The Pyromaniacs’ Ball: The Grenfell Tower Disaster as a Metaphor for the West
I hate TV, so I usually hear the news rather than see it. This gives me a lot of chances to put my Evil White Racism to work on predictions. Mostly I’m right, occasionally I’m wrong. When I heard that a disgruntled ex-doctor had shot up a hospital in New York, I assumed that the doctor would be non-White.
Disaster waiting to happen
I was right. He turned out to be a Nigerian who had been sacked for sexual harassment. But I was wrong when I heard about more than a hundred people burning to death as they collected spilt fuel from a crashed tanker. I assumed that, as usual, it had happened in Africa and that, after a frantic few minutes of fuel-scooping, someone had decided to take a well-earned cigarette-break. No: it had happened in Pakistan.
But I was right about the cigarette. The story was a characteristically Third-World horror: mass incineration resulting from casual, chaotic stupidity. The Grenfell Tower disaster in London, by contrast, might be called a characteristically First-World horror. It was mass incineration resulting from carefully organized stupidity. At vast expense and as an act of ecological piety, the tower had been wrapped in highly flammable cladding. A lot of brain-power and organization went into turning Grenfell Tower into a disaster waiting-to-happen. In the end, all it took was an exploding freezer. The fire then grew too fast and climbed too high for the stale pale males of the London Fire Brigade to rescue dozens of trapped residents.

Metaphor for the West: Grenfell Tower
I’d call Grenfell Tower a good metaphor for the Western world as a whole. At vast expense and with conspicuous piety, we are being wrapped in the highly flammable cladding of racial and religious diversity. You can see the chaos of the Third World meeting the careful organization of the First World off the coast of Libya. Criminal gangs push vibrant non-White migrants a short distance out to sea in unseaworthy and dangerously overladen small boats. The vibrant migrants are then picked up by powerful, seaworthy European ships and carried hundreds of miles to Italy, where they begin their new lives as they intend to continue: being fed, clothed, housed and medically tended at enormous expense by European Whites.
Free trips on the Euro-Ferry
Careful organization and huge sums of money are being poured into providing a free ferry-service for hundreds of thousands of low-IQ, low-trust non-Whites from violent and corrupt failed states. But the Euro-ferry from Libya to Italy is even more lunatic than it appears. As Steve Sailer points out, Africa’s low-IQ, hi-vibrancy population is booming. The African population boom is fuelled by Western medicine and Western aid. We finance not just the ferry, but the fertility that creates the flood. Meanwhile the Lügenlinke, or Lying Left, rail against “Fortress Europe” and wring their hands over drownings in the Mediterranean caused by their own policies.
If Fortress Europe wasn’t running a free ferry-service across the Mediterranean, the migrants wouldn’t be setting out in the first place. But apparently the high technology of First-World Europe is helpless to stop the dinghies and inflatables of Third-World Africa. The Lying Left also pump out propaganda designed to conceal the true nature of the invasion. If you relied on the images used by the BBC and Guardian, you’d think that the migrants were pathetically vulnerable women and children. In fact, the vast majority are healthy young men of prime crime-committing age.
Selective socialist sight-loss
And they do commit lots of crime once they’re in Europe, from murder and rape to robbery and fraud. You might think that the Lying Left would be concerned about the rape, at least, but it’s remarkable what passionate socialists can fail to see and hear when vibrancy is involved. It was a Labour council that ignored decades of child-rape and child-prostitution in Rotherham. A Labour council did the same in Rochdale. And Labour have ignored vibrant non-White Muslims preying on White working-class girls in many other places.
Did Jeremy Corbyn, the passionate socialist who now leads the Labour party, have Rotherham and Rochdale in mind when he recently denounced the way in which, quote, “working-class people’s voices are ignored, their concerns dismissed, by those in power”? Of course not. He was talking about Tory scum, not passionate socialists such as himself, who only ignore harm to the working-class when there’s a pressing need to do so. For example, when social workers visited Jeremy in 1992 to allege that there was rampant child-abuse in his own constituency of Islington, he undoubtedly took their concerns very seriously and investigated the matter thoroughly.
Upon discovering the allegations were centred on homosexuals and non-Whites, a passionate socialist like Jeremy would

Jeremy virtue-signals using vibrant props
naturally have suspected that the vilest forms of prejudice were at work. That would explain why he and Margaret Hodge, the wealthy Jewish leader of the Labour council in Islington, did so little about the allegations. They wanted to protect men like Peter Righton, the vibrant gay founder of the vibrantly gay Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), which campaigned for paederasty to be made legal. Righton once said: “Every Islington care home manager knows I like boys from 12.” But if the Labour council did nothing to stop the abuse, it was “pro-active” in other ways: “Staff who raised concerns were accused of racism and homophobia, and often hounded out of their jobs. Some … received death threats. Almost 30 council employees accused of child sex crimes were allowed to take early retirement (on generous pensions) instead of being subjected to formal investigations or referred to the police.”
But where’s the harm? You can be sure that all those “council employees” were passionate socialists like Jeremy and Margaret. In any case, Jeremy’s denunciation of official indifference to the working-class was inspired not by child-abuse, but by the Grenfell Tower disaster, which affected vibrant non-Whites living in what the Lying Left would call a “close-knit community.” In fact, the residents of Grenfell Tower were a chaotic jumble of races, nationalities and cultures, divided by “diversity” rather than strengthened by it. The first victim to be named was a Syrian “refugee” called Mohammed Alhajali. The Lying Left would say that he had “fled” his “war-torn” homeland, but his “flight” took him across thousands of miles of peaceful territory. He came to London to improve his bank balance, not to save his life.

Jeremy weeps for Grenfell
“Blackety Blackety Black Black Black…”
And Mohammed Alhajali was a healthy young man whose mother is still living in “war-torn” Syria. He is therefore not an ideal martyr for the propaganda-machines of the Lying Left. Another victim of the Greenfall Tower disaster has proved much more to their liking: Khadija Saye, an overweight young Gambian woman. According to the Guardian, she was an “artist” and on the “cusp of recognition when she died.” After all, her photographs had been exhibited at “the Diaspora Platform at the Venice Biennale — a pavilion curated by David A Bailey to showcase young racially and culturally diverse emerging artists.”

Did she mention she was Black?
If you look at those photographs, you can see that Saye was passionately committed to exploring what John Derbyshire calls “Blackety Blackety Black Black Black Blackety-Blackness.” Derbyshire is an Evil White Racist, of course, but he’s right about Blacks and their self-obsession. It was irrelevant that Khadija Saye lived in London. She would have produced the same self-obsessed work in New York, Paris, Rome, Berlin or Stockholm. And that work would have received the same slobbering response from White liberals.
But was she really on the “cusp of success”? Quite probably. The market for self-obsessed Black artists is getting crowded in the West, but White money and adulation will continue to flow to them and Khadija Saye added “Muslim and female” to the mix. She might even have been the victim of police racism, which would have made her an even greater asset to the Lying Left. There are some mysterious mutterings in the Guardian about her being “wrongfully arrested” and having to “clear her name” of a “horrible accusation.” No details of the “horrible accusation” are given, but who could think for a moment that a vibrant Gambian immigrant might be involved in any kind of criminality?
“Black Mugger savagely attacks 92-year-old”
As an Evil White Racist, I definitely could. I’d prefer that Khadija Saye hadn’t died so horribly, but I’d also prefer that she had never been in Britain in the first place. She had nothing to declare but her self-obsession, and her artistic career would have been a long exercise in pro-Black and pro-migrant propaganda. Photography was invented and perfected by White men; Khadija Saye was already using it to undermine White men. Even if that unspecified “horrible accusation” had no foundation, Blacks like her excel at crime and corruption, not at art and scientific innovation. This is an everyday story of Black behaviour in ethnically enriched London:
Mugger savagely attacks a widow, 92, from behind before dragging her for yards by her handbag strap as she screams for help in shocking CCTV
The [White] victim suffered extensive bruising across her body, with the most severe on her ribs and side where she was dragged along the ground. She was also left with a three-inch bruise on her left arm from where the handbag dragged on her arm. The woman, who recently lost her husband of nearly 70 years, was left distraught and is now terrified to leave her own home. The suspect is described as a black man with short black hair, according to police. He was wearing a blue hooded jacket and dark coloured trousers. …
Detective Inspector Paul Ridley, from Hackney CID, who is leading the investigation, said: ‘I have been involved in many serious cases, however the devastating psychological trauma of this victim is possibly the worst I have encountered. The events have emotionally moved the initial officers that tended to the lady in the aftermath as well as the investigation team, especially witnessing this inconsolable elderly lady sobbing about the robbery and recent tragic events. I cannot comprehend how anyone could target a frail lady in her 90s using this amount of violence. It is truly horrific.’ (Mugger savagely attacks a widow, 92, from behind, The Daily Mail, 30th June 2017)

Traumatized Theresa: The PM surrounded by vibrancy
But the accusation about Khadija Saye wasn’t the only mystery in news coverage of the Grenfell Tower disaster. I was also puzzled by a photograph of Prime Minister Theresa May wearing a highly uncomfortable expression as she’s surrounded by vibrant local residents. Why was a white-bearded Orthodox Jew prominent in the photo? Orthodox Jews weren’t victims of the fire and prefer to segregate themselves from Blacks like Khadija Saye. I assume the Jew was there as a symbol of vibrant diversity, which Jews loudly celebrate in goyish nations but aren’t so keen on in their own nation:
Netanyahu: Israel needs fences on all borders to keep out ‘predators’ in region
Israel needs to erect a fence around the entire country to protect itself from “beasts” in the neighborhood, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday on a tour near Eilat of a segment of fence being erected along the Jordanian border. “We are preparing a multiyear project to encircle Israel with a security fence, to defend ourselves in the Middle East as it is now, and as it is expected to be,” he said. “They will say to me, what do you want to do, protect the mansion? And the answer is, ‘Yes.’ What, we will encircle the whole country with a fence and obstacles? The answer is an unequivocal, ‘Yes,’” he said. “In the neighborhood in which we live we need to protect ourselves against beasts,” Netanyahu added. The prime minister said that a plan was also being drawn up to fill in the gaps in the security fence in Judea and Samaria.
Last month opposition leader Isaac Herzog (Zionist Union) called for completing the fence around the settlement blocs to both protect the settlements and send a message to the Palestinians that Israel would keep these enclaves under its control.
Netanyahu said that surrounding Israel with a security fence will cost billions of shekels, and the project would take a number of years. … In recent years, Israel has completed a 242 km. long fence from Kerem Shalom to Eilat along the Egyptian border that includes a five-meter tall fence, a thin strip that enables IDF trackers to identify footprints and a patrol route. In addition, another 103 km. fence has been built on the Golan Heights and some 500 kms. of fence has been erected in Judea and Samaria. (Netanyahu: Israel needs fences on all borders to keep out ‘predators’ in region, The Jerusalem Post, 9th February 2016)

Israel rejects vibrant enrichment
Sane Israel spends “billions of shekels” to keep the Third World out. Insane Europe spends billions of euros to bring the Third World in. That hi-tech ferry-service across the Mediterranean isn’t cheap and is just the beginning of the expense imposed by vibrant non-Whites on their White hosts. Like Blacks and Hispanics in America, non-Whites in Europe are a lifelong drain on the economy, rather than a stimulus to it as lying economists like Jonathan Portes claim. Portes is Jewish and was a staunch ally of Barbara Roche, the Jewish immigration minister who opened the floodgates of migration under the traitorous shabbos goy Tony Blair.
Europe is a Jewish oligarchy
The attitudes of Portes and Roche are entirely typical of Europe’s tiny Jewish minority, but not of Europe’s White goy majority. Douglas Murray has discussed goyish opposition to migration at the Wall Street Journal: “Earlier this year, a poll of European attitudes was published in which citizens of 10 countries were asked a tough question: whether they agreed that there should be no more Muslim migration into their countries. Majorities in eight out of the 10 countries, including France and Germany, said they wanted no more Muslim immigrants.”
In Europe, the Jewish minority gets its way and the goy majority doesn’t. European nations are much better described as Jewish oligarchies than as goyish democracies. But not all Jews are signed up to the European Suicide Project. Here is the neo-conservative Melanie Phillips striking a highly heterodox note at the very pro-migrant Jewish Chronicle:
Not all refugees are pure victims
The terror attacks in London and Manchester have served notice upon politicians that anti-extremist strategy has to change. But will the attacks also jolt the Jewish community out of its own alternative universe? The Manchester Arena bomber, Salman Abedi, came from a family of Libyan refugees who fled the Gaddafi regime. The parents of one of the London Bridge terrorists, Khuram Butt, are reported to have been asylum-seekers from Pakistan.
Of course this doesn’t mean all asylum-seekers are potential terrorists. But since Muslims targeted for attack or persecution may themselves harbour violent anti-western attitudes, it’s clearly reckless in the extreme not to impose tight restrictions on the numbers being accepted.
Which is why, when he was Prime Minister, David Cameron severely limited the number of refugees Britain would take. But this brought down on his head the wrath of prominent members of the Jewish community. In 2015, 200 people, including 20 rabbis, signed a strongly-worded open letter from the Jewish Council for Racial Equality condemning Britain’s refusal to admit more from the Calais migrant camp.
They compared the migrants’ plight to that of the Jewish refugees trying to flee Hitler. Other leading Jews similarly made comparisons with the Kindertransport — and even with Auschwitz.
Not only was it odious to instrumentalise the Holocaust in this way, but such critics made a grotesque and unforgivable category error. Jewish refugees posed no threat to anyone. They were purely victims of murderous prejudice. But a significant number of today’s migrants are either Islamic extremists or else their family culture leaves their children wide open to radicalisation.
This touches on another mistake made by too many in the Jewish community: the equation of antisemitism with Islamophobia. The crucial difference here is between truth and lies. Prejudice is always based on irrationality and untruth. If something is rational or true, it can’t be a prejudice. The venom directed against the Jewish people is true bigotry since it invariably consists of foul and deranged lies.
Well, of course, we had to expect some Jewish apologetics given that this is Melanie Phillips writing in the Jewish Chronicle. As readers of TOO are well aware, the main influx of Jewish refugees, from Czarist Russia, were not victims of persecution, and once in Britain, they became the backbone of the left which has been the prime mover of the immigration/multiculturalism onslaught. Non-Jews who oppose this onslaught are entirely rational, not only in opposing it but in noting the critical role of the organized Jewish community and individual Jews like Barbara Roche and Jonathan Portes (noted above) in bringing it about. Phillips continues:
By contrast, Islamophobia is not a prejudice. While many Muslims are good people there is justifiable reason for alarm about aspects of Islam and the community. The label of Islamophobia is designed purely to silence such legitimate expressions of concern. Yet Jews are disturbingly quick to use such smears — as in the vicious and wholly unwarranted attack on Board of Deputies president Jonathan Arkush merely for calling on British Muslims to stand up and be counted against terrorism. …
Jews have a duty of conscience, but to real victims. Jihadi Islam aims to crush and conquer Christianity. It has all but wiped it out in Iraq; it burns African Christians alive in their churches. Instead of undermining the struggle to keep Britain safe, the Jewish community should surely be pressing for the admission of Christian refugees and supporting the Christian resistance against Islam — without which the west will assuredly be lost. (Not all refugees are pure victims, The Jewish Chronicle, 8th June 2017 / 14th Sivan 5777)

Edie Friedman virtue-signals with vibrants
Predictably enough, Phillips was then opposed in the same newspaper by “Edie Friedman and Adam Rose from the Jewish Council for Racial Equality.” They said that Phillips was spreading a “dangerous myth” about a link between refugees and terrorism. In fact, they said, “the main terrorist threat to Western countries does not come from recently arrived refugees, but from home-grown extremists.” Friedman and Rose are obviously firm believers in the Twilight Zone. There is no link between migration and terrorists like Salman Abedi, Khalid Masood and Omar Mateen, who were only present in the West because of migration.
“Foul and deranged lies”
There is a direct link between migration and terrorism, of course. Only liars or lunatics could claim otherwise. Friedman and Rose confirm what Phillips said about the “Jewish community” living in an “alternative universe.” Jews support mass immigration, ignore or conceal Muslim pathologies, and attack Christianity rather than defending it. But by criticizing Jewish attitudes, Phillips echoes the claims made by us venom-peddlers at the Occidental Observer, where “true bigotry [against Jews] … invariably consists of foul and deranged lies.” In fact, it’s not foul, deranged or mendacious to criticize Jewish support for mass immigration or to point out that Jews are motivated by self-interest and goyophobia, not by humanitarianism.
For proof, simply look at Israel, where Jews are the majority and can fully express those loudly vaunted Jewish values of compassion and concern for refugees. Well, they could, but they don’t. The Twilight Zone strikes again. Rather than opening its borders to the vibrant vulnerable, Jewish Israel builds hi-tech fences “to protect itself from ‘beasts’ in the neighborhood.” Did Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israelis not read Nicholas Khristof in the New York Times when he pointed out that “Anne Frank Today Is a Syrian Girl”? If they did, they thought that Khristof’s Shoah Schmaltz was strictly for American consumption.
Malevolence and mendacity
Israel isn’t run by pyromaniacs, you see. Benjamin Netanyahu doesn’t want to wrap his nation in highly flammable diversity and then set it on fire. Israel doesn’t run a free ferry-service for vibrant Third-Worlders who will consume Israeli welfare and stimulate the Israeli crime-rate. Israel has never had an Enoch Powell because it has never needed one. When Powell spoke out against mass immigration in 1968 and became the most popular politician in Britain, he said that watching the non-White influx was “like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.”
The influx is much higher today and the funeral pyre is much nearer conflagration. But whose funeral will it be: the White majority’s or the hostile elite’s? I think it will be the hostile elite’s. Their malevolence and their mendacity are becoming more and more obvious to more and more people. As the Western world begins to burn, the pyromaniacs at the top aren’t going to escape the flames.
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