Jessica Reavis: My Story

Hunter Wallace’s Editor’s Note: I’ve been to many events with Jessica Reavis when we were both League of the South activists. I can also attest from bitter personal experience about how this goes at volatile public events in cities where the rule of law and equal protection under the law has become a jokeThis is one of the reasons why I have devoted more time to building up this website since 2018.

I do not have a criminal record of any kind and I have been a business owner for many years. I’m somewhat of a historian given that my ancestors fought for America’s freedom in the revolutionary war and again against a northern invader in the war of northern aggression. It gives me a certain pride that is exclusive to the southern people whose blood is in the soil of the southland beneath the tyrant’s feet.

Virginia and North Carolina have many confederate veterans monuments and they actually have a protection law that is supposed to keep them from being vandalized, altered, or moved. As we have seen time and time again, only citizens are subject to laws, while city council, board of commissioners, and government etc are allowed to stand above these laws. Many of these beautiful veterans memorials are being removed at an alarming rate. Some of them are removed by criminals who also have a certain immunity to the law and others by overzealous local governments in the dark of night without honor.

The part I fail to understand is how do these beloved memorials that give honor to our dead are now considered as racist and also signify police brutality. Another part of this scenario I also fail to understand is the attack on innocent people and possessions that somehow also represents police brutality. When these attacks seem to take place it’s usually by a leftist Antifa or BLM activists. The leftist media and even our government then deem everything to be “white supremacy.” Most businesses and property owners never recover from these criminal acts and then everything is lost.

Post Charlottesville/Unite the Right, 2017, there had been an all out attack on any right leaning conservative to more of the harder leaning right. The leftists are convinced that any right leaning people are considered as “white supremacists” and do not deserve to have the means to survive or feed their families. Many of our people are being doxxed and losing their jobs. Some are even being attacked because their identities are being broadcasted all over social media platforms. Many of our people give way too much information about ourselves and don’t even realize this till it’s too late. The left has even been known to deliver hate mail to physical addresses and stalk us at our homes.

I knew many of the monuments were coming down and I tried to make it a point to see one with a Confederate battle flag, to take pictures of the monuments while I still could. Usually the sad reality is, when they come down you never see them again. When I researched my family tree, I realized that many of my ancestors came from North Carolina as well as Virginia. The monuments that were around towns like Raleigh, Kingston, Asheville, Greensboro, Rockingham, Asheboro, Chatham and many more were dedicated to my ancestors who fought with valor and for the many who never returned home. Many of these men were left on the battlefield and some were thrown down wells and ditches. Some were buried in mass graves and remained nameless as their lifeless bodies were piled on top of each other. These brave men were sons, fathers, and husbands.

I was contacted by a friend that previously allowed me to tag along with her on many “tours” seeing and flagging the memorials for photos. There were many that I had not seen yet and the Chatham County monument was one. It was a unique one, where the soldier stood proud at parade rest with his rifle and adorned with a slouch hat. Many of the soldiers wore slouch hats because the kepi that we issued, would not give full protection from the sun as a full brim slouch hat does. I was told in late August or early September that the monument was slated for removal by the overzealous board of commissioners because after standing for over 112 years, it became a “sudden” fall hazard after failed attempts to remove it because of the state protection law.

I then made plans to take a two-hour trip to Chatham County to see it before they took it down. A few friends decided they would also go with me so they could see it for the last time since they were also two hours away. I remember arriving to see my friends surrounded by people yelling at them; they had them backed into a corner. There were others with them but they were the locals. When the people that were attacking my friends realized I was coming into the parking lot, they decided to attempt to block my path. I soon realized they were affiliated with or were Antifa and BLM. One woman in particular focused on me and proceeded to take pictures of me and my vehicle along with the license plate. I was made aware that she had posted this information on social media to confirm my identity. I am convinced that she had connections to the police given she was able to identify me with my tag number right away. Of course this made me a target. I quickly went from being a tourist to a target by the police.

Many of the locals were physically attacked that day and the police continued to stand silent and rarely intervened. They made a few arrests that day including the victims that were attacked showing they had a certain favoritism toward the leftists. I later learned that the University of North Carolina had a stronghold on the town and was able to have a major influence on the town’s decision making process, especially in the judicial system. Given all the violent leftists that were present that day, including a convicted murderer and several others who had assaulted individuals in the past having what seemed immunity to prosecutions by the judicial system in many prior instances, I did not feel safe to journey away from my group. I did not get to see the monument that day.

I decided I would stay home another week just to see the monument before I left (I work out of state and I stay gone for weeks and sometimes months at a time). On October the 4th, I contacted two friends to go with me to provide some security just in case I was confronted by any of the leftist agitators from the Saturday before. They agreed they would because they had Saturday off work. I arrived in Chatham County on October 5, 2019, at approximately 10 AM. I was the only person in the parking lot so I sat in my truck waiting. Shortly afterwards, a couple cars arrived in the parking lot and I recognized them from the Saturday before. I went over to them to get the “skinny” on the monument and when they were going to take it down and what they were gonna do with it. While we were talking in the parking lot, a few others had shown up. I helped one put up a flagpole on his truck and then finally my other two friends arrived. One went ahead to the restaurant to grab us breakfast and the other got their camera ready. I had decided that I would tie my confederate battle flag on the barricades instead of standing in the roadway since the barricades extended out past the curb into the road in a roundabout around the old historical courthouse. Meanwhile several leftists began showing up and yelling from across the road. I then separated from everyone and went to my truck. I then holstered my weapon and grabbed my coffee and started a trek straight to the monument. I had to cross the street where the leftists were standing because the sidewalks were blocked by barricades also. I decided to walk down past them and cross the road hoping they would not mess with me.

I was wearing a Serpa 2 duty holster that was weaved into my belt. It has a retention mechanism built in so that if I’m in a fight, I will be able to retain my weapon. I did not holster it till I was going to cross the street for self-protection purposes, as I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon that I have had for over 21 years.

I made a beeline straight to the curb. I did not talk to anyone, I did not stand around to be a spectator, nor did I ever unfurl my flag on the way to the curb to cross the road. My flag stayed limp across my left arm and my coffee in my right hand. When I reached the curb, I heard someone say “ma’am….ma’am….” so I turned around to acknowledge them. There were approximately five deputies from the Chatham County Sheriff’s Department. They requested me to follow them into the parking lot and I complied. I was very friendly and professional with them. They then told me that, since I was “at a protest with a firearm,” I was breaking the law and I was under arrest. They told me that carrying a firearm was a privilege.

I was then stripped of my possessions and carted off to jail for six hours. While there, another leftist who was there the Saturday before was brought in and searched by the guard. The guard found a knife on her neck. This is considered as a felony when bringing a weapon into jail. After seeing the magistrate, I was escorted into the lobby where several Antifa members were sitting. They were waiting for the other Antifa member with the knife, who was in jail also. I was released into the street without my possessions and no way to contact anyone even with the Antifa members present. I did not know where I was or even how to get back to my vehicle. It was 6 to 7 miles away. After walking about 3 miles, someone picked me up and took me back to my truck. The police had no regard for my wellbeing whatsoever.

After my arrest, Antifa has been arrested for several other things including assault on a police officer. The faculty staff at the University of North Carolina wrote to the police and the judicial system in Chatham County and demanded that they drop all the charges against their students. All the charges were dropped except two of them. The district attorney admitted on video that he handpicked two from both sides that would take the fall for the group’s as a whole. It looks like I was one of the lottery winners. This makes the facts of the case null and void, and it is unconstitutional.

I was given a public defender that seemed to be well vested in the court. She was allowed to do many things. The court was oblivious about anything she participated in. I went to district court in January 2020. The judge admitted that the law was poorly written and that I was not a bad person. He handed down a prayer for judgement, fines, and probation along with not returning my possessions. Meanwhile, he also gave the other Antifa member that brought the knife to jail the same sentence. It was as though I had just robbed a bank or killed someone. I lost my possessions and now will lose my permit to carry a firearm. Somehow my entire police bodycam footage was leaked to the SPLC. I had not even seen the entire video myself at this point and this turned my case into “high profile” according to the public defender’s office. While having a hearing on motions via webex, my public defender actually came into the hearing wearing a “black lives matter” t-shirt.

I had been involved in defending our monuments and our people for many years. I took part in Unite the Right 2017, White Lives Matter, and various other events. I was attacked by Antifa in my hometown while the police watched in 2016. This attack was unprovoked. I was put on a hit list by antifa along with several other patriots and media. I was sent hate mail at my address and they stalk me wherever they see me. All my personal information including full name, address, occupation, license plates, and every car I drive has been posted all over social media. Do I deserve to be hunted down for having different ideals than Antifa. I have old traditional beliefs and do not adhere to the degeneracy of the earth. I refuse to conform.

I appealed my case to the superior Court of Chatham County, NC. I was denied a change of venue, although the local newspaper featured me on the front page as a “white supremacist” and mentioned my court trial. I had a jury trial and it seemed that all of the jury was hand picked to ensure that I would be convicted. It was pretty evident that I was on the losing end of this case.

The district attorney was allowed to leave the courtroom in the middle of a trial unsupervised. It just so happened that the jury was in the same location he had excused himself to, and he was gone for approximately 6 to 7 minutes. I truly think he talked with the jury. When he returned he had nothing to report on. Also the district attorney was allowed to amend the citation on the second day of the trial and right before the jury was to decide my fate. The main part of the citation that made it “illegal” but without defining the words of the law was “on a public place owned or in control by the state or it’s political subdivisions.” The attorney asked the court to prove who actually owned the PROPERTY that I was arrested on but failed to do so. The judge still allowed testimony to stand as the district attorney and police said they were “under the impression that it belongs to the city.”

All the police officers that testified that I had returned to my truck to retrieve something but they didn’t see what it was. All of them also said they never saw a gun but only what appeared to be a gun printing under my shirt. I had a witness that testified that I had an empty holster when I helped him install his flagpole on his truck. This is a very solid testimony. The district attorney brought attention to the jury that I was a League of the South member and that I was carrying a confederate flag just to inflame the jury. He kept repeating it over and over and also made a big thing about me carrying a bullet in the chamber of my firearm. This comes with training. He then rested on the idea that a concealed carry permit was only “common sense gun control.”

The jury only deliberated for approximately 15 minutes before handing down their guilty verdict. Not much thought was given into the facts of my case. While sentencing was carried out, all the members of the jury sat there to watch me be punished for simply practicing my Second Amendment right. The law was too vague to understand what was legal or illegal. After the sentencing was over, three members of the jury went to a local restaurant and were asked by a friend why they found me guilty. They replied that they were having trouble understanding what demonstration meant in the law. My friend replied to them “this is what is called a shadow of doubt and I hope you know you just railroaded an innocent person….good day to you!!”

When others practice their First Amendment rights, then that makes your Second Amendment rights void and makes them subject to arrest. I have been convicted solely based on my ideology and my affiliations. They must make an example out of me at all costs. I refuse to give up this fight. I have now appealed my case to the NC court of appeals hoping to overturn it on the void for vagueness doctrine. I have an attorney but he wants $10,000.

Anyone wanting to donate to my case, go to There you can find more information on my case. I also have a contact me section if you are interested in learning more.

Originally posted on Occidental DissentReposted here by permission.

7 replies
  1. Barkingmad
    Barkingmad says:

    What a story. Such injustice. I hope things will turn out okay for you. Anyway, kind of on-topic: today I was going thru my bookshelves removing some to give away (I have too many books) and I happened upon a partial set of the children’s books entitled The Golden Book Encyclopedia, published in 1959 and written by Bertha Morris Parker. Somebody must’ve given me these books and I don’t think I ever looked at them, just sticking them on the shelf and forgetting they were ever there.

    I pulled one at random; lo and behold if there wasn’t a well known photo of “R.E. Lee” on the cover of that particular volume. So, with a certain amount of trepidation, I looked inside. Here is the first paragraph for the entry on Lee, Robert E. (1807-1870).

    “Many famous Americans – George Washington and Thomas Jefferson among them – came from the state of Virginia. Robert E. Lee is another famous American of whom Virginia should be, and is, very proud. His fame is based on the military skill and leadership he showed in the War Between the States, and on his fine character.” Further down: “The soldiers in the Northern armies respected Lee for his courage and skill. His Southern soldiers loved him.”

    I recall reading, a few years ago, an article in The Atlantic that really tore a strip off Lee’s hide. They made him out to be the cruelest bastard in the universe, if you believe anything The Atlantic prints. The final lines are: “The white supremacists who have protested on Lee’s behalf are not betraying his legacy. In fact, they have every reason to admire him. Lee, whose devotion to white supremacy outshone his loyalty to his country, is the embodiment of everything they stand for. Tribe and race over country is the core of white nationalism, and racists can embrace Lee in good conscience.”

  2. Arch Stanton
    Arch Stanton says:

    Playing by the Jews’ legal rules assures the white goy of losing their case. In virtually all cases, average whites are presumed guilty, with little, if any, chance of proving their innocence. The deck is heavily stacked against the white person, especially white males.

    While murderous Negroes, with long records of violent assault and murder, typically receive a get out of jail free pass, white men are prosecuted to the full extent of the Jews’ law for the slightest infraction. Jews have been using their laws to manipulate and control people since before the days of Jesus.

    The Jewish law Americans labor under is a Gordian knot of indecipherable, confusing minutiae. Alexander had the best answer for such knotty problems.

  3. bruno Jones
    bruno Jones says:

    It was heartbreaking reading this article. Similar things have occurred in this region. A friend of mine, while in a Barber shop, spoke about his adventure when going to a support the police event. BLM activists attacked him, despite the fact of their being near policemen. Cops had to escort him away to his car so he could leave. The millenniums on the BLM side were boisterous, vulgar and intimidating.

    The window of his truck was broken. The bottom line is that the police are afraid because of the media and also liberals within the court system. According to those at the event, the police were basically afraid to protect those who have come to support them. I would suggest here that whoever is reading this post go on YouTube and check out the riot that occurred in Tampa.

    A friend of mine, from another state, sent fotos of BLM blocking a HWY. They are unscrupulous and comprehend that, overall, law and media is on their side. The highway was blocked for hours. This means that not only people were unable to go to work, but anyone going to a hospital were simply out of luck.

    Years ago I was in a movie theater and a fellow walked up to me. He asked my name and told me that my posts were being read. In fact, he referred to email info that no one would know, such as a fellow posing as a female telling me that I had a great chest. Back then, I was on a group called J&E and my posts were being monitored. I was younger and in fabulous shape, lifted weights, ran 5 mils every other day, etc. It was a time when the regional FBI chief was an AfroAm. Thus, for those wondering about that organization not investigating Byedon and Hunter, or spying on the president of the USA… that’s nothing; the FBI is nothing more than something similar to the KGB West. Big Digital is in bed with them. If decent moral people desire to assist Wallace they should not send checks, but rather cash. Bills can be forwarded in small sums. It’s crazy out there.

  4. Pip
    Pip says:


    In the British West Indies much of the early capital to finance White slavery came from Sephardic Jews from Holland. They provided credit, machinery and shipping facilities. In the 1630s Dutch Jews had been deeply involved in the enslavement of the Irish, financing their transport to slave plantations in the tropics. By the 1660s, this combination of Jewish finance and White slave labor made the British island colony of Barbados the richest in the empire. The island’s value, in terms of trade and capital exceeded that of all other British colonies combined. (John Oldmixon, The British Empire in America, vol. 2, p. 186.)

    Of the fact that the wealth of Barbados was founded on the backs of White slave labor there can be no doubt. White slave laborers from Britain and Ireland were the mainstay of the sugar colony. Until the mid-1640s there were few Blacks in Barbados. George Downing wrote to John Winthrop, the colonial governor of Massachusetts in 1645, that planters who wanted to make a fortune in the British West Indies must procure White slave labor “out of England” if they wanted to succeed. (Elizabeth Donnan, Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade to America, pp. 125-126. In Hoffman, They Were White and They Were Slaves p. 12.)

    From their experience with rebellious Irish slaves, Dutch Jews would eventually be instrumental in the switch from White to Black slavery in the British West Indies. Blacks were more docile – and more profitable for the Jews.

    The English traffic in slaves in the first half of the seventeenth century was solely in White slaves. The English had no slave base in West Africa, as did the Dutch Jews. Moreover, Dutch Jews were not only bankers and shipping magnates but slave masters and plantation owners themselves. Jews were forbidden by English law to own White Protestant slaves, although in practice this was not uniformly enforced. Irish slaves were allowed to the Jewish slaves but were regarded by them as intractable. Hence the Jews became prime movers behind the African slave trade and the importation of Negro slaves into the New World. (Dalby Thomas, An Historical Account of the Rise and Growth of the British West Indies, pp. 36-37, and G. Merrill, ‘The Role of the Sephardic Jews in the British Caribbean Area in the Seventeenth Century,’ Caribbean Studies, vol. 4, no. 3, 1964-65, pp. 32-49.)

    Hundreds of thousands of White slaves were kidnapped off the streets and roads of Great Britain in the course of more than one hundred and fifty years and sold to captains of slave ships in London known as “White Guineamen.” Ten thousand Whites were kidnapped from England in the year 1670 alone.’

    Excerpts from
    They Were White and They Were Slaves
    The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America
    Michael A. Hoffman

    1. Mainly Britain
    White Slavery in Ancient and Medieval Europe

    Among the ancient Greeks, despite their tradition of democracy, the enslavement of fellow Whites – even fellow Greeks – was the order of the day. Aristotle considered White slaves as things. The Romans also had no compunctions against enslaving Whites who they too termed “a thing” (res). In his agricultural writings, the first century B.C. Roman philosopher Varro labeled White slaves as nothing more than “tools that happened to have voices” (instrumenti vocale). Cato the Elder, discoursing on plantation management, proposed that White slaves when old or ill should be discarded along with worn-out farm implements.

    Julius Caesar enslaved as many as one million Whites from Gaul, some of whom were sold to the slave dealers who followed his victorious legions (William D. Phillips, Jr., Slavery from Roman Times to the Early Transatlantic Trade, p.18).

    In A.D. 319 the “Christian” emperor of Rome, Constantine, ruled that if an owner whipped his White slave to death “he should not stand in any criminal accusation if the slave dies; and all statutes of limitations and legal interpretations are hereby set aside.”

    The Romans enslaved thousands of the early White inhabitants of Great Britain who were known as “Angles,” from which we derive the term “Anglo-Saxon” as a description of the English race. In the sixth century Pope Gregory the First witnessed blond-haired, blue-eyed English boys awaiting sale in a slave market in Rome. Inquiring of their origin, the Pope was told they were Angles. Gregory replied, “Non Angli, sed Angeli” (“Not Angles, but Angels”).

    Arabs and the Traffic in White Slaves
    The fate of the hundreds of thousands of White slaves sold to the Arabs was described in one Spanish text as “atrocissima et ferocissima“ (most atrocious and harsh). The men were worked to death as galley slaves. The women, girls and boys were used as prostitutes.

    White males had their genitals mutilated in castration attempts – bloody procedures of incredible brutality which most of the White men who were forced to submit did not survive, judging from the high prices White eunuchs commanded throughout the Middle Eastern slave markets.

    Escape from North Africa and the Middle East was almost impossible and those White slaves who were caught trying to flee were punished by having their noses and ears cut off, or worse.

    Viking Slavers
    “The Norwegian slave trader was an important enough figure to appear in the 12th century tale of Tristan… Icelandic literature also provides numerous references to raiding in Ireland as a source for slaves…

    “Norwegian Vikings made slave raids not only against the Irish and Scots (who are often called Irish in Norse sources) but also against Norse settlers in Ireland or the Scottish Isles or even in Norway itself… Slave trading was a major commercial activity of the Viking Age.” (Ruth Mazo Karras, Slavery and Society in Medieval Scandinavia, p. 49.) The children of White slaves in Iceland were routinely murdered en masse (Karras, p. 52).

    White Slavery in Early America

    In the Calendar of State Papers of 1701, we read of a protest over the “encouragement to the spiriting away of Englishmen without their consent and selling them for slaves, which hath been a practice very frequent and known by the name of kidnapping.”

    In the British West Indies, plantation slavery was instituted as early as 1627. In Barbados by the 1640s there were an estimated 25,000 slaves, of whom 21,700 were White. (“Some Observations on the Island of Barbados,” Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, America and West Indies, p. 528.)

    It is worth noting that while White slaves were worked to death in Barbados, there were Caribbean Indians brought from Guiana to help propagate native foodstuffs who were well-treated and received as free persons by the wealthy planters.

    * * *

    “White indentured servants were employed and treated, incidentally, exactly like slaves.” (Morley Ayearst, The British West Indies, p. 19.)

    “The many gradations of unfreedom among Whites made it difficult to draw fast lines between any idealized free White worker and a pitied or scorned servile Black worker… in labor-short seventeenth and eighteenth-century America the work of slaves and that of White servants were virtually interchangeable in most areas.” (David R. Roediger, The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class, p. 25.)

    A Holocaust Against the White Poor

    In 1723 the Waltham Act was passed which classified more than 200 minor offenses such as stealing a rabbit from an aristocrat or breaking up his fishpond, a crime punishable by hanging. Starving youths, fourteen years old, were strung-up on Tyburn gallows for stealing as little as one sheep. When their bodies were cut down their parents had to fight over them with agents of the Royal College of Physicians who had been empowered by the courts to use their remains for laboratory dissection.

    The English historian William Cobbett stated in 1836,
    “The starving agricultural laborers of southern England are worse off than American negroes.”

    When in 1834 English farm workers in Dorset tried to form a union in order to “preserve ourselves, our wives and our children from starvation” they were shipped into slavery in Australia for this “crime.” The situation of White factory workers was no better. Robert Owen declared in 1840, “The working classes of Great Britain are in a worse condition than any slaves in any country, in any period of the world’s history.”

    In 19th century England tens of thousands of White children were employed as slave laborers in British coal mines. Little White boys, seven years old, were harnessed like donkeys to coal carts and ordered to drag them through mine shafts. In 1843, White children aged four were working in the coal pits. In old English cemeteries can be seen epitaphs on grave stones like one which reads,

    “William Smith, aged eight years, Miner, died Jan. 3, 1841.”

    The root of the holocaust against the White yeomanry of Britain lies in the history of the land swindles perpetrated against them in the late 12th and early 13th centuries.

    The Factory System

    [Rev. Richard] Oastler was publicly thanked by a delegation of English laborers at a meeting in York “for his manly letters to expose the conduct of those pretended philanthropists and canting hypocrites who travel to the West Indies in search of slavery, forgetting there is a more abominable and degrading system of slavery at home.” (Cecil Driver, Tory Radical: The Life of Richard Oastler, pp. 36-55; lnglis, p. 260.)

    * * *

    White children worked up to sixteen hours a day and “During that period the doors were locked; children – and most of the mill workers were still children – were allowed out only ‘to go to the necessary’… In some factories it was forbidden to open my of the windows; cotton fluff was everywhere, including on he children’s food, but often, as they had to stand all day, they were too fatigued to have any appetite… The (child) apprentices who were on night shift might stay on it for as long as four or five years… although they were provided with dinner at midnight, the machinery did not stop.”
    (lnglis, pp. 80, 163, 164, 262).

    * * *

    “In Bleak House Dickens was to satirize evangelical ‘telescopic philanthropy’ in the person of Mrs. Jellyby, a do-gooder so absorbed in the welfare of the African natives of Borrioboola-Gha that she fails to notice her own family sinking into ruin. This was precisely Carlyle’s point: with Irish… dying in ditches… it was the worst sort of rose-pink sentimentalism to worry oneself about West Indian Negroes.” (Eugene R. August, introduction to Thomas Carlyle’s The Nigger Question, Crofts Classics edition, p. xvii.)

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