The Run-up for the Riots in London
For some politically correct people, the riots in London of the last few days, which by now have spread to the rest of England, may come as a surprise. Actually, it is surprising the riots did not break out earlier, although a lot of news concerning ethnic violence is suppressed by the authorities and the media. A careful study of the newspapers and other different newsmedia shows us that the omens were there.
In 1995 the London Metropolitan Police Commissioner Paul Condon suggested that most robbers in London were Black. The 1990s were the high water mark of political correctness and multiculturalism and it is no surprise that Condon’s remarks were not met with concern, but with accusations of racism. In 1999, one year after Condon left, the Metropolitan Police was the subject of an inquiry — the Macpherson report — with the result that the Metropolitan Police was branded as ‘institutionally racist’. In other words: the police should chase anybody but Black criminals.
The police figures in 2000 showed that one quarter of people accussed of crime in Londen were Black, despite making up less than 10% of the population. It was noted by the police that Black children were six times more likely to be excluded from school and twice as likely to be unemployed as their White counterparts. Another point concerning Whites: the majority of the victims of Black crime were White. The police were also complaining they were hindered by anti-racist pressure: “This is the reality of crime as it is played out on the streets of London. Officers’ jobs have been made far more difficult than they needed to be. They are demoralised because what they have been accused of and the reality are two different things. Police are there to deal with crime; they are not interested in race.”
Despite the overwhelming evidence of Black crime as a result of immigration, it took a long time before voices in the media start to criticize the very root of the problem – multiculturalism. In 2009 Spectator-columnist Rod Liddle voiced a disgust about Black crime and its origin in Black culture, in his column “Benefits of a Multi-Cultural Britain”. It is about two ‘gangster-rappers’ who tried to kill a 15 years old pregnant girl. Liddle wrote: “It could be an anomaly, of course. But it isn’t. The overwhelming majority of street crime, knife crime, gun crime, robbery and crimes of sexual violence in London is carried out by young men from the African-Caribbean community. Of course, in return, we have rap music, goat curry and a far more vibrant and diverse understanding of cultures which were once alien to us. For which, many thanks.”
What followed was an accussation of racism. Diane Abbott, MP (Labour) for Hackney North, tried to play Black crime down by saying: “It is obviously statistically false to say that the ‘overwhelming majority’ of the crimes listed by Rod are committed by young Black men…” Happily, there were also voices in favor of Liddle, like Ed West from The Sunday Telegraph: “For many people going about their business in the city incidents of violent crime, aggression and disorder by groups of young Black men are depressingly common, and I would suggest anyone who doesn’t believe me walks around the city at four o’clock in the afternoon on a school day. It is not all one way, but there is considerably more Black-on-White crime in London and Britain generally than vice versa, and according to the Home Office the murder ratio is more than 2:1 in most years.”
If we have a closer look in the police statistics of 2010. The numbers of Blacks in London 12%, but they account for more than half of all street crimes and two third of gun crimes. Another shocking statistic is that Blacks make up one third of all sex offences. The crime rates among Black females are also disproportionately high. In other words: Blacks are more likely to be armed and dangerous than any other ethnic group. They are also more likely to target Whites. The widespread possession of guns among Blacks has led to the launch of Operation Trident by the Metropolitan Police in 2008. The shoot-out between the police and Mark Duggan at August 4, which has sparked the current riots, took place because the police wanted to arrest him as a part of Operation Trident.
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