Another rigged Irish election?
Ireland has voted more than 90% for parties that support mass migration. If you believe the election results. Turnout was 59.%, the lowest since 1923.
If the non-voters could be persuaded to vote, they would be the biggest party. At least some people don’t vote because they think the elections are rigged, or because all candidates are crooks.
The two big government parties lost some votes but gained seats: Fianna Fail up 10 seats to 48, Fine Gael up 3 to 38. It’s quite hard to find anyone who will publicly admit to voting for them, but the results say that 40% of us did.
The magic number for a majority is 87: FF and FG have 86 between them. All they need is two or three independents and they can spend five more years importing millions of foreigners and planning the next pandemic lockdowns.
The good news is that the Green Party lost 11 of its 12 seats. The bad news is that the worst of them all, Minister for Children and Refugees Roderick O’Gorman, has been re-elected. It doesn’t make sense: If people voted the rest of them out, why wouldn’t they vote out the worst of them?
The multi-cultural enthusiasts in Sinn Fein gained two seats to 39, though their vote is 5% down from the last election.. They have aggressively supported mass migration, but have started to mutter occasionally about deporting. An article in the claims an unnamed senior Sinn Fein TD is disgusted at the mass migration and predicts they will start to oppose it. When the man is brave enough to say it in public we can believe it.
Although their vote is down from the last general election, it is strongly up from their 12% in the local elections a few months back. It’s hard to explain, except to say that they were not in government and have benefitted from dislike of the government. (Or that it was part of the scripted election… ) Sinn Fein have lost a dozen members in the last few months. Some were involved in sleazy under-18 gay sex scenarios, and the party tried to protect them. Others have resigned because of pressure to bow to the party’s pro-refugee stance.
One Sinn Fein TD alleges he was the victim of sexual blackmail by a female Sinn Fein member, after spending a night in a hotel room with her. She wanted 60,000, in three separate envelopes, to keep her from making a complaint. She’s still a member of Sinn Fein and the heterosexual Brian Stanley was re-elected in Laois as an independent, free from the pro-refugee restrictions he had as a party member, and with his marriage still intact. There’s a man who might put a spoke in the wheel of the woke agenda.
The various socialists and the one remaining Green have 27 seats.
The various independents and the Aontú party have 19 seats. Some in this group are migration critical. But there is almost nobody who is an open Remigration enthusiast.
There are 174 TDs, and close to 164 of them support more refugees and more work permits for foreigners.
The Aontú (unity) party are no longer a one man band: They got one extra TD..They can be called a “soft Remigration” party: they welcome more foreigners, whether refugees or work permits, and they don’t like ethno-nationalism but they do object to criminals and liars being granted permission to stay. They also raise objections to the location of specific refugee camps. The question is if they would actually implement this change if they got into Government.
Many of the independents are originally from Fianna Fail or Fine Gael, and will vote with them, even on mass migration. The big parties have long had a policy, when they notice they are unpopular, of getting one of their members to run as an independent. If elected, he will vote with the party. Some have suggested that supposed Independents are being financed to run by the big parties, purely with a view to dividing the vote and confusing voters.
Even the most unscrupulous Independent is more vulnerable to pressure from voters than the Party man. The party man can always blame the party leadership for voting the wrong way. The independent, if suitably pressured and if an election is near, can sometimes be persuaded to vote the right way. Marion Harkin, Sligo-Leitrim, gave a great example of this at the Family Referendum, a woke nonsense vote which was heavily defeated. Before the vote, she supported it, but when the result was announced, she jumped into her car and drove 200km to Dublin so she could join the celebrations when it was defeated.
The election result is suspicious for two reasons: One is that this enthusiasm for mass migration is contradicted by evidence that shows Paddy has had more than enough of playing Good Samaritan to people who don’t even have the courtesy to be thankful to us.
1.Opinion polls that say between 60% and 80% of us Irish think that “enough is enough.” It’s true that there is a more recent series of polls which reassure us that only 5% of us think immigration is an important issue.
2.Dozens of burnt out empty properties destined for refugee accommodation, certainly far more than any other Western country.
3.Hundreds of mostly peaceful protests all over the country, with a combined attendance in the hundreds of thousands. The most recent was an attendance of over a thousand in Athlone, where the protestors overwhelmed the small Garda presence and climbed over the barricades protecting the building site. You will not find much information about this protest on the MSM.
The other reason for suspicion is some irregularities in management of the votes, and some bizarrely aggressive and arrogant behaviour by supposedly impartial cops and election staff. If everything is kosher, why are some election workers so cranky?
For example, in the polling station in Killlanummery in north Leitrim, an official complaint has been made about the irregular transport of the ballot box to the count centre in Sligo.
This writer witnessed the presiding officer put the ballot box in her own private car, refuse to say where she was going and zoom off at high speed. There was no Garda escort and there was nobody else in the car with her. An hour and a half later, and the ballot box had still not arrived at the count centre in the Clayton Hotel in Sligo. Allowing a ballot box to be under the supervision of just one person is not best practice.
The Gardai have acknowledged receipt of this complaint, but the Sligo-Leitrim returning officer has not yet admitted receiving the complaint. Some complaints are more equal than others.
This writer, a candidate, was physically pushed out of the back door of the count centre in Sligo by a security guard who used vulgar language. A formal complaint has been made, but it is unlikely to result in a prosecution.
A lot of Our Guys object strongly to any talk of the elections being rigged. This is a little surprising. None of the “Honest Election Crew” were there at the polling station in the dark at 10:00pm when the ballot boxes were transported. None of them were at the counting centres at midnight to observe how the incoming ballots were handled. This writer was and what he saw was suspicious and culturally inappropriate. In a honest Irish election, you would expect smiles (cops, counters and drivers are all on juicy overtime rates) and good natured barbed banter, not snarls, curses, pushing and threats to arrest…
Some journalists, like Brendan O’Connor on RTÉ, openly boast that they played a role in ignoring public concern about immigration. They brag that Ireland is the only country in the Western world without an elected anti-migration rep at national level, though this is not really true.
One of the most symbolic events of the election was the exposure given to Fine Gael candidate Senator John McGahon. He escaped conviction for assault in the criminal courts, but in a civil case he was ordered to pay 39,000 in compensation to a man and wife. The facts of the case are that he saw a pretty married woman when he was at a bar. He approached the woman and her husband, and vulgarly suggested that he wanted to have sex with the woman. Both husband and wife refused. The politician then became aggressive and attacked the man. The video footage shows the man lying ón the ground and the Fine Gael senator thumping him in the head. Since when has it become acceptable to hit a man lying on the ground?
If the election results are to be believed, 4,000 people in County Louth felt he was their best choice, and gave him their number one vote. There were other Fine Gael candidates, and other Government candidates, so why would anyone give him a vote? Are there really that many stupid people in County Louth?
Another incident from the election campaign was an interaction between our handsome young Taoiseach, Simon “the Nose” Harris and a Cork woman named Charlotte Fallon. The incident has been viewed 2 million times online, about half the population.
Simon is moving fast through a shop, being filmed. He flashes a smile at her, extends his hand for shaking and mumbles, “Lovely to meet you.” Charlotte refuses to shake his hand and Simon moves on at speed. She calls him back and questions him about his lack of concern for people like her working as caregivers. He defends his government. She says to him: “Keep shaking hands and pretending you’re a good person”. Simon’s mask slips, and his dismay is visible in the video.
Any election rigging needs a good script.
One part of the script is the possibly rigged local election results this summer. Out of 949 Council seats, only five were filled by openly pro-Remigration candidates. The journalists use this result as an explanation for why migration is no longer an issue.
The journalists never stop telling us that immigration is no longer an issue, and that the heat has gone out of the migration issue. They tell us that the new number one issue is housing. They blandly assure us that the arrival of close to 400,000 people to our shores since Covid has nothing to do with the housing crisis. Some people, including our Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, have the brass neck to tell us that we need to import more foreigners to build houses for the two million foreigners who are here already. Is this some kind of joke?
Two big stories dominated the headlines during the election. Conor MacGregor and his buddy were in a civil court case where they were accused of sexual assault. (The jury believed the woman that Conor raped her, but they didn’t believe her when she said his friend raped her…) Conor has had some of the snappiest one-liners in the migration debate: Evaporate the buildings…This is war., etc. He has not been charged with any of his statements, although they could be construed as incitement to violence. There is also no evidence that he has ever personally burnt a refugee centre or thrown a punch at a foreign security guard.
The timing of the court case was perfect to associate Remigration candidates with cocaine-fueled sex and ugly, gold digging groupies. Was it planned?
The other big story was the anniversary of the Dublin Stabbing Riots. An Algerian man has been accused of stabbing a teacher and some children in Parnell Square. Spectacular riots and looting followed. The looters included Blacks and Asians, according to MSM reports.
In the middle of the election campaign, the Gardai issued photos of 100 people they wished to interview. Why did they wait so long?
A number of people have already been charged and convicted of the riots. One chap got six years jail. He was not accused of hurting any person, just of burning an empty police car.
But the alleged Algerian stabber has not yet had his trial. Over at and on Gemma O’Doherty’s site, you will see some very perplexing questions about the stabbing and the riots. The photos show a remarkable lack of blood on the ground. The apparently random strangers on the scene appear to be wearing colour-coordinated clothes. A bossy English woman is strutting around. Various journalists and politicians were on the scene remarkably quickly. One politician (then Senator Marie Sherlock of the Labour Party) seems to be actually smirking as she records her piece to camera. Is it a case of Duper’s Delight?
The brown-skinned Brazilian hero, Caio Benecio is also suspicious. He supposedly used his motorbike helmet to batter the Algerian into a three week coma. He made hundreds of thousands in spontaneous donations from the public. He got a private meeting with our then Taoiseach (Prime Minister), Leo Varadkar. He even returned from Brazil to run in the local elections in Dublin at the personal invitation of Fianna Fail leader Michael “the Nose” Martin.
This contrasts with the treatment of two other men who helped restrain the Algerian. Wayne “the belly” and the little Frenchman. Both say – and nobody has contradicted them – that they played their part in restraining the Algerian and removing the knife, as any decent Dubliner or Frenchman would do. No publicity, no hundreds of thousands in donations, no invites to tea with Leo or invites to run in the election. Is it because they are White?
These two stories reflect poorly on the Remigration movement. Is it entirely a coincidence that they were reported on so widely during the election campaign, or was this carefully planned months ago?
Some good news: Alan Shatter, a former Minister for Justice who boasts of his role in mass migration and just happens to be Jewish, polled poorly – just 3.6% in Dublin Rathdown. His leaflet says he is for Truth, Integrity and Wisdom, against racism and anti-Semitism and apparently he is even against justifying atrocities committed abroad. He himself enthusiastically supports the Israeli killings in Gaza and everywhere else.
Bizarrely huge votes for the worst of the politicians:
Simon Harris topped the poll in Wicklow with almost 17,000 votes (29.5%). He only got 12% in the 2020 election. What did he do to double his popularity: his role in Covid or his role in mass migration? It doesn’t make sense.
Health Minister, Stephen Donnelly, lost his seat in Wicklow, but officially he got 6% of the vote. If you like conspiracies, check out and what they say about his previous career as a management consultant. They call him the Manchurian Candidate.
Meanwhile, Helen McEntee, who is as bad a Justice Minister as Donnelly was Health, gets rewarded with 20% and 10,000 votes.
Candidates who had a realistic chance but didn’t make it:
In Dublin Central, former criminal – but never a drug dealer – Gerard “The Monk” Hutch narrowly missed election. Remigration activist, former Workers Party man and lawyer Malachi Steenson says that Hutch was encouraged to run by State forces, to take votes away from him. Steenson has been prominent in ongoing refugee protests in Dublin’s East Wall district.
It is certainly true that Hutch made some some pro-migration statements, but he also criticised freeloading refugees and said: “Migrants must come ready to work.” The Internet tells us that he owns some properties that are rented for migrant accommodation. He says himself that he was in contact with a pro-refugee Social Democrat politician before deciding to run as an independent.
The one thing that was always said about Hutch was that he never dirtied his hands with the drugs trade, unlike other criminals, businessmen and even politicians. He grew up in the inner city and saw the damage heroin did. He has accused the authorities of being involved in the illegal drugs trade. As recently as last year, while he was enjoying the State’s hospitality in Cloverhill Prison, he publicly expressed surprise and annoyance that the prison authorities were allowing drugs to be smuggled into the prison. It’s widely known in Dublin, that there is many a man who went to prison clean, and came out as a raging junkie.
If he had been elected and if he spoke out, he might have been able to do what no Minister for Justice could do until now: stop drugs coming into prisons.
It’s hard to believe that Mary Lou MacDonald, Sinn Fein leader, actually topped the poll in this area.
In Kildare, Tom McDonnell was elected the Council in the summer. According to media reports he admires the beauty of Black women, urges White Irish women to have more babies so we don’t die out and bitches about Khazarian Jews. That sounds like a popular platform to me, but not if we believe the vote. Getting elected to the council gives you a decent chance at the Dail, but not this time: he lost a couple of votes from his council run. Sitting TD Patricia Ryan left Sinn Fein after she criticised the Ukrainian refugees. She had previously criticised the official version of 9.11. It’s surprising that she only got 600 votes when she ran as an independent.
In Dublin West, Patrick Quinlan, the National Party’s first ever councillor, polled a decent 1,149 votes and another Remigration enthusiast Suzanne Delaney got 816. If those votes were added to Aontú’s 2,453, they would have been a thousand votes ahead of Roderick O’Gorman and he would have lost his seat. In quite a few areas, the combined Aontú and Remigration vote would have been close to taking a seat.
In Mayo, Stephen Kerr narrowly missed a council seat in the summer. He got almost 3,300 votes this time, but Aontú’s Paul Lawless took the last seat. Will Paul Lawless speak out against the mass migration?
In Galway West. Noel Thomas very narrowly missed election. He is a former Fianna Fail member. A refugee property in his area, owned by a charming Irish-American couple, was destroyed in a fire. His house was raided by Gardai and he was taken away for questioning. He was released without charge.
One piece of good news: It looks like all the TDs elected are White, barring a few crypto-Jews. No more Hazel Chu, no more Leo Varadkar. The bad news for readers in the US, is that they will probably move stateside and get big jobs there.
If any reader does come across Leo, here is the way to shut him up: Ask him to name Boy A and Boy B. Two young ethnic Irish thugs from wealthy families, part of a devil worship cult, raped and murdered poor Anastasia Kriegel, not far from Leo’s home base. Because they were under 18, it is a criminal offence to name them, under Irish law. But if you meet Leo in the US, he will not have that excuse… If you’re looking for Leo, try the gay bars, especially those with a bondage or S/M theme.
A final piece of good news is the re-election of Carol Nolan, the former Sinn Fein TD who was kicked out because of her pro-life views. She has spoken out against the Covid and the mass migration nonsense and the MSM very rarely even mention her. That’s usually a good sign. She topped the poll with 22% of the vote. It must be lonely, and a bit scary, to be an honest person in Dáil Éireann…
Beir Bua!
pogroms in every white country is the way out. if it starts it’ll start with little things. little criminal things. support those things when they begin
It’s surely rigged. In my country it is well known that the National Front ( being a civic Nationalist party is another problem ) should have won the elections since a long time ago. The only explanation being fraud. Of course, now that the population has been replaced, fraud isn’t necessary , but in the late 80’s until the mid 2000, it was another story. It’s the same for all western Countries.
Brecht’s response to the 1953 East German uprising:
The Solution
After the uprising of the 17th of June
The Secretary of the Writers’ Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?
Same thing is happening in CroRATia
It’s interesting that both in Ireland and Croatia the flood gates opened to invasion after COVID, I know for a fact Croatia used the cloak of COVID to pass through some extremely shady legislation, probably the same thing happened in Ireland.
CroRATia, sorry, I misspelled it the first time. Rat fake country.
Ireland is $216 billion in debt which limits their options. Great Britain plundered them, but good, over the centuries.