Why did the Israelis close their Dublin embassy?

Good news! It is now both fashionable and safe in Ireland to criticise Jewish Israelis and aspects of the Jewish religion.

They say it’s because Irish politicians are the most anti-Semitic in the world. Nonsense. Have they never heard the joke about Gregor Braun, the menorah and the fire extinguisher?

They cite Ireland’s decision to recognise the Palestinian state, to join the genocide case against Israel and the proposed bill to boycott Israeli goods.

This is also nonsense. Other countries have given much more active support to the Palestinians, and the Israelis have no problem having embassies there. And they hang out with Hamas and fund jihadis, so what’s the problem with an embassy in Ireland?

The Irish politicians publicly sympathise with the Palestinians, but privately they do everything to support the Israelis. Above our heads, day and night, we see and hear planes crossing the Atlantic in military convoy. The journalists tell us the Israelis are flying their US munitions through our skies. Sometimes they even stop at Shannon airport. Our government does nothing.

The bill to boycott some Israeli goods from the Occupied Territories has been sitting waiting approval for five years. Our politicians all support the bill, but they just can’t seem to find the time to pass it. The Israelis boast that they caused the delay. They released a supposed transcript of a chat one of their guys had with our finance minister, Pascal O’Donohue. He tells the Israelis not to worry about the Occupied Territories bill, that the government will find some technical excuse to delay it. Which is exactly what they did, and are still doing. Coincidence?

Multiply these incidents by a thousand and you will see that behind a screen of sympathy for the Palestinians, the Irish state is very helpful indeed to the Israeli killing machine.

Three possible explanations for the Israelis closing their Irish embassy:

1. It’s a boast and a show of strength. The Israelis are saying: ”The Irish are supposedly big pals of the Palestinians. We don’t even have an embassy there. But we can fly our war materials through Irish skies, no problem. We can stop an Irish law with just one phone call. We don’t need an embassy because Irish politicians just do exactly what we ask them to. Every single time. If they want to cry crocodile tears about the dead Palestinian children, let them. As long as they do what we tell them.”

The MSM are threatening us that Trump will close all the US big tech and big pharma factories here. Perhaps we can save ourselves if our politicians do a goy grovel, and open Shannon airport to Israeli flights?

2. Anti-Semitism is popular here! It’s an Israeli attempt to boost the popularity of our two top leaders Simon Harris and Michael Martin. By name, by nose and by the nature of their deeds, these two buckos have quite possibly some Jewish ancestry, and if there is a plot, they might well be working for it. They are widely unpopular and recently re-elected. Their brand needs freshening up, in preparation for the next five years. What could be more popular and refreshing, in pro-Palestine Ireland, than rebranding the two boyos as the worst anti-Semites in the world?

3. Nervous breakdowns: Israeli people working in the Dublin embassy are suffering mental health breakdowns because people keep making insulting jokes about various aspects of Jewish history and Jewish religion. Irish law allows you to make jokes about other people’s religions, and even to suggest to foreigners that they feck off back to where they came from. Perhaps dozens of Dubliners were mocking the embassy staff every day, and they just couldn’t handle it. There is no direct evidence this happened; it’s just a hypothesis. There have been statements by Irish Jews that other Irish people constantly bring up the question of the Israeli massacres with them, often in rather a rude way! The Israeli ambassador lady has sounded quite stressed and on the brink of a nervous breakdown when speaking on Irish radio, though it is possible she was just acting and looking for sympathy.

Man is a social animal. He wants to belong. If you were to meet with one insult in a day, it would have an effect. If you met with a dozen insults a day, five days a week, for weeks and weeks and weeks it would work it’s way through even the thickest skin.

The Irish Overton Window of talking about Jewish bad behaviour is pretty wide. Even government politicians and mainstream journos will say stuff like: The Zionists control the US…Jewish money and influence in the US…The IDF are murderers and liars…Netanyahu and his pals are part of a weird bloodthirsty Jewish sect. None of these statements are in any way controversial here.

So far, no mainstream politician will talk about Jewish power in Ireland.

Low profile people can voice even stronger criticism of aspects of Judaism, without any direct public punishment. You will not be arrested, brought to court or even publicly criticised or doxxed for saying things like: If the Israelis control the US, it means they control Ireland too. We should arrest all Israeli citizens in Ireland, confiscate all their assets and deport them, unless they can provide a certificate of good behaviour from the Palestinian ambassador. You can accuse Irish politicians of supporting mass migration because they have been compromised by Israeli sex traps. You can accuse Zionists of being involved in the multi-billion euro refugee accommodation scam.

Nobody will blink an eyelid. There will be no fuss. They may try to take revenge in other ways, but they won’t do anything publicly.

This is because they do not want to draw any more attention to these statements. They are afraid. If they publicly criticise someone for criticising the Jews, it could be the spark that set the heather blazing.

Statements like these have been made on local radio and in public meetings attended by government politicians. The government people did not say one word of criticism or contradiction to these potentially controversial statements. They just spoke about other topics.

This is proof that they are afraid.

Some politicians sense the way the wind is blowing. They are rubbing shoulders with Gregor Braun and a large bunch of other Remigration people in the European Parliament. They know Trump is talking about deporting tens of millions of people.

Deporting surplus foreigners is becoming fashionable. Trash talking Israeli Jews is very fashionable.

Four Irish MEPS discussed Israeli power on RTÉ. They all were in favour of the bill to boycott Israeli goods, but they all warned: There will be consequences, sanctions, ramifications, we will be totally isolated in Europe and at risk of being punished by Trump. One spoke with shock at how vehemently her colleagues in the European People’s Party defended the Israeli massacres.

At a public meeting in Killarney, all in the dear old Gaelic, the statement about arresting all Israelis, confiscating their assets and deporting them was made. None of the speakers ón the podium condemned this suggestion in any way. After the debate, who makes a beeline for the group including the maker of the “Deport them all” statement? None other than Cynthia ní Mhurchu, newly elected Member of the European Parliament, and still a very elegant woman, despite the fact that she is not as young as she used to be. All those months listening to Gregor and the other Konfederacla people complaining about Israel has obviously made her immune to shock when someone suggests rounding up all the Israelis and deporting them. She was keen to make clear that she voted against von der Leyen because of Ursula’s pro-Israel stance.

Good news: It is now both fashionable and safe in Ireland to criticise Jewish Israelis and aspects of the Jewish religion.

How do we encourage our world champion anti-Semitic leaders to take the next step and start taking action against the Israeli menace?

Simon Harris is boasting that he will send a top diplomatic mission to the US to make nice to Trump.

Wouldn’t it be fun to hijack this diplomatic offensive? A roster of fifty people could provide three one hour vigils outside the consulate, morning, lunch and evening. Every time they leave the office, there is someone holding a big photo of a massacre, calling the officials by name, and urging them not to be complicit in the genocide.

A few hundred other people contact the consulate by email, phone and in person. In person is best, of course. Explain that you are part of Trump’s base. But you’re also anti Israel using US weapons to kill children. Tell him that he must contact his superiors and inform them that Irish airspace is being used to transport genocide supplies. Remind him that you will hold him personally responsible, and quote the UN convention at him.

A few hundred contacts and a small vigil could have a big effect on some embassy staff. Some embassy staff are very nasty, and this will have very little effect on them. Some of the others will have a conscience, or at least a sense of shame. A couple of months of this kind of perfectly legal lobbying would definitely send some staff into a Palestine-related nervous breakdown. Or, better still, they could become whistleblowers…

7 replies
  1. Birhan Dargey
    Birhan Dargey says:

    So far President Elect Trump has been making strident (circus) staments about Canada/PanamaCanal/Greenland etc.) I very much suspect that some politicians are laughing loudly …such moves require lengthy complex poitical/legal processes..in the end maybe useless. Althought I would like to see the USA/North American Continental mass accomplish a defacto integration (organic) through profound Diplomatic treaties that could lead to the same or better results. BUT I have been wondering what are the possible scenarios to come inn the next Trump presidency. It seems disheartening that even after Trumps miracolous survival and rise to power, no one is talking about making MAGA an Instituttional National/State force why not?. This is a golden Historical oportunity for the GOP/AmerIca First to embark in a winning streak that could last for another 50yrs+..thIS is the time to decimate/OBLITERATE the WOKE extreme left agenda: antiWhite/antifamily/antiAmerica bs. Second American Revolution in politics/territorial Expansion/ECONOMICS/culture/education/arts/sports/Civic/Moral/patriotic VALUES. The key question is can Trump LOSE MAGAs support? IF Trump approves MASS immigration, MASS Amnesty, automatic itizenship for illegal aliens then such split is enivitable..Can MAGA survive after/without TRUMP..probably NOT…Trump must seek a deep symbiotic carnal relationship with MAGA, the average working poor American Middle Class worker which today resembles more and more the impoverish serfs under the Czar in the 19th Century Russia. This is a difficult delicate tightrope to walk, it will take much wisdom, savvy, prudent thinking. I hope that both sides find a common grounds, a point of balance and for the sake of our common homeland, the future of Ameruca/USA as ONE Nation..I will repeat my main mantra Prosperity at home, PEACE abroad,,The business of America is business and after that more Business..NOT woke regime change wars…A STRONG GLOBAL POWER MUST HAVE A SOLID/COHESIVE UNITED INTERNAL STATE/COUNTRY TO BE ABLE TO PROJECT ITS POWER IN THE WORLD..(look at Russia/China).

  2. kerdasi amaq
    kerdasi amaq says:

    The Dublin Israeli embassy is superfluous to requirements for the Zionist entity. They can do everything they want through London.

  3. yankee doodle
    yankee doodle says:

    jewish hatred of Catholicism on display at Dublin embassy

    Here is a picture* taken a year or two ago from the website for the now-apparently closed Israeli embassy in Dublin.
    * picture at this link: https://fitzinfo.net/forum/topic/jewish-hatred-of-catholicism-on-display-at-dublin-embassy/

    What you see here is a permanent Israeli flag on the left, and what appears to be a temporarily-erected “Irish” flag, and, this “Irish” flag is actually an intentional desecration of the Irish flag and a sign of contempt and hatred for Catholicism, because, a genuine Irish flag is a green-white-orange tricolour, with the green dominant, but, the jews have maliciously put up a reversed “Irish” flag that is an orange-white-green tricolour, with the orange dominant.

    Further, you can see that, in this picture, the Israeli flag is higher, and, thus, dominant over the desecrated “Irish” flag. Dublin is flat, and to take this photo, it would have been necessary to lie in the middle of the street to get the proper angle, and, we can assume that the Gardai were obliged to stop traffic so the jews could take this contemptuous photo.

    Obviously, the jews are showing their contempt and hatred for Ireland and Catholicism, and their allegiance with the Orangemen.

    There should never again be an Israeli embassy in Ireland.

  4. Ralph
    Ralph says:


    In quite sh*tty “English” (or what dat is supposed to be at all), globalist ex-Goldman-Sachs-Weidel tells Elon that homophobe Monster Hitler “never would have been successful without censoring all others, like all other parties in Fake-Germany now do. Hitler was a communist”, Elon fully agrees.

    Socialism is a danger. She also says, Elon is right to bring millions of Indians to America, because when her Ceylonese mistress using her Swiss biodynamic garden as a toilet it is valuable for compost and humus. It’s a homophobic, racist prejudice to condemn these wonderful tanned people.


    I would know of another use for this kind of subcontinental humus, so that what is done by so-called politicians can be experienced with all the senses. However, it would have to be used instead of flying cakes, which at best make the people concerned laugh. Everyone else lives in a parallel universe.


    As long as it is not fresh Hindi poo, enriched with undigested curry and picked up on the bathing beach, which lands in the face of these self-appointed “politicians”, these criminals laugh about it. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/former-german-finance-minister-christian-170336716.html

    Weidel says in a very eye-opening way that Netanyahu and his genocidal entity “Israel” belong “protected” [sic!]. The AfD is also “the only guarantor of Jewish life in Germany.” (This could be interpreted as an overly transparent attempt to ape Trump’s election strategy. Repulsive sycophancy.)

    Instead of talking about the real problems of the third world invasion, when asked by Musk if she wants to discuss any more issues, she asks how Musk wants to “fly to Mars”. Who of you still seriously believes that AfD is NOT staged fake-“opposition” and that “only it can save Germany” (Musk)???

  5. Hans
    Hans says:

    Once upon a time, the age-wise but cynical Rabbi Shlomo sighed: “The goyim possess the most beautiful and enviable of all human qualities: the fundamental inability to see through the negative character traits of other people!”

    Looking at the world from a strict and stringent Talmudic perspective, which Jews themselves apparently “suffer” from at times, this makes perfect sense, so to say, it contains a lot of one-sided “truth”! A downright fatal diabolical truth.

    But what exactly does this actually mean in practice on a closer inspection? It means, of course, that these “species” project all the abysses that fundamentally lie within themselves permanently onto all their non-Jewish contemporaries!


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