Entries by Martin Webster

Launch of The Front View

With the help of skilled videomaker Tony Avery and the support of Philip Gegan, Editor of anglo-celtic.org, I’ve made the first episode of ‘The Front View’, which I hope will evolve as a sequence of video presentations. These will cover not just what is happening in Britain today, but what happened ‘yesterday’. Putting on record, with evidence, […]

An important article on Free Speech in the Daily Telegraph by Simon Heffer… (You can hear a ‘but’ coming…)

Roald Dahl Simon Heffer has an interesting article in The Daily Telegraph, “George Orwell’s chilling prediction has come true – it’s time to make a stand. The censorship of books, statues and history is an attempt to eradicate the past and enforce a single point of view”. It might be helpful to read the excerpts […]

Express Group now openly promoting the English Defence League

The promotion which the billionaire Zionist Jew Richard Desmond is giving to the English Defence League via the Express Group component of his ever-growing media empire would seem to challenge the ‘official’ position of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and its Community Security Trust that Zionist-Jewry in Britain is firmly opposed to the EDL […]

Courting the Jews on the European “Far Right”

The Guardian’s definition of “far right”, and mine, differ considerably, which is the reason why I have not rushed to its website to read a two-page article published a few of days ago about “the threat of the far right in Europe” which, I am told, made no mention of the BNP or the state […]

Mossad’s One Million Helpers World-Wide

Aftershocks following the assassination in Dubai in January of Palestinian Hamas leader Mahmoud Mabhouh by Israel’s secret service Mossad finally shook the Palace of Westminster in London on the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd March. The assassination was perpetrated by a large hit-squad comprising men and women who arrived and departed Dubai using “cloned” passports originally issued to citizens of […]

Is there a revolt against the Israel Lobby brewing in Britain? A review of Peter Oborne’s TV report “Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby”

It is not often that one can, with pleasure, place on record that one was wrong in expressing a particular opinion. But I can do this in the case of a TV documentary film, Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby, by the journalist and political commentator Peter Oborne, broadcast on Monday 16th November by Britain’s Channel 4, an […]