False diagnosis: A response to “Are We All One In Christ Jesus?”
It is not only Pierre Simon’s “Are We All One In Christ Jesus?”, not only the numerous texts that I have familiarized myself with while reading articles conveying a similar message as that expressed by Pierre Simon, but also my talks with people from Western Europe that compelled me to eventually voice my opinion on, or rather objection to the contents of the that post, or rather: to talk common sense. The article I am adducing establishes a diagnosis that boils down to three theses: [1] Jews invented Christianity for the purpose of subjugating the White man; [2] in due time, Christianity spread like wild fire and weakened the White race; [3] Marxism, the Frankfurt School along with psychoanalysis are present-day versions of Christianity and their task is to further enslave the White race psychologically.
I, too, once came across Marcus Eli Ravage’s revelations and for a moment I felt like I was offered a key to understanding social and historical reality. For a moment, because somehow reading the likes of Marcus Eli Ravage I try not to drop my guard. Hey, I thought: they designed a grand scheme against us — the White race — a successful, effective scheme and now all of a sudden it pleases them to tell it as it is? Whatever for? Hey! I thought: that’s the spotlight that I am supposed to follow, the spotlight that will distract my attention from what is being concocted in the shadows, but I am not the one to fall for it. Rather, I will consider historical record, resort to common sense and I will eventually see through Marcus Eli Ravage and company. They want me to discard Christianity — of all people: they — and I should oblige them? My!
It just does not stand to reason that an obscure sect, at an obscured place was capable of designing a plot to overturn the order of things in Europe and then in North America in… two thousand years’ time! The argument that the Roman Empire adopted Christianity and died as a consequence because the new religion weakened this otherwise powerful body politic is like the argument I hear from some Russians that the Soviet Union was capable of not only surviving but also outdoing the West but for the few traitors ensconced within the Communist Party of the USSR. And what about the Eastern Empire which lasted until 1453?
Christianity served Europe and the White race roughly for the following two millennia. There was no trace whatsoever of a weakening of Europe’s nations because of that faith: Christians would wage wars among themselves, then they would conquer the whole world and keep it in subjugation. The religious missionary zeal was one of the components driving Europeans to explore other continents. When I read medieval chronicles, I observe fascinating things in this respect. Was it not the Christian religious fervour that made the White race conquer the Holy Land and reclaim the Iberian Peninsula? Where do we find the cult of the weak, the meek, the helpless, the submissive when we come to think about chivalrous orders, about the Knights Templar, the Knights Hospitaller or the Teutonic Knights? About the military Orders of Calatrava and Alcántara? About their castles rather than monasteries, about their battles rather than alms-giving, about their wars rather than missions? Where was this meekness, this submissiveness, this passivity?
It is a fascinating experience to read medieval chronicles. I mean for instance those left by the Teutonic Knights,[2] where page after page after page is devoted to justifying warfare and military action, with all arguments being rooted … in the Bible and substantiated with meticulous quotations. It is an eye-opening experience when you read the greatest Polish chronicler Jan Długosz,[3] a Christian priest himself(!), and you have him evaluating this or that prince as weak, passive and idle because the prince … waged too few wars! Also, the same chronicler goes to great lengths to give an account of the many wars between the Order of the Teutonic Knights and the Kingdom of Poland, and you will never ever catch him preaching morality to the tune that war is evil while peace is always the preferable option. Never ever. To make things all the more — weird? fascinating? bizarre? eye-opening (make your choice) — with both belligerents being deeply Christian, the Polish nation venerated the Mother of God (Poland’s first national-cum-military medieval hymn or national anthem was devoted to her) and despite that fact fought tooth and claw against the Teutonic Order, whose full name reads: the Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem. The aforementioned chronicler preaches absolutely no morality that might be occasioned by the fact that Mary’s worshippers killed Mary’s worshippers. Men are praised by him for their manliness, and the chronicler never comes upon the idea of reminding the reader of the principle of turning to the enemy the other cheek.
As for Jews designing and then weaponizing Christianity for their own purposes: The historical record reveals that the stronger the (Catholic) Church was, the weaker were the Jews. The latter were not admitted to Christian society. The Fourth Lateran Council under Pope Innocent III mandated that Jews wear a distinguishing dress, and barred them from holding office to prevent them from exercising power over Christians, that is, for all practical purposes over White Europeans. The latter-day Inquisition instituted by the Catholic Church, as is commonly known to the readership of the Occidental Observer, served much the same purpose of barring Jews from office should their conversion to Christianity be insincere. Even later, when the Church split, with its Protestant part undergoing a measure of Judaization, Martin Luther is known to have strongly inveighed against the Jews. What about interconfessional marriages between Christian and Jews? Unimaginable for either party. And even in 1910 the Church under Pope Pius X reiterated its historical stance on the Jews—that Jews had killed Christ and that there were real economic conflicts of interest between Jews and Christians, noting “the trade rivalry which caused Christians to accuse the Jews of sharp practice, and to resent their clipping of the coinage, their usury, etc.; the patriotic susceptibilities of the particular nations in the midst of which the Jews have usually formed a foreign element, and to the respective interests of which their devotion has not always been beyond suspicion.
If all this — read Christianity — was the ingenious socio-political invention of Saint Paul that was supposed to advance Jewish interests among Whites, then I do not know what the worst might be.
The rot occurred later and came from a different source. Just as the faith steeled the will power of White Europeans (just as another kind of faith steels the resistance of present-day Muslims), the lack thereof made it flaccid. The Protestant movement was the first serious hit: it encouraged Christians to doubt their beliefs, their firmness, their conviction of possessing the whole truth; it allowed the profane to touch the sacred. Then came the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, and stripped some of the Europeans of the Christian faith while weakening it in the others. Though this epochal change took place in France, its effects rippled across the continent. Spiritually weakened, deprived of its immune system, with no one to wage wars against ideological heretics and with no one having the power of anathema (which is ineffective vis-á-vis disbelievers), the White European race fell easy prey to an ideological assault mounted by the out-group. Socialism or communism with their ideology of equal distribution of goods and their fraternity of men can be viewed as warped Christianity, while Marxian and Freudian ideologies with the class struggle of the former and the rebellion against morality in the case of the latter were Christianity’s antithesis, where no meekness, no turning the other cheek was advocated, but defiance, disobedience and mutiny: forces that disrupt societal cohesiveness.
So long as Christianity held sway over Europe, Europeans ruled the world; the moment Marxism in the broadest sense of the term replaced it, Europeans began their epic retreat from all previously held positions. The faith that they had professed for almost two millennia was either ruthlessly extirpated (Stalinist USSR) or infiltrated and turned upside down or inside out (Trotskyist West): those who have become disbelievers or agnostics or atheists began to follow the tenets of the Frankfurt School and the like, while those who still cling to the faith of their ancestors are fed the faith that has been imbibed with new content. Academically and theologically debilitated modern believers will have Scripture interpreted for them by non-believers and will buy into such interpretation without reservation. If even Pope Paul VI is said to have been influenced by no less a figure than Saul Alinsky (Rules for Radicals, with the author’s infamous dedication of the book to Lucifer), then there you have it! And activist Jews were certainly not passive participants in this process.
At this juncture the reader will have noticed that something just does not add up. It was the ethnic likes of Marcus Eli Ravage who in Soviet Russia and concurrently in the West were hellbent on eradicating or distorting the Christian message; but hang on: if Christianity was devised by their ethnic predecessors to fool the European anthropological type, if the Christian religion advanced Jewish interests, then why do away with it? Why did Marcus Eli Ravage want the Christian (post-)believers to abandon even the remnants of their faith if the faith was such an effective tool of duping the White man for centuries in the hands of his tribesmen? Something just does not add up.
[1] The author’s name is pronounced /YAH-tsek SHEL-lah/.
[2] Peter of Dusburg, Chronicon terrae Prussiae.
[3] Jan Długosz (/yahn DWOO-gawsh/), Annales seu cronici incliti regni Poloniae. The English reader may read large excerpts of the chronicle in The Annals of Jan Dlugosz.
Pope Pius XI was not far off the mark. On Sept 6, 1938 he declared: “It is not possible for Christians to take part in antisemitism. Spiritually we are Semites.” Go figure.
Q. Is it really so difficult to distinguish between (1) a reflexive hatred for Jews qua Jews and (2) a keen awareness of their past and present evil deeds and intentions, not omitting their witting and willful murder of Jesus Christ, along with what seems to be a much greater than usual innate disposition to wish harm to their fellow men (cf. 1 Thess 2:15)?
A. Evidently for you and a great many others, yes.
Jews did invent Christianity as a psyop religion to mentally colonize the Romans. Philo of Alexandria and his nephew Tiberius Julius Alexander (“Josephus”) are responsible for it.
>Jews were weak when christianity was strong
Jews were expelled from 109 nominally Christian European countries, but they were also refugees in 110 Christian European countries. 110 times they were relocated under the protection of the catholic church — and at Europeans expense — to other Christian European countries. That doesn’t sound like persecution!
>Jews hate Christianity
They actually don’t. Adam Green posts videos about this all the time.
And I am glad you mentioned Marxism. There is actually no differnece between Christianity and Marxism. Coming out of the enlightenment Karx Marx forsaw a day when Europeans would not worship the sky rabbi anymore so he created an athiestic varient where god is replaced with the government.
Thanks for the article on this topic. The first one was to me was historically illogical. Especially ignoring that Christianity, in my mind, would never have become the power it did without Constantine’s victory through actual war, and his following massive promotion of it while in power. Although most today Christians, including pastors, have no knowledge of that.
Also the Crusades, seemingly brutal as they may have been.
Performed by bleeding heart liberals of the time??
That is history as I read it.
Eli Ravage’s articles specifically concern the effect of Christianity on the Romans and not the White man as such. What happens after the fall of the Empire is another ball game. You are right to point out that Christianity during the medieval period was strong and powerful. But underneath the surface, the pagan mentality was still very much alive especially at the grassroots level, right up to modern times; when I was a kid in France, for example, in the 50s many people still celebrated Celtic holydays and traditions. Christianity did play against the Jews but very little. They still managed throughout it all to stay strong. Christians always protected God’s chosen people. So yes, there were ups and downs during the past 2000 years, but Cultural Marxism and Christianity, it is undeniable at this point, are now working hand in hand to destroy the White race and the civilization it created. What happened before that doesn’t really matter.
It was the Indo-European Faustian spirit that was responsible for the discovery (exploration) and other grandiose aspects (inventions and the cathedrals for example) falsely attributed to Christianity. Christianity as such was a mere vehicule. If anything, Christianity stiffled that spirit. It was fully expressed again when Hitler came to Power.
See Dr. Ricardo Duchesne’s book, The Faustian Spirit and Charles Murry’s book Human accomplishments: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 BC to 1950.
Glad to see someone debunk this nonsense theory that Jews hatched a dastardly plan that would take 2000 years to beat fruit, utter hogwash!