The White Plague, Part 3: Concluding Thoughts
Of course, the Sacklers and their Purdue executives were not the only demons who facilitated the White Plague. We must not lose sight of the fact that the Jewish-dominated American healthcare system itself, by far the most expensive on earth, is not only failing to halt the precipitous fall of White life expectancy, but is actively fueling the conflagration. The Sacklers are indeed singularly responsible for the White Plague; without their deception, greed, and anti-White animus, it could not have occurred. However, while the Sacklers were certainly the heart (or rather, the gaping black hole where a heart should be) of the Hydra, the Beast had many heads. As Gerald Posner cautions, “By putting the responsibility for the crisis so squarely on Purdue and the Sacklers, there is a risk [that] others who played material roles in creating and feeding the epidemic may not pay a price. That is the hope among thousands of others, sales representatives and executives of rival pharma companies with their own opioid products, overprescribing doctors, FDA bureaucrats who did not want to restrict OxyContin, pharmacists who diverted prescriptions to the black market, and pain management experts who preached that opioids were not addictive when prescribed for pain.” In this respect, the Sacklers appear to be another sacrificial scapegoat for the Jewish ruling class; in other words, the Elders of Zion occasionally sacrifice one of their own for the good of the whole. For example, Bernie Madoff was sacrificed as the avatar for the entire Great Recession. “#MeToo” was created and Harvey Weinstein was sacrificed, in order to further conceal the pervasive pedophilia in Jewish Hollywood. Jeffrey Epstein was suicided, and, though it remains to be seen what will become of Ghislaine Maxwell, she certainly intended to be arrested and thus poses no threat to the System.
From its birth in 1996, OxyContin made 35 billion dollars in revenue. In 2014, the Sacklers entered the Forbes list of “richest families,” with an estimated net worth of fourteen billion dollars, edging out families like the Busches, Mellons, and Rockefellers. What was the cost of those billions? From 1999 to 2019, over 770,000 Americans, almost all of whom were White, were killed by drug overdose. This is greater than the number of Americans killed in all of our wars, combined. The CDC reports that nearly seventy percent of those fatal overdoses were due to opioids, while nearly half of the total number were from fentanyl or other synthetic opioids besides methadone. Twenty-two percent of the total came from heroin. The annual number of overdose deaths jumped from 16,849 in 1999 to a high mark of 70,237 in 2017, well over the number of Americans killed in Vietnam. That year, opioids prescribed by physicians accounted for a third of all opioid deaths, and a quarter of the total. In 2016 alone, there were nearly 64,000 overdose deaths, 42,000 of which were from opioids. According to the DEA, between 2006 and 2014, over one hundred billion doses of oxycodone and hydrocodone were shipped to pharmacies, and then homes, across the country. It is thus no wonder that OxyContin, and the family who created it, was almost singlehandedly responsible for the first decline in White life expectancy in more than twenty years.
Beginning in the late 1990s, almost exactly concurrent with the release of OxyContin, while the White mortality rate continued to steadily decline in Europe, it steadily increased in America, diverging more and more with each passing year. 1999 was the critical year; from 1999 to 2017, comparing the predictive mortality rate to the actual, there is a discrepancy of six hundred thousand deaths of middle-aged Americans who would be alive had progress gone on as expected. As a reference, approximately 675,000 Americans have perished from HIV/AIDS since the early 1980s. We might also consider the crack “epidemic,” which almost exclusively affected Blacks. “Our” government responded to crack by kicking each and every lever of the State into overdrive, yet has essentially done nothing to stem the White Plague. It does not take a conspiratorial mind to realize why. For Whites, life expectancy at birth fell by one-tenth of a year between 2013 and 2014. In the next four years, from 2014 to 2017, life expectancy fell for the nation as a whole. As Anne Case and Angus Deaton emphasize, “any decline in life expectancy is extremely uncommon. With a three-year decline, we are in unfamiliar territory; American life expectancy has never fallen for three years in a row since states’ vital registration coverage was completed in 1933.” Between 1999 and 2017, this rise in the mortality rate for Whites aged 45 to 54 occurred in all but six States, with the largest increases in death rates occurring in West Virginia, Kentucky, Arkansas, and Mississippi. The only states where White mortality perceptibly fell were California, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois.
“Deaths of despair,” as Case and Deaton term them, are wholly responsible for the decline in White life expectancy. These deaths are primarily driven by drug overdose, suicide, and alcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis. While there are more deaths from overdoses than from either alcohol-related diseases or suicides, up forty percent in seventeen years, suicides and alcohol combined to kill more Whites than drugs alone. Case and Deaton underscore the despair underlying the slow genocide of the White race. Whites, they note, “are drinking themselves to death, or poisoning themselves with drugs, or shooting or hanging themselves. … All the deaths show great unhappiness with life, either momentary or prolonged.” Case and Deaton take care to introduce the nuanced issue of supply and demand, acknowledging that the White Plague “would not have happened without the carelessness of doctors, without a flawed approval process at the FDA, or without the pursuit of profits by the industry at whatever human cost.” At the same time, though, they contend that “the misbehavior poured fuel on the fire, making the epidemic worse, rather than creating the conditions under which such an epidemic could take place in the first place. The people who used the opioids, the many millions who became opioid abusers or became addicted, who became zombies walking the streets of once-prosperous towns, were those whose lives had already come apart, whose economic and social lives were no longer supporting them.”
If we do pursue this line of inquiry and dig deeper into the sources of this despair, we still find the same Enemy: the ruthlessly extractive Judeocracy that has stolen and annihilated the last vestiges of White identity from our atomized society, that has made Whites the hated Other in our own nation, that has liquidated the deplorable American kulak, cannibalized our once-overflowing capital resources, and destabilized our culture through the importation of an army of unwashed, hostile heathen. Case and Deaton write that, “by its end, much of the optimism of the twentieth century had faded. Towns and cities in the heartland of America that used to produce steel, glass, furniture, or shoes, and that are fondly remembered by people in their seventies as having been great places to grow up, had been gutted, their factories closed and shops boarded up. In the wreckage, the temptations of alcohol and drugs lured many to their deaths.”
For Whites between the ages of 45 and 54, deaths of despair tripled from 1999 to 2017. While this age group had the highest mortality rate, Whites in younger age groups also saw their mortality rates accelerate even more quickly; furthermore, the midlife pattern began to extend into old age after 2005. The key takeaway here is that, as Case and Deaton note, “each age-group does progressively worse than the same age-group did in earlier years.” In 2017, thus far the worst year, more than 158,000 Americans died from deaths of despair, the equivalent of three full 737 MAXs falling out of the sky every day, with no survivors. 47,000 were suicides, as compared to 40,100 traffic fatalities and 19,510 homicides. The aforementioned rise in White suicide is unique to the United States. The damage does not end with death; for every one opioid death, there are over thirty emergency room visits, a third of which lead to hospital admission. Each death corresponds to more than one hundred addicts, a number that continues to increase in parallel with the number of deaths. Over a third of all adults, or 98 million Americans, were prescribed opioids in 2015. In 2016, nearly 29 million Americans aged twelve and over self-reported using illegal drugs in the past month, including prescription drugs, and almost one million of those reported using heroin in the last twelve months; given that these are self-reports, these numbers are definitely underestimated.
If we add together the accumulated costs of the White Plague, including healthcare, crime and imprisonment, social services, rehabilitation, lost productivity, and the evisceration of entire regions of the nation, we arrive at an incalculable, incomprehensible figure in the trillions of dollars. Case and Deaton also point out that, aside from totally overturning the natural order of life, “the death of a child, even an adult child, can tear families apart, and the loss of people in their prime, people who should not be dying, upends communities and workplaces too … there are millions of American mothers and fathers today who are living in dread that the phone call to their adult son or daughter will go unanswered, or that a phone call will come from the police or the emergency room.” It is imperative that we do not allow ourselves to become mired in the preceding numbers—these are not statistics, but, like my fallen friend, real people, real men, women, and children with hopes and dreams. The lion’s share of these lives goes untold; not forgotten, but untold. As Case and Deaton observe, “Stigma often removes the cause of death from obituaries when suicide, overdose, or alcoholism is involved. Addiction is seen as a moral weakness, … its effects best covered up.” Just as our Enemy and its Black footsoldiers have canonized the names of irrelevant thugs whose deaths at the hands of police were wholly justified, we must practice White identity politics and White grievance politics, incessantly memorializing and repeating the names of the victims of the White Plague. White Lives Matter.
Remember Jesse Bolstridge, the high school football player from Strasburg, Virginia, who died of a heroin overdose on the piss-stained floor of someone’s bathroom. His headstone reads, “Miss you more,” the last thing he and his mother would say before hanging up the phone. Remember Tess Henry, the straight-A student and basketball star from Roanoke, Virginia, who turned to prostitution to fund her heroin addiction, preyed on by a vast network of Black dealers and Black pimps. She was the daughter of a surgeon and a nurse, and, before her hundreds-of-dollars-a-day heroin habit, she loved reading, writing poetry, painting, and singing to her dog, Koda. A routine visit to an urgent-care clinic for bronchitis ended with two prescriptions for codeine and hydrocodone. Eventually, an emaciated Tess, in jail for theft, learned that she was pregnant. She had to be given codeine so that her baby would not be born with neonatal abstinence syndrome and go into fatal opioid withdrawal. While her mother raised her child, Tess continued to struggle in the throes of addiction, oscillating between jails, battered women’s shelters, psychiatric wards, and the street. Tess disappeared, and her mother found her on a prostitution website with the headline, “Sweet sultry sexy 26.” Half an hour for sixty dollars.
Her mother did all that she could for her, despite having her valuables stolen and pawned. She bought matching bracelets for her and Tess that were inscribed, “Your heart is my heart.” Shortly thereafter, Tess vanished again, leaving a note: “I love you so much Mom. You are my everything. I want to get better and I won’t stop trying.” After another stint in treatment, Tess texted her mother that she was going to find a way home, signing her street name, “Sweet T.” She disappeared again, sporadically making contact with her family until, finally, she dropped off the face of the earth, Las Vegas her last known location. The morning after Christmas 2017, a homeless man discovered Tess’ corpse in the dumpster of an apartment complex. She was naked, wrapped in plastic, with burns on her body. Blunt force trauma to the head. Strung out, she had called her mother weeks before and mentioned “gang stalkers”; indeed, Las Vegas gangs often rape and murder prostitutes who refuse to be “turned out” by the gang. She had written in her journal months earlier: “I was stealing, robbing, selling my body, and anything else I could do to make money for drugs. I was beaten, raped, robbed, and malnourished. … I am going to die if I keep living the way I am.”
Remember these hundreds of thousands of Whites, joining the other tens of thousands ritually slaughtered upon the altar of the Synagogue of Diversity. Remember that the Sacklers still walk free, with all of their wealth intact, along with the legion of anonymous bureaucrats, attorneys, business executives, pharmacists, physicians, and politicians who helped ensure that the OxyContin blizzard was indeed deep, dense, and White.
The White Plague is not over. While Mexican cartels continue to pump Chinese fentanyl into the misery-choked veins of atomized America, the System continues to decriminalize drugs and throw open the prisons. Aside from enacting a massive transfer of wealth from the American kulak to the Jewish ruling class, and aside from paving the way for the totalitarian Left by socializing us into subservience via face masks and whatever satanic broth Bill Gates is cooking up for his vaccines, the unprecedented “coronavirus” lockdowns will certainly make 2020 one of the worst years yet for opioid overdoses.
I conclude with Richard Sackler’s compassionate words for our innocent brethren, the addicts whom he and his family intentionally created: “Abusers aren’t victims; they are the victimizers.”
They hate us. What is our response?
A malicious enemy who lacks the strength and numbers to simply march in a take over instead spins a false moral tale that is a perversion of local beliefs and customs. Such an enemy that can buy off mercenaries to upend institutions and replace old touchstones with seductive distractions that can step-by-step quietly bend the milieu their way. Soon the new normal is their normal and all of the old pieties and habits become inverted.
The upending of a people’s culture by foreign usurpers and their willing mercenaries is still a form of warfare. The first thing to do is to stop allowing them to define the moral parameters. This will require grassroots reorganizing at the local level because all of our social institutions are too far gone to be of any use.
Seek out those who like you understand our situation and are willing to act, as a group plan and act in our long-term interests locally, Extricate yourself and your community from Clown World as much as you can. If you continue feeding the beast or think you can infiltrate and alter what’s become of our institutions you play into their hands because they not only control the landscape they define it.
We’ve been trying to escape the rot since the ’50s by moving away from what we won’t tolerate. Let’s continue but do so with a more collective approach. There are still wide swaths of the US and Canada that are still largely white. Depressed yes…but our ancestors managed to carve out a civilization from out of a wilderness; putting up with a bit of hardship to collectivize and turn things around is worth the sacrifice. Many of these areas have lost so much their greatest resources to the decadence of places like SF, CA, NYC, BOS…their most capable young people and their social and material capital. Let’s put a stop to that and reseed our people and all they carry with them back into communities we can at least partially control. If we continue to move another exit or two further out or to another State less hostile…let us do so with more purpose than simply running away. We have the numbers but decades of social conditioning has rendered us mute. It’s long past the time we find our voice. Doing so in our own communities will make that easier and harder for our enemies to control and punish. Our own tribe’s sellouts, sanctimonious half-wits and buttgoys, who do most of the heavy lifting on behalf of our enemies, will lose their influence. If we can remove these people our usurers won’t seem so invincible.
The use of “usurers” in the last line works but I meant to use “usurpers”.
Did (((Bankers))) Foment the “Civil War”?
By Paul Craig Roberts
I was born in 1952, had a brief fling/love affair with Marxist lunacy during my college years, and yet retained basic conservative ideas all my life. The hippies, the SDS, the Black Panthers, the feminazis, every pervert group imaginable, they all came and went and I paid them no mind nor was influenced by any of their horrible belief systems. As a matter of fact, most of my childhood friends were also inoculated against the embarrassing filth and nuttiness that plagued America, and still plagues it, from about the mid 60s onward. Am I special? Nah. When a child grows up with parents devoted to themselves, their children, their country; when their parents display virtues such as honesty, honor, hard work, thriftiness, and self-responsibility, then it’s safe to say that most kids will turn out well in life and maintain civilized life within a civilized society. My friends and I survived the plague of western nuttiness by simply refusing to adopt the values and lifestyles of the counter-cultural establishment. It’s sad, but part of the unfortunate truth is that too many Americans and Europeans fell for the cheap thrills offered to those joining the counter-cultural gang.
You say the death of Floyd was justified . Have some sense. These kinds of killings by police won’t stop at such individuals.Show some balance. Of course there is an agenda against European people’s but don’t be a dupe for intelligence agencies unless you already are working for them. Divide and conquer the perfect elitist strategy!
Whites have no common cause with Blacks. I don’t unconditionally support the police, for, as I have written in other articles, they are agents of the State. They will happily do as they are told, including come for us. That’s not the point. The Black thug in question died of a drug overdose that had already started prior to the arrest. The officers did not kill him, nor even contribute to his death. Police followed procedure to a T. The officers did nothing wrong. Yes, Blacks are a Jewish golem. That doesn’t change anything about the fact that Blacks are nothing but a menace to be uprooted and expelled.
I agree. The first autopsy revealed he had a lethal dose of fentanyl in his system plus meth and thc. In addition, he had heart disease with one artery 70% blocked and another 90%. He also was recently diagnosed with covid19, which severely damages the heart and lungs. Any one of these conditions could’ve caused his death. The first autopsy listed cause of death a heart attack. Witnesses state he was foaming at the mouth, behaving erratically. and said he couldn’t breathe while standing up. The police officer was trained in that procedure.
from pg 147 of J.Neusner’s Handbk. of Rabbinic Theology” …what then is the difference between the gentile and the Israelite , individually and collectively ? A picture in cartographic form of theological anthropology of the Rabbinic canon would portray a many-colored Israel at the circle, with the perimeter comprised by all-White gentiles; since, in the Halakhah, gentiles are a source of uncleanness, the perimeter would be an undifferentiated White , the color of death. “
Joe Pyne debates George Lincoln Rockwell [early 60s]
Ghislaine Maxwell probably did not intend to be arrested. She moved many times, she bought properties in other names for cash, etc. Her lawyers negotiated to keep her from being indicted, but they never indicated to prosecutors where she was. This was all stated by the prosecution at her arraignment, contributing to the judge’s decision to deny her bond.
According to the government, which of course we cannot trust, she made laughable efforts at evading the authorities. She holds multiple different citizenships, including France and Israel, in both of which she would have been permanent safe from extradition. She spent time in Israel recently, but nevertheless came back to America. Why? Likely because she already had a deal worked out. She will give up a few bit players, all of whom will be prominent Whites, and thus allow the case to be wrapped up in a nice bow without any mention whatsoever of the fact that she and Epstein were almost certainly Mossad.
Thankfully, many of the most prestigious institutions around the world have now removed the Sackler name from their buildings. Not only was he a man (and family) without a conscience, he was also the epitome of a narcissist as evidenced by the hundreds of institutions his name was prominently displayed in..
The following is a response by his widow to the Tuft’s university decision to remove his name from any buildings. :
Jillian Sackler- the widow of Arthur M. Sackler, who made donations to Tufts decades ago. “The man has been dead for 32 years. He DID NOT profit from [OxyContin], and none of his philanthropic gifts were in any way connected to opioids or to deceptive medical marketing. …It deeply saddens me to witness Arthur being blamed,” she said in a statement to the New York Times. An attorney representing family members of Raymond Sackler, Arthur’s brother, is planning to contest Tufts’ decision.
“we must practice White identity politics and White grievance politics, incessantly…”
Why Giles?
So we can substitute a chemical addiction with an attitudinal and behavioral addiction that will keep our compulsivity alive long enough to continue its job as serving as a mask for the very shame that feeds our addictions in the first place, thereby leading us back once again to the chemical dependency we desperately need to recovery from?
Talk about walking in a circle in the woods when you’re totally lost.
No thanks.
“They hate us. What is our response?”
To love ourselves. Obviously.
And the fact is, many Whites have a problem with that, not because of Jewish Supremacy Inc., but because of their families.
Specifically, families broken by multi-generational abandonment, rejection, abuse and neglect.
The Right prates about “family values” while showing no interest in and, as a result, having no knowledge of, family systems.
We live in a time when we have more precise and accurate knowledge about ourselves and in so many areas of life, including and especially the family, and they don’t want to know about it?
Why is that?
This has to be addressed and responded to with all of the humanity, intelligence and courage we can muster before we dive into the JQ.
Or, while diving into it. Either way, the point still stands. We need to rebuild the many broken relationships among ourselves.
Because as evil as they are and as important and worthwhile as the JQ is, it pales in comparison to the importance of understanding how broken family relationships produces a deeply internalized shame that fuels compulsivity that leads to addictions that ruin our lives.
Jewish Supremacy Inc. and its deposits like Political Correctness, Identity Politics, and its proxies, like Antifa and BLM, have never succeeded in making me feel bad about myself.
But growing up the family scapegoat almost destroyed me. I’m lucky to be here and truly turned my life around.
Ironically, many scapegoating brothers and sisters and their children have now, like all Whites, become scapegoats on a global scale. But, not surprisingly, most of them still don’t get it.
They’re the kind of Whites people at TOO despise, with reason.
I no longer despise them because it’s not good for me. But it’s true I have no respect for them. And I’m certainly not going to waste time helping anyone living in sincere denial.
After all, what is sincere denial but another name for delusion.
And now we’re back to what we need to do.
Which is, love ourselves. Of course.
Because if we can’t do that we can’t value each other.
And if we can’t value each other we won’t be inspired to continue, let alone find the motivation to support, defend, and look out for ourselves as individuals and as a group.
And that we’ll definitely need to do, now more than ever, especially since so many of our families have failed us.
That doesn’t mean we should abandon the family. No way.
It’s the most basic bio-social unit since the Paleolithic Age.
But it does mean we should know more about it than we do so that we can have more knowledge of ourselves as individuals that will make up whatever group we might be able to form going forward.
Very well said Richard. I grew up in a horribly dysfunctional family and being the first born was the scapegoat. It was so bad that rarely do I ever speak to blood relatives and yes, unfortunately for me, it did destroy my life. Moving forward, I am trying to live a good life however, with what is left of it. As you know, being scapegoated as a child is pernicious beyond words. I would love to hear how you overcame it. Feel free to reach out to me if you would like to:
Perhaps we should make assay of the true ethnic profile of highly vocal , BLM – supporting , anti – racist “Whites” :
Great article Giles. Congratulations!
You’re obviously very gifted and a welcome addition to TOO.
I look forward to reading more of your work.
I’d like to respond specifically to your personal comments, since you offered them in your article.
My reason for this is that my concern right now is more with us than with Jewish Supremacy Inc. (JSI) and its many evils, some of which you outline perfectly in this excellent article.
I think it’s great that you direct attention to the Sacklers, and I applaud your willingness to share some of your story.
But I do think that, though I know both are related to you in an important way, it would be better to make them separate articles, ie; one article devoted to your story, the other to the Sacklers.
Be that as it may, the rest of my comment will focus on your personal remarks regarding addiction and recovery.
From Part One:
“There are many of us who, perhaps tainted by the cancer of libertarianism, see addiction as a moral failing, a weakness for which we have only ourselves to blame. For some people, myself included, this diagnosis is accurate.”
What are you basing that accuracy on?
A felt-thought?
Certainly nothing scientific.
So then, what are you basing your diagnosis on enough to call it accurate?
A hunch?
Anyway, leaving that question aside, I’ll ask another.
Is the one answer to the many quesitons raised about something as important as addiction and recovery the same kind of lazy moralizing that Whites are subjected to 24/7?
“I came from a wealthy home, and had a wonderful childhood in a decently small White town in the South. My parents did everything that they could for me…”
I’m sure you believe this. But the fact is, we have no way of knowing.
Either way, it’s important to point out that anyone with extensive experience in addiction and family systems would have little reason to believe you automatically and unquestioningly, and every reason not to.
Or, to be a bit more charitable, we would have every reason to seriously doubt and severely question the truth-value of your statement, for the sake of recovery.
Again, I’m not saying you don’t believe in your heart of hearts what you wrote in the above quote.
What I’m saying flat out is that the decades and decades of study done on the subect of the relation between abuse, neglect and addiction simply do not support your claims.
That’s why, even though we weren’t there in your house either, those of us who do have extensive experience in those areas are only too familliar with the mountain of data that puts your statement in a very questionable light.
For that reason, the statement deserves to be quesitoned, since you brought it up in the first place.
In my 30 years being involved in family systems and addiction recovery I have heard many people say how happy their childhood was, only to hear them change their tune further down the line as they began to get a better insight into their own story and its many related problems.
Not everyone from backgrounds of abuse and neglect become addicts. But every addict I’ve ever known has a deselfment problem, itself the result of having that all important bond broken between themselves and their primary caretakers.
Broken trust at an early age, deselfment, compulsivity, are all the result of a shame that people suffer from, but can’t make sense out of, because it all happens so early.
It’s not called a shame-bind for nothing.
Another important reason, perhaps the most important is that the #1 rule in many family systems is Don’t Question The Rules!
The result being that many people idealize their parents right out of reality, only to turn that idealization into its degraded opposite years later when they finally muster the courage to face some rather unpleasant facts.
The body count is too high to be ignored.
Our prisons are filled with people like this.
And those not literally in jail are figuratively living in a prison many never escape from.
The point is, it’s self-discrediting for us to not practice on ourselves the same rigorous honest we practice detailing the many crimes of JSI.
Another reason to seriously doubt your statement about your parents and your childhood would be the fact that, at just two years clean and sober, you are still very much in early recovery.
It’ll be another three years, minimum, before you truly begin to get your brain out of hoc. Especially after the extensive damage done to your body and mind.
I truly wish you a slow recovery.
If you do too much recovering too fast you’re going to relapse.
Maybe that’s what you need. So be it.
But this is what you expose yourself to if you make personal statements about your recovery in a public context.
it’s risky and brave.
But it could also be foolhardy and precipitous.
In any event, the one-two punch to knockout addiction is gratitude and humility.
After that one can have all of the self-confidence they want. Because what confidence they will have will be as tempered as it is earned.
Discovering a higher power is great.
And if you want to call it God, fine.
But, finding God and someone to blame (in this case JSI) could be signs, not just of too much too soon, but, worse, of spiritual pride. Especially if they truly are guilty. As JSI most certainly is.
They might be guilty. But they don’t share the responsibility of one’s recovery. And that, as I said, is what I’m most concerned with regarding us.
Holding others accountable is one thing. And there’s no question it’s got to be done.
But blame could turn out to be yet another low-level spiritual search (like addiction itself) that could end up with one relapsing or, staying sober while going into what they call a “dry drunk.”
And that’s not to say that one should go from blaming JSI to blaming one’s parents.
It’s not about blame. It’s about locating accountability.
One thing’s for sure. There’s nothing brave and noble about blaming oneself for something they couldn’t possibly have caused.
After all, we didn’t give birth to ourselves. And no child ever packed their bags and said, “I’ve had enough.”
I very much value your essay, and, of course, it’s chock-o-block filled with important facts, all worth knowing.
It’s also obvious, as I said before that you have a gift. Your essay is both well-reasoned and well-written. And JSI is most definitely an evil force. You’re right to draw attention to it.
But, again, my concern is first and foremost with Whites in general, and Whites in recovery in particular. And there are a lot of us.
This is something we can use to our benefit.
People often apply quotes automatically, thoughtlessly. And certainly Nietzsche’s famous quote of “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” is one such quote.
But if it ever applied to a people it applies to us now. Whites in general, Whites wide awake to what’s happening to us in particular, but, especially and above all, to Whites who have accepted complete defeat against an addiction that killing them.
Certainly, to repeat, my concern is more for such people than it is for JSI, whose success, if that’s what you want to call it, is based largely on exploiting the weaknesses of those around them, even their many proxies.
Theirs is the success of drug dealers. Because, at bottom, that’s why JSI basically is. For that reason I admire your three-part essay so much. The Sacklers are the perfect embodiment of JSI.
It’s why JSI is so often referred to as predators and parasites.
In any event, I’m not one of those in recovery who says “I’ve spilt more than you’ll ever drink.” I have no interest in marginalizing your suffering.
Besides, it’s not about how much we drank or drugged, it’s what that stuff does to us that counts.
Also, I don’t give unsolicited advice. I think it’s rude, corny and boring.
But what I can do is share my experience and let it go at that.
So, that’s what I’m doing here.
What you or anyone else does with what I share is none of my business.
One thing’s for sure, as a people, we need to be powers of example to ourselves and each other. Period. Whether or not we’re in recovery.
On the bright side, all of us may very well be on our way to discovering something truly valuable.
That addiction is the condition of life. And the worst addiction is the addiction to words in the form of beliefs asserted to be ultimate truths.
It would be a shame to see us transfer our addictions from drugs and alcohol to something even worse that we might not ever recover from, ie; mood-altering through self-righteousness exactly because it’s not seen as an addiction.
That’s their addiction. The Woke Addiction. And, as events of late have proven, it’s totally destructive. So let’s leave that to them.
Either way, I wish you all of the best.
Giles, thank you so much for such an informative, educational, and stunning article; I could not put it down. You must have spent an enormous amount of time on the research for it. You should turn this into a book.