Sándor Petőfi: “The Magyar Noble,” Original and Updated in Light of the NPI Suppression in Budapest


The sword which once my fathers bore,
Hangs on the wall and gleams no more,
Rust covers it instead of gore.
I am a Magyar noble.

I never work and never will,
The thought of labor makes me ill.
Peasant, ‘t is thou the earth must till.
I am a Magyar noble.

Peasant, make good the road, I say,
Thy horse doth draw the load that way,
But go afoot I never may.
I am a Magyar noble.

Wherefore should I for science care?
The sages always paupers were.
I never read or write, I swear!
I am a Magyar noble.

One talent I possess complete,
Herein with me none can compete:
I excellently drink and eat.
I am a Magyar noble.

I never pay my tax when due,
Wealth have I, but not much, ‘t is true.
How much owe I? Ask but the jew.
I am a Magyar noble.

The country’s cares are naught to me.
I heed not all its misery.
Soon they will pass by fate’s decree.
I am a Magyar noble.

My ancient rights and home decay,
And when I’ve smoked my life away,
Angels shall bear me up one day.
I am a Magyar noble.

THE MAGYAR NOBLE (Updated, with reference to Hungarian Communist leader Janos Kadar and present Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán.


The sword which once my fathers bore,
Hangs on the wall and gleams no more,
Rust covers it instead of gore.
I am a Magyar politician.  I am Viktor Kadar-Orbán.

I never work and never will,
The thought of labor makes me ill.
Peasant, ‘t is thou the earth must till.
I am a Magyar political leader. I am Viktor Kadar-Orbán.

Peasant, make good the road, I say,
Thy horse doth draw the load that way,
But go afoot I never may.
I am a Magyar politician.  I am Viktor Kadar-Orbán.

Wherefore should I for science care?
The sages always paupers were.
I never read or write, I swear!
I am a Magyar truckler — I ban science don’t foster it.  I am Viktor Kadar-Orbán.

One talent I possess complete,
Herein with me none can compete:
I excellently drink and eat.
I am a Magyar politician…for sale for 30 pieces of silver.  I am Viktor Kadar-Orbán.

I never pay my tax when due,
Wealth have I, but not much, ‘t is true.
How much owe I? Ask but the jew.
I am a Magyar “leader” with my Israeli funded Swiss account. I am Viktor Kadar-Orbán.

The country’s cares are naught to me.
I heed not all its misery.
Soon they will pass by fate’s decree.
I am a Magyar “conservative” leader.  I am Viktor Kadar-Orbán.

My ancient rights and home decay,
And when I’ve smoked my life away,
Angels shall bear me up one day.
I am the political “elite” Magyar.  I am Viktor Kadar-Orbán.

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