Entries by Dr. Lasha Darkmoon

Spitting Mad Jews and Angry Artists: Part 1

My article, The Plot Against Art, elicited an unprecedented number of emails. These came mostly from angry artists who believed that they had produced works of high quality that had been spurned by the art establishment. The artists who had achieved world fame, on the other hand, had in many cases done so only because […]

The Plot Against Art, Part 2

I hate to tell you this, but if you like modern art there has to be something radically wrong with you. To feel hostile towards it is as natural as being repelled by incest. Modern art is out to corrupt you. If it doesn’t do this, it will have failed to achieve the primary purpose […]

The Plot Against Art, Part 1

“Never before have so few been in a position to make fools, maniacs or criminals of so many.” HG Wells, The Shape of Things to Come. I’ll begin with a confession: I am a failed artist. Ever since I can remember, I have wanted to paint. The only thing that stopped me was lack of […]

Controlling Anti-Jewish Stereotypes: The Case of the “Hook-Nosed Jew”

One of my interests in life is the bizarre phenomenon of anti-Jewish propaganda manufactured by elite and well-organized cadres of Jews. Israel Shamir, in his controversial book Cabbala of Power, makes an interesting point about “hook-nosed Jews.” It seems that many Jews, far from shrinking from mention of their noses, never lose an opportunity to […]