Foreword to “The West and Its Enemies”
Editor’s note: The Swedish publisher Logik.SE has published a collection of my essays translated into Swedish. These essays originally appeared in The Occidental Quarterly or The Occidental Observer. The foreword by Daniel Höglund is interesting in its own right because of its discussion of Jewish media influence in Sweden — a truly remarkable phenomenon given the small number of Jews in Sweden. Quite clearly the attitudes of Jewish media owners reflect positive attitudes toward immigration and multiculturalism that are typical of Jews throughout the West. UPDATE: Moreover, the Bonnier group has holdings far beyond Sweden. From Wikipedia:
In Denmark, operations include magazine publisher Bonnier Publications, which has subsidiaries in Norway, Finland and Sweden; business daily Dagbladet Børsen; and film distributors SF Film and film producers SF Film Production.
Finnish operations include MTV Media Oy, which owns commercial channels MTV3 and Sub, among others; radio channel Radio Nova; book publishers Tammiand WSOY; plus magazines from Bonnier Publications and film productions by FS Film.
In Germany, Bonnier Media Deutschland includes Ullstein Buchverlage, Piper Verlag, Thienemann Verlag and Carlsen Verlag, among others.
In Norway, along with magazines from Bonnier Media and the movie chain SF Kino and film distribution company SF Norge, subsidiaries include book publisherCappelen Damm.
In January 2007 the Bonnier Magazine Group acquired 18 magazines from Time Inc.[8] As a result in the U.S., the Group owns over 40 magazines, includingPopular Science, Saveur, Field & Stream, Outdoor Life and Popular Photography, a range of action sport magazines focused on motorcycling, as well as a number of niche travel and lifestyle titles.[9] Book publisher Weldon Owen is also part of the company.
Bonnier Publishing book publishing operations in the UK include Autumn Publishing, Hot Key Books, Red Lemon Press, Templar Publishing, Piccadilly Press[10] and Weldon Owen (which is separate from the U.S. book publisher); Piccolia in France; and Five Mile Press in Australia.
Bonnier owns business newspapers in Russia, Estonia (Äripäev), Lithuania (Verslo žinios), Poland (Puls Biznesu) and Slovenia (Finance Business Daily), as well as medical journals in Denmark, Norway, Finland, Poland, and Slovenia.
Bonnier is also behind several digital startups, including the tablet publishing platform Mag+ and children’s toy app producer, Toca Boca.
Foreword to The West and Its Enemies
Professor Kevin MacDonald is well known for his research on evolutionary psychology and group strategies, and he is the author of several books. The most well known of these have doubtless been A People that Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy (1994), Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism (1998), and The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth- Century Intellectual and Political Movements (1998). The last of these books has been translated into Swedish (Kritikkulturen), as has MacDonald’s monograph Understanding Jewish Influence (Att förstå det judiska inflytandet). Both books have been much appreciated and I am very glad to have been involved in the work to publish a third book in Swedish by Kevin MacDonald. Several of the chapters in this book have been published earlier on different webpages, but unfortunately, these webpages are they are no longer active. Over the years I have tried to contribute to these pages and fortunately I have access to archives with important translations and other published material. This book is the first result of an ongoing work with categorizing and identifying the most important articles in these archives.
The West and it’s Enemies is a collection of essays that is divided into two parts with the first part dealing with how Westerners are — the psychological and cultural developments that make us unique as a people. Just as the concept of “nation” has an ethnic and biological basis, there is a similar connotation when one speaks of “the West.” However, in common parlance, both “nation” and “the West” are decoupled from their ethnic connotations, but even so, the biological basis of nationhood and the West is implicitly understood. Similarly, most people implicitly understand that an African who moves to Sweden will not become Swedish. Nevertheless, it is certainly the case that others, particularly in the current establishment, are actively trying to thwart the understanding of the biological basis of traditional Western nations, as well as pride in our shared history of inventions, progress, explorations and more. They try to reduce Sweden, Europe and the West to purely geographic areas inhabited by rootless consumers. There are several reasons why their hateful propaganda is widespread even though it is not difficult to prove that their worldview is unnatural and false.
To begin with, their opinions dominate the public square. They are stated explicitly and in public, whereas the understanding of our biological uniqueness remains implicit and out of public view. The mainstream media accept this ideology and have the same values. Indeed, the media are doing their best to try to stigmatize and punish those who are outside of their ideological framework. However, it is a fact that we humans are different, that there are biologically and genetically distinct populations, that these populations have developed different cultures and ways of life.
Nevertheless, despite the biological reality of nation, it is not set in stone. The demographic changes in the West are now occurring at a rate unprecedented in history, and we are moving quickly towards a society where the West and White Europeans are no longer synonymous with each other. In order to meet the challenge that the West is facing in the long term, it is extremely important to succeed in spreading a basic understanding about the things that unite us Westerners both historically and ethnically, how this affects our development and civilization, and, not least, how the traits we have evolved can be and are being used against us. This collection of essays provides a good overview of these topics. Another aim is to publish a book that encourages readers, both new and old, to start to read more of MacDonald’s work. We have therefore decided to mix some more academic texts with shorter chapters in order to introduce these important topics for a wider readership.
MacDonald explains in the first part of the book how the Western character evolved, the central role for Christianity and the Catholic Church, and how the nuclear family, monogamy, strong individualism and weak ethnocentrism developed throughout our history. In addition to being interesting, the knowledge about the uniqueness of the West is more important than one first might imagine. MacDonald explains how the moral sense has become universalized in the West as a result of the strong individualism, and how an altruistic punishment followed this which means that our people have a tendency to punish their own if they violate moral rules, even when they know that it will hurt themselves. One result of this tendency for altruistic punishment is that it is extremely dangerous for Whites — more so than for other, less individualistic people — to be convinced that their race has committed acts of historical injustice, that White people have a collective guilt, or that White people have behaved or are behaving immorally. The acceptance of punishing one’s own people, as a response to these alleged immoral acts, is very high among Westerners. This is one of the important explanations for why the collective suicide of the West is accepted, and even applauded by so many Westerners. The uniqueness of the West is in many ways interesting and impressive, but it is also something that can be exploited, which the second part of the book clearly presents (“What Makes Western Culture Unique”; “Ricardo Duchesne’s Intellectual Defense of the West”; “Monogamy and the uniqueness of European Civilization”; “Martin Hewson Reviews Ricardo Duchesne’s The Uniqueness of Western Civilization”).
The second part of the book begins with two relatively short chapters that show how traditional values and the White family are attacked by leftist academic activists, and how so-called “anti-racist” groups actually are driven by hatred against Whites, a hatred that trumps everything else. (“For Heidi Beirich and the SPLC, hatred of White America trumps environmentalism and everything else”; The Dissolution of the Family among Non-Elite Whites”) The phenomenon is apparent in the entire Western world, and what is even more interesting is why these groups are taken seriously, and how their often imbecilic criticisms are able to generate such a massive impact, an impact that intimidates people into being silent on very important questions.
To give an introduction to how this power over the general conversation could be established, MacDonald goes back in time. The first example that is highlighted in the book is a look at how public opinion and public discussion on Zionism and Jewish subversive groups changed in America during the twentieth century — how the government changed completely from dealing with these groups like any other subversive group. Instead, the tables were turned, and those who warned about them were dismissed as anti-Semites and put under government surveillance (“Enemies of my Enemy”).
But why should it matter if people who are accused of being anti-Semites are stigmatized and monitored? There are obvious reasons for this — mainly that it morally repugnant when people are silenced and stigmatized for discussing important issues. However, the next chapter shows how the power that had been established in the mass media also has implications for science, discussions of science, with implications for the development of the whole society.
The examples that MacDonald refers to in this book when it comes to science deal with more contemporary persons. The examples are of very influential people when it comes to science, people that have argued that there are no biological differences between geographic populations, that there are no human races.
The evolutionary biologist and historian of science Stephen Jay Gould is one of the most renowned of these activists who have been proven to be fraudulent, pseudo-scientific, as well as ethnically and politically motivated. These facts do not change the reality that the pseudoscience and propaganda of Gould and others are still widespread and frequently cited. Because their agenda coincides with influential opinion-drivers, especially in the media, their false ideas still have massive impact. And it is worth mentioning that the examples given in the book are by no means unique exceptions, but rather some of the most successful of numerous activists in many different areas (“Beyond Boas,” section of Chapter 2 of The Culture of Critique).
But again, does it really matter if their ideas have an impact? Does it matter if there are those who believe that White people do not exist as a race, when it is obvious that we do? Simply put, if it is quietly accepted that there is no ethnic or biological basis for a White race, this is the best argument for why the White race cannot and should not be defended. Slogans like “But who is really Swedish anyway?“[1] are a result of this work against White interests. To get people to wake up and understand that they have to defend their people, they have to know that our people exist, that we are under attack, how and why we are under attack, and finally, what consequences the attack will have on the West if we are not able to fight it back.
So why? Why the hatred against Whites? What is the driving force behind the “anti-racists” of all kinds? Could there be any more rational explanation for this than that it is a result of an irrational hate? Of course there are several answers to this question, as the enemies of the West are not a homogenous group, either ethnically or ideologically.
The altruistic punishment and pathological altruism, which are rewarded in various ways within the establishment, obviously create an incentive for some people to accept hatred against Whites. Further, there are ideological interests behind the will to break ethnically homogeneous nations, such as the Marxist basic idea of the nationless world citizen.
There are strong economic interests behind seeing benefits with mass immigration. That the immigration results in an ethnic and biological decomposition of the West is of lesser concern for these persons. It is also in the interests of particular ethnic groups to weaken the ethnic homogeneity of the society and to lower the social status of other ethnic groups. There is thus not one interest underlying the destruction of the West, but rather several different interests that are having a disastrous result, and it is not uncommon that many of these different interests also coincide in the same person or group.
Several dominant groups and persons that are in conflict with the West are mentioned in this book, and it does not require much of the reader to realize that many of these groups and individuals also have a common denominator in their Jewish origin. (“The Conservatism of Fools”; “Non-Jewish media owners: Hope for the future”)
Jewish Domination of the Swedish Media
This is also the case in Sweden, where the media constitute a very clear example of the power behind pro-multiculturalism, against Swedish nationalism, and opposition to any idea of Swedish ethnic interests. There are a very strong Jewish media ownership and influence in Sweden, not least in terms of the country’s largest newspapers. Seven Swedish newspapers have a daily circulation of around 100,000 or more copies.[2] Four of these are owned by the Bonnier Group (Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Dagens Industri), two are owned by Schibsted (Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet), and one by Stampen Media Group (Göteborgsposten).
The Jewish origins of the Bonnier family are fairly well known, and they have a strong Jewish identity. As an example, Jeanette Bonnier explained the importance of Jewish heritage for their media group in an interview in Dagens Nyheter 2014:
Jeanette Bonnier, 80, owns one-tenth of the Bonnier Group. She is one of Sweden’s richest and a strong power who is on the board of Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and the Swedish Film Industry. […]
“And my family has Jewish roots. And so — this I have noticed to my own surprise — there is a group feeling when you are with a group of Jews. There are cohesion and a group feeling that are … comfortable, I can tell. And that should be the reason why they have survived, the Jews, that they have had this group feeling. If we stick together we will make it. And you can say the same of this company too.”[3]
Carl-Johan Bonnier, Chairman of Bonnier AB, has also pointed out that Jewish heritage is important for his family. When he was asked, in an interview in Dagens Industri in 2004, if it bothers him that the connection between Bonnier and Judaism is often made, he answered: “No, not all. The Jewish heritage still feels as a base for the family.”[4]
That the Bonnier family influences public opinion through its extensive ownership,[5] was, for example, commented on by, Håkan Karlsson, the Chairman of Swedish Journalists, in Dagens Nyheter in 1997:
The Bonnier family owns a total of three of the country’s four tabloids and five morning newspapers. Bonnier also has interests in TV4. — Thus, Bonniers have crossed a line where they in the end could threaten the free formation of opinion, which in turn is the basis for an open and democratic society, says Håkan Carlsson in a written statement.[6]
Another example is a statement from thirteen independent Swedish book publishers, discussed in the article “Now the Bonnier family have dared to face the criticism about their monopoly.” The article very clearly explained the influence of the Bonnier family:
Every public thought has in one way or another passed through the Bonnier business. It can at least seem so after a day of Dagens Nyheter and Dagens Industri for breakfast, Expressen at the afternoon coffee, TV4 News at night, a movie that Bonnier-owned SF have chosen to distribute, and before bedtime a magazine or maybe any of the approximately 500 books published by Bonnier publishers each year. The Swedes have gradually become accustomed to the Bonnier Group’s increasing dominance in their everyday life. No one raises their eyebrows any longer when Dagens Nyheter Culture collaborates with the Bonnier-owned internet bookstore Adlibris or when Malou [von Sievers, a Swedish journalist] runs a Bonnier Book Club on TV4. […] Now we are informed that the Bonnier publishers also have offered to ‘take responsibility’ for the remaining distributor: Pocketstället. If such a deal should be realized, one publishing group will be in total control of the country’s paperback distribution.[7]
In 2014 Pocketstället AB was driven into bankruptcy and Bonnier’s control over paperback distribution became total.
Stampen Media Group, in addition to its ownership of Göteborgsposten, is also a major owner of local newspapers. The Hjörne family is the largest owner of Stampen, and Peter Hjörne is also the company’s chairman. Peter Hjörne has also a strong Jewish identity, and in an interview in Göteborgsposten in 1999 he stressed his “obvious, long-term commitment to the Jewish cause.”[8]
The last one in this media sector is Schibsted that owns Aftonbladet[9] and Svenska Dagbladet. Mats Svegfors, former Chief Editor for Svenska Dagbladet, in an interview in Aftonbladet in 2012 stated that “among Schibsted’s largest shareholders are directly and indirectly, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Bank of New York Mellon. It is to these that the management for Schibsted turns when it explains that Svenska Dagbladet should be dismantled.”[10]
Thus, five of the seven largest newspapers are owned entirely by Jews, the biggest owners of the remaining two are foreign banks. Note that not a single one of the biggest daily newspapers in Sweden are owned by Swedes.
Clearly the newspapers intend to influence politicians, politics and the public opinion in any specific direction. For example, the Newspaper Publishers — which is the “association for newspaper companies and other companies in the media business,” which most daily newspapers in Sweden are members of — state that their purpose is to “influence politicians and the public on issues that are crucial for the media industry — and thus our democracy.”[11]
It is a fact that a positive attitude to a multiethnic society, and a negative attitude to Swedish nationalism, go hand in hand for the established mass media in Sweden. That there is also an interest in maintaining this agenda is very clear.
An example of how this agenda is maintained by the owner’s direct involvement was when Expressen‘s Chief Editor Erik Månsson was fired immediately after having allowed the publication of a series of articles that dealt with Swedes’ views on immigration.
Månsson’s Expressen‘s article series “Black on White” started September 6, 1993. He explained the purpose: “For how long can we in Sweden give the impression that we welcome immigrants and refugees? Because we don’t. The Swedish people have a strong opinion about immigration and refugee policy. Those in power have a completely opposite view. It does not make sense. It is an opinion-bomb about to explode. Therefore, we will tell you, starting today. Just as it is. Black on White. Before it explodes.”
The first article dealt with the Swedes’ views on immigration. A survey done by Sifo (Swedish Institute for Opinion Surveys) reported that 63% of the respondents thought that the authorities should try to influence the refugees to return to their home countries. Expressen’s headline that day was “Drive them out! What the Swedish people think about immigrants and refugees,” and Månsson immediately got massive critique. The editor tried to save himself by publishing a headline the following day with the text “Take care of them! What Expressen thinks about immigrants and refugees,” but was fired anyway on September 15.
Månsson was replaced by Olle Wästberg, who was also fired after a conflict with the Bonnier family. In an article after his resignation, Wästberg clearly described Bonnier’s personal power over the editorial board, where Johan Bonnier, for example, could “be on the editorial board, try to get a book by a good friend reviewed, or to complain that the editor is not good enough.”[12]
There is of course much more to write about when it comes to mass media in Sweden. Other media have similar ownership dominance. However, with this short presentation, it should be clear that it is a fact that Jews in Sweden have a very strong influence on public opinion. In relation to their low numbers in Sweden, the influence is extreme.
That so significant a part of the media in Sweden is owned by non-Swedes is startling, and it is obviously disastrous for Swedes that all established media are against nationalism and the ethnic interests of Swedes. It is a fact that needs to be highlighted as well as critically scrutinized to a greater extent than is the case today.
To return to this book, it is worth emphasizing that the groups and persons included in it are not chosen primarily because of their Jewish origin, but rather this is very often found to be the origin for many of the most successful persons that are attacking the West.
But why would it be in the interest of these Jews to try to destroy the West? Why would Jews have an interest in destroying the ethnic basis for the West? I think many of us find it difficult to embrace ideas that comprise “evil” or similar puerile, subjective judgments, and I think that the answer is much simpler than that.
These groups are not driven primarily by malice or similar, although there obviously can be such elements for some persons too, but rather they are driven primarily of one or several versions of self-interest. A convincing hypothesis is that it is part of an ethnic self-defense, and, in some cases, the striving for revenge.
If you believe that your people throughout history have been victims of injustice, persecutions and even attempt to outright extermination, and this belief has been strongly integrated into your ethnic identity — an identity that is extremely important for large percentages of your people, and if ethnically homogenous indigenous populations have been responsible for the persecutions, then it is very understandable that members of the group also have very strong incentives to try to undermine ethnic homogeneity of other nations. Also, some of them want to avenge what they see as historical injustices and defend themselves from the risk of being exposed to them again in the future. Another reason often given is that very motivated and ambitious individuals, who seek personal success and power, who want to become part of the ruling elite, must strive to break the ethnic homogeneity in White countries if they themselves are not part of the homogeneity. In practice they will also do that if they become successful as individuals. But even if it is understandable that the various enemies of the West are acting rationally from their own perspective, it does not make it somehow more acceptable, morally legitimate or desirable for Westerners to accept this. They are still attacking us. They are still our enemies.
It is a fact that our common, objectively understandable interests are in conflict with other groups. Kevin MacDonald has done an outstanding job explaining the situation we are in, how the West was and is being led to its destruction. Only by knowing who we are — our group’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as knowing which groups oppose us and understanding their approaches and objectives — can we work as efficiently as possible for our common interests in a time when the power of other groups has grown devastatingly strong.
It is supremely moral to work for the interests of the West, and utterly immoral to support those who want to harm them. The West is unique, our Western peoples and cultures are unique and important — not only for ourselves but also for global development. Not least of these reasons, it is so important that the information that Professor Kevin MacDonald conveys in this and other books is spread as widely as possible.
Daniel Höglund is a Swedish Molecular Biologist (MSc.) and active nationalist. He is one of the main persons working with the publishing house Logik Förlag (Logic Publishing) with the aim to ”increase the availability of books with focus on Western history, culture, philosophy and politics.”
[1] A very common question raised by leftist activists in e.g. media in Sweden, that tries to impose that there is no such thing as human races and that it is impossible to distinguish Europeans genetically.
[2] Tidningsutgivarna, Svenska mediehus 2014/15 – Fakta om marknad och medier, (
[3] DN, 2014-12-19. (
[4] TU, 2009-02-09, Om TU. (
[5] See the Bonnier webpage for an overview of some of their ownership. (
[6] DN, 1997-08-23.
[7] DN, 2010-03-11. (
[8] GP, 1999-12-12.
[9] The ownership was earlier split with the workers organization, LO, but in 2009 LO sold their 41 % shares of the company to Schibsted. Arbetet, 2009-06-15. (
[10] Aftonbladet, 2012-10-02. (
[11] (
[12] DN, 1995-02-23. (
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