Identities, TWASH, and the True Purpose of Propaganda: On the Nature of the Parasitic Superorganism That is the American Regime and How to Overcome It

Why has the true Right, the Dissident Right, been losing ground to its enemies for so long? There are almost as many answers to this as there are intellectual fighters within our ranks—not surprising, given that the hive mind doesn’t exactly thrive on our side. Today I wish to present not only my answer to that question, but also what I believe to be the best method for reversing that trend and driving back the Left. To begin, then, let’s start with the nature of the problem, which can be summed up in one simple sentence: The Right thinks in terms of ideas and how to spread them, whereas the Left thinks (or, at least, the segment of it that does think at all) in terms of institutions and how to conquer them. It is absolutely critical that our side realize that institutions give ideas, however wise or foolish they may be, teeth—or to put this is a more graphic, in fact literal, form, picture the Left in its current dominant form as a rabid, plague-ridden sewer rat with massive, razor-sharp incisors. Then picture the Dissident Right in its current form as a healthy, muscular Doberman that has had all of its teeth plucked out one by one until it has now only gums: despite the fact that it’s madder than a March hare and incapable of surviving for very long. That rat’s going to inspire complete and utter terror in everyone who crosses it, whereas the Doberman despite its strength and potential longevity, is more likely to get laughed at than feared. Such is the power of ideas when they have institutions to back them.

The reason for this goes to the very heart of human nature. Ideas do indeed have consequences, to quote the Southern agrarian Richard Weaver, but they’re actually far less consequential than many dissidents tend to think, at least when they’re by themselves. If you want to know what charts the course of human events, look to the twin concepts (as I define them) of attributes and identity, or any aspects (true or false) of a man which are or which he holds to be part of himself and his nature. Together they constitute a person’s being, and as such, there is not one event however small and long-forgotten in all of human history that was not presided over by this absolute duopoly, the nature and workings of which will allow those who come to appreciate and understand that nature and those workings a far greater ability to influence events yet to come than they otherwise would have.

Thomas Aquinas in Summa Theologica famously described the attributes of God as simplicity, perfection, goodness, infinity, existence in all things, immutability, eternity, and unity. Although not all of you may agree with St. Thomas on the nature of God or even the nature of His existence, I think you can all agree that human nature by contrast is just about the opposite: namely, it’s transitory, changeable, and conflicted. Given that we might say that at any given point the course a person pursues will be the result of which coalition of attributes and identities came out on top, if only for that time. Moreover, the battles of this lifelong war are often much more convoluted and confused than would be the case with sets of distinct attributes and identities going head-to-head until one set emerges triumphant. There are numerous ways this actually plays out, but for our purposes here, we’ll just focus on a few ways, all of which have to do with identities intertwining, deceiving, or both.

As for the ways identities can intertwine or blend, we might begin by observing that there are only two types of reasons why a person likes or dislikes anything, be it a person, place, object, or idea: implication and association, these corresponding very roughly to reason and emotion. To give a quick example, one might like carrot juice for its ability to help restore red blood cells after an injury or blood donation; in contrast, the person might not be aware of any health benefits of carrot juice and may actually hate the taste of it but still like drinking it for its association with the dinner at which he proposed to his wife and how it floods him with those happy memories.

Hence, you get some cases in which identities logically blend or grow out of each other—for example, our identity of opposition to open borders and unlimited and indiscriminate immigration grows naturally out of our identity as those desiring nations that are stable, internally sturdy, and with a longevity that can be measured in centuries rather than decades.

On the other hand, there are identities that become intertwined by mere designation, though having no logical connection with each other and possibly being mutually exclusive or at odds with each other. For example, the bizarre package of identities that the neocons and MSM try to sell as conservatism—(in theory) freedom of speech, limited government, loyalty to the Constitution, along with (in practice) unlimited immigration, a vast expansion of the surveillance state, endless open-ended wars “for democracy,” etc.—despite the utter incompatibility with each other and their negative utility for conserving anything beyond the elites’ own power and wealth.

And then, there is the grand but mostly associative intertwining of the vast majority of our attributes and identities, involving thoughts which deal with our ideas about ourselves and the world, into what you might call our sense of normalcy—which as we’ll see later, the elites weaponize in order to better control us.  All of which have to do with identities intertwining, deceiving, or both.

Also important are the identities of deception. There are, of course, the types which you were aware of even if you never gave them a name, i.e., what I call stalking horse identities which are false identities we present to others in order to deceive them, such as the ones adopted by those who would use talk of support for human rights or the poor of the world as a stalking horse behind which lurks a raw desire for increasing political power by swelling the ranks of supporters or increasing profits with an endless supply of cheap labor or both.

But of course there are other deception types of identities as well, ones even more quintessentially human: for while examples abound in nature of species that try to deceive others or even others of their own, it is man alone who habitually deceives himself, with two (among others) such types of deception involving what I refer to as cloaking identities and iceberg identities.

The latter is a unique blend of internal and external deception: as the name implies, it is where you’ve got one or more identities on the surface that you let people see. They aren’t phony, as with stalking-horse types, but they aren’t the whole story either, as they’re inextricably bound to other identities below the surface (some far enough below that those who possess them aren’t even consciously aware of them). For example, those engaged in White flight who describe their motivation as a search for “better schools”—that being the surface part with the racial component kept safely below. If you’re arguing with an ordinary person, someone not a political shill, and you’ve logically addressed all their objections but have not swayed them in the least, the chances are pretty good that you’re dealing with a set of iceberg identities, and you need to have your arguments address what they’re not revealing.

Then there are the purposeful self-deception cloaking identities. They’re the identities behind which we conceal from ourselves those parts of us that are embarrassing or shameful. Often what’s behind the cloak is some form of laziness and/or cowardice: many there are that make at least some part of the regime’s ideology their own, either out of a combination of fear of the repercussions for openly opposing it and shame at being so impotently timorous, or out of a slothful love of first-world leisure that opposing the system would eliminate, or both.

This brings us to the true purpose of propaganda and what makes control of institutions so important.

You see, the primary purpose of a regime’s ideology, propaganda, pronouncements, etc., isn’t to deceive people: most of what the regime espouses is too far removed from reality to truly fool all but the most fanatical ideologues or the very dumb—who don’t make up enough of the population to make pure deception an efficient method of control. Rather, its primary purpose is to give those of at least middling intelligence and at most middling energy and courage a way to sublimate their sloth and/or cowardice, concealing those parts of themselves behind a façade belief in the official line. Were the regime to come right out and flaunt its power and its hatred of us, the timidity and lethargy of the majority would be on display for all to see and all would be forced to choose between standing there in complete shame or fighting, and, thus cornered, many would finally choose the latter, which is why no regime EVER will abandon its official lies.

Of course, this also requires the regime to make opposition to it and its lies a fearful and difficult matter; hence why control of institutions is key to its survival, since they serve as the enforcement mechanism for compliance with its ideology. In the Soviet Union these institutions, especially the economic bureaucracy and secret police, were formal appendages of the state itself; in our case, they tend to be unofficial, ostensibly private ones, with the most common being those capable of inflicting economic harm: express unapproved sentiment on racial differences, the border, etc.—get fired from your job, have your payment system cut off and the like.

Not that such economic enforcement alone would be enough. Given its undisguised antagonism toward the nation’s founding stock, the regime’s official ideology would lead to massive opposition and boycott had it just been foisted on us out of the blue by government in conjunction with big business without a prior effort to instill at least elements of it into the population at an early age and have it permeate the culture. In other words, unless the regime gains control of other, mutually reinforcing institutions as well.

That last part cuts to the heart of both the regime’s fundamental nature and the reason the Dissident Right keeps losing ground to it: to put it simply, the regime functions as a parasitic superorganism.

The standard superorganism definition runs along the lines of “a colony of social organisms (such as ants) in which the members and castes are integrated in much the same way as the organs of a multicellular individual,” with the colony of ants mentioned being the usual example (of a nonparasitic, albeit predatory, type): as with a multiorgan being, none of the individual parts can survive without the others. A cancerous tumor would be an example of the parasitic type displaying these attributes: the rogue cells not only multiply out of control but engage in a division of labor with some specializing in tricking the body into growing extra blood vessels specifically for it (angiogenesis), etc.

To lay it out in broad terms, these are the major parts of the superorganism in relation to each other:

  1. The political elites who give a veneer of legitimacy to the system. Without them, the other divisions would not be able to push their ideologies and undertake their de facto looting operations of various kinds without risking being noticed and retaliated against. On the other hand, these elites rely almost entirely on the other divisions to fund their campaign against more honest men and create and enforce the ideologies that justify their nefarious activities.
  2. The oligarchs whose connections to the central bank allow them through credit expansion to clandestinely steal the wealth of the general population, giving them a greatly heightened ability to buy out businesses and politicians alike, to the disadvantage of those for whom theft (even legalized theft) is immoral and forbidden. It is the oligarchs’ Fed connection that allows for the existence of financial behemoths such as BlackRock whose leadership converts financial power into ideological power by pushing wokeism from the top down: allowing them to buy out and/or fire those who won’t toe the line and thus allowing them to enforce ideological conformity with the threat of livelihood loss. However, the oligarchs mostly do not create the ideology they push nor give it its initial push; THAT is the task of the third part.
  3.         The educational establishment, in whose upper ranks first develop the deadly ideologies that then spread downward, eventually reaching the level of grade-schoolers who are most ill fitted to discover their fallacious nature or their disastrous effects. The ideas that provide oligarchs and politicians alike with the ideological justification for various forms of manipulation and tyranny originate in academia. The upper echelon of education also serves as a gateway (and thus, their denizens as gatekeepers) to the lower ranks of the political and oligarchic parts. On the other hand, this part is almost entirely dependent on the largesse of the first two for its survival.
  4. The Hollywood media and professional sports entertainment complex, the means by which the ideologies which would otherwise remain confined to the ivory tower or be scorned by ordinary people are made to permeate the general culture such that they are taken at least semiseriously even by those who have the greatest scorn for academics. Without the push of entertainment, the oligarchs and politicians would never be able to utilize the ideas cooked up by the academics even half as effectively. On the other hand, as the era of the Hays Code showed, even media moguls can be brought to heel by an unindoctrinated population wielding the threat of political force to force the moguls to keep their works in line with the general culture. Hence, the elites of media and Hollywood require the assistance of the others in order to protect their own part of the superorganism.
  5. Finally, the military-industrial complex. This part indirectly supports the superorganism’s other parts by—at least up until the time that the Ukraine War began to prove the US military to be something of a paper tiger—allowing for the threat of military intervention against countries who refuse to align with our elites’ interests. By propping up the dollar’s status as the world reserve currency (at least until now) the MIC gave the US Fed the awesome financial power that it somewhat yet enjoys. In turn, the defense contractors within it donate massively to the various politicians’ campaigns and are in turn fed out of the public trough. Also, as the ideological campaigns of Biden’s diversity officers show, the military is not invulnerable to the pseudointellectual bilge cooked up in the academy and spread through the media.

As you can see, it’s truly like a biological superorganism in that the loss of some parts would mean the others couldn’t survive in parasitic form. As such, the regime has all the strengths and weaknesses of a parasite, including as I noted in passing earlier, most people have a kind of grand intertwining of most of their identities into what you might call their sense of normalcy and thus avoid disillusionment with any major part of their worldview. This worldview is for the most part crafted by the education and media establishment, Disillusion would make them feel as though their whole world is falling apart despite the other parts having no logical connection to the parts there was disillusionment with; this in turn allows the parasite to hold their sense of sanity and normalcy hostage and thus allows it to force them to swallow even ridiculous narratives rather than feel that world collapse.

How can the Dissident Right give its ideas the teeth to oppose the parasitic regime, perhaps in conjunction with normiecons and even citizens in general? By providing the leadership and direction for forming a counter-superorganism, one that can outcompete that of the regime and its allies in some or most of the areas it currently dominates.

As I said, the regime’s a superorganism, meaning none of its parts can thrive or possibly even survive without the others. Imagine if an alternative economy (not a black market–style underground one, but a legal parallel one) could be formed, rendering the regime’s primary means of punishing heterodoxy null: many, many more would find the courage to openly voice ideological blasphemy. Or if an alternative education system could be put together, allowing an entire generation to see just how bizarre and evil, how contrary to nature the regime’s official ideology truly is. That should be the Dissident Right’s goal, to form that counter-superorganism.

In this we will be given help, quite unintentionally, by the superorganism itself, which like all parasites contributes nothing to its host and in fact actively weakens it as it battens itself. This means that it faces what I call the parasite’s paradox: the greater the parasite’s power becomes, the more tenuous its hold on power becomes as well, since every move that it makes to strengthen itself has the counterproductive effect of creating more TWASH (my Elmer Fuddish–sounding acronym for “those whom the American system hurts”).

This, in turn, creates the potential for a leveraging effect to be used against the parasite. Here’s how it works. At any given point there are those who are greatly harmed by the regime and will oppose it (legally and nonviolently in our case), the consequences—save maybe being sent to a literal gulag or executed—be damned. It is critical to begin with this mad as hell and not going to take it anymore TWASH crowd, giving unique focus and appeal to each subgroup of them and uniting them to leverage their power to influence, one after the other, the critical groups above them. For immediately above the TWASH lies a larger group of those who still have their jobs and reputations but are hurt enough by the parasitism (in the form of inflation, antiwhite propaganda insults, etc.) that they’d be glad to oppose the regime—nonviolently, I mean, as with everything I say here—if only the effort were not futile. Above them lies an even larger group that would oppose the regime if opposition is either easy or likely to be successful. Together these three groups constitute a critical mass capable of imparting to our ideas legitimacy and respectability in the eyes of the gray men of the world: that is, those who hold no strong beliefs but will swing one way or another based on what everyone else, or at least the respectable majority, seems to favor. And once you get the gray men—who at this late stage of the infection are feeling pain from the parasites’ activities as well—on the side of your ideas and plans, you have the means to overwhelm those who yet support the regime either for profit or ideology,

In the past, even ten years ago, the potential for forming a counter-superorganism and leveraging was fairly small: too many Americans still had too much faith in the system and were too comfortable in their bubble of easy money/debt-fueled consumerism to want to truly (if nonviolently) oppose the parasite, and the parasite was still too able from a combination of debt-financed pseudoprosperity and perceived military might to grow fatter and more damaging without creating too much TWASH.

Those days are now long gone. The military has been shown, in Ukraine and Afghanistan, to be a paper tiger (albeit with a few nuclear teeth left); deficit financing now leads to massive inflation—and as such there is no way for the parasite to bribe one group of our potential allies among the TWASH without making more TWASH in the process. It’s all out of carrot and has only stick left to work with—and all punishment, real or threatened, obviously creates TWASH as well.

Based on the 2024 and 2020 elections, we have a potential pool of about 77 to 81 million to work with (a number greater than the population of all but 19 countries!). That number of dissenters from the regime will only continue to go up—I’m assuming both that the regime won’t give Trump any fake votes and that (contrary to what Trump’s ego might feel), while there were many who voted for him who didn’t like him or might even despise him personally, there were virtually no Trump voters who didn’t hate the regime. It needs only be given skilled leadership and guidance to mold it into a powerful counter-superorganism capable of outcompeting (again, nonviolently) the parasite and bringing it to its knees.

Too many on our side showed surprise when those such as Italy’s Meloni and our Trump failed to live up to their promises or outright turned on those who elected them. But why should that outcome surprise anyone older than a grade-schooler? After all, as things stand now, we have nothing to offer politicians but a vote and nothing to threaten them with besides waiting patiently ‘til the next chance to vote for someone even worse; meanwhile the superorganisms of the various regimes can both offer the pols huge campaign war chests and easy, highly lucrative employment for their remaining days when they final step down from their positions as top Judas goats and threaten them with everything from lawfare to being JFK’ed if they’re truly perceived as a threat by the parasite to its interests. Had we as powerful a counter-superorganism as our numbers would allow, we could field and fund our own party, defend its members against any harm, and make sure that anyone tempted to turn traitor would be duly punished: obviously not by physical harm or death, but by ensuring that either they’ll be recalled in disgrace, or when they step down, any business that tried to hire them with their proverbial 30 pieces of silver would find itself made into a pariah and boycotted into bankruptcy.

As I close, let me make something clear: intellectual institutions such as VDARE are absolutely necessary. they’re just not sufficient. Without virtue and truth on our side— truth which they help spread, what counter-superorganism we might form would slowly but inevitably devolve into just another parasite.  To give teeth to the ideas they’re helping to spread, we of the Dissident Right need to immediately begin to analyze the numbers, composition, and location of various segments of TWASH and start forming the groups that will compose our counter-superorganism. Only then will we see our beloved ideals honored and our ideas brought to fruition.

Thank you.

10 replies
  1. Barkingmad
    Barkingmad says:

    On parasites (in human bodies): Their #1 job is to remain undetected while doing their damage. I read this in articles on the effects of parasite infestations in people and animals.

    By the time the size of the infestation is large, you are sick with all sorts of problems. And so it is with parasites in our societies.

    The really bad side of all this is that medical doctors almost never consider parasites as the cause of your health issues. They specialize in prescribing medicines and treatments which deal with symptoms only. Same with our (White) societies.

  2. JBP
    JBP says:


    I can only hope others step up. I try, and speak truthfully here and in person to others (TWASH like myself and Normie’s still felling alone or afraid). But getting my comments banned or edited here makes me wonder what to think or do.

  3. John
    John says:

    “Why has the true Right, the Dissident Right, been losing ground to its enemies for so long?”
    That’s easy to answer.
    Will provide 2 examples:
    1-Seeing that Trump sided with bringing in foreigners (Trump New Year’s Eve address said:
    “We need competent people, we need smart people coming into our country.”) he clearly chose being a traitor instead of being a patriot. If there was any last chance to save our once nation called America, Trump is our last chance. This is MAGA’s line in the sand. If MAGA was a force to be reckoned with, they would bring rotten tomatoes & rotten eggs & cover his car, his buildings, his inauguration, basically throw Trump The Traitor under the bus for throwing the patriots under the bus. In essence, MAGA elected him & MAGA will de-elect him, make his term ungovernable, run Trump out of town. However, MAGA are not a force to be reckoned with, MAGA is a pushover. Which is why Trump chose treason over patriots. If MAGA was a force, Trump would never even dream of crossing MAGA. Trump should be terrified of MAGA, not the democrats.
    2-Vice-President Nixon understood that President Eisenhower would pullback the soldiers that he sent to Little Rock had Americans rioted. We all know what happened there.
    It is MAGA’s weakness pure & simple.
    MAGA deserves what MAGA tolerates.

  4. Captainchaos
    Captainchaos says:

    Instead of the overly pretentious and spergy “superorganism” why doesn’t this boomer just come out and say Red State secession? Would it be too hard? Would it burn up too many brain cells, require too much bandwidth? In terms of leverage against the system Nazis shit posting on the internet can be laughed at, but the credible threat of secession would truly scare the shit out of the Jews.

  5. Illinois buddy
    Illinois buddy says:

    Until America confronts Jewish corporate, media, and political power, there will be little progress.

    Sadly, Trump is pro-Israel and won’t change things much.

    Who is the member of Congress that will stand up against Jewish power (I don’t mean innocent, patriotic Jews) and FOR White Christians?

    There is not even one.

    I had high hopes for Sen. Rand Paul, but he has chickened out.

    His job is more than important to him than is America.

    Too many Americans are cowards.

  6. John
    John says:

    It was the maga (no caps as they haven’t earned it) people who elected Trump. He has picked many for his upcoming administration, has he picked maga people? NO. Trump New Year’s Eve address was:
    “We need competent people, we need smart people coming into our country.”
    He clearly chose being a traitor instead of being a patriot & back maga. He stabbed maga in the back.
    No one knows how many illegals we have but it must be north of 35,000,000. If that’s not enough with the crime & lowering of wages it entails, now Trump will bring in even more cheap labor. If maga had power, Trump would be terrified to even think of crossing maga. Real power is maga being an unshakable solid voting block & chanting throughout his inauguration the word ‘traitor’. Shaming Trump relentlessly for the rest of his life for betraying, for stabbing the maga people in the back. It also sends a clear message that maga is here to stay in perpetuity & will only get stronger & powerful. In Dante’s Inferno, the lowest circle in Hell is reserved for traitors.

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