Monotheism vs. Polytheism
Translated from the French and with the introduction by Tom Sunic
This article was first published in April 1996, in Chronicles; A magazine of American Culture Given the ongoing armed conflict between Israeli troops and Hamas-led Palestinian militants in the Gaza strip, it may be useful to reexamine the Biblical origins of total wars and the nature of modern totalitarianism.
Tom Sunic
Can we still conceive of the revival of pagan sensibility in an age so profoundly saturated by Judeo-Christian monotheism and so ardently adhering to the tenets of liberal democracy? In popular parlance the very word ‘paganism’ may incite some to derision and laughter. Who, after all, wants to be associated with witches and witchcraft, with sorcery and black magic? Worshiping animals or plants, or chanting hymns to Wotan or Zeus, in an epoch of cable television and “smart weapons,” does not augur well for serious intellectual and academic inquiry. Yet, before we begin to heap scorn on paganism, we should pause for a moment. Paganism is not just witches and witches’ brew; paganism also means a mix of highly speculative theories and philosophies. Paganism is Seneca and Tacitus; it is an artistic and cultural movement that swept over Italy under the banner of the Renaissance. Paganism also means Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, Charles Darwin, and a host of other thinkers associated with the Western cultural heritage. Two thousand years of Judeo-Christianity have not obscured the fact that pagan thought has not yet disappeared, even though it has often been blurred, stifled, or persecuted by monotheistic religions and their secular offshoots. Undoubtedly, many would claim that in the realm of ethics all men and women of the world are the children of Abraham. Indeed, even the bolder ones who somewhat self-righteously claim to have rejected the Christian or Jewish theologies, and who claim to have replaced them with “secular humanism,” frequently ignore that their self-styled secular beliefs are firmly grounded in Judeo-Christian ethics. Abraham and Moses may be dethroned today, but their moral edicts and spiritual ordinances are much alive. The global and disenchanted world, accompanied by the litany of human rights, ecumenical society, and the rule of law—are these not principles that can be traced directly to the Judeo-Christian messianism that resurfaces today in its secular version under the elegant garb of modern “progressive” ideologies?
And yet, we should not forget that the Western world did not begin with the birth of Christ. Neither did the religions of ancient Europeans see the first light of day with Moses—in the desert. Nor did our much-vaunted democracy begin with the period of Enlightenment or with the proclamation of American independence. Democracy and independence—all of this existed in ancient Greece, albeit in its own unique social and religious context. Our Greco-Roman ancestors, our predecessors who roamed the woods of central and northern Europe, also believed in honor, justice, and virtue, although they attached to these notions a radically different meaning. Attempting to judge, therefore, ancient European political and religious manifestations through the lens of our ethnocentric and reductionist glasses could mean losing sight of how much we have departed from our ancient heritage, as well as forgetting that modern intellectual epistemology and methodology have been greatly influenced by the Bible. Just because we profess historical optimism—or believe in the progress of the modern “therapeutic state”—does not necessarily mean that our society is indeed the “best of all worlds.” Who knows, with the death of communism, with the exhaustion of liberalism, with the visible depletion of the congregations in churches and synagogues, we may be witnessing the dawn of neopaganism, a new blossoming of old cultures, a return to the roots that are directly tied to our ancient European precursors. Who can dispute the fact that Athens was the homeland of Europeans before Jerusalem became their frequently painful edifice?
Great lamenting is heard from all quarters of our disenchanted and barren world today. Gods seem to have departed, as Nietzsche predicted a century ago, ideologies are dead, and liberalism hardly seems capable of providing man with enduring spiritual support. Maybe the time has come to search for other paradigms? Perhaps the moment is ripe, as Alain de Benoist would argue, to envision another cultural and spiritual revolution—a revolution that might well embody our pre-Christian European pagan heritage?
* * *
Alain de Benoist
Nietzsche well understood the meaning of “Athens against Jerusalem.” Referring to ancient paganism, which he called “the greatest utility of polytheism,” he wrote in The Joyful Wisdom:
There was then only one norm, the man and every people believed that it had this one and ultimate norm. But, above himself, and outside of himself, in a distant overworld a person could see a multitude of norms: the one God was not the denial or blasphemy of the other Gods! It was here that the right of individuals was first respected. The inventing of Gods, heroes, and supermen of all kinds, as well as co-ordinate men and undermen— dwarfs, fairies, centaurs, satyrs, demons, devils—was the inestimable preliminary to the justification of the selfishness and sovereignty of the individual; the freedom which was granted to one God in respect to other Gods, was at last given to the individual himself in respect to laws, customs, and neighbors. Monotheism, on the contrary, the rigid consequence of one normal human being —consequently, the belief in a normal God, beside whom there are only false spurious Gods—has perhaps been the greatest danger of mankind in the past.
Jehovah is not only a “jealous” god, but he can also show hatred: “Yet, I loved Jacob, and I hated Esau” (Malachi 1:3). He recommends hatred to all those who call out his name: “Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies” (Psalm 139: 21-22). “Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God” (Psalm 139:19). Jeremiah cries out: “Render unto them a recompense, O Lord, according to the work of their hands. . . . Persecute and destroy them in anger from under the heavens of the Lord” (Lamentations 5:64-66). The book of Jeremiah is a long series of maledictions and curses buried against peoples and nations. His contemplation of future punishments fills him with gloomy delight. “Let them be confounded that persecute me, but let not me be confounded: … bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double destruction” (Lam. 17:18). “Therefore, deliver up their children to the famine, and pour out their blood by the force of the sword; and let their wives be bereaved of their children, and be widows; and let their men be put to death” (Lam. 18:21).
Further, Jehovah promises the Hebrews that he will support them in their war efforts: “When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land” (Deuteronomy 12:29). “But of the cities of these people, which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth” (Deut. 20:16). Jehovah himself gave an example of a genocide by provoking the Deluge against the humanity that sinned against him. While he resided with the Philistine King Achish, David also practiced genocide (1 Samuel 27:9). Moses organized the extermination of the Midian people (Numbers 31:7). Joshua massacred the inhabitants of Hazor and Anakim. “And Joshua at that time turned back, and took Hazor, and smote the king thereof with the sword: for Hazor beforetime was the head of all those kingdoms. And they smote all the souls that were therein with the edge of the sword, utterly destroying them: there was not any left to breathe: and he burnt Hazor with fire” (Joshua 11:10-11, 20-21). The messianic king extolled by Solomon was also known for his reign of terror: “May he purify Jerusalem for all gentiles who trample on it miserably, may he exterminate by his wisdom, justice the sinners of this country. . . . May he destroy the impious nations with the words from his mouth.” Hatred against pagans is also visible in the books of Esther, Judith, etc.
“No ancient religion, except that of the Hebrew people has known such a degree of intolerance,” says Emile Gillabert in Moise et le phénomène judéo-chrétien (1976). Renan had written in similar terms: “The intolerance of the Semitic peoples is the inevitable consequence of their monotheism. The Indo-European peoples, before they converted to Semitic ideas, had never considered their religion an absolute truth. Rather, they conceived of it as a heritage of the family, or the caste, and in this way they remained foreign to intolerance and proselytism. This is why we find among these peoples the liberty of thought, the spirit of inquiry and individual research.” Of course, one should not look at this problem in a black and white manner, or for instance compare and contrast one platitude to another platitude. There have always been, at all times, and everywhere, massacres and exterminations. But it would be difficult to find in the pagan texts, be they of sacred or profane nature, the equivalent of what one so frequently encounters in the Bible: the idea that these massacres could be morally justified, that they could be deliberately authorized and ordained by one god, “as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded” (Joshua 11:12). Thus, for the perpetrators of these crimes, good consciousness continues to rule, not despite these massacres, but entirely for the sake of the massacres.
A lot of ink has been spilled over this tradition of intolerance. Particularly contentious are the words of Jesus as recorded by Luke: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). Some claim to perceive in the word “hate” a certain form of Hebraism; apparently, these words suggest that Jesus had to be absolutely preferred to all other human beings. Some claim to see in it traces of Gnostic contamination that suggest renouncement, despoliation of goods, and the refusal of procreation. In this context, the obligation to “hate” one’s parents is to be viewed as a corollary of not wishing to have children.
These interpretations remain pure conjecture. What is certain is that Christian intolerance began to manifest itself very early. In the course of history this intolerance was directed against “infidels” as well as against pagans, Jews, and heretics. It accompanied the extermination of all aspects of ancient culture —the murder of Hypatia, the interdiction of pagan cults, the destruction of temples and statues, the suppression of the Olympic Games, and the arson, at the instigation of the town’s Bishop Theophilus of Serapeum, of Alexandria in A.D. 389, whose immense library of 700,000 volumes had been collected by the Ptolomeys. Then came the forced conversions, the extinction of positive science, persecution, and pyres. Ammianus Marcellinus said: “The wild beasts are less hostile to people than Christians are among themselves.” Sulpicius Severus wrote: “Now everything has gone astray as the result of discords among bishops. Everywhere, one can see hatred, favours, fear, jealousy, ambition, debauchery, avarice, arrogance, sloth: there is general corruption everywhere.”
The Jewish people were the first to suffer from Christian monotheism. The causes of Christian anti-Semitism, which found its first “justification” in the Gospel of John (probably written under the influence of Gnosticism, and to which many studies have been devoted) lie in the proximity of the Jewish and Christian faiths. As Jacques Solé notes: “One persecutes only his neighbors.” Only a “small gap” separates Jews from Christians, but as Nietzsche says, “the smallest gap is also the least bridgeable.” During the first centuries of the Christian era anti-Semitism grew out of the Christian claim to be the successor of Judaism, and bestowing on it its “truthful” meaning. For Christians, “salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22), but it is only Christianity that can be verus Israel. Hence the expression perfidi, applied to the Jews until recently by the Church in prayers during Holy Friday—an expression meaning “without faith,” and whose meaning is different from the modern word “perfidious.”
Saint Paul was the first to formulate this distinction. With his replacement of the Law by Grace, Paul distinguished between the “Israel of God” and the “Israel after the flesh” (I Corinthians 10:18), which also led him to oppose circumcision: “For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God” (Romans 2:28-29). Conclusion: “For we are the circumcision” (Philippians 3:3). This argument has, from the Christian point of view, a certain coherence. As Claude Trestmontant says, if the last of the nabis from Israel, the rabbi Yohushua of Nazareth, that is to say Jesus, is really a Messiah, then the vocation of Israel to become the “beacon of nations” must be fully accomplished, and the universalism implied in this vocation must be put entirely into practice. Just as the Law that has come to an end with Christ (in a double sense of the word) is no longer necessary, so has the distinction between Israel and other nations become futile as well: “There is neither Jew nor Greek” (Galatians 3:28). Consequently, universal Christianity must become verus Israel.
This process, which originated in the Pauline reform, has had a double consequence. On the one hand, it has resulted in the persecution of Jews who, by virtue of their “genealogical” proximity, are represented as the worst enemies of Christianity. They are the adversaries who refuse to “convert,” who refuse to recognize Christianity as the “true Israel.” As Shmuel Trigano notes, “by projecting itself as the new Israel, the West has given to Judaism a de facto jurisdiction, albeit not the right to be itself.” This means that the West can become “Israelite” to the extent that it denies Jews the right to be Israelites. Henceforth, the very notion of “Judeo-Christianity” can be defined as a double incarceration. It imprisons “the Christian West,” which by its own deliberate act has subordinated itself to an alien “jurisdiction,” and which by doing so denies this very same jurisdiction to its legitimate (Jewish) owners. Furthermore, it imprisons the Jews who, by virtue of a religion different from their own, are now undeservedly caught in the would-be place of their “accomplishment” by means of a religion which is not their own. Trigano further adds: “If Judeo-Christianity laid the foundations of the West, then the very place of Israel is also the West.” Subsequently, the requisites of “Westernization” must also become the requisites of assimilation and “normalization,” and the denial of identity. “The crisis of Jewish normality is the crisis of the westernization of Judaism. Therefore, to exit from the West means for the Jews to turn their back to their ‘normality,’ that is, to open themselves up to their otherness.” This seems to be why Jewish communities today criticize the “Western model,” only after they first adopt their own specific history of a semi-amnesiac and semi-critical attitude.
In view of this. Christian anti-Semitism can be rightly described as neurosis. As Jean Blot writes, it is because of its “predisposition toward alienation” that the West is incapable of “fulfilling itself or rediscovering itself.” And from this source arises anti-Semitic neurosis. “Anti-semitism allows the anti-Semite to project onto the Jew his own neuroses. He calls him a stranger, because he himself is a stranger, a crook, a powerful man, a parvenu; he calls him a Jew, because he himself is this Jew in the deepest depth of his soul, always on the move, permanently alienated, a stranger to his own religion and to God who incarnates him.” By replacing his original myth with the myth of biblical monotheism, the West has turned Hebraism into its own superego. As an inevitable consequence, the West had to turn itself against the Jewish people by accusing them of not pursuing the “conversion” in terms of the “logical” evolution proceeding from Sinai to Christianity. In addition, the West also accused the Jewish people of attempting, in an apparent “deicide,” to obstruct this evolution.
Many, even today, assume that if Jews were to renounce their distinct identity, “the Jewish problem” would disappear. At best, this is a naive proposition, and at worst, it masks a conscious or unconscious form of anti-Semitism. Furthermore, this proposition, which is inherent in the racism of assimilation and the denial of identity, represents the reverse side of the racism of exclusion and persecution. In the West, notes Shmuel Trigano, when the Jews were not persecuted, they “were recognized as Jews only on the condition that they first ceased to be Jews.” Put another way, in order to be accepted, they had to reject themselves; they had to renounce their own Other in order to be reduced to the Same. In another type of racism, Jews are accepted but denied; in the first, they are accepted but are not recognized. The Church ordered Jews to choose between exclusion (or physical death) or self-denial (spiritual and historical death). Only through conversion could they become “Christians, as others.”
The French Revolution emancipated Jews as individuals, but it condemned them to disappear as a “nation”; in this sense, they were forced to become “citizens as others.” Marxism, too, attempted to ensure the “liberation” of the Jewish people by imposing on them a class division, from which their dispersion inevitably resulted.
The origins of modern totalitarianism are not difficult to trace. In a secular form, they are tied to the same radical strains of intolerance whose religious causes we have just examined. The organization of totalitarianism is patterned after the organization of the Christian Church, and in a similar manner totalitarianisms exploit the themes of the “masses”—the themes inherent in contemporary mass democracy. This secularization of the system has, in fact, rendered totalitarianism more dangerous—independently of the fact that religious intolerance often triggers, in return, an equally destructive revolutionary intolerance. “Totalitarianism,” writes Gilbert Durand, “is further strengthened, in so far as the powers of monotheist theology (which at least left the game of transcendence intact) have been transferred to a human institution, to the Grand Inquisitor.”
It is a serious error to assume that totalitarianism manifests its real character only when it employs crushing coercion. Historical experience has demonstrated—and continues to demonstrate—that there can exist a “clean” totalitarianism, which, in a “soft” manner, yields the same consequences as the classic kinds of totalitarianism. “Happy robots” of 1984 or of Brave New World have no more enviable conditions than prisoners of the camps. In essence, totalitarianism did not originate with Saint-Just, Stalin, Hegel, or Fichte. Rather, as Michel Maffesoli says, totalitarianism emerges “when a subtle form of plural, polytheistic, and contradictory totality, that is inherent in organic interdependency” is superseded by a monotheistic one. Totalitarianism grows out of a desire to establish social and human unity by reducing the diversity of individuals and peoples to a single model. In this sense, he argues, it is legitimate to speak of a “polytheist social arena, referring to multiple and complementary gods” versus a “monotheistic political arena founded on the illusion of unity.” Once the polytheism of values “disappears, we face totalitarianism.” Pagan thought, on the other hand, which fundamentally remains attached to rootedness and to the place, and which is a preferential center of the crystallization of human identity, rejects all religious and philosophical forms of universalism.
“Every man should know his limitations!” – Dirty Harry.
Any writer who repeatedly uses the term Judeo-Christian has automatically disqualified himself from any reasonable logical process of attempted edification when he uses an oxymoronic term as a reference.
Judeo-Christian is an OXYMORON – PERIOD!
How so? Read – – and how do I know? Been there – done that!
Tom sunic is one of Croatia s greatest thinkers..a fabulous writer and stentorian speaker. We admire Tom Sunic. Caco se Tom..zdravo..bok…hvala ti..bog te bogoslovio …” .
Croatia is across the water from Italy.We used to live there for a time back in the day.”He makes some protypical disaffected European errors ,not nesecerily eastern european errors ,even as ,truthfully, we always admire Tom s clarity in the vast most things.He confuses himself here though by falsely equating his own european catholic church roots with true spiritual non Jewish real Christianity. .Probably at this time of writing he never heard Christian identity movements.or for that matter Orthodox serb Christian teaching” Then again eastern europe,like europe in general, has alot of communist mafia pablum pumped in to the mentality over there.
We know. We lived there.
Some americans are finding out that white peoples are loved by Christian identity folk in a supremely rational and spiritual way …
..see James Wickstrom…very fine..interesting Man…”” .Wickstrom beloved as he deservedly. was,…..the diametric opposite of jew controlled american evangelical delusionary jew worshippers.
“Jesus. was Not a Jew”
Newsflash..He incarnated down from paradise to show mankind how to live and ended the pharisaical talmudic .O.T. dispensation.”Jews murdered Him for that. The transparant undeniable elements of pharisaical hubris,jealousy..jewish pride were risible in an vile pathetic murderous jewish supernationalistic way.”
Tom is a fabulous brilliant grandiloquent deeply gifted man in an era of. jew micromanaged serpentine polemical and disingenuous zircons. but Tom reveals in this.1996 article that he absolutely does not know Jesus,the risen Christ. We hope that will change.All good things are possible by the grace of God. ” Fact is.. Paganism has plenty of child murder, rape,barbaric murderous unconscionable stupidity too. European. church leaders,follow American Mainline christian church .propaganda….Mcc. pablum..they are big government colluder judaizers”… the m.c.c follow to an idiotic degree,the teachings of the jew-liar scribes of the old testament era ,that a deeper examination of the O.T. and New Testament would note..-Jesus. Himself- frequently..ferociously. condemned the abuse . of the numerous talmudic rabbinical scribal degradations. ,i,e the scribal imposed errors of the Bible. Note that .massive child murder sacrifice by non Isreal tribes were objectively occurring back then not just the jews who were also promiscuos horrible
murderous homosexuals, History does not obscure this at all. ..Sodom and Gomorrah style.. in so many cases…,and were justifiably condemned we also must condemn amoral Jewish child murder sacrifice all through European history …and certainly in the world today.
Is it any surprise that isreal is the lgbtq gay capitol of thevworld in 2023?…though we hear jews are scurrying like frightened rats to escape the worlds retribution…..
Note .Jewish planned parenthood, jew commanded global abortion as an epicentral tenet of modern judaism…objective simply cant cavil or arbitrarily dismiss…one of so many verified historical and current ultra Jewish satanic syndromes..Tom s article overlooked this abject fact ,but we must not…we absolutely cannot. ”
At one point Tom sounds as if we. americans ,currently sick to death of satanic totalitarian jew fiscal fraud and jew originated lawfare….after the post European Christian church Era… are misguided anti jewish- peoples.!..nonsense..he is wrong ..the so called “”curse causeless does. not alight”…genocidal sociopathological maladjusted sick Jews did …and very much worsening today..still give immense cause for extreme wrathful displeasure….jews in the overall are the proven enemies of mankind. the current jew microtriggered brainwash ..the clearly false politically correct. terminology….antisemtism..?….sorry..we don’t use the mislabel it is in actual fact..anti judiasm””…..Palestinian Christians currently being holocausted.. genocided,…butchered by Isreal , the white phosphorous bombing of palestine approved by many American jews,….are also semites…as are many arabs…,coptic christians,other non Jewish non Muslim middle easterners,though some Muslims are semites. Darwin? really Tom? Nietzche died after 10 years in a mental hospital supported by his sister…. really Tom?…are the dead thought leaders Tom uses to construct his perspective better than Jesus?. Absolutely not. Nietche was in our view correct. about homosexual popes,jewish popes,the regressive neo pagan Roman catholic church leaders..,but that’s limited to them. catholuc men…zwingli,etc..indulgences,e.m.jones never mentions catholic indulgences,female popes,jew popes.., many under
provable jewish malelovelnt influences..including jewish jesuits..”..
not Christ Himself, Tom seems to rebelliously desire to conflate satanic pathologically antagonistic hebraucism to Jesus”” Tom misconstrued Christ’s admonition to fiercely embrace true spirituality over humanistic traditons…tradition then and now the premiere jew excuse to disobey and anger God and subvert the planet to the detriment of all mankind”..big mistake.”
This scripture Tom quotes..”salvation is of the jews”has many erudite bible scholar koininea -greek aramaic language expert detractors… insisting that is a scribal lie,…”a scribal imposed error.We love to read Tom Sunic..he has a number ,maybe 4 points he is merely speculating about..postulating in our view, wrongly.. though we view Tom as correct about a million other points.The Bible isn’t perfect.”It was handed down and obviously abused by men. The basic message is still moral with exceptions like the book of esther.. especially . after the Jewish dispensation,rings true today.See mtt24 and 70AD…See Rev 2v9 rev3v9
…golden calf,graven image worship,senseless materialism,blind murderous can’t take it with you.. as demon summoner Solomon and judas iscariot. ound out….. found out too late”… Tom quotes the judaizer paul..who many Christians have low regard for…..That is a deep controversy existing to this day…….see marcian”…. among others to begin to see the galaxies of divergence between Christ’s. words and Paul the Jew. “”
Jesus is Alive. In actual fact,He is literally perfect.”The final judge,believe it or not. we all have free will with consequences…we all go on to our rewards*We aren’t here to preach ,but we will note that as Trump converted in 2017. to chabad lubavitch noahide law judaism…..thats Noahide Law Decapitation by the way,…..that today’s chabad Judaism is directly born from the satanic pharisees,… ,themselves born preternaturally from the ghastly pit of Hell, As we know the pharisees, murdered Jesus The Christ.
We know He rose from the dead We don’t need to prove that in a Jewish pseudo science lab experiment to anyone.
.Pagans in many cases do not hate Christians.We dont know any Christians who hate pagans.”Some pagans hate Christians..We hear .some Christians hate pagans. Stop!
We admonish and fervently advise all..fight the synagogue of Satan..not each other..fight the real enemy of mankind.”.the tribe”….obtain firearms and weapons training ..apply morals…do it.Now. Get ready. Prep”
Why?…..fierce .Jewish communist totalitarianism is reborn, superpolice state..super surveillance state ..technocratic,technocracy..idiocratic.. stalinistic kleptocracy..micromanaged by jews”…….in this era… ” reborn…”no pejorative double entendre intended..To close here..since many Christians also regard prof. Kevin M as a great national treasure,whatever his or Tom s belief system is..we also oppose authoritarian catholicizer e.m.jones on a number of points, though he has some truth,..we are glad at least someone in the media attacks the root of all historical and current degeneracy”,..the synagogue of Satan..”.we still ,apart from Tom sonic s miscegenated non sequitur anti church perspective….always…,prefer Tom to e.m.jones..but no intellectual ,let alone any individual perfect…we take whatever good truth is posited from anywhere with limits..we. …don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater ..Apologies to those who might wish we would deal with the few other understandably well meaninged but misguided points in Tom s otherwise fabulous article but truthfully we don’t have time…,the barbarians let in by the jews are at the gates. Our message stands…Strive to cease divisive infighting schisms,… young people!..wake up,…combine to destroy the New Jew Order, We do mean” The Synagogue of Satan..fronted by the wef-blackrocj-U.N. who,cdc,nih,aipac,special zoa,hias,tikkun Olam. -open borders jew theofacists.
Judaism ..,sorry dr.shiva,… ultimately. zionism ,really one and the same..all jewish sanctimous schismatic lies aside……judaism the talmuduc pentateuch root …is the problem….,the post modern “rambam filth”…that is..moses maimonidees,..look it up…the Christ hater,..maimonidees and the 2 talmuds,kabala..root of jewish totalitarianism…..not the first moses with the 10. words… the real essential problem….the Jewish “belief structure is ,at the end of the day,verifiably criminally insane,vile..reprobate…we dont care who disagrees either. Post modern judaism is ..clearly perverted evil rotted poisonous best”” dont worry..we will never recant these. true words” We get it..we unintentionally make friends of some pagans and some others by saying this. No problem .
Luther pierce was not perfect either but he was prescient, damn good on many points.
….. .by the way..Seneca was very close to being a Christian in many of his actual views. We dont think Tom sunic ever heard James Wickstrom. “.. Dovidzenia. “
Alan. Your points are well taken. However, we would need an entire academic year to go over every single point in you comments. I hope we’ll have a chance to meet up and possibly set up some round tables or conferences? At your service. For now I can only state that Faith often excludes empirical and forensic evidence. There once was a Jesus Christ of Faith — but a Historical Jesus was hardly ever mentioned by Roman authors in the I and II ct. AD.
Yes, but what is science; and who defines it? Same goes for Faith. Beats me. For a good half of the preceding century we were exposed to “scientific socialism” and their sycophants in ex-YU, only to be inundated now by “scientific rules of market democracy” dished out by US/EU Liberal- neocon apostles and their sidekicks in the msm. What comes next? I cannot rule out that out of sheer existential anxiety many White, fine high IQ individuals might swallow up some new weird Faiths, like Covid combo snake oil all-cure medicines.
For my part, I am more inclined by my genotype to believe in iron laws of racial heredity and how my “Erbwelt” (inheritance) determines my “Umwelt” (environment); hence my acceptance or rejection of a set of beliefs, social norms — and my strength/ vulnerability to reject or embrace a pack of lies or trendy hoaxes. We live in the Age of Fake News and Simulacra where honest discussion is banned. Amor fati.
Jews have never been persecuted. You cannot persecute an invading army that enters your territory with the intention of plundering and killing. Have the nations of Western Europe ever been accused of persecuting the Vikings?
@Peter London
Profound insight. You’re a remnant who speaks the truth.
BTW: Pity Kevin MacDonald shut his site down.
UNZ also shut me out of his site, though all I have done is to seek the truth for our people. Makes one wonder…
I appears there is nothing there and that total isolated individualism is all that is left.
Not “persecuted”, but “poisecuted”…they thrive on it while they use it as a cover to destroy us.
They’ve blocked me out of ALL of (((their))) platforms in the last 3 or 4 months (one I have posted on continuously for 20 years!). Talking about the (((Global Cartel)) and its all-embracing implications is – it would seems – too materialistically over the target.
I call on Kevin MacDonald to re-open his site.
Wither Milei?
He is living proof with his privatisations to the (((New York))) based Global Cartel of (((Finance Capital))) that deeply weaken what’s left of the Argentinian State, that de-privatisation is the only answer…that associated with a market driven, truly NATIONAL economy (“National Socialism”, knowingly aware that modern “Democracy” is the best little system that money can buy) is the ONLY answer).
Pray that forces within this wonderous, unique, nation emerge to do this!!
Bronze Age Pervert and his ( well intentioned “Trad Catholic” Buenos Aires) Lady have got this all wrong because they come from a deeply deluded, nay ignorant, individualist perspective which in the age of the all-emracing agents of the Money Power heven’t been able to cut it for over 3/4 of a century at least.
Reply ….to the very wonderful “under recognized under appreciated erudite ..magisterial Tom Sunic. ..our favourite
Croat writer analyst extrapolatory speaker.. Caco Se Tom. … .dzravo. ..bok. oblichno.
…hvala puno … we are a bit astounded ,certainly honoured,..
by your unexpected very welcome reply Please be welcome to connect via this .From there correspondence is certain and more stable . You are also for Croatia..a national treasure. Tom..sometime ago you hosted a podcast with a Croat general .probably broadcast from Zagreb .Absolutely fascinating ..wonderful substantial clarity from a part of the world …abused…disrespected ,…suspected…misunderstood and opposed by Zionists. All Best.Always Bog te bogoslovio. .dividzenia.
Although this debate is well above/beyond my intellectual capacity I would like to submit these thoughts. How The Bible written by Jews about Jews for Jews became the Universal Christian Bible? IF we accept Monotheism how do you explain EVIL/Devil/ the negative side of Humanity/nature? We live in a Bipolar/Binary Cosmos good/evil..? I once heard a presentation by a Maya Scholar PhD..His presentation dwell on the Maya religious Cosmology..We all assume that the Maya were Polytheistic BUT in fact the Maya were Monotheistic and conceived Nature as dual force even being male/female hybrid divinity, the Maya explain negative forces as ANIMAS good/bad that emanated from the same UNITARY source.
Our people in the Dead City…crime ridden,overflowing with rats a Marxist rat czar”,.black priveledge redux.. NYPD robo dogs… evincing prototypical white flight,not clandestinely..openly..our people in New York City inform us of massive new large pro Palestinian rallies.. but be careful! ….drones fly dutifully overhead..’. they protect gates fauci..Soros..podesta..pritzker.blinken
.garland., nuland mayorkas ,jewlensky
singer..emhof….rotchild..the hideous hunchback . they serve and protect hideous Jew churl Hilly Rosenberg- radomski -Clinton…the blood dripping Zionist Yoda.. Drones not voters..protect ,trumpdog the obese grifter ziocon jewdog..him and child castrator dr.Oz.. Drones protect Barry Obama.Schwab..Harari..fink.schwarsmen.. Eric schmidt..kursweil…Geffen Altman..El–On- muskrat… So it is in the Dead City ….
mangeled .dead leaves swirl senselessly in bitter circular winds… spite of or perhaps. because of preening sanctimonious hateful Jewish support for the new Holocaust in Gaza by Isreal We remember 200years together” rabbi s tried but failed!to repress it. Now…Aplocalypse.. ..Holy War…..the hopeful forever end of hated Isreal .. looms in the glowering bleak zeitgeist overhead in roiling skies….Buddhist Metaphysics?..Rupert Sheldrake? morphic resonance?.
We remember Berlin.
For our people’s..Isreal has opened the Gates of Hell”” Kristallnacht.?…bring it on !..Kristallnacht 2. 0… looms large..the overwhelming authoritarian scandal ridden state cannot contain asymmetrical warfare brewing on American soil
everywhere,…cesession is on the minds of millions.. anger and disaffection in every living soul..far too much blood is spent….freedom is a mere conceptual flight of fancy.. What else . in Jew York city…in skewered defilibrated deracinated . ‘jewmerica… now …scorched earth fallen America?… huge rectal dark she devils! ….mindless idiotic ersatz usurious materialism! freemason jew judges let murderers and rapists free..revolving door ,..bums rush justice style… while imprisoning thought crime dissenters…hideous ghosts..headless horsemen ,.. the singularity.. the satanic state within the state”..behold a pale horse….soylent green..7days in May..The Handmaid’s Tale..Brave New World ….1984
what’s this now then..? Why so many missing white children?…
The Jews now beaten, with massive bad publicity.. return as they scurry away from Isreal to Florida…young people need to be cognizant of a desperate pattern here. .the contretemp..clochards!..the jew clochards!…the shylock jew schadenfraud ..over and over again… here ..young folks..grasp this..”…the schlomo shekelsteen -frankinsteen Jew…who ravages,destroys,steals,pillages .misrepresenting all false pretenses…,then scurries on all 4s to escape what they know what they did 1030 times before….””.Only the Jew is not a Domestic Terrorist!..’Only the Jew is above the Moral law!”..Only the JEW can be trusted!””All
freedom..privacy..private property.. money wealth assets and prosperity and exclusive super police state authority.. goes only to Isreal and Jews!”” they tell us as white phosphorus and flooding
in and under Gaza enrages all decent people left on the late great planet earth…””.
.. The Synagogue of Satan has finally devolved..subverted..subsumed America down to Mordor.’.
America…the collapsed balkanized cannabalized now a monster mash..a graveyard smash..
vanquished..blood drained.. super parasited to the grave… what now remains . the Dead rotating cyborg eye of Sauron.
‘Rabbi Yohushua’, stopped reading after that.
Such a name is not mentioned in any ancient bible, his name was jessus.
It’s fascinating how the Western ‘right’ continues to allow the propagation of Jewish narratives, this articles goes on and on about ‘Judeo-Christianity’ a term that came in to use during WWII in order to draw a false sense brotherhood between Christians and jews and was primarily spread by organised jewry, strange how such subversive liberal narratives find their way onto supposedly right wing, counter-semetic circles.
I like Israel Shahak’s take on Jewish communities as completely totalitarian until liberated after the 18th century by rule of law and nationalism. I think a serious and realistic criticism and history of Judaism is in order. This article is typical outdated in that it attacks Christianity in what feels like an irrational hatred. I recall stories of drunks going into medieval churches with their livestock, and stories of rabbis sentencing adulterers to be boiled alive. I don’t see the order to conquer and rule over the lower gentile world in the New Testament. Many rulers didn’t either.
Fact check this ..Gulag administrators provably were , all Jews. .In 1994 Japan ceased all child vaccinations under a certain age,child mortality rates dropped 96 percent
no money for Jewish biopharma. .. ,pharmakeia in that instance..
….Was Moses blank Putin s rabbi?meet the new speaker of the house, a closet Jew,..crypto Jew,…. with his 14 year old black son,,…sounds like bill Clinton… reinsuring all our unconsenred tax dollars go to Isreal to genocide children.Why did “the tribe “destroy all those olive trees? price of olive oil is way up. In the Georgian language. Djugashvilui means. son of the Jew” Josip.or Joseph… …Stalin …is. ..djugashvili..Stalin is a warlords title..means steely” The mossad Jew..Robert Maxwell.father of ghislane maxwell…shades of mossad agent Epstein…..
Goyim?..kafirs?…. ..if some misinformed deceived leftist Muslims and many Jews want to exterminate white people’s.partucularly white Christians., they can be sure we know. we are watching..we are listening..we are armed everywhere..millions of white Christians are not pacifist liberals”…so..all who love death .. ,get ready.”.new war s,thanks to Isreal and Jew scorpions,. are right around the corner. Meantime.U.S.Army soldiers,not faggots, openly say..””I ain’t dying in any wars for Isreal. “Balkanization,irreconcilable divisions, armed rebellions,empires crashing. extreme political parasite class decadence,..,so much visible,risible hate out there. Get ready..
Dr. Sunic,
I appreciate this article. Any pagan revival should focus on elitism but also on the high respectability each individual has within the social structure.
So, there should be an appreciation for the freedoms we have in the US but also an attempt at otherwise empowering individuals within subsidiarity/distributism.
If extended families come to care for the elderly and sick, instead of the state, we could see an increased birth rate, increased ethnic identity. Small groups could endure even when the state falters.
Eugenics is popular at sites like this. It might be possible for the state to hold competitions, rewarding winners with money as they have children. Eugenics needn’t be extreme as some want it to be.