Are the Ulster police helping the anti-migration protestors?
Let us examine the evidence against:
The police have arrested a couple of dozen people. They have discharged a couple of rounds of plastic bullets. Presumably they have hit some people with batons, and set dogs ón them, but if so this has not been reported. They have issued some strong statements calling people attending a protest cowards and fools, and swearing to protect the Muslim and minority communities. As Ulster police violence goes, it’s moderate in the extreme. Back in my day, you’d expect a lot worse than that.
Let us examine the evidence that they are helping the protestors. From interviews with Mohammed Idriss and Ali Moustafa Warrty, as presented ón RTÉ radio and The Any information from the MSM must be treated with suspicion, but if we assume for the moment that in this case they are telling the truth, let’s look at the picture:
From the Journal: Wartty said there have been ongoing incidents since January and that he has made several reports to the PSNI.
However, Wartty alleges he was told that the “PSNI cannot do anything”.
“Sometimes when we call the police, they don’t attend, or sometimes they attend after 24 hours shops in Northern Ireland, with Middle East Market on the Falls Road to close this coming weekend..
A group of ten unmasked youths attacked the shop with eggs before hitting a 15-year-old foreigner who suffered “minor facial injuries”. The radio says one 14-year-old was arrested, but the Journal article says he was only cautioned. In high tech surveillance Belfast, it’s surprising they cannot identify the other nine youths…In this case, it is clear that the cops are not treating this incident as anything other than a schoolyard brawl, best dealt with by a stern word to one youngster, rather than charges of attempted murder for all ten.
Mohammed Idriss, on RTÉ Radio, has a similar tale: There was a big crowd outside the shop, roaring: Where is Mohammed? He rang the cops who advised him to hide and not show his face, which he did. They arrived eventually, a quarter hour after the mob had left. Later that evening, he claims lots of cops in trucks watched peacefully as the ethnic Northern Irish burnt his premises. The cops even allowed the burners enough time to leave the scene, collect more firewood, and bring it back to his shop, to ensure full combustion. You know the stereotype about the Ulster Prods: If they do a job, they like to do it right…
The lady journalist on RTÉ seemed to be mocking poor Mohammed. She asked him, in a cheerful tone of voice, was he scared and where would he go now?
NIPS released a press statement in which they boast about their crowd-busting weapons, but stress that their number one priority is the personal safety of the police. If there is a bunch of crazy Orangemen burning something, it’s obviously a lot safer to sit at a safe distance and watch the pretty flames, rather than trying to spoil their fun.
The biggest man-made structure anywhere in Britain or Ireland ón 11thJuly this year, was a massive bonfire near Larne in the loyal county of Antrim. Strictly illegal, of course, but if you’re a Northern Ireland cop policing Antrim, do you really want to be the one who insists on enforcing the law on illegal bonfires? It’s a cultural thing, right?
On RTÉ Raidio na Gaeltachta, their Belfast correspondent said that migrant shop owners who had been burnt out said the police were “cabhair ar bith” (no help at all). This contrasts strongly with the police statements swearing to protect every member of the minority communities.
Belfast Telegraph journo Alison Morris says that when the police asked the loyalist paramilitaries for help to stop the burnings, they responded:
- Nothing to do with us.
- If we intervene to stop it, we will be blamed for starting it.
- We agree with the sentiments of the rioters.
This is what it sounds like when an Orangeman smiles.
After the Good Friday peace deal decades ago, many paramilitaries became paid community activists: Unkind people describe them as snitches paid to keep the peace. If even government snitches support the rioters…
The NIPS (Northern Ireland Prison Service) are calling for reinforcements from Scotland this weekend. If the Scots go to NI, they will not be available to support the cops in England. The NI protestors are clear that they want to send the authorities running in lots of different directions at once. Then they can create a location where the cops cannot be present and do the protest there.
At least in the cases cited here, it’s clear that the NIPS are not inclined to rush in and start protecting migrants. The invitation to the Scots might not be to actually prevent protests. It might be more of an invite for them to make some risk-free overtime: “Our policy here is to keep ourselves safe. Let the Orangemen and Fenians burn what they want to burn, and we can arrest people afterwards, if any crime is reported.”
The urge to remigrate is spreading. Scotland has seen nó violence against migrants, but former Scottish Prime Minister, Yousef What’s His Name, has boasted that he’s not sure if he and his family want to continue living in Scotland. It took a while, but he got the hint eventually.
All those decades and billions in funding, to plan, perfect and implement the Kalergi plan.
Can it be true that a dozen kids ón the Catholic Falls Road, and four dozen in Protestant Sandy Row, a few humilating slaps in the face and a couple of carefully burnt buildings are enough to start to overturn that applecart?
As easy as all that?
What would make the JEWS be happy and be at peace with the rst of teh world’s Humanity??? Zio/Jewish/Israel can genocide all Palestinians, men, women, children, UNborn babies etc.and then what?? Israel can then genocide all Muslims/Arab countries instantly and then what? JEWS can force all goyim to obey Noahide Laws, accept 8-10genders, become debt slaves, gay.pedo.trans zombies perverts slaves and then what? Will they be happy then?? or the jews want a world of their own without the goyim?? what do jews ultimately want to be happy and let the rest of Humanity live peacefully?? what??? asking jews to stop wars/frauds/famine/perversion is like asking Vampires to stop sucking blood?? is it in their DNA/Nature hollow haunted souls…??
Wow. Very interesting Ganainm, thanks.
Check this article out in ‘The Independent.’ The English government is not only going after their own people who post online about the riots who “incite racial hatred” but they will also try to extradite people from other countries! I kid you not.
Read the article. A two minute read.
They love to boast about the innocent they jail and their harsh new laws. Perhaps we can use their laws against them, like the Scots did with Humza Yousef? The law forbids incitement to hatred. Calling someone a fascist, a thug, a racist, a Nazi or even just an extremist is clearly incitement to hatred, IMHO.
If tens of thousands of Brits start making formal complaints to the cops about incitement to hatred by the pro-refugee crowd, we can embarass them. This happened in Scotland, and Humza Yousef is now talking about emigrating from Scotland…hahaha!
Any US liberal who has incited hate against UK anti-migration protestors could be in danger of having their collar felt by PC Plod.
For more fun, perfectly legal and mostly safe ways to encourage REMIGRATION, check out Martin Sellner’s english language Telegram channel. Germans have a great sense of humour, and it is, by far, the funniest pro Remigration site in the entire worldwide spiderweb.
Thanks Ganainm. I’ll check that out.
Britain and its people have been a formidable, and highly powerful country, to say the least, since the Anglo Saxons took control of it in the 5th century all the way up until 75 years ago. Now it’s leadership is psychotically obsessed with destroying it’s own peoples.
Hopefully some kind of change will come from these recent, maddening developments.
Ah. Here it is:
‘Repost Hateful Messages About Disorder Online and You Could End Up In Court.’ By Flora Thompson. The Independent.