Jews as allies
At a meeting recently the question was raised as to the appropriate relationship that European-Americans ought to maintain with Jews. On certain issues, it was said, we really are natural allies with them, and therefore we should work together to advance common goals. And it was argued we should avoid antagonizing Jews since (a) such provocation won’t gain us anything and (b) would handicap us all in achieving those common goals. It has also been pointed out that Jews are “whites”, as opposed to blacks. And are not Jews, or at least Ashkenazi Jews, European as well?
Okay, we have to go back to basics here. How are we to categorize ourselves? And them?
Ethnic categorization (e.g., calling ourselves European-Americans) is complicated by the fact that ethnic group membership is not an absolute but rather consists a whole series of concentric circles, ordered according to closeness of biological kinship. At the center is one’s immediate family; in the next circle, one’s extended family, and so on up through one’s more or less easily categorizable “ethnic group” or “ethny”, such as Irish. Next might be Scots-Irish. And beyond that is a “circle” labeled “European”. Well, you see where this is going.
Until mid-20th century, the United States was largely WASP dominated. (The same could be said of Canada, with due recognition of French dominance of Quebec and other subgroups’ dominance locally). But, especially since 1965, our largely Northern European and WASP majority has undergone a rather rapid dispossession and will shortly be a minority both demographic and politically. Oddly enough, the great majority of European-Americans are largely unaware of the forces that brought about that dispossession.
Well, do we include Jews among those European-Americans? One reason not to identify them as European-Americans is that Jews and Jewish culture were not targeted by the intellectual and political upheavals that led to the dispossession of European-Americans. Indeed, as Kevin MacDonald has shown in his book The Culture of Critique, the Cultural Marxists who first planned, then infiltrated our many institutions (universities, the media, political parties, think-tanks, etc.) were disproportionately Jews. More importantly, they identified as Jews and conceived of their activities as achieving specifically Jewish agendas. And their first and foremost agenda has been the dispossession of European America. This is a major argument for our self-categorization, in the present context, as European-Americans — a “circle” that would not include Jews.
Of course, not all Jews have been part of this destructive effort. Many Jews no doubt just go about their daily lives without being fully conscious of all that has gone on. But the fact is that the entire organized Jewish community and the entire Jewish political spectrum from the radical left to neoconservative right actively sought massive immigration of non-Europeans, and they were a necessary condition for the ultimate success of these efforts. This implies that the organized Jewish community and the vast majority of Jews approved of destroying the dominance of the one-time majority.
There have been some Jews who have opposed non-European immigration. Steven Steinlight is a good example. Steinlight’s motives are entirely Jewish, showing that at least some Jews see Jewish self-interest in opposing mass immigration:
Privately [American Jewish leaders] express grave concern that unregulated immigration will prove ruinous to American Jewry, as it has for French Jewry, and will for Jews throughout Western Europe. There’s particular fear about the impact on Jewish security, as well as American support for Israel, of the rapid growth of the Muslim population. At the conclusion of meetings with national leaders, several told me, “You’re 1000 percent right, but I can’t go out and say it yet.”
Steinlight even argues that massive immigration in general is bad for Jews “Massive immigration will obliterate Jewish power by shrinking our percentage of the population — to a fraction of 1% in 20 years.”
Steinlight is definitely a Jew who is on page with the interests of European-Americans to stop non-European immigration. The problem is that he has not been successful in changing the immigration policies of the organized Jewish community.
Another thing that might help getting some Jews onboard with European-American interests is to emphasize ethnic commonalities. Certainly Ashkenazi Jews, while often having distinctive (to the initiated) physical traits (“family traits”), do often look pretty “European.” The DNA evidence accumulated so far suggests that, in fact, they do carry some European genes. A currently popular scenario is that male Jewish traders, carrying their own Y-chromosome DNA and percolating up into Europe during medieval times, did take at least some non-Jewish women (perhaps European) as wives but thereafter reverted back to a closed, highly endogamous community (i.e., they married pretty much exclusively among themselves). The Y-chromosome data indicates that about one mating in 200 resulted from Jewish women with non-Jewish men—a rate that would be compatible with a 35–40% non-Jewish representation in the Ashkenazi gene pool.
The key phrase is “endogamous community.” The Jewish community until recently remained endogamous while occupying unusual economic niches (e.g., “tax farmers”) which set them apart from and in conflict with indigenous populations. It also promoted eugenic selection for high intelligence. All of this has been well documented by Kevin MacDonald and confirmed in many important facets by Yuri Slezkine. The result has been a long history of inter-ethnic conflict in Europe, with the Lukacs–Gramsci inspired culture of critique only the latest and most successful episode (i.e., successful for Jewish Cultural Marxists).
About half of American Jews are now marrying out. Conceivably, his trend could lead to a gradual loss of Jewish distinctiveness as they blend into the European-American population, although there are a lot of reasons to think that this won’t happen. But it does mean that a lot of Jews now have non-Jewish relatives, and they have children and grandchildren with varying degrees of Jewish ethnicity and varying degrees of Jewish identification. Such people may constitute a pool of potential allies because their ethnic interests and identities overlap with ours.
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But the reality is that there remain severe conflicts of interest between European-Americans and pretty much all of the organized Jewish community. This is illustrated by Jewish neocon control over American foreign policy during the Bush Administration, Jewish influence on immigration policy, and Jewish influence over the Democratic Party— the party that was described in a recent editorial on this website as “the party of the minorities, government workers, sexual non-conformists, and diverse beneficiaries of the leftist entitlement culture.”
This suggests a reasonable policy to take. When a few individual Jews act for our ethny’s benefit or for the benefit of all humanity (but not at our expense), there is no reason not to appreciate their existence, to cooperate with them and to be friendly with them. Jews have no problem in being friendly with non-Jews, such as Christian Zionists, whenever doing so is “good for the Jews.” We can do the same: whatever is good for European-Americans.
But since blood is thicker than water, there is always the possibility of “righteous” Jews reverting to in-group favoritism, especially in a crunch. And there is always the threat of “moles.” So for that reason Jews can hardly be considered “family” to whom we open up our hearts and pocketbooks completely. Nor should we divulge to them our identities when loss of confidentiality could threaten our livelihoods. “Arms length” is a useful concept.
Moreover, Jews who align themselves with organizations or publications that explicitly promote the interests of European-Americans should be willing to acknowledge the role of the organized Jewish community in the dispossession of European America. They should also acknowledge that the policies of the organized Jewish community at the present time are definitely opposed to the interests of European Americans.
Thus, Jews who want to be considered our allies should direct most of their activism to changing the direction of the organized Jewish community. Just as Joe Lieberman was the emissary of the McCain campaign to the traditionally Democratic Jewish community, there is every reason to think that Jews would be far more effective in producing change in the organized Jewish community than non-Jews. Such efforts, especially if they were successful, would be the surest sign of their sincerity and good will.
On the other hand, the absence of a commitment to change the Jewish community or refusing to acknowledge the historical role of the organized Jewish community in producing our present malaise invites the skepticism that the Jews involved in pro-European-American movements are simply trying to make these movements safe for Jews in the event that such movements gain traction. It’s a fall-back plan and an escape hatch if things start to get sticky.
Moreover, when pro-European-American groups feel it judicious to be silent about the role of the organized Jewish community in our current malaise, this must be seen as an expression of Jewish power. Much of our task on behalf of European-American civilization and our people is the promotion of historical understanding. Many Jews will inevitably find an honest discussion of the history of European abdication threatening because of the prominent role of Jews revealed by any objective account of that history. However, silence on the role of Jews in our current malaise forces these groups to live in a sort of a-historical present—avoiding a realistic discussion of the past and preventing any attempt to understand this past in an objective manner.
This forces these pro-European movements into a major departure from all other ethnic activist movements we are aware of, including Judaism: Ethnic identity and commitment are deeply interwoven with an understanding of history. Indeed, Jews’ understanding of their own history as victims of Europeans is an important wellspring of Jewish identity and Jewish activism against European-Americans. As Paul Johnson said in describing the philosophy of Walter Benjamin, a Jewish cultural Marxist: “Politics [is] not merely a fierce physical struggle to control the present, and so the future, but an intellectual battle to control the record of the past.”
Even worse, it prevents these organizations from making explicit attempts to oppose the very real power that the organized Jewish community and other strongly identified Jews continue to exert in a wide range of areas in opposition to the interests of European-Americans. Again, the best role for Jews in these movements is to be vocal critics of the Jewish community and its role in the dispossession of European-Americans. But the unfortunate reality is that, just like mainstream politicians forced to never mention the power of the Israel Lobby, these pro-European-American groups end up ignoring the 800-lb gorilla in their midst — a wonderful comment on Jewish power in America.
In guarded optimism, we might look to the future and hope that some influential Jews will be able to look at this history without their ethnic blinders and come to see their own best interests lie with a renewed European America.
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