Update on Michelle Keane

Our Gal is free! Michelle Keane, Remigration election candidate, has been released from Limerick Prison, after less than 24 hours. It seems she is “Too hot to handle” for the Irish Prison Service. Many thanks to all who contacted the authorities to ask after her safety.

The court case between herself and Sgt Melanie Walsh continues this Friday in Killarney District Court. Sgt Walsh alleges that, in a video post discussing Garda involvement in rigging the election, Michelle Keane identified the Sgt. This would be a breach of a court order prohibiting Keane from mentioning Sgt Walsh in connection with election rigging. Michelle is strongly denying that she identified Sgt Walsh.

Either way, the court proceedings will probably be public. Anything that is said in court can be repeated without fear of libel or legal troubles.

If you are meme maker or a click-bait hunter or even just interested in election integrity, you will find something of interest and even amusement in this case. We all love a cat-fight, especially when our cat is winning! Go, Michelle, go!

This video was done ón the day of her arrest.


Vote 1 Michelle keane Independent Genersl Election

♬ original sound – Michelle Keane

5 replies
  1. ganainm
    ganainm says:

    It seems she wasn’t released, after all. She is still in jail. The journalists at Raidio na Gaeltachta said they made a mistake, when they announced her release on the news. Radio Kerry made the same mistake. Strange mistake to make.

    Either way, she is court tomorrow: If anyone can make it to Kerry for 10:30, your support will be appreciated and you are guaranteed a fun day out! Michelle strikes me as a lady who knows how to speak her mind. She is defending herself. Won’t it be fun to see her cross examine the lovely Sgt Melanie Walsh, who doesn’t want anyone associating her with election rigging. If anyone can call politicians, courthouses and Garda stations, that will put pressure on.

    Try calling Danny Healy-Rae, the Kerry Independent TD on 087 231 6055. Our Michelle is his electoral rival, and he didn’t seem very interested in helping her. But perhaps if a couple of hundred other people rang, we could lobby him to do something?

    Dail Eireann is 01 6183333

    If you’re abroad, call your local Irish Embassy and fry their phone lines with polite requests that they investigate the allegations of vote rigging.

  2. Rudolf
    Rudolf says:


    A cuckoo-nutcase: a “racist fruit” because of its milky white flesh? Has “frutarian fruitcake” Hunt aka The Womenator now fully mutated into a “Knight of the Coconut”? Tropical fruits were not part of the natural dietary repertoire of “Ice Age Europeans”. Unless, like Hunt as a Florida resident, one can no longer distinguish. Its taste is not to be detested, but should, just like bananas, not recommend it as a main food source for our species.


    What do n*ked men and Francis Parker Yockey have in common? (Correct: they are both the main study subjects of Counter-Currents’ “Editor-in-Chief”.) Aha: “Kracht has also expressed some interest in the infamous book by the same name by the American Neo-Nazi Francis Parker Yockey.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperium_(Kracht_novel)

    “The Spiegel journalist Georg Diez had accused the Swiss author Kracht of being close to right-wing ideas. However, Diez does not only rely on passages from ‘Imperium’, but also refers in particular to an exchange of letters between Kracht and the US artist David Woodard, which was published in 2010 and has received little attention to date.

    According to Der Spiegel, Kracht’s pen pal raves about the terrorist Timothy McVeigh and Goebbels’ propaganda writer, Wilfred von Oven, among others. For his part, Kracht is said to have advised Woodard to hide his views behind a ‘smoke screen’ from the left in Europe, the article continues.

    In Der Spiegel, the reviewer Georg Diez also accused the Swiss writer Kracht of being a ‘bouncer of right-wing thoughts’. The accusation weighs extremely heavily in this country, said Kehlmann. ‘It can be downright devastating.’

    ‘In his work, Kracht has long been fascinated by the aesthetics of totalitarian systems,’ said Kehlmann. ‘That doesn’t bother me, but I understand that it can be criticized. But you can’t criticize it in such a way that you turn Kracht into the new Sarrazin.'”


    As has been known for almost a hundred years, in America, which should actually be called the Jewish Empire (Judenreich) or Jewass-A, it is considered ‘extremely funny’ to idolize and sanctify Jews, i.e. to deny any wickedness on their part and/or make it unrecognizable, but to portray the ‘Nazis’, i.e. race-conscious anti-Semitic Europeans, as morons. Also, a self-proclaimed “comedian” named Dan CUMmings is not allowed to do without it in the context of German history if he considers himself particularly enlightened:

    “Fascinatingly, not all of these groups were, as we might think, necessarily liberal. They came from all corners of the political spectrum. Some would even be absorbed into national socialism aka the Nazi Party as early as 1907. Nazi d*ck Richard Ungewitter published a pamphlet called ‘Nudity and Culture’ which sold a hundred thousand copies, arguing that the practices he recommended would be ‘the means’ by which the German race would regenerate itself and ultimately prevail over its neighbors and the diabolical Jews who are intent on injecting putifying agents into the nation’s blood and soil. Yeah, whip your fucking German cock sausage out. Flop out those Bavarian titties. That’ll teach those diabolical Jews! Not sure what it’ll teach them, but it’ll teach them something, it’ll show them something!

    Now back to our main topic. Lebensreform as a movement led to a lot of things, the proliferation of yoga, vegetarianism, nudist resorts, and even as we just learned, seeing some old Nazi peen [sic]. One other thing it would lead to, one very very bizarre thing, wouldn’t have as much staying power or really any state of staying power at all but fascinating while it lasted before we get into that coconut madness a note regarding the upcoming timeline since as we mentioned record-keeping was so shoddy years listed for specific events tend to vary so one source might say something happened in 1904 versus 1905 etc doesn’t matter for this story.”


  3. ganainm
    ganainm says:

    She is free and has made another video. Check out kingdomwater.ie, election page. She is doubling down on her accusations of vote rigging, and severely criticising the judge who jailed her!

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