katalin Kariko) at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine has been lauded as “Penn Professor (who) ‘Saves the World’ with COVID Vaccine Research.” (Kariko is excluded from the headline in this Jewish Exponent article.)  Weissman and Kariko have been lavishly celebrated for their “breakthrough” with mRNA technology. […]


Quand Samuel Untermyer & Cie faisaient chanter Woodrow Wilson: Chantage, Loi Monétaire, Guerre Mondiale

23 janvier 2023 de Karl Haemers Wilson et sa maîtresse, la sulfureuse Madame Peck Woodrow Wilson (Président Américain de 1913–1921) C’est bien simple, l’élection de Woodrow Wilson à la présidence des États-Unis est l’exact pendant en importance et en nature de la révolution bolchévik en 1917:  c’est la prise de pouvoir des Juifs à la […]


Jewish Control of US Presidents #1: Woodrow Wilson

As many now note, and as certain Jewish organizations have themselves boasted, the current Biden administration is stocked with Jews at the highest levels. Significant numbers of the most powerful cabinet positions are filled by Jews, as well as various department leadership positions, the White House Chief of Staff, and throughout the administrative structure. Here […]