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37 search results for: Zemmour


Biocentric Political Thought in the Third Reich: A Review of Johann Chapoutot’s The Law of Blood

The Law of Blood Johann Chapoutot La loi du sang: Penser et agir en nazi Paris: Gallimard, 2014 (English translation by Miranda Richmond Mouillot Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018, in press) “I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.” — Walter Sobchak In today’s culture, […]


Towards a Global Biopolitics?: A review of Yuval Harari’s Sapiens, Part 2

Go to Part 1. European Restlessness and Dynamism Harari has much good to say about empire in general and about the European colonial empires in particular: “Modern science flourished in and thanks to European empires” (316). This is a point Harari repeatedly drives home: only Europe had the values and institutions necessary to kick-start the […]


Chancellor Adenauer on Jewish Power

“The power of the Jews even today, especially in America, should not be underestimated.” – Konrad Adenauer, 1965. A recurring theme in my writing is documenting the comments of mainstream European statesmen on Jewish power and influence. Given my background, this has primarily focused on French leaders. In general, as these figures approach retirement or […]


Eyes on the (Demographic) Prize: Making the Most of Anti-EU and Anti-TAFTA Sentiment

The democratic credentials of the current Western regimes are, no doubt, greatly exaggerated and indeed completely false concerning any explicit (and often even cryptic) defense of ethnic European interests. Nonetheless, one must admit that genuine democratic debate is currently being allowed on two major issues in Europe today: Membership in the European Union is being […]


The Testament of a European Patriot: A Review of Dominique Venner’s “Breviary of the Unvanquished” (Part 1)

Dominique Venner, Un samouraï d’Occident: Le Bréviaire des insoumis (A Samurai of the West: Breviary of the Unvanquished; Pierre-Guillaume de Roux, 2013). All Europeans, whether they are of the Old World or the New, are suffering today. Their very existence is demonized by a reigning culture which would prefer to see them blended into oblivion. […]


France’s Zionist Prime Minister: A Review of Emmanuel Ratier’s “Le Vrai Visage de Manuel Valls” — Part 1

  Le Vrai Visage de Manuel Valls (The True Face of Manuel Valls) by Emmanuel Ratier Paris: Éditions Facta, 2014. There is a rather surreal quality to most Western governments today. There is little pretense of actually defending the interests of their citizens, but much blithe conforming to a smug and self-destructive egalitarian ideology (see: […]


Der sehr große (giiigantische) Vorteil eines Sieges des Front National für den Kulturkampf in Frankreich

German translation of “The Very Large (Yuuuge) Upside of a Front National Victory for the Cultural Struggle in France” by Guillaume Durocher (The Occidental Observer December 11, 2015) Übersetzt von Frederic Dupont Die Dekadenz einer Nation zeigt sich in der Qualität Ihrer Führerschaft. Die Französische Republik gab uns einst, obwohl sie freimaurerisch und gottlos war, einen […]