Playing to the stereotype
In the time-honored tradition of so many American graduate students before me, many years ago after I dropped out of the Ph.D. program in English which I had nearly completed, I drove a taxi cab for several years. In Philadelphia.
How I came to punctuate a solid academic career that had raised reasonable expectations in my professors of potential future success with this tragic note is not relevant to this essay; a scene of some fairly predictable absurdity is, and is also relevant to this particular moment in the news cycle.
When I was driving a cab, having grown monumentally frustrated with the goings-on of the Black population of Philadelphia as customers—the nastiness, the violence, the hysteria, the thieving, the guns, etc., etc.—one night, as yet another Black customer exited the cab making quite clear his intentions not to pay, because I sensed he was a mere low-life and not a gun-toting killer, I couldn’t help myself. I began to remonstrate with him.
“Why are you doing this?” I yelled. “Don’t you realize you’re only strengthening justification for the negative racial feelings people may already harbor? Don’t you care how this affects other cab drivers and how they treat your fellow man? Why are you living down to low expectations? Why are you playing to the stereotype?” I shrieked.
The low life stood there grinning like the village idiot while I harangued him on his social responsibilities, but he was undoubtedly hearing nothing more than the sound adults make in Peanuts cartoons.
He stumbled away, completely unabashed, knowing he had nothing to fear. I, on the other hand, just couldn’t let it go. The muted trombone continued, although hardly quiet. My head still hanging out of the window, I continued screeching my sermon.
“Wah wah wah wah!!” And more, “Wah wah wah wah.” And finally, after I’d pulled out into traffic, still half out the window, my final thrust, “Wah, wah wah, WAH!!”
There, I’d got him. My lesson was delivered. I put the trombone away and settled back into my seat and drove on.
Rather silly of me, huh? Unfortunately, I have plenty more anecdotes drawn from the repertoire of the Theatre of the Absurd. After all, at that time I was a fully indoctrinated member of the liberal intelligentsia, and, doggonit, the world had to be made to conform to what I’d read in the books.
* * * * * *
Decades later, it’s déjà vous all over again. Once again, I’m having this same indignation roiling through me, and I’m experiencing a strangely familiar urge to open windows and start shouting. Only this time, my frustration is instigated by what I’m seeing on my computer screen. I’m observing with incredulity the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt and a significant number of other powerful Jewish movers and shakers pile on to a handful of celebrities who have made critical observations about Jews and Jewish power structures in the entertainment industry.
As RockaBoatus said in his essay, “Is the Golden Age for Jews Coming to an End?”:
Kanye West’s recent Tweets about Jews has helped to further open discussion on these matters. To the chagrin of many Jews, his claims and their consequences have only served to prove the very point he was making in his Tweets. He complained about the hugely disproportionate influence and power that Jews have in Hollywood and in corporate media. Though Jewish advocacy groups tried to sway public opinion by describing such notions as “old anti-Semitic canards,” their actions demonstrated the very truth of West’s claims when one corporation after another cut all financial ties from him.
“Huh?” I want to yell from the rooftops. “This is the move chosen by those who possess that vaunted Ashkenazi IQ? What?”
This isn’t any better than all those Black lowlifes who had no shame viewing cabs as their personal ATMs. After all, according to the dictates of critical race theory, Black people must eschew “planning ahead” as it is symptomatic of “whiteness.” And “planning ahead” translates as “thinking ahead” so perhaps it’s understandable that misbehaving members of Philadelphia’s Black community can’t see the future social impact of their actions. But Greenblatt et al couldn’t think that through?
Just like the fare-skipper, the Jewish movers and shakers have played right into the stereotype.
And stereotypical behavior not unlike keeping and bearing two-edged arms ought to simply be left to common sense as opposed to made illegal and then not enforced by would-be authorities. Witness some who object to their characterization as White supremacists who ban, deplatofrm, misrepresent and conceal, and otherwise typify what those fleeing the worst communities condone, these days, think to do it themselves. We hate hypocrites, don’t we? ;=| It’s not attractive and therefore must be moderated for adherence to common sense such as not engaging trolls including would-be moderators demonstrating hypocrisy and attracting more who tolerate, prefer follow-the-leader to, say, hide & seek. Some consider such behavior building community and is what has built the instant America. Businessmen, e.g., dentists, call it practice building. -In haste…
This is the time to rally with Kanye and Kyrie and all the others who have identified Jewish Power in America. Jews win because they rally together. So must we.
Is there a legal defense fund for Kanye and Kyrie? Are activists and organizers setting up a boycott of Adidas? Are demonstrators gathering with signs and bull horns at the Adidas headquarters, and at the music company offices? That’s what Jews do, and so should we.
I didn’t know that the Nick Knatterton
cartoon series was drawn by a Slovenian.
In episode 3, the detective imagines various
disguises he could use to observe the criminals,
including a Hitler moustache. This costume is
labeled “nostalgia”. Nowadays, this would no
longer be tolerated without consequence by
the Judenherrschaft and its useful idiots.
These Hungarian animated series from the early 70s have IMHO enormous cinematic and literary potential, their plot is much more innovative than the much later created American cartoons with which they are idiotically compared. Which again makes it clear: constraint (e.g. material limitation) only actually makes one truly inventive.
The dad is a hypocritical jerk, the mom a domineering pain in the ass, the sister a naive bimbo, only the son is a genius who explores every night unnoticed in an inflatable rocket together with his talking dog a different planet full of curiosities. The clever wordplay, with all its allusions to winged words, which actually presupposes knowledge of elaborate adult language, is probably the result of the East German dubbing.
The Olsen Gang was an entertaining
team of genial losers. Despite their by
Danish standards lavish film producti-
ons, they have remained completely
unknown in the English-speaking world.
Here they were characterized by a British narrator.
From minute 3 to 5 there is a clip from “The
Olsen Gang in Jutland” set in a real German
bunker (google Bunkermuseum Hanstholm).
Although the cute Danes may not have
been as harmless as they appear to us!
I already talked about the fact that genius does
not come from abundance, but from limitation.
Gang leader Egon Olsen had always forged the
“perfect plan” in prison, just like Hitler in Lands-
berg with his world-shaking “revolutionary” book.
The first question Egon’s little gang always asked
him was: “Egon, you must have a brilliant plan!
Speak up already: what is it?” What is the moral
of the story? That criminals in prison do not hatch
good deeds, but crime? Can anything prosperous
ever come into being under such circumstances?
The Count of Monte Cristo also had such a plan.
Since we live in a criminal world, this is not a con-
tradiction, it seems rather that criminals determi-
ne our destinies without ever ending up in prison.
A few decades ago, if you asked Europeans which
country they associate with crime, they would have
immediately said “America!” (specifically “Chicago”).
It is no coincidence that Adolar’s episode “Cri-
me Planet” is set in an American environment.
It is very true that one is responsible not only for
what one does, but also for what one fails to do.
Sins of omission, failure to help. I can also lie by
remaining silent. The white race has been guilty
against itself, it is not only the “crime of the cen-
tury” (Supertramp), but the most evil of which man
is capable at all. This lying, this silence, this denial
of ourselves, this self-deception is our daily bread.