The Decadent States of America

The United States presidential election is remarkable for the relatively low-key nature of the campaign. There have been few debates, and some prominent media such as The Washington Post have not declared for a candidate. While one could argue that both candidates are uninspiring to say the least, a more fundamental reason is that this election is of no importance.

The US is an unsalvageably decadent country, and no candidate will save it. Moving the direction of the ship of state leftwards or rightwards is insignificant if it is unavoidably sinking. A cursory measure of the vital signs of the US shows that is a terminally sick culture and that these signs are getting worse not better.

The U.S. national debt now stands at $34 trillion, which entails 121% GDP; this was 55% in 2001.

According to recently published figures, 18% of American adults are functionally illiterate, and while there is an unemployment rate of 3.6%, another 5.4 million Americans are not looking for work.

Approximately 77 million Americans are currently taking at least one psychiatric medication, with 45 million taking anti-depressants, 9.5 million taking ADHD medication, 31 million taking anti-anxiety drugs, 11 million taking anti-psychotics, and 22 million taking mood stabilisers. 23% of adults have a reported mental illness; among 18–25-year-olds this is 36.2%. Mental illness is defined as a mental, behavioural, or mood disorder. Whether this is a symptom of unhealthy modern culture or mass overdiagnosis, either signifies a decadent country.

42% of American adults have obesity, while 74% are overweight or obese. In the early 1960s the obesity rate was 13%. 77% of young adults do not qualify for the military based on physical and mental health deficiencies.

7.6% of Americans identify as “LGBT+”, up from 3.5% in 2012, while approximately 20% of 18–23-year-olds identify as “LGBT+”. 1.6% of Americans identify as “transgender” or “nonbinary”, while 5.1% of 18-29-year-olds do so.

As of 2022 40% of births were outside of wedlock, this having been 18% in 1980 and negligible in 1960.

The usual estimate for illegal aliens was approximately 11 million illegal aliens in the US, but this has dramatically increased under the Mayorkas Homeland Security administration; this figure was 3.5 million in 1990. This demonstrates that the State has lost control of its borders.

All of the above demonstrates that the United States is an economically, socially, and morally degenerate country whose decline is accelerating. It is therefore clear that whether Trump or Harris wins the election, the US has no future as a superpower.

8 replies
  1. Paracelsus88
    Paracelsus88 says:

    A tragic but accurate summary of today’s America. Why I have come to believe that it will have to take a “1929 event” to ignite a true Renaissance for our traditional society and people.

    • Kolbenheyer45
      Kolbenheyer45 says:

      A 1929 event is on its way.
      What is needed is an effective organization and intelligent policy to meet it. No mistakes, no stunts, no sectarianism, no vanity. Learn from the past and prepare for a future.

  2. Maria Wenzel
    Maria Wenzel says:

    This essay nailed it. It is a very sick country. The sad part is that the politicians cant admit it, because they create systems of control that makes healthy people sick which they are themselves. You can’t change what you can’t acknowledge. So they drive everyone into ruin with them. The thought of Obama always defending the US in saying …that is not who we are…, but that is precisely who we are, aware people and exceptions granted. Those who claim to be so exceptional are the least exceptional. Get rid of this US pride (comes before the fall).
    It is sickening to watch this country with the greatest potential for good to have become so evil, yet claiming the rest of the world are monsters. And were does this attitude come from? A very sick cult that is determined to drive Nations into ruin just so they can have one…by any destructive means. Were ever this cult finds footage it will kill to survive in revenge for thousands of years not being able to adjust and let go for what has been in eons past. What a contrast to/ in NT Religion were you lay down ones life for those you love. The world is a reflection for who we are no matter what continent we live on. The US is not doing a good job or being exemplary by supporting genocide. They came after the Germans, and condemning them to this day with public memorials and shaming. Were is the condemnation today and public shaming. We support them and award them with trophies. Shame on you USA along with your false love for Israel. Love speaks and seeks truth and justice. I don’t see it. It’s unconscionable in MHO. We learned nothing, but how to condemn and seek revenge. But it will eventually boomerang. Lay down your life for just causes, not greed insane ideologies and revenge. The heart’s of men are indeed evil. What’s left? Have compassion for evil and your enemies? All reasonable dialogue discouraged and punished? How will that save us ?. Keep yourself from doing evil.

  3. Descendent of Wehrmacht soldiers
    Descendent of Wehrmacht soldiers says:

    Maybe instead of destroying our glorious german Third Reich, you white Americans should have done the same thing Hitler did: remove the (((source of decadence))), and now we would all be thriving, rather than dying.

    • john844
      john844 says:

      Thats a darn good start! But first, we must remember and practice II Chronicles 7:14… then it will all come together.

  4. Maria Wenzel
    Maria Wenzel says:

    Dear descendent of the Wehrmacht,
    for as long as the ideology of the chosen people and it’s practiced idea or attitude exists by replicating a past in todays world thru biblical attachments and believes, without seeing the horrors and abuses in it, the eradication can only be achieved thru reflecting and eradicating the believe systems by not repeating (mindset, in NT terms a renewing of the mind). Not in killings, but by letting go what was and is past. Apparently there is a profit to be made by remaining the eternal victim and the rest of the world the perpetrators for not wanting to live in the past. The truth will set you free, but also your responsibility for the evil we ouselfs create. Some never grow up.

  5. smaragdus
    smaragdus says:

    “…This demonstrates that the State has lost control of its borders.”

    Wrong- the state (actually ZOG) hss not lost control of the border but it has carefully planned and meticulous organised the invasion in its relentless effort to totally dismantle what is left of once Christian White civilisation in America. In short- no covilisation can survive once infiltrated by Jews.

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