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9 search results for: Emily Thornberry


Labour Loathe White Workers: How Slippery Starmer Has Slithered to Supremacy to Serve Semites

Words don’t rule reality, but they do manipulate minds. Take British politics. If honesty prevailed there, the Labour Party would be renamed the Lawyer Party. Millions of its deluded supporters would finally see the truth and stop voting for a party that hates them. Labour was founded to advance the White working class, but it […]


Hit by a Hate-Quake: Brexit, Saint Jo and the Liberal Elite

One of the most memorable stories in Boswell’s Life of Johnson (1791) is about Johnson “passing by a fishmonger who was skinning an eel alive.” Johnson heard the fishmonger “curse it, because it would not lie still.” Boswell said the story was a “striking instance of human insensibility and inconsideration.” Those traits are still flourishing. […]


They Posture, You Pay: The Treachery of Britain’s Liberal, Pro-Refugee Elite

Emily Thornberry is back. This rich Marxist lawyer is perfect for the modern Labour Party because she despises the White working-class. Unfortunately, she made this obvious in public last year, so Ed Miliband, then Labour leader, was forced to sack her from his shadow cabinet. Now Jeremy Corbyn, the radical new Labour leader, has welcomed […]


“Vote for Us, You Miserable Scum”: Mammon, Marx and Miliband

“We want your votes, you miserable scum.” That has long been the private attitude of the Labour party to the White working class. Now a senior Labour MP has made it public. No wonder Ed Miliband is said to have been “incandescent.” You’ve heard of point-and-splutter. Here’s some point-and-sneer, a photograph tweeted by a Labour MP […]


Love Islam, Hate Freedom: Leftists Are Eager to Exploit the Christchurch Massacre

Hugs Against Hate: Jacinda Ardern Postures for the Camera Like chutzpah, narcissism comes in different forms for different people. Some are narcissistic about their faces or their physiques. But it would be difficult for the New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern to be narcissistic in that way, because she’s a typically effete left-wing politician. Instead, […]


Working-Class Zero: The Political Autism of Alan Moore and His Labour Party Friends, Part 2

Go to Part 1. Resolute enemies of the working-class Does Jeremy Corbyn intend to listen to working-class concerns and reverse New Labour’s policies on immigration? Not in the slightest. And give him his due: in his recent speech to the Labour Party Conference, he was completely open about Labour’s intentions. He said that a Labour […]