Opiates: “Death on the Prescription Plan”
Like Harold Covington, I have a soft spot for Jewish writer James Howard Kunstler. For starters, his style amuses me, especially in his weekly (now twice weekly) blog Clusterfuck Nation. This blog plays a useful role beyond that, however, in that he consistently zeroes in on the damage his own tribe is doing to the United States (and the world). He can sum this up cleverly, bitingly, and accurately, yet of course he never names the Jew, even after he’s gone through half a dozen uninterrupted Jewish names.
His April 28th column is no exception. Consider the opening three paragraphs:
While the news waves groan with stories about “America’s Opioid Epidemic” you may discern that there is little effort to actually understand what’s behind it, namely, the fact that life in the United States has become unspeakably depressing, empty, and purposeless for a large class of citizens. I mean unspeakably literally. If you want evidence of our inability to construct a coherent story about what’s happening in this country, there it is.
I live in a corner of Flyover Red America where you can easily read these conditions on the landscape — the vacant Main Streets, especially after dark, the houses uncared for and decrepitating year by year, the derelict farms with barns falling down, harvesters rusting in the rain, and pastures overgrown with sumacs, the parasitical national chain stores like tumors at the edge of every town.
You can read it in the bodies of the people in the new town square, i.e. the supermarket: people prematurely old, fattened and sickened by bad food made to look and taste irresistible to con those sunk in despair, a deadly consolation for lives otherwise filled by empty hours, trash television, addictive computer games, and their own family melodramas concocted to give some narrative meaning to lives otherwise bereft of event or effort.
Kunstler lives in Greenwich, New York, a tiny village northeast of Saratoga Springs. He uses this setting for his surprisingly sympathetic World Made By Hand novels (four of them), where narrator Robert Earle is a carpenter in a post-oil world in which inhabitants of the United States are reduced to living like their ancestors did in the middle of the 1800s. I say sympathetic in that Kunstler creates a Gentile world, one which rings true to me, peopled by generally decent and caring folk. I salute Kunstler both for his ability to imagine a world so unlike the one in which he grew up (New York City) but more so for his willingness to actually like these White Christians. We all know many Jews have completely opposite views and feelings.
Because Kunstler has made the effort to write these four novels, I take his reportage on the current state of small-town America more seriously than I normally might. Thus, I grieve when reading about “America’s Opioid Epidemic,” for I believe it is likely true.
I also believe that Kunstler gets the cause of this psychic pain right, describing how “These are people who have suffered their economic and social roles in life to be stolen from them. They do not work at things that matter. They have no prospects for a better life.” A lot of them voted for Trump.
Par for the course, Kunstler has pointed to a tragedy, if not a crime, yet fails to name the culprits. So who might the culprits be?
Let me begin to answer that by asking, “What do David Duke and the Daily Stormer writer known as Eric Striker have in common with retired professor of sociology James Petras?” The answer: They all point to the Jewish Sackler family as being behind the upsurge in prescriptions of opiates and consequent addiction and overdose deaths of White Americans.
Normally, we would never expect a modern American social scientist to notice, much less explicitly state, that America’s ruling class (heavily Jewish) is knowingly murdering White citizens, but Petras is surely no normal scholar. And in writing about this epidemic, Petras uses the title “Death on the Prescription Plan. The ‘White Plague’ of the 21st Century.” Trust me, Petras is deliberate in using the term “White Plague” to refer both to heroin, the powder killing so many Whites, and to these Jewish-promoted opiates as being a plague to White Americans specifically. And Petras is outraged by this and highly sympathetic to the victims. How often can any of us say that about modern academics, including those academics who are themselves White?
Petras’s introduction to the essay is the opposite of the normally mealy-mouthed convoluted prose used by today’s academics. Who could fail to understand the points Petras endeavors to make?
Over the past two decades hundreds of thousands of Americans have died prematurely because of irresponsibly prescribed narcotic ‘pain killers’ and other central nervous system depressants, like tranquilizers and their deadly interactions.
The undeniable fact is that they have been mostly from the white working and lower middle class from rural and deindustrialized regions. The governing elite and oligarch macro-decision makers have quietly dismissed this sector of the country as ‘surplus’. The victims or their surviving family members have no chance of redress for the widespread malpractice and greed that led to their addiction or death. The government as a whole and the oligarch-controlled mass media have deliberately failed to document and investigate the deep causes for the epidemic, except to spout the usual superficial ‘clichéd explanations’.
How chilling that Petras refers to these small-town Whites as “surplus,” for we have heard the term used in identical ways before. Tomislav Sunic, for instance, has written in Homo Americanus that “in order for the proper functioning of future Americanized society, the removal of millions of surplus citizens must become a social and possibly also an ecological necessity.”
For years, the American elite has belittled and attacked the backbone of American society — the very Whites Petras defends. Petras notes, for example, how it was candidate Hillary Clinton who dismissed this segment of the American population as “deplorables.” Prior to that, candidate Obama referred to them in a similarly negative way: “You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. . . . And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Yes, that helps to explain their frustration, but we might add the fact that “their” government is has long been pursuing policies that marginalize them and now is colluding to kill them. I’d be frustrated, too, and angry and afraid and I’d cling to whatever I found at hand.
Petras provides a welcome class analysis of this War on Rural Whites. While social scientists may still write in terms of class, Petras stands out, as mentioned, for both naming Whites as victims and being sympathetic. He also decries the normal tendency of “experts” to blame amorphous trends such as “globalization and automation,” calling them “superficial” or “fake” explanations. Why, he asks, is America the sole developed nation in which this kind of spike in deaths is occurring? In Germany, he notes, the death rate for workers between ages 50-54 has declined to 42/100,000, similar to the drop France has seen. Yet in America it has jumped to 80 people per 100,000.
More than that, however, is the fact that he pursues the facts to find the specific identity of those classes or groups normally referred to vaguely as “capital,” “ruling structures” or even “Big Pharma.” Observe Petras’s chain of thought in identifying those responsible for “OxyContin, the White Plague.”
He begins with an analysis of capital: “Billions of synthetic opioid narcotics have been cheaply manufactured and prescribed at extraordinary levels of profits — far exceeding those of the so-called ‘block-buster’ drugs. The billionaire owners of pharmaceutical companies specializing in narcotic pain medications have hired legions of drug salespeople to work with doctors and pain clinics in a largely unregulated field, without any intervention or oversight form the capitalist state.”
He then ramps up the charges against these forces: “The most ‘effective’ and heavily promoted painkillers, like OxyContin, happen to be the most rapidly addictive and deadly. The pharmaceutical industry deliberately glossed over the dangerously addicting nature of these ‘wonder drugs’ through their drug representative visits to hospitals and clinics. . . . The perpetrators of mass murder by overdose have profited immensely and with total impunity for the ensuing havoc.”
Typically, we would expect writers on the left to employ Marxist gobbledygook such as “the capitalist perpetrators of this ‘opioid war against the working class’ blah, blah, blah,” but Petras pointedly steers us directly toward the true culprits in this case: “One such company is Purdue Pharmaceuticals, the maker of OxyContin. It is owned by the oligarch Sackler Family, whose founders are among the most elite high cultural philanthropists in the country (the NYTimes obituary [1987] described family patriarch Arthur Sackler as “a research psychiatrist, entrepreneur and philanthropist who became one of this country’s leading art collectors and patrons”). Since entering the unimaginably lucrative US ‘pain’ market in 1995, OxyContin has earned Purdue over $35 billion dollars and brought the Sacklers into the Olympian heights of the America’s ‘Uber-rich’.”
Fortuitously, those of us aware of Jewish issues had an excellent opportunity to find out more about “the oligarch Sackler Family” by listening to a superb podcast (here) by David Duke only one week before Petras’s essay appeared. Now we at TOO don’t usually operate as a log of bad behavior by individual Jews. All groups have their bad apples. However, as recounted, for example, by Andrew Joyce in the area of money lending, there is a long and extensive history of Jews developing very lucrative schemes that ultimately prey on non-Jews, often people with less education and bleak economic prospects. These schemes ultimately spring from traditional Jewish ethics in which outgroups have no moral standing. The story of Arthur Sackler and his heirs fits this pattern.
The show’s intro reads:
Today Dr. Duke had Daily Stormer journalist Eric Striker as his guest for the hour. They had a discussion of the epidemic of opiate abuse in America. In so many cases, the introduction to opiates was initiated by the medical profession. This epidemic has hit white communities particularly hard, with middle-age white men being the only demographic in America to see its death rates rise.
Dr. Duke pointed out that the indoctrination of whites to feel guilt and hate themselves, along with the institutionalized discrimination against whites in college admissions and hiring, has helped fuel this epidemic. Eric Striker went into the history of two Jewish families, the Sacklers and the Sassoons, who played central roles in the spread of the use of opiates throughout the world.
A color map was included to show the areas hard-hit by the epidemic:
This really is a podcast worth hearing. Even after researching The Jewish Problem for more than three decades, I was still surprised to hear the figures Duke and Striker quote — numbers that parallel those cited by Petras.
The show was based on a long essay done by Striker (here) where he usefully compares what today’s Sackler family is doing to what the Jewish Sassoons did to the Chinese over a century and a half ago. In that case, the Sassoons arranged for large amounts of opium to be imported into China, the result being that “Queen Victoria got a cut, and in exchange gave them Hong Kong as a place from which world drug Jewry . . . could set up a base of operations. From here, the British military would ‘protect’ the unbridled flow of opium.”
Striker next calls the Sackler family “the New Sassoons,” and with good reason. Just as China had been severely hobbled by the opium trade and millions of users left dead or with ruined lives, today in America untold numbers of patients are being destroyed by legally prescribed drugs. I can’t vouch for the accuracy of this figure, but if it is even remotely close, it amounts to a high crime. Striker writes, “A recent study in the United States has found that approximately 190,000 people have perished from prescription painkiller overdoses, the vast majority of them died from excessive doses of OxyContin.” Wikipedia cites a study finding that in 2008, recreational use of oxycodone and hydrocodone were involved in 14,800 deaths, at which rate it would take less than 13 years to reach this figure.
If this is true, how could the American medical establishment allow this? And what forces might be responsible for pushing this known danger on innocent Americans?
Like Petras, Striker points his finger straight at the Sackler family, digging up the history of the family and their pioneering efforts at reaping profits in the pharmaceutical industry despite the damage their actions caused. During the post-war years, American doctors in general still tended to put patients’ health over profits. The practice then, as Striker sees it: “The lack of prolonged use limited the profitability of the drug market, and true to the Hippocratic oath, the questions of health, life and death were not seen as appropriate venues for those driven by an unquenchable capitalist thirst, much less for people interested in crippling and enslaving those around them.”
The Sacklers changed all this. As his Wikipedia page says, “Sackler became known as “the father of modern pharmaceutical advertising” and is considered to have inspired the ambitious OxyContin marketing strategy.”
Their first “Copernican shift” came in 1963, when Arthur Sackler secured the license for the tranquilizer Valium and turned it into “the world’s first $100 million drug” (and later the first billion-dollar drug).
Thirty years later, a new drug was ready: “Until 1995–96, Oxycodone was reserved as a last resort for those suffering from extreme, terminal cancer. But seeing the market limitations, … Purdue Pharma submitted a patent to the Food and Drug Administration for a new iteration of the drug: OxyContin.”
Again, we must ask, “How did the medical establishment allow this?
Striker traces Sackler’s efforts to break down medical resistance, and in doing so, Striker reveals a key element of the mystery — how “Jewish cooperation across different sectors” [my emphasis] achieved untold profits for them and untold misery for the goyim.
In short, the Sacklers devised an unseemly strategy to promote “pain management” by creating front groups that furthered Sackler interests, by providing incentives for doctors to use their drug, by defaming doctors who resisted the use of OxyContin, and ultimately threatening doctors with the loss of their medical license “unless they started prescribing synthetic heroin for minor ailments.”
The result: “Suddenly, giving out OxyContin like it’s ice cream became the norm. The few honest medical practitioners who got in the way were hopelessly silenced and crushed. The expansion of opiate use geared specifically at White workers and the middle class was mandated down the private and public chain of medical command.”
Though Purdue Pharma eventually triumphed, generating $35 billion worth of sales for OxyContin (Petras quotes the same figure), there were bumps along the way, such as the conviction of three Jewish executives in a case against Purdue. Wiki’s reportage mirrors that of Striker:
In May 2007, the company pleaded guilty to misleading the public about OxyContin’s risk of addiction, and agreed to pay $600 million in one of the largest pharmaceutical settlements in U.S. history. Its president, top lawyer, and former chief medical officer pleaded guilty as individuals to misbranding charges, a criminal violation, and agreed to pay a total of $34.5 million in fines. Those executives are: Michael Friedman, the company’s president, who agreed to pay $19 million in fines; Howard R. Udell, its top lawyer, who agreed to pay $8 million; and Dr. Paul D. Goldenheim, its former medical director, who agreed to pay $7.5 million.
Though $600 million is a large number, Striker dismisses it as “merely a cost of doing business,” which seems plausible in light of the $35 billion figure for sales.
So it has come to this? The Establishment enables a situation where the former backbone of the United States’ society — rural and working class Whites — is suffering addiction and often death? Sadly, the evidence suggests just this.
The increasing invisibility of these people can be seen in an article by Jewish writer Hanna Rosin appearing in the September 2013 issue of The Atlantic Monthly (“Murder by Craigslist: A serial killer finds a newly vulnerable class of victims: white, working-class men”). In it, she described how single White males were lured to the Ohio countryside by promises of work, then ambushed and murdered. The murderer figured that such men would not be missed, so the crimes might go undetected. As Rosin chillingly sums it up, “At what other moment in history could a serial killer identify middle-aged white men as his most vulnerable targets?”
I think by now it might be clear that a “full-spectrum assault” on Whites is underway — the flood of non-White immigrants, the discrimination against White males through affirmative action, the job-killing trade policies, the assault on family formation due to feminism, etc. Now we have the medical establishment targeting “surplus” Whites. What a crime!
I don’t mean to depress my readers with this information but I do want people to wake up to the danger. And for this story on the manifest risks of OxyContin, we owe a debt of gratitude to James Petras, Dr. Duke and Eric Striker.
Let me add another point as well. Petras notes that the Sackler family is “among the most elite high cultural philanthropists in the country,” endowing the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery at the Smithsonian Institution and the Sackler Wing at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Yet as I pointed out in my review of the Richard Gere film Arbitrage, “Hollywood conceals the facts about massive Jewish involvement in Wall Street finance — including immense malfeasance and endless instances of shady practices. Not only does Hollywood conceal these facts, it then PROJECTS them onto innocent Gentiles.” Recall that in Arbitrage, the goy played by Gere involves himself in very shady business practices and is responsible for the fiery death of his mistress, yet at the end of the movie he is feted in some elite New York City setting for his philanthropy.
This miscue is part and parcel of the ongoing Jewish effort to divert attention away from Jewish misbehavior. Arbitrage and six other films compose what I think of as my “How They Lie to Us” series of big-name films that peddle goy characters as the financial malefactors. Think of Leonardo DiCaprio playing the lead in The Wolf of Wall Street when in fact the convicted villain was well known to be Jewish.
I’m going to close this essay with an invitation. Yesterday I happened to read a blog about the risks of modern vaccinations, which made many claims about how vaccines are actually seriously hurting or even killing the recipients. I claim no expertise whatsoever in this area and do not in fact have much exposure to the topic. Still, the basic storyline strikes me as similar to the one about the legal prescription of OxyContin. We are all well aware that concern about vaccines is seen by the medical establishment as the ultimate conspiracy theory — except that the medical establishment signed on to doling out OxyContin like ice cream. Thus, I invite informed readers to address the topic of possibly harmful vaccines and any possible link to the Tribe of the Sassoon and Sackler families. Who knows what we might find?
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