Review of Jack’s War: Through the Gates of Hell
Jack’s War: Through the Gates of Hell
by C. C. Conrad
CreateSpace, May, 2012; 188 pages
Jack’s War is the latest effort at White advocacy through the medium of fiction. It is confessedly a work of propaganda; as one of the book’s characters observes: “propaganda is really no more than an effort to convey one’s point of view to another.” The novel is authored by C. C. Conrad, with editorial assistance from Kevin Strom.
The title character is Jack Corr, an all-American boy who grew up to serve in the Air Force. His plans for a career are interrupted when he meets the love of his life, Libby Springfield. As the book’s afterword explains, the character of Libby is intended to represent White people “as we could and should be in the future—provided of course that we apply proper evolutionary and eugenic principles to our lives.” The description of this ideal feminine type is not my cup of tea, but the book is not primarily intended as a love story in any case.
The main action begins when Jack and Libby are surrounded by a band of Black criminals during a drive across town. Jack stops and puts the car in park in a misguided attempt to talk his way out of the situation. Jack and Libby are kidnapped and taken to a nearby house. Here they are subjected to a night of Knoxville-Horror style abuse, making for jaw-tightening reading. Libby is finally murdered, and Jack is left for dead with three bullets in his body.
Incredibly, Jack survives and serves a witness of the trial of the seven Black gang members involved. Only one receives a death sentence, two get life, two more trials end in hung juries, and one is actually acquitted. One gets stabbed to death in prison before his trial is able to conclude.
Following the trials, a group of “racists” comes to town to hold a rally at the courthouse. Jack is trying to drink himself into oblivion at a nearby bar, but he steps out to have a peek:
It looked just as he imagined it would. A handful of people dressed in WWII Nazi uniforms and preposterous KKK robes, surrounded by a cordon of police and a crowd of anarchist nut cases throwing bags of urine. The speakers made the usual speeches, “nigger” this and “nigger” that, with a few “sieg heils” thrown in.
Then, to Jack’s surprise, another group arrives nearby and sets up their own speaker’s platform. They are well-dressed, and call themselves Future Generations. The speaker discusses the coming non-White majority, the way Whites are conditioned to defer to non-Whites, and the peril this places Whites in. “Once propaganda controls their minds, Whites will always forbid themselves to think of Blacks, for example, as dangerous.” This hits home for Jack, because he is haunted by the way he had hesitated and stopped the car when he and Libby had been confronted by menacing Blacks that night. Might Libby be alive if he had trusted his gut and hit the accelerator that night? He decides to investigate the beliefs of these “racists” further.
Searching the internet, he is astounded at the number and variety of racially-oriented sites aimed at Whites, Blacks, Mexicans, Jews and everyone else imaginable. He is more and more impressed by the things he learns on White Nationalist websites. But he is also horrified to discover Black sites praising the murderers of his fiancé as “heroes.” He learns that some of these men are known to frequent a place called the Zebra Club, named in honor of the Blacks who carried out the Zebra murders in San Franciscoduring the 1970s.
Jack soon sets about hunting the killers down systematically, with some help from sympathetic Whites. [Editorial note: On June 4, Barry Gilton and Lupe Mercado allegedly murdered their 17-year-old daughter’s Black pimp; if so, it is a real life murder motivated by the same powerful emotions on display in Jack’s War. See also here.]
Jack first bombs the Zebra Club, killing ten Black patrons, but missing the killer he was aiming at. This ignites a media circus starring various Al Sharptonesque Black leaders, but Jack remains undiscovered.
With the help of a burly Marine Sergeant, Jack kidnaps one of the murderers, takes him to an abandoned factory and burns him to death on a pile of rubbish.
While continuing his racial education on line and in books, Jack determines to kill another of the murderers in the exercise area of his prison. He succeeds in this as well, hitting the man from a ravine half a mile away and making good his escape.
By this time, of course, the authorities are highly suspicious of Jack’s involvement, but they still can find no direct evidence against him. A friend informs his that half the police department want his head on a plate, while the other half wants him to run for president. One sympathetic cop passes information to Jack concerning the whereabouts and habits of one of his fiancé’s killers. Jack tracks the man down at a meeting of Black gang leaders, once again killing all involved.
An interlude late in the novel depicts Jack attending his first nationalist conference. Anyone who has been to one of these events will get a smile from recognizing several prominent nationalists in the thinnest of disguises.
The ending of the novel is pyrotechnic enough to satisfy even the most jaded veteran of Arnold Schwarznegger movies. All of Libby’s killers die, and Jack becomes a local hero in the manner of Charles Bronson in the Death Wish movies. The District Attorney’s efforts are thwarted by the sheer impossibility of finding any local jury willing to convict Jack.
Jack’s death is clearly foreshadowed early in the novel, but the author changes his mind at the end. It is hinted that Jack will have a further career as a racial avenger, going after Blacks who have committed other grisly crimes. But I doubt whether any sequel would increase the power of Jack’s War as a recruitment device.
Fine literature it ain’t: the Black characters are cartoonishly evil; the White characters all talk alike; the prose is pedestrian. Blacks are gratuitously referred to as “porch monkeys” once, although the word ‘nigger’ is only employed by the comic book “racists” in Klan robes. But Jack’s War may win over some hearts and minds that would balk at the prospect of tackling Richard Lynn’s tomes. The novel is currently available from for $9.95 or, for a dollar cheaper, from
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