Post-Apartheid South Africa

I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Like the great redeemer of humanity, Martin Luther King, the worshipped Messiah of the new religion of diversity now sweeping the West, Mossad trained Nelson Mandela,[1] the saviour of South Africa, the anti-White leader of the terrorist group Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation) was in reality a “communist mole” determined to destroy capitalism and replace the White South African government with a Black communist dictatorship.

This has now been achieved, but the result is disappointing, to say the least. The combination of communism-racism-multiculturalism is triply lethal. By realizing his post-national utopia, Nelson Mandela, “this gentle reformer whom the media likes to portray as the ‘archangel of peace,’ has plunged his country into a sea of racial conflict, crime and economic ruin,”[2] says African historian Bernard Lugan. Because of him, South Africa is no longer a first-world country, but a country in the doldrums like all the other countries of this cursed continent condemned to languish in its mediocrity.[3]

“Could it be otherwise,” Bernard Lugan asks rhetorically, “when since 1994, the ‘New South Africa’ has been built without taking reality into account? The ‘rainbow nation’ [nicknamed for its multiculturalism], a post-apartheid paradise, a modern version of the ‘classless society’ that was supposed to emerge from the end of the White regime, soon appeared to be a ‘smoke and mirrors.’ A product of Western nonsense, it has prevented us from seeing that South Africa is not a nation, but a mosaic of different peoples brought together or juxtaposed by the British colonizer. Peoples whose cultural references are foreign and even irreducible to each other.”[4]

As a result of this total lack of vision, many big investors left, taking with them most of the White elites that made the country work. Infrastructure collapsed. Unemployment rose from 5 percent to more than 25 percent, even 40 percent in some sectors. In 2013, nearly 17 million Blacks out of a population of 51 million were on welfare, and it hasn’t gotten much better since. With Blacks favoured in all circumstances, unskilled White labour that no longer has access to work lives in slums. Corruption is the rule; the crooked civil servants and politicians who swarm in the new African El Dorado plunder the state coffers.[5]

Johannesburg, the jewel of Africa, has become the crime capital of the world. Riots and the looting of department stores are so frequent that the media, jaded, no longer even mention them. In the middle-class White neighborhoods, people barricade themselves and arm themselves to the teeth, so frequent are home invasions, violent burglaries, and murders.[6]

And that’s without mentioning the rapes: 40,000 per year in Johannesburg alone, solo or gang rapes (jack rolling) of everything that moves — women, 90-year-old grandmothers in wheelchairs, little boys, girls, and female babies. The latter are particularly coveted, because in the land of “living together,” it is believed that the only way to be cured of HIV (AIDS) is to have sex with a virgin. As a result, approximately 10% of rapes committed throughout the country are perpetrated on children under the age of three.[7]


9 year old Kayla Meyer, pictured at the top, watched her parents and grandparents be ruthlessly murdered. She was then tied up with wire, stripped down, gang raped then beaten to death with a shovel and stuffed into a closet. She was a kind little girl and her favorite colour was purple. (@EmilyMorse4Life)(Figure 1)

In addition, since the country has been ruled by a racially-majority government that is totally insensitive to the rights of minorities, the hunt is on for the White farmers who feed the country; not a day goes by without several of them being trapped, attacked, tortured, murdered, or left for dead, flayed alive in boiling water or with their limbs hacked off with hatchets. According to Ernst Roets of AfriForum, a group that advocates for the rights of the Afrikaner minority, “the victims were attacked with electric drills, blowtorches and bleach, which indicates a racial element. Only White farming families have experienced such levels of violence, never Black victims.” In 2017, there were 433 incidents, up from 342 the previous year. These attacks are part of a drive to get rid of Whites. Communist Julius Malema and former President Jacob Zuma have indeed exacerbated an anti-White sentiment by publicly calling for the killing of Whites and the expropriation of their farms without compensation.[8]

“Kill the Boer, kill the White,” Mandela liked to sing with his Jewish friend, Yossef Mashel Slovo, known as Joe Slovo, a prominent member of the Jewish globalists who infected the Africans with the virus of communism. The comrades took them at their word.[9] From that point of view— it is safe to say that for the Oppenheimer’s and the other Jewish financial sharks who were behind this revolution—the result was a great success. They went on to buy the country’s industries and to capture the natural resources of the land for a pittance. As many people know by now, wars and revolutions fought in the name of democracy, philanthropy and humanism are a lucrative business.[10]

But Whites were not the only victims of atrocities. During the apartheid period, when the African National Congress (ANC)—the movement led by her husband—sought to overthrow the government, Winnie Mandela and her band of “footballers” used to “necklace” traitors to the cause, a relatively widespread assassination technique in the rainbow nation that the globalists like to hold up as an example, but never visit.[11] Here are the operating instructions: 1) wrap the victim in barbed wire to immobilize him; 2) put a tire around his neck, like a collar; 3) fill the inside of the tire with gasoline; 4) light it. The flesh on the face that ignites melts and strips the bone; the victim dies burned alive in a long torment.[12]

One would not be at all surprised to learn that at the end of a hard day’s “necklacing,” Winnie and her comrades would gorge themselves on BBQ-ed Blacks to regain their strength. Cannibalism among the savages has always been popular.[13] The despots Idi Amin Dada and Jean-Bedel Bokassa were notorious lovers of human flesh.[14] In the African press cases of cannibalism are regularly reported.[15] It should be noted that it is not forbidden in South Africa to eat human beings, but it is forbidden to sell or store human meat.[16] A nuance that the lovers of diversity will appreciate.

The same thing can be said about Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), the stronghold of the late Robert Mugabe, the dictator in office for 37 years (1980 to 2017). As a good communist, he too was supposed to transform his country into a Garden of Eden. But he only succeeded in turning it into a hellhole. Blacks killed and dispossessed thousands of White farmers to take back the land they had supposedly stolen from them.

But unable to manage a modern farm, the Black social justice warriors soon went bankrupt. The fields fell into disrepair. Famine struck. Without food aid from the rich White countries, they would all have starved to death. Running out of ideas, they even tried to bring back the Whites to put their revolution-ravaged country back on track.[17] But what White person would be foolish enough to return to a country where anti-White racism is rampant?

We tend to forget, but the revolution also took place in Haiti. It was not communists as such, who revolted against the ruling power, but it is just the same. In 1804, in the wake of Robespierre and the terror of 1793, Haitians led by Toussaint Louverture, the King-Mandela-Mugabe of his time, freed themselves from the French colonists, whom they raped, tortured, and murdered by the thousands.[18]

But without the Whites who had made the island a paradise, the world’s first Black republic quickly turned into a nightmare. The farms, the sumptuous villas, the stately palaces, the beautiful administrative buildings, the roads and bridges that the White settlers had built to last a thousand years soon fell into disrepair for lack of maintenance and knowhow.

Two hundred years after the terror, Haitians freed from the yoke of the oppressive Whites still stagnate in their slums, garbage cans, and open sewers. The only solution they have found to their stagnation is to emigrate. After every hurricane, every famine, and every coup d’état, they flood us like a tidal wave, eat our cats, ducks, and geese, rape our little girls and squat our houses. It’s not their fault, forgive them, with an average IQ of 67, they do not know how to do otherwise, their country being probably the most dysfunctional on the face of the Earth.[19]

For a good perspective on how ineffectual and primitive Africans are in creating the kinds of societies that Whites take for granted, see the following two documentaries Empire of Dust (2011) by Bram Van Paesschen and Africa Addio (Farewell Africa) by Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco Prosperi (1966).

The first documentary chronicles the frustration and often futile efforts of Chinese workers to get Blacks in the town of Kolwezi (Congo) to mine the immensely valuable resources available to them. Lao Yang is repeatedly stunned at the level of incompetence, lack of organization and forethought of the Congolese Blacks to take steps in improving their country. The simplest tasks take weeks and even months to accomplish because of problems in the supply chain, mistakes that could have easily been avoided, unskilled labourers, language barriers, and constant bribery which grinds everything to a halt.[20]

The second documentary is a graphic portrayal of African Blacks and the chaos and bloodshed that ensued after the colonial rule. The film illustrates the downfall that occurs when Blacks are left to their own devices. Their more primitive traits are unleashed with no restraint. This is not a movie for the faint-hearted. Its value is found in showing how dependent Blacks are upon the White man if they want a civilized society with law and order—the very thing that blacks historically have been unable to create on their own.[21]

In the same vein, but on a neighboring continent, one of the most filthy, disgusting and obscene documentaries in the annals of cinematography, Dirty India.

If you still think after reading this and seeing these three documentaries that the colored people that our elites are bringing to Western countries are an asset, you’re totally out of touch and forever brainwashed by the multicultural propaganda that runs ceaselessly on all news platforms.

[1] “Mandela received Mossad weapons training. Late South African icon met with Israeli agents in Ethiopia in 1962 under the alias David Mobsari, Israeli document shows,” The Times of Israel, 20 December 2013.

[2] Bernard Lugan, Nelson Mandela: l’icône et le néant,, December 6, 2013.

[3] Ilana Mercer, Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa, Stairway press, 2012.

[4] Bernard Lugan, Jacob Zuma peut-il survivre au Gupta Gate?, L’Afrique réelle, July 2017, no 91.

[5] Bernard Lugan, Afrique du Sud, la question raciale, L’Afrique réelle, March 2014, no 51.

[6] Lauren Southern, Farmlands, YouTube, 2018.

[7] Ibid.

[8] Jane Flanagan, “White Farmers Tortured with Drills and Blow torches, Afrikaner Rights Group Claims,” The Times, Jan 31, 2019.

[9] David Duke, Le Grand Secret du communisme, Free Speech Press, 2015.

[10] Kerry R. Bolton, The Tyranny of Human Rights, Antelope Hill Publishing, 2022.

[11] Stefan Molyneux, The Bloody History of Winnie and Nelson Mandela, South Africa Cries, YouTube, Avril 2, 2018.

[12] Suzanne Daley, “Winnie Mandela’s Ex-Bodyguard Tells of Killings She Ordered,” The New York Times, December 4, 1997.

[13] John Baker, Race, Oxford University Press, 1974, republished in 2012 by Ostara Publications.

[14] “Kiselev: No, We Won’t Become Cannibals Here in Russia! Liberalism Has Gone Too Far!” Vesti News, YouTube, September 16, 2019.

[15] Jeff Wicks, “KZN Man Tells Police He’s ‘Tired of Eating Human Flesh,’” Times of South Africa, August 21, 2017.

[16] Ibid.

[17] Robert Mugabe, Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia.

[18] T. Lothrop Stoddard, The French Revolution in San Domingo, Ostara Publications, 2011.

[19] Kevin MacDonald, “Haiti: the Quintessential Dysfunctional Society,” The Occidental Observer, January 2010.

[20] RockaBoatus, “What’s Up with All the Blacks on Television?” The Unz Review, October 16, 2022.

[21] Ibid.

8 replies
  1. Hendrik Pienaar
    Hendrik Pienaar says:

    For all his talk of the admirable UK democracy, he was a secret member of the SA Communist Party. He had guts and charm, but then so Idi Amin and Joe Stalin.

  2. AVA
    AVA says:

    Oppenheimers? I’d say it was the Rothschilds. This piece has been sent to Sheila Jeffreys, radical feminist. I am excoriating them on their abandonment of white women and children and we will step it up. The lesbian feminist movement is totally milque toast and useless. They want to protect their lesbian bars. This is what they care about and ignore these rapes.

    But please do not think ALL feminists are ignoring this. We certainly get no respect or support from men though this piece is a start, as every piece on here is written by men. And again still uses male normative language which erases adn disrespects us as mothers of teh race.

    May I remind you that every woman bleeds for the human race. It is a burden and torture on us sometimes if it is not managed well. If men bled for the race, regardless of whether they are parents or not, can you imagine the male hero worship then?

    The colonists who were white however should not be defended. They should get the hell out because Rothshild, not the Oppenheimers set them up there. They were on Jew money and carrying out Jew objectives. How we keep defending white male colonist dupes shows your own inability to reflect or progress. Concede the defeat and defend Europe an dAmerica and white Russia and Ukraine.

    That said, yup it’s stealth communism and we are waking people up on it who are not conservative but independent. We are done with lib/conservative duality of death and idiocy. But we are classical liberals, loyal to the Enlightenment and Europe above all.

    You can’t even write in a manner that does not erase the mothers of the race from its definition, so honestly, little hope for the male. Your own male animality should be discussed if you were honest and serious intellectuals.

    • Pieere Simon
      Pieere Simon says:

      “Mothers of the race” no more, women don’t want to have babies anymore, consider it degrading and bad for the climate, prefer careers and furry babies, practice cunnilingus on an industrial scale, when they want a man choose a racial minority to signal their virtue, and use abortion as a means of contraception should they get pregnant.
      “The last two centuries have witnessed the prognostications of Marx, Marcuse, Reich and Millett, who have promised utopia and enlightenment that men and women of good will have bought into; but none of what they espoused elevated civilization, rather it has worn civilization down into a tattered and threadbare mettle.” From Carrie GRESS, Chapter 11. Restoration, The End of Woman. How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us, Regnery Publishing, 2023, p.163.

    • Alfred Barnes
      Alfred Barnes says:

      Thanks for proving misandry is as alive and well as misogyny, discrimination is discrimination. What white male alive today has ever been a colonizer? If we are to shine a spotlight on human nature, such as it is, let it apply equally across the spectrum. Blacks are as racist as whites, females as defensive about their gender as males, etc. This article is merely pointing out that whites aren’t indiscriminately committing acts of violence at anywhere near the level as blacks and Muslims, with the exception of the Jew, who are committing genocide against an entire nation as the entire world stands by and watches. There is an evil in the world, and a savior from it, who was sent by his Father (John 3:16). We can start there, as there is no other effective answer.

  3. Desert Ramada
    Desert Ramada says:

    The object of alt / WN media is maximalism.
    Take us with strong beliefs and make them extreme.

    Everyone knows Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) is a rathole and ain’t been anywhere, and ain’t going anywhere.
    Blacks have never figured anything out anywhere they’ve gone.
    The thoroughly discredited Malthusian Theory was laughed at, torn to shreds by everyone, most famously by Henry George.

    Except Africa. There, it’s spot-on.

    We all know this already.

    The assault- out of the blue- on indians fits perfectly with the jews jumping ship to India. Israeli publications like 972 say it outright. This AM I see they’re importing tens of thousand more indians as laborers.

    Caucasians exist as Europeans, Persians (Iran means ‘aryan’) and Northern India. All our languages come from the Indus valley, the eastward extent of Caucasian movement (Except Finn and, what, Hungarian)

    Northern Indians (aka ‘Brahmans’) perform just fine in the West, brought in in just enough numbers to take our kid’s doctor and IT positions, because they’re Caucasians.

    In short, maximalism is a jewish assault, only designed to make our position worse.

  4. Kaptein Duiwel
    Kaptein Duiwel says:

    Afriforum, who you mentioned, and Ernst Roets in particular, do not “advocate for the rights of the Afrikaner minority”. In fact, they define themselves as a “civil rights organisation”, who broadly take the rights of “minorities” to heart. Luckily for them, Whites and Afrikaners are minorities, hence they can play the field and create the impression (among their followers) that they act on behalf of their Afrikaner constituents and donors. In essence, Afriforum and Solidariteit (its parent body):
    – are positive towards the new South Africa;
    – believe in the principles enshrined in Mandela’s constitution;
    – actively supports the new South Africa and its institutions – eg. supporting the multiracial (or pure black) national sports teams, and encouraging its members to actively take part in multiracial elections, where they are supposed to form multiracial coalitions;
    – wants to make the new South Africa “work”;
    – believe any rights any ethnic group may have is to be found in said constitution, and not a priori or as a given;
    – have stated hundreds of times that they shy away from any form of White nationalism;
    – support Globalism, in that they actively promote the ideas of the UN, WEF, WHO, etc.

    What Roets and his cronies love to do is to milk the situation you describe above – sell books and gain members, giving a very vague promise of some sort of relief therefrom.

  5. Mark Taha
    Mark Taha says:

    I was never a supporter of apartheid but at least the country worked better then. One man one vote is a sacred cow.

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