In my many years as a cop (now retired) and having worked for four separate law enforcement agencies throughout my career, I have patrolled alongside numerous female officers. Some were better than others, no doubt, but I’d say that the greater number of them were either unimpressive or absolutely worthless slugs that were hired only because of their gender.
Even the best female police officers, in terms of productivity and quality of work, were only about average when compared to male officers. This is not to say that male officers never made mistakes or engaged in bad decisions because plenty of that occurred, I’m embarrassed to say. But I think a valid case can be made that when females were allowed to enter the profession to work as street or patrol cops, it unfurled an entire mountain of problems that most people are not aware of.
The following, then, is my attempt to explain why females don’t belong in the law enforcement profession — that is, in working as street cops, making arrests and engaged in the physical and dangerous aspects of the job. This doesn’t mean they can’t work in a support function, perhaps as dispatchers, domestic violence advocates, crime scene specialists, police records clerks, helping traumatized children, and the like. But that’s entirely different when compared to a woman who is given the authority of the badge and ordered to go out and conquer crime. The effect this has had on the female psyche and her self-perception has not been good, especially in an age where women are told how wonderful they are solely because of their gender and how they can do anything a male can do. It inevitably leads to a host of mental breakdowns, deeply frustrating careers, a plethora of divorces, and countless lawsuits for sexual harassment all paid for by overtaxed citizens.
The first thing I’d say is that females lack the upper body strength needed to subdue a violent male arrestee. YouTube and other social media platforms have many real-life police videos of female officers getting the snot beat out of them by much stronger men, particularly muscular parolees who are determined not to return to prison. The female officer, then, is very much dependent upon the presence of male officers to help her if things go south. Whether she wants to believe it or not, she’s totally dependent upon suspect compliance and of potential arrestees not challenging her authority. As a result, the female officer is lured into complacency about her physical disadvantages over males. She naively thinks that because criminals comply with her order, she must be tougher and more capable than she imagines.
Trusting that a female officer is going to be a real asset during a knockdown, drag out fight with a violent suspect is like trusting that a female firefighter is going to be able to successfully carry a large 200-pound man out of a second story burning home to safety. You know there’s going to be a sincere attempt on her part, but the reality of her physical limitations doesn’t give you an ounce of confidence.
Coupled with this false view of themselves as female officers is the reality that most women in society have never engaged in a physical fight with someone else. They know nothing about it and have never felt what it’s like to get slugged in the mouth by an opponent and how to recover from it. Thus, when female officers encounter a suspect who has no intention of going along with the program and puts up serious physical resistance, it’s a complete shock to their system. All of their false allusions about themselves that society has persuaded them of vanishes into thin air when faced with cold reality. It’s during situations like these that female officers discover just how weak and vulnerable they really are.
Recognizing the physical limitations of females is not a new or radical idea either and it’s quietly conceded by most police academies when they go out of their way to assist female cadets in jumping over a 6’ wall and in carrying a 150-pound dummy from one location to another. This is not something they do for male cadets. These are state P.O.S.T. physical requirements that all cadets must meet prior to graduation. To get around this, female police cadets are often given multiple attempts, practice sessions to assist them, and in some instances, they are given fraudulent passing scores because affirmative action hiring quotas need to be met.
None of this means that male officers don’t need physical assistance or help at times in subduing a suspect, but only that they naturally possess greater upper body strength and can put up a greater physical resistance than most women can. Granted, there is the female outlier who can sometimes physically outperform a male, but they are the exception and not the rule. The average female officer working the streets is not this kind of outlier.
Secondly, females generally lack the warrior spirit or mindset that’s required of police officers working in crime-ridden communities. Although the idea of a warrior spirit may be interpreted differently by some, it at least carries the image of one who courageously faces danger despite what fears they may have. Male officers generally have this kind of mindset, and it comports well with their higher testosterone levels, something females lack. Male officers generally get a rush from the excitement of catching bad guys, foot chases, and vehicle pursuits whereas female officers are mostly shocked and scared by it all. Their natural reaction is to run and hide. Female officers, then, must engage in behavior that runs counter to their feminine nature and nurturing instincts.
This is why serving in the military and pursuing a law enforcement career are such desirable occupations by males, and why the greater number of females have no interest in such jobs. It runs counter to who they are, to how they have been designed. This explains why every federal and municipal police department has such difficulty recruiting females to a career in law enforcement. No matter how much money is spent in recruiting them, it almost always fails to secure the hiring quota they seek because females don’t want these kinds of jobs. Most women want to retain their femininity and not immerse themselves in a line of work that requires very masculine qualities, including facing violent and sometimes deadly encounters. Any woman who gets a serious thrill out of this and wants to devote her life to this kind of danger is an aberration to be sure.
The masculine nature of police work also attracts lots of lesbians and bull-dykes to it. Most people know this at face value. We’ve all witnessed it many times. Females, then, who are conflicted as to their gender, or trying to identify as males, are especially attracted to the profession. Sometimes the effort is so desperate and contrived that it becomes comical to watch them mimic male characteristics. They are pretenders, and most guys know it.
Thirdly, females bring an inordinate amount of drama to everything they do, and this includes police work. Over the years, I’ve witnessed female officers create so many unnecessary problems and drama in the workplace, much more by far than any of the male officers I have known.
Because they are females, they are more likely to be catty, moody, easily offended, and driven completely by their emotional natures which can turn at a moment’s notice. Many female officers will admit it too. One minute they’ll be using the same salty and crude language as any male officer in a casual group setting, and the next minute they’ll be suing the department for sexual harassment because inappropriate language was used in their presence.
Fearing costly lawsuits, many agencies kowtow to female officers, tend to promote them to supervisory positions despite their poor leadership qualities, and are more inclined to settle out of court to avoid any embarrassing press against the department. The chief of police is dependent on the good will of the city council to keep his or her employment, so any scandals or allegations of sexual harassment are immediately squashed when it arises. The discerning male officer eventually learns not to trust the female officers nor to see them as ‘one of the guys,’ and to carefully guard what he says whenever they are nearby.
Fourthly, female officers take an inordinate amount of time off from work. Whether it’s sick time usage, taking off because of their natural cycle, time off for pregnancy appointments or the birth of their child, or time away for nursing, female cops are sure gone a lot. This, of course, inevitably effects staffing levels — that is, how many officers are able to patrol the community they are paid to protect.
Fifthly, females in police work only invite and foster the proverbial ‘attention whore’ nature of women. The popularity of social media has given a platform to the modern woman to display her beauty, her talents, and particularly her sexuality for all to see. To imagine that a new generation of female police officers wouldn’t get caught up in such narcissistic exhibitionism is naive at best. It’s natural for females to want to primp and parade about exhibiting themselves in provocative ways, and this sort of thing doesn’t stop once they become cops.
Countless videos on YouTube, Tik Tok, and other social media platforms have shown female cops in full uniform saying and doing some of them most inane and sexually suggestive things one can imagine. With their heavy makeup, dolled up to the core, massive Kardashian buttocks, and pants as tight as possible to show how sexy they can be in uniform. Most departments prohibit this kind of thing, or at least require that the agency’s badge, patch or insignia not be publicly displayed. Some female officers are so badly addicted to this kind of immature conduct that despite repeated warnings by their superiors to end it, including disciplinary measures, they continue anyway.
Sixthly, giving females the kind of broad authority that police officers have is not in my opinion a wise decision. This is because whenever females are given power or governmental authority, they almost always abuse it. This is not to say that males can’t abuse that same authority (and sometimes do!), but there is a completely different dynamic at work when women find themselves in positions of power. Most often, they are unable to handle it. Their entire demeanor changes, and they often become bossier and more officious than their male counterparts (like Kamala Harris). Many male cops can attest to this.
As an officer, I’ve seen it many times on the streets. The female officer talks down to others, and barks orders in demeaning ways. She lacks even the most basic verbal judo skills and is unable to verbally finesse her way to compliance with suspects she encounters. She tries hard to compensate for her smaller stature, but in the process makes matters worse for herself and everyone at the scene. Her entire mindset reflects the same arrogant attitude as this officer from the State of Washington.
Seventhly, females in the police profession creates sexual tension in the workplace. If there’s any advice that I’d give to a man considering marrying a female cop, it would be to not do it. Sexual infidelity is extremely high among cops, and a male-dominated occupation such as law enforcement brings about numerous sexual temptations to both male and female officers. I don’t think a whole lot of husbands would feel good about sending their wives to a workplace where there’s a disproportionate number of dominant alpha males present.
The job alone with all of its attached stress and negativity inevitably leads female officers to become jaded (as it often does to male officers), to absorb a paranoid and pessimistic view of practically everything. What man, then, would want their wife exposed to this sort of thing on a daily basis, month after month, year after year?
Finally, have you seen how utterly ridiculous and out-of-place the female police chiefs of many police departments look? It’s as if someone pulled a cruel, nation-wide prank on America’s biggest cities and deliberately installed the most physically repugnant women imaginable into the highest law enforcement positions. Here’s three of the many that could be given for your viewership enjoyment.
This is Anne Kirkpatrick, the current chief of police for the New Orleans Police Department. In August of 2024, Kirkpatrick struck two pedestrians with her car while she was on duty. Perhaps she needs to upgrade her eyeglass prescription? She was previously the chief for Spokane P.D. and later Oakland P.D., including serving in high-ranking positions among a host of other agencies throughout the country.
As one might expect, things didn’t quite work out for Kirkpatrick at OPD. According to her entry at Wikipedia: “On February 20, 2020, the Oakland Police Commission voted unanimously to fire Kirkpatrick with Schaaf joining in the decision as required by the law for a police chief to be fired without cause, saying that the commission’s trust in Kirkpatrick was “irrevocably broken”. Kirkpatrick subsequently filed a federal lawsuit accusing the city of firing her as retaliation for reports she had made against the behavior of commissioners. In May 2022, the jury ruled partially in Kirkpatrick’s favor, awarding her one year’s pay, $337,000. One juror said there was “evidence that retaliation played some role in her discharge”. In July 2022, the City of Oakland agreed to pay her that amount plus her legal costs, a total of $1.5 million.”
Not to worry for old Anne Kirkpatrick because her New Orleans PD salary is now at a whopping $337,943!
And here’s the former Knoxville police chief, Eve Thomas, who had been with the department for thirty years and retired in May of 2022.
From what I’ve read about Chief Thomas, the woman seems to have been a rather run-of-the-mill police chief. The only unflattering thing written about her was published in the Knox News describing her failure to carefully review the beating of a mentally ill homeless man by three of her officers: “While overseeing the East District, Thomas and two other supervisors received oral reprimands for initially failing to uncover the use of excessive force when three officers beat a mentally ill homeless man in North Knoxville in February 2013. The officers ultimately pleaded guilty to assault and official oppression. Thomas admitted she’d approved a report on the case without reviewing all the officers’ dashcam videos. “I wish I had seen it earlier,” she told an internal investigator” (by Matt Lakin, 6/21/2018).
And then there’s Heather Fong, who served as chief of police for the San Francisco Police Department between 2004 and 2009. She was not just SFPD’s first female chief, but its first lesbian chief. Isn’t that wonderful?
I’m not sure Fong accomplished a whole lot as chief, and she seemed often to have difficulty keeping her police cap on straight from what I can recall. Everything about her in uniform was visually awkward. It’s as if they took a bespectacled librarian and tried to cram her into an ill-fitting police uniform hoping no one would notice.
Like many female police chiefs in America, I suspect that Fong was promoted solely because she was a woman, a minority, and a lesbian to boot. For the San Francisco city council, Fong checked all the right boxes. I seriously doubt that the rank-and-file who had to serve under her leadership felt the same way.
Here’s Chief Fong with transgender Theresa Sparks, the former president of the SF Police Commission. Standing next to them is Sergeant Stephen Thorne, the first transgender male SFPD officer. The photo reveals what a bizarre spectacle of freaks and weirdos the City of San Francisco has morphed into over the past several decades.
According to Wikipedia, “Fong drew criticism in June 2008 for failing to complete firearm recertification for over five years though all San Francisco police officers are required to recertify annually by department regulations. Fong was quoted as saying that she was too busy to recertify. When the controversy erupted in the local media, she was recertified a week later. In 2008, Fong became embroiled in a promotion scandal and faced pushback from SFPD rank and file over her controversial plan to cut the rank of Inspector (equivalent to Detective). About 53 San Francisco police officers filed a complaint with the Civil Service Commission. They tested for Q-35 jobs as inspectors 10 years prior, but Fong had decided to eliminate that position, and fill those investigative roles with Q-50 sergeants. 40 to 50 percent of the knowledge and abilities needed for an inspector were not covered by the sergeant’s test. The San Francisco Police Commission subsequently determined that Fong had acted improperly, and that personnel from the 1998 Q-35 inspectors list should have been hired instead of sergeants.”
But don’t worry, Fong’s not suffering too bad since she’s reportedly receiving $264,000 in annual pension payments!
How demoralizing it must be for the officers who have to serve under such buffoonery and visually hideous characters! That police departments, dominated mostly by males, would be subjugated to these kinds of women serves as just another proof of the downfall of modern law enforcement. The liberal city councils that appoint them are not looking for qualified males, especially conservative white males, but for socially ‘progressive’ females who will rubberstamp their Utopian political agenda. They also want minorities who will fulfill their DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) quotas.
But what else would you expect from a clown nation that’s determined to commit national suicide and to destroy every conceivable American institution?