Canadian Thought Police Exposed
Canada seems so much like the United States, only with lots of Sikhs, Chinese and Muslims. In many ways Canada, if you stay out of the massive Somali or Jamaican slums, seems like the United States in the 1950s. But underneath the image lies the fundamental fact that European-Canadians have no rights under the grinding Multicultural tyranny that has been set up in order to destroy the European- Canadian majority and replace it with Third World immigrants.
At the heart of Canada’s problem is the complete absence of Freedom of Speech. The absence of Freedom of Speech has been rammed home by Canadian Human Rights Commission officer Mr. Dean Stacey, who observed: “Freedom of speech is an American concept, so I don’t give it any value. ” This statement was uttered during the “Warman vs. Lemire” show trial, and follows other statements made by Canadian Human Rights Commission tribunal “judges” such as: “The truth is no defense” to lies.
Parenthetically, the Canadian Human Rights Commission and provincial “human rights commissions” are quasi-governmental tribunals, staffed largely by minority supremacists with almost unlimited powers to destroy putative Thought Criminals–people who have committed no crime other than holding opinions hated by the Canadian Human Rights Commission. For example, under this regime, one Canadian (Brian Love) spent 18 months in prison for writing a letter to his Member of Parliament criticizing unlimited Third World immigration. The most serious Thought Crime is a believe in Democracy as Majority rule, instead of the new version of what Democracy is supposed to be: Minority Rule.
Simply stated, for a European-Canadian, to love Canada is a Hate Crime.
Victims of the Thought Police can lose their right to political speech for their entire lives, be banned from the Internet, be banned from writing, be imprisoned and be impoverished by massive fines (usually paid to a certain Richard Warman, who is both the usual plaintiff in these cases and an officer of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, when he is not fundraising for the Anti-Racist Action Anarcho-Zionist transnational terrorist network)
Finally, after scores of show trials by the intensely secretive Canadian Human Rights Commission and its provincial counterparts (and please be aware that everyone accused is convicted), a most remarkable set of facts have been revealed in court.
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Most of the Canadian Human Rights Commission cases revolve around the Internet, and most involved “racist” postings on websites made by anonymous posters, rather than webmasters or the owners of sites. The game played by the Canadian Thought Police is simple: An anonymous “racist” posting appears in the middle of the night and at almost the same time, the Thought Police bust down peoples doors, arrest everyone and seize their computers to preserve the evidence.
Now, it has been revealed in court that the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Canadian “Hate Squad” Thought Police have been making the very racist posts that they have been using as evidence. The postings are made by members of Thought Police “Hate Squads” specially trained in seminars held by the Canadian-branch of Simon Wiesenthal Center and by members of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, including the eternal plaintiff Richard Warman. (It is believed that hundreds of Hate Squad operatives have been trained: Have they made millions of postings?) The training includes specific wordings and specific guidance on what racial groups to demonize.
Here is one “hate” posting made by Plaintiff Richard Warman, high official of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, as reprinted and as cleaned up by the National Post ( a newspaper that had supported the tribunals until recently):
“Not only is Canadian Senator Anne Cools is a Negro, she is also an immigrant! And she is also one helluva preachy c*nt. She does NOT belong in my Canada. My Anglo-Germanic people were here before there was a Canada and her kind have jumped in, polluted our race, and forced their bullshit down our throats. Time to go back to when the women *** imports knew their place … And that place was NOT in public!”
This was posted on the dissident website by the Honorable Richard Warman. (The specific wording and targeting of English- and German-Canadians surely comes directly from the teachings of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.) Warman then took this posting to his employers, the Canadian Human Rights Commission, and complained that as a Jew he was deeply offended and that the and ts owners should be dragged before the tribunal and face lost of speech rights of all kinds. And be required to pay a massive fine to a certain Richard Warman. And people lose their jobs and are blacklisted by communities living in the fearful shadow of the secret police, and under the watchful eyes of Minority- Supremacist activists.
The hate crimes of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and its provincial branches have been hidden from the Canadian people by intense censorship (almost all Canadian media is minority owned–can any democracy survive when the Majority is excluded and demonized by the media?) and by secretive, closed meetings: One recent policy planning meeting of the Canadian Human Rights Commission (which was effectively a joint meeting with the Canadian Jewish Congress because their membership overlaps so much) was held in a Vancouver, BC, synagogue, ringed by heavily armed riot police.
What is the penalty for an official of the Canadian Human Rights Commission issuing the following statement?
“Not only is Canadian Senator Anne Cools is a Negro, she is also an immigrant! And she is also one helluva preachy c*nt. She does NOT belong in my Canada. My Anglo-Germanic people were here before there was a Canada and her kind have jumped in, polluted our race, and forced their bullshit down our throats. Time to go back to when the women *** imports knew their place … And that place was NOT in public!”
Well, so far no punishment. The “human rights” Attorney Richard Warman, who openly finances ARA goon squads that stage physical attacks on real human rights activists in Canada (with the willing support of the mass media conglomerates of Canada, which cheerfully censor reports of Warman financed terrorism) probably need fear no police response to his open hatred of English-Canadians and German- Canadians… hatred that the National Post itself pointedly shares. Sadly, at the end of the National Post article that expresses outrage at Warman’s hateful, terroristic acts, the National Post affirms its support for Hate Squad persecution of dissidents.
There remains no intellectual space for dissidents in the Canadian Thought Policed state. So what happened to Warman and his well rehearsed scam of Jewish outrage at “racist” postings of which he, himself, was the author.
Simply stated, Warman overstepped himself because for the first time, the Canadian Human Rights Commission targeted a Jew, a certain Mr. Steyn, who is openly and explicitly critical of the Jewish- Multiculturalist policy of promoting mass Muslim immigration throughout the West. There is no pretense that European-Canadians have civil or human rights, but the civil and human rights of Mr. Steyn, well…. that is a bird of a different color. Steyn, naturally, cares nothing for the civil or human rights of the eroding European-Canadian Majority or the eroding European-American Majority or the eroding Majority of any European country, but he is convinced that Muslim mass immigration, coupled with Multiculturalism and Affirmatve Action, will threaten Jews, who have specialized for centuries in securing their safety, wealth and power in what were once Christian countries and what are now known as Judeo-Christian countries. Of course, Steyn is right. And the bizarre project of creating a Judeo-Islam as subservient to Jewish interests as Judeo- Christians are to Jewish interest is…. well, it’s not going so well.
It is worth noting that these tactics, like the Internet, spread across national boundaries. One Canadian Hate Squad officer has testified in court that he made many posts on Stormfront in the United States. Widely denounced by the minority-controlled media in the United States, it turns out that the vilest racist sentiments posted on Stromfront are products of the fevered imaginations and secret police networks directed by the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Next time you see some vicious hateful posting on the Internet, stop and realize that it may well originate with some powerful and honored Rabbi, or some Thought Policeman who slavishly follows his orders. This network of hate is similar in intent to the surreal antics of the comic book National Socialist Movement Nazis of recent years, a group entirely created by the FBI and (probably) Southern Poverty Law Center to remind everyone that European-Americans are hateful and deserve no rights, or to the largest mosque in northern Virginia apparently having a member spray paint swastikas on it so their Imams could stand with area rabbis to denounce White racism.
The hate crimes of the Canadian Hate Squads and the Canadian Human Rights Commission (and their ilk in the United States), should reinforce our awareness that the civil and human rights of European- Americans, like European-Canadians remain targeted by tyrants. Yet sometimes, truth does prevail.
James Joseph Sanchez, PhD
President, European-American Issues Forum