Bronze Age Mindset: In Praise of Spirited Men
Man is born straight and free, but everywhere he is in fuzzy rainbow handcuffs. Heroes in ancient times boasted to friends of sacking and plundering cities; today they brag to strangers of buttock-burglary or cutting off balls to impersonate woman. Man has lost his natural virility and with it his purpose, beauty, and joy in life. Bronze Age Pervert has come to save you from a great faggotry.
Superficially, Bronze Age Mindset is a book of political philosophy or even of “ancient Greek history,” as Amazon classifies it. But BAM is a book of spirit! BAP is not concerned with the spirit in any abstract theological sense; as he puts it, you are your body and nothing else, and anything purely “of the spirit” is “fake and gay” (90). Instead he is concerned with the instincts and inclinations which exist “only in the blood” and show themselves “in daily life and daily needs” (90).
Various factors affect the spirit in the modern world. One of the most important is a feeling of confinement, which is extremely degrading to spirited men. As the author puts it, “No kind of distress is worse than the feeling you are trapped. My worst nightmares are about opening a door only to find myself in the same aluminum cell, over and over” (20). This feeling of confinement is expressed in one of the most moving passages of the book:
I saw once a jaguar in a zoo, behind a glass, so that all the bugs in hueman form could gawk at it and humiliate it. This animal felt a noble and persistent sadness, being observed everywhere by the obsequious monkeys, not even monkeys, that were taunting it with stares. He could tell—I saw this! He could tell he was living in a simulated environment and that he had no power to move or live. His sadness crushed me and I will always remember this animal. I never want to see life in this condition! (21)
Along with the beautiful description of the feelings of powerlessness which afflict so many men today, the concept of being “observed everywhere” is relevant here. BAP has elsewhere discussed the importance of anonymity, explaining that it is not only a matter of avoiding bullying by angry mobs or authority figures. Although he does not put it in these terms, using a pseudonym is necessary for true freedom of expression because separation from one’s real identity protects one from the feeling of being watched, a feeling which is confining in itself. Under their own names, realizing they are being observed not only by enemies but by friends and family, anyone could be tempted to self-censor.
Even a clearly illusory sense of being watched alters people’s behavior. Researchers at a university in the UK have displayed pictures of eyes above an “honesty box” and found that faculty become much more generous under such “observation,” while others have found that images of eyes on signs make bicycle theft less likely.
This feeling of being watched brings to mind modern social media and online surveillance, but BAP does not attribute our current state of confinement merely to modern technology or social trends. Instead he argues that throughout history, political and cultural authorities have resented the youthful vitality and beauty they themselves lack and sought to suppress them. He does not bother to rail against particular current-year atrocities such as “fat acceptance,” but clearly he would see these as expressions of the same old ugly trend. To rebel against this, he does not advocate a return to tradition, as most traditions have caused life to be “stunted and broken” (109). Instead he aims to inspire exceptional men who feel constrained by this “open-air zoo” to take spirited action to transform themselves and society in line with their highest potential (130).
Pornographers have often tried to oppress me. BAP has doubtless had the same experience, but does not put it in these terms. Instead he explains why the caged chimp masturbates. In his natural environment the animal would never do this, being occupied with “mastering space: solving problems of life in and under trees, mastering what tools he can, mastering social relations in the jockeying for power and status” (32). But in captivity, he senses “the futility of all his efforts and all his actions” (ibid.) and resorts to wasting his energy in masturbation. Of course, this is a commentary on current-year human sexuality:
The onanism of modern society is connected with its supposed “hyper-sexualization” and its infertility. It’s not really hyper-sexualization, but the devolution of the spirit to the lassitude of a diffuse and weak sexuality. Life in owned space becomes drained of energy through low-grade pointless titillation. (32)
Readers are probably already familiar with the most obvious consequences of “low-grade pointless titillation;” the most dramatic example of this is online pornography, and Gary Wilson’s Your Brain On Porn covers many of the negative effects of this. But BAP speaks of a spiritual degradation through which people forget both a more natural sexuality and “certain other instincts and desires…that the modern lords of lies [political and cultural elites] are terrified of” (87):
The sexual irritation that the many are kept under is different from the kind of unencumbered and carefree, passionate and demonic lust you found in premodern times, and that you still find in pockets of the Third World. This modern parody of lust drains all energy; that other true lust sets the heart on fire with many other wild enthusiasms […] Entire purpose of modern education is to suppress that enthusiasm […] And yes, they achieve this by promoting the tedious, exhausted sexual irritation you find among the obese, the “polyamorous,” the weirdo old tribesemen who get off on exposing themselves to women. This pervasive irritation blinds the many also to receptivity to these other desires I’m talking about. “Telepathy” is a public and mythical version of something real (87).
BAP explains that although the ruling elite do not want the people to be aware of this, once liberated from this degraded and draining form of sexuality, we have the potential for great feats of intuition. This includes an instinct which brings a “supremely” compatible couple together when “the genius of the species” intends for them to conceive a child, as well as bring friends together to accomplish other tasks (88). He also covers ancient Greek oracles, who could “know” the future through an instinct for the intentions of others. These oracles were women, and he argues that women’s minds are more naturally suited for all these types of intuition, being less cluttered with intellectual abstractions.
BAM advocates being led by the spirit rather than acting only on rational considerations. As he puts it:
What comes from the blood is best. But it’s hard to hear this call of instinct today, because you’re taught to distrust it. Abandoning yourself to instinct, once one has discipline and practice through the body, a man can pass over a chasm on a tightrope with a sure step… (119–120)
BAP harshly criticizes Asian civilization, considering it incompatible with the nature of many White people, who could not tolerate such a stifling “close-packed existence” (25). However, his advice is similar to the teachings of several related Asian traditions. Taoism uses the term “wu wei,” or “inaction,” to describe an ideal state in which one takes the appropriate action effortlessly and without desiring a particular outcome. The term was originally taken from the earlier Chinese philosophy of Confucianism. Zen Buddhism has similar teachings about acting spontaneously in harmony with a higher instinct rather than rational calculations or desires.
The text provides several interesting examples of this type of spontaneous behavior. One is the story of Hippocleides, a young nobleman from Athens who was competing for the hand in marriage of Agariste, the daughter of Cleisthenes, tyrant of another Greek city state. Hippocleides had impressed Cleisthenes with his beauty and character, and was one of only two remaining suitors. But one night at a dinner party he became intoxicated, standing on his hands on the table and kicking his legs in the air. According to BAP’s nudist version of the story, this was particularly awkward since people at the time had not yet invented underpants. Offended by the dangling dong, Cleisthenes declared, “Hippocleides, you have just danced yourself out of a marriage,” but the young man responded with “Hippocleides doesn’t care.” As BAP explains,
In this one phrase you have the whole attitude of this beautiful, reckless piratical aristocracy that colonized and conquered their known world. […] Hippocleides went there to have a good time, to display and use his powers and excellences and biological superiority […] He didn’t care about the gain or loss of a wife. […] He was as careless of his own property as of others’ –this is what Tacitus says also about the most noble men among the Germanic tribes, who lived only for the joy of war and battle (118).
BAP speaks of a similar vigorous spirit in wild animals. He criticizes the implication of the theory of evolution that survival and reproduction are the true end of life, arguing that these practical needs are petty and confining in contrast with the spirit which truly drives life:
Group of horses in broad plain, and the lead stallion is captured by a wild spirit, starts to gallop this way and that and the whole herd follows in a great rush of power and freedom […] I’ve seen many things like this myself: was at big waterfall, gathering place of many birds and other animal. […] Sun came from behind clouds and spread many small rainbows, birds would become excited, come out from crevasses in rock face and would glory in the sprays of water and the rainbows, they swoon doing acrobatics this way and that. Like when Homer says that on some Asian meadow tribes of geese, and crane and long-necked swans glory in the power of their wings above it, then land between the rivers, in Skamandrian plain, with a great clang. Is not enough just to say, what is purpose of this to survival or reproduction? Surely some pedant can make a story. But when you see this behavior, is not so alien. Maybe, in happiest moments you were free to act and feel the same: what anything to do with survival or reproduction! That kind of heavy necessity is the spirit of gravity, and this is opposite. That petty and cramped view of life…but in truth, life as it is, when free, life in abundance knows luxury, surfeit and waste…survival and reproduction are side effects of something else… (10–11)
BAP does not explicitly put it in these terms, but it is obvious that while the confinement and ugliness of the modern world drain the spirit, beauty has the opposite effect. BAP’s Twitter timeline is very uplifting in this respect, being full of fit young men and women with little or no clothing, some displaying buttocks of great power. He has a particular interest in Pietro Boselli, an Italian model and bodybuilder who writes in terms BAP might relate to of “the joy and beauty radiating from [a] healthy and strong body.”
Other tweets feature nature photography, especially of wild animals, which is intended to showcase both their physical beauty and their spirited nature. One characteristic video shows a rhinocerous attacking and repeatedly overturning a vehicle even as its owner attempts to drive away. Such an animal would never attend a rhino privilege conference or otherwise apologize for who he is.
In line with the great value he places on aesthetics, which is obvious throughout his book, BAP has an interest in music. He features classical compositions on Episode 4 of his podcast. Like the imagery on his timeline, this is both an expression of the vital spirit he values and an effective way to inspire it. Even the severely depressed who can enjoy nothing else still often respond to music.
Jaguar at Zoo de Bordeaux Pessac in France eating a piece of fish. Herbert van der Beek/Mercury Press.
One particularly appropriate image which has appeared several times on BAP’s timeline is that of a jaguar eating a piece of fish underwater. The cat’s teeth are bared, its snout contorted in a sneer, and its eyes wide open, as if in a great rage. This shows the furious intensity of spirit exhorted throughout BAP’s book. This animal would never engage in tasteful banter at a wine bar and has no concept of “gf.”
But there are other reasons why the jaguar is an ideal symbol. It is a profoundly beautiful animal; some will look with disdain upon the way in which wine aunts call their housecats “adorbs,” but admiration of cats is not necessarily so frivolous. Jaguars in particular are very muscular, with the sort of bodybuilder physique which BAP encourages. Along with great beauty this means great strength; they sometimes kill their prey by biting though the skull into the brain.
Consider the cat of the jungle. He does not wagecuck, nor has he a Patreon. But even Solomon in all his glory was not as comfy as he. BAP notes that ancient Greek aristocrats did not work, but were always engaged in either war or leisure, and the jaguar’s habits are similar. Outside of hunting, which shows the warrior spirit BAP admires, he has a great capacity for comfy sleeps, which take up most of his time. He is engaged in either furious activity or intense relaxation; he would never do anything halfheartedly. Cats in general are like this, and it is easy to see why ancient Egyptians worshipped them and associated them with royalty.
He does not wagecuck, nor has he a Patreon. But even Solomon in all his glory was not as comfy as he.
BAP has the habit of making outlandish claims; this is the main pattern in his humor. Some of these are obvious jokes, such as “Honduras is entirely fake,” but with others it is not so clear whether he is joking, telling the truth, or expressing an honest opinion. This is important for several reasons.
First of all, it requires the reader make their own judgment. People today are taught to be mindless consumers of entertainment, and for those of them that read, this habit extends to books. In the more fashionable consumption style of a Netflix binge, the audience is given everything explicitly, without the need for thought, which encourages the spirit of cattle at a feeding trough. But BAP’s style of writing encourages the reader to “fill in the gaps,” which is more wholesome in that it engages and encourages an independent spirit.
Second, it encourages shallow observers to embarrass themselves by not understanding. It is easy to imagine a mainstream journalist reading a few words of the book and trying to rationally prove on Twitter that Honduras exists. Professional victim Alex Nowrasteh has already complained that the book is too difficult to read, while denouncing people who have no such trouble as “ignorant rabble.” A recent Politico article dismisses much of it as “profane and unprintable,” characterizes the sun exposure BAP advocates as merely “tanning,” and complains that he “denigrates” four designated victim groups “and much else along the way.” A fan of BAP expresses the view that his work is “a litmus test for an agile mind;” the type of people who would see Michelangelo’s David as “just a rock” expose themselves with their contempt for it.
Third, making outlandish claims without apology is a great show of spirit. Many is the man who is terrified that someone, somewhere might misunderstand his words, and feels compelled to add </sarcasm> tags or otherwise attach a warning label to his own thoughts. This is gay, and shows the spirit of the bugman who yearns for his entire life to pass an audit and be justified in the eyes of a committee. BAP and his fans demonstrate masculine will and vitality by acting with disdain for such worries.
BAP was recently interviewed by male cultural and political commentator Jack Murphy, where he comments on his writing style. Around the one-hour mark BAP states that like Nietzsche, he intends to communicate only with common people, artists, and great thinkers. He explains that he deliberately leaves out a great deal of explanation in his writing because truly intelligent people can mentally “fill in the gaps” themselves, while common people might not, but will only read it for entertainment and will still be affected by the rhetoric. “Midwits,” as he puts it, will be baffled by it.
BAP does not consider his work a manifesto, as he is advocating first and foremost not for political but for cultural and spiritual change. As he puts it in the interview with Murphy, it is only in “spiritual warfare against this immense force of smothering evil that is suffocating life out of the world” that you will find true freedom. It is not enough to complain or argue; he advises people to engage with this struggle through inspirational art, including books (1:08). One example of this is Owen Cyclops, a Christian mystic and dissident who provided the cover artwork for the book.
For the spiritual struggle the author also advises “sun and steel,” by which he means greater exposure to the sun and weightlifting. Along with improving one’s appearance and physical health, the benefits of these things on mood and mindset are considerable. Those without sufficient sunlight often suffer from low vitamin D, a common cause of depression, and both sunlight and exercise are likely to improve testosterone levels. Lack of testosterone, along with the obvious effects on sexuality and confidence, even weakens the ability to think clearly. Those with low testosterone may be more likely to get Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Although he uses the image of a jaguar, a solitary predator, BAP does not advocate being entirely solitary in the spiritual war. He makes references to great friendships in ancient Greece, arguing that heroic feats of the time were often accomplished through cooperation between friends, and that male friendship was highly praised in ways which are belittled as “gay” today. Modern men should disregard this gay suspicion and seek out companions of like mind who can assist in their own great tasks.
Despite mainstream insinuations that he is head of a vast “alt-right” conspiracy, for the most part, BAP has little use for the most prominent figures in the dissident right, preferring those who remain anonymous, and has tweeted that most who have identified with the obsolete term “alt-right” have little interest in him either. However, BAP has praised alleged pirate lord Lawrence of Canadia for his work covering the murders of farmers in South Africa in the context of anti-White hysteria in that country, and Lawrence has posted a picture of himself holding BAM. Presumably his brutality on the high seas was inspired by BAP’s message on the spirit of piracy:
The pirate, the true warrior—not the modern soldier in subjection to a high brass eunuch—is the only free man, and it is this freedom, the primal freedom of the Bronze Age that some must recapture before anything else can be done (125).
Dread Pirate Lawrence, inspired by BAM, threatens to slit throats of hostages if his demands are not met.
BAP uses various metaphors to explain the spirit he is exhorting with his work, including warfare, piracy, and even a monstrous lizard which devours the excess population of its own species. But BAP makes clear in the interview with Murphy that, as should already be obvious, his is not a message of violence or “gas the kikes, race war now!” Terrorism only provides a convenient excuse for the lords of lies to protect the public from the terrifying White man by cracking down even further on dissent. Although he speaks of radical change in society, he explains in a particularly hopeful passage that this begins with change in one’s own life:
And although we live in the most debased of all ages, it’s still possible, as you will see, to break this Babylon and have the eternal fire of youth surge you to the heights of power. In your own life you can break their power and ascend to a chaos of joy and destruction. And in our future I already see like faint image far on horizon of vast ocean in violet evening—I see the islands of Hyperborea, on the edge of this Leviathan, where we will be able to establish new outposts and subdue this great beast from the outside. (113)
“And at last it came home that his intent
Was no less than their spiritual death
By torture until they confessed that truth
Was calumny, corruption was beauty,
Infertility and sodomy their duty–
The last, bastard, effeminate sons
Begging for their humiliations
Till extinction. Or were they scions
Of civilization, and its champions?”
This appears to be a hipshot fanboy review of a book recognizable as totally, utterly trashy even through the raving review itself.
Do I even need to point out the reasons why? Are they not obvious? I would have hoped so.
Since when is the Right about animalistic materialism? I for one have always thought we are about reason and culture.
What, exactly, does this guy advocate? A return to a pre-industrial Hobbesean state of nature? Count me out, please.
Worth a mention in passing: I see like bad English far on horizon parody of Eastern European unconcerned with grammar. Alexander disparaged by the Chosenites, half-heartedly defended by lawyers Excellent and $6.00 with other good titles nearby
“…making outlandish claims without apology is a great show of spirit. Many is the man who is terrified that someone, somewhere might misunderstand his words, and feels compelled to add tags or otherwise attach a warning label to his own thoughts. This is gay, and shows the spirit of the bugman who yearns for his entire life to pass an audit and be justified in the eyes of a committee. BAP and his fans demonstrate masculine will and vitality by acting with disdain for such worries.”
“…the importance of anonymity…”
“Under their own names, realizing they are being observed not only by enemies but by friends and family, anyone could be tempted to self-censor.”
So don’t try to pass an audit, just make sure nobody knows it’s you writing the stuff. Though I agree about being pseudonymous, until anti-white Jews are defeated, only for different reasons.
While having male friends and cooperating with them doesn’t set off my gaydar, the phrase “buttocks of great power” sort of does tbh. Being an “aspiring nudist bodybuilder” doesn’t inspire much trust in me personally, either. (That’s from his Twitter page, full of buff men as mentioned in the article.) Gays are only relevant because the Jews weaponize them as a minority, so I don’t even hate them, but this guy seems closeted and he doesn’t help us at all. If I’d have to guess, I’d say Jews would want that image for pro-white advocacy.
I don’t much mind “embarrassing myself by not understanding”, but just based on this review, I must admit this guy seems like a pseudo intellectual amateur rebel-philosopher to me, an older version of anarchist metal fan teens. (Key words being “anarchist” and “teen” here; I don’t mind what anyone listens to.)
My biggest concern though, would be his explicit denial of advocating for a white ethnostate. Only I don’t see it as a horrible thing in his case, honestly.
Though I might be a “midwit” to this guy, this book itself doesn’t baffle me at all, but what does is it being reviewed on this site. With all due respect to longstanding authors on this site, I believe that giving the benefit of the doubt to obviously anti-white movie creators and analyzing books like this, by authors not concerned with a white ethnostate, is in stark contrast with naming and documenting anti-white Jew activities, and analyzing books like Ethnic Apocalypse.
“But BAP makes clear in the interview with Murphy that, as should already be obvious, his is not a message of violence or “gas the kikes, race war now!” Terrorism only provides a convenient excuse for the lords of lies to protect the public from the terrifying White man by cracking down even further on dissent.“
This should not be stated as fact and really does not belong at the end of (and adds nothing whatsoever to) this brief, otherwise enjoyable review of what is certainly an intriguing work.
If you feel compelled to go and lecture the ‘elders of zion’ on the futility of ‘terrorism’ then go for it, but please spare us your moralistic grandstanding (virtue signalling, if you like) and your… not ‘half baked’, but I’d suggest barely half mixed analytical cookies!
Thanks for the review, I enjoyed most of it!
Actually, reading this quote again I realised that you are possibly accurately relaying the author’s original assertion(s) and hypothesis (still perhaps, in a slightly presumptuous manner). If this is truly the case then it should probably be supported with at least one direct quotation.
In that event however, I would simply redirect my criticism to BAP instead of your good self, yet propose that repeating his (probable) error does not make it less of an error.
Robert E Howard the creator of Conan The Barbarian was A bodybuilder and pugilist and the stories embody the qualities like those of BAM.
Howard was a brilliant storyteller rather than A literary writer. Also, his character El Borak (an American adventurer who took the persona of a Turk) The stories are set in the Indian Northwest frontier.
They are worth a listen as an audiobook. I know some may scorn such stories but they have a vitality which is quite unique. Conan although set in a fantasy past contains many of the qualities of the frontiersman in early America (also the Goldminers).
The Hyborian Age – an essay by Robert E. Howard on the Conan the Barbarian setting Nemesis the warlock.[YouTube] (This essay explains the landscape and culture of his world…Although fiction it embodies much of our past in spirit). Great stories for kids(And Adults!)
To destroy a civilisation all one has to do is destroy the male. This has been successfully done through the emancipation of the female. I use the word ’emancipation’ here incredibly lightly as effectively, the ’emancipation’ of the female was freeing her of the tasks nature defined of her. And as you know, this does not bode well for the future of humanity, well good for one ‘group’ but not the majority of others.
There was an unsigned, accepted contract between man and woman – man provides and protects while the woman makes with those provisions, while both work to raise the family. The only place, where this ethic never existed were within the aristocracy. The mother rarely looked after her offspring as nannies did that job for her, while the husband, wouldn’t work but instead live off of the hard work of others. It isn’t surprising to see how society has been destroyed due to the fact that this very ethos now permeates society courtesy of aristocracy taking control of how society is run. For example the suffragette movement was started by the upper echelons of society, not the lower and this movement has done incredibly damage to society even though children are educated contrary.
Now there is no contract. I apologise, there is the sham contract today of marriage, which essentially isn’t actually a contract but a certificate, for the woman, to leave her then husband, whenever she so chooses, regardless of wrongdoing, free to break marriage vows without incrimination and to steal a large portion of what her then husband has earned along with taking full control of any children and property.
Women are now free to do whatever job they so choose, regardless if they’re actually capable of doing it. We are constantly reminded of the laughable lie of the wage gap, when anyone, with the slightest modicum of common sense knows that any company, paying any woman less income than a male co-worker doing the same job, will find themselves called up before an industrial tribunal, on charges of sexism and fined a hefty penalty to be paid out to the woman in damages. This is conveniently ignored in debate. More so, were it actually true and women WERE being paid less then men, there would be far more women in the workforce compared to the men.
Women, sadly, have strived to lose their femininity and become men. Delilah has cut off Samson’s hair and it hasn’t grown back. In fact, men have now taken her garments and now adorn themselves in them.
However, upon wishing to become men, there will now come the responsibilities of being men that women will soon (and many already are) experience, which will have a hugely negative impact upon their lives. Stress will inevitabley hit them along with a rise in alcoholism. Hair loss, depression, suicide will take a sharp increase within the female of the species as ‘being a man’ won’t be so appealing as it was. When they’re called to war and see mass mutilation and murder, they’ll then begin to realise the sacrifices men made to give them their freedom.
I have a feeling that we’ve hit 180° in the progression of the madness of feminism and it’s about to get worse for women, from now on. I think they’re begin to realise just how much they’ve contributed to the demise of the western civilisation, something that took men thousands of years to build, through blood, sweat and tears, that they’ve taken a matter of decades to destroy.
Good, sobering article. I remember when Dr. Pierce once said “We don’t have many men left in America; just a lot of women of both sexes”.
But I also remember what a certain German leader once said: “The prerequisite to action is the will and courage to be truthful”.
Our folk will rise again.
Spirited men and women can only exist in a civil society that guarantees individuals maximum freedom and liberty by a state interested exclusively in the application of Natural Law principles – Life, Liberty, Property – to government. Those on the Left disdain such a society because they desire to be totalitarian micro-managers – of everything, while “moderates” and even those on the Right fail to see that they can only safeguard tradition, national identity, and racial harmony by demanding that the state stop interfering in private civil society. The negative state is key to the preservation of identity everywhere. The Left has done a magnificent job, unfortunately, of overturning the old social taboos that encouraged the existence of healthy natural societies containing a minimum of personal dysfunction and deviance. Now, the old social taboos are glorified as virtues and we are but one step away from their institutionalization by means of a power-hungry state.
Liberty is ‘granted’ freedom and can be taken away. We don’t want liberty. We should never have accepted liberty. We should always strive for freedom and nothing less. Liberty has NOTHING whatsoever to do with natural law.
Freedom is to act as one so desires, with natural consequences. All interactions between people should stay as interactions between peoples. There should be no ‘third’ party getting involved – the state. It has grown into the beast it now has, mostly through the use of a police force, which is essentially the bully boy gang, of the elites, who control the state for their own nefarious ways. For example, look back to see who it was who created the police here in the UK? It was the elites, who did so, not for the protection of the public, but for their protection FROM the public, when they wake up to see they’ve been rogered over a barrel, for hundreds of years by the upper classes.
Liberty is what the captain of ships granted their sailors when they reached dry dock. They received ‘liberty’ to leave the boat and go ashore.
Seattle public schools: There’s no correct answer in math, and to claim there is makes you racist. [Jim Stone]
I would like to point out that the ‘emancipatory’ part of feminism is not emancipatory at all. Feminism means women have to work almost two full time jobs. We work day in, day out and around the year. The point of feminism was not emancipation but rather it was only a demographic attack through destruction of the family. And the other point was the production of more taxes.
I sympathize with the jaguar and masturbating monkey and know well their frustrations, but the author’s summons to his particular ideal is somewhat beyond my resources—physically, mentally, aesthetically. I would simply say, as far as alt-right advocacy goes, each of us should work within our means. For some that may be the battlefield, for others a sequestered laboratory or blog post, but probably for all of us caught in the meshes of the Jewish lockdown, heroically enduring our chains.
BAP is on to something. Problem is, “dissident” whites hate the supremely confident Jaguar’s freedom as much, if not more, than their regime-ist kin on the Left. Why? Well, it comes down to how we view the senses and its relationship to our metaphysical nature. Rather than view sensory data as a corrective to the transcendental thought passed down to us by (religious/secular) authority, we disdain and ignore it. By ignoring it we place our body and minds out of harmony. This body-mind disharmony breeds insecurity and distrust of self, which finds expression as conformity and hatred of the confident man.
The Jaguar doesn’t have this problem because he isn’t metaphysical. Neither is the Americanized Bantu. includes links to other chapters read by Vanessa. Dr. Griffin’s print edition is available free on his web site,
Does anyone suspect any crypto-Jew activity in the comment section or is it just me?
To insecure rightists confident men are jews or crypto-jews. To insecure leftists confident men are nazis. Both utilize passive-aggressive shivs in the back – the dis-empowered do it anonymously in the comment sections of rightist websites, the empowered do it “confidentially” at HR/EEO offices in the workplace.
Telling response, but what I had in mind was topics/tropes that either blame whites’ “evil” for their present occupation or make them look weak and hopeless by definition. Nazi-baiting is also suspicious depending on context (think cointelpro tactics). For me, these are suspicious ideas.
Although I haven’t read BAP’s book, I think I know where he’s is coming from. The example of the Jaguar struck home with me.
The metaphysical white man demeans the physical, lives “in his head,” experiences mind-body disharmony, and lacks confidence in himself as a man (always denied, but quite evident in his behavior). This is a weakness, imo.
I have formally and informally educated and trained young men throughout my adult life in various physical, military/martial, technical, mathematics, and other life skills. Nothing gives me greater pleasure.
It hurts to read young men on the Internet who quite evidently lack confidence in themselves due to physical size, looks, skills, education, background, or whatever. Perhaps I will change some of this in a few years’ time. Therefore, I am open to BAP’s message and will purchase his book.
Crypto-jews have been pushing these “sucpicious ideas” for decades.