The Indian Kerfuffle: Part 2

Part 1

White Americans who do not work with large numbers of foreigners have no idea the extent to which America is simply an economic opportunity zone for newcomers. They may, as Scott Adams expressed in some bewilderment on X, simply see their relatively nice Indian neighbors as decent, upstanding citizens who in no way detract from the neighborhood and appear to contribute to society in all the ways that matter. They’re earners, they pay taxes, and they comport themselves in civilized fashion. What more could one want?

Unbeknownst to the person good-naturedly waving to their Indian neighbor across manicured lawns, these well-groomed newcomers share a deeply-rooted sentiment with their rather more unkempt fellows swarming over the southern border. It is expressed in a refrain familiar to anyone who works in American industry. When queried about what they’re going to do with their time off, the response is, without fail, “I go to my country,” or “I go home.”

In case you had any doubts, “my country” is not the United States, and “home” is not their residence in America. And whether the foreigner is Somali, Guatemalan, Mexican, or Indian, there is fervor in those responses that indicates urgency and emotional attachment for the place they’re headed similar to that expressed by people who have been trapped, unhappy sojourners in an alien land. Further, the higher the immigrant’s earnings, the more often they indulge this need for “going home”—often for months at a time. In the manufacturing world, I’ve never seen any other ethnic group be approved for as much leave and for such lengthy periods of time as I do Indians.

Wider knowledge of this should help lay to rest any argument in favor of immigration that rests on the idea that our newcomers will be fine as long as they assimilate. Not only do most foreigners I encounter not regard their new residence as their real home, if they have the funds to support it, their ambition is to have their children spend time in their parents’ country of origin. They don’t want their progeny to lose the cultural connection. And again, the more money they have, the oftener this re-conditioning will occur.

You’d think the degree to which some of these places are shitholes would tarnish the immigrant’s memories of home, but it doesn’t. When I asked a young Eritrean who I was helping get certified on the forklift if he missed Africa, he teared up. Where had he been last before being transported to America? A Somali refugee camp. Similarly, when I queried a young El Salvadorian woman about what she missed from home (pre-Bukele), she stated quite emphatically “Everything!” When I pressed further and inquired what she liked about the US, she couldn’t have articulated this single word more clearly. “NOTHing.”

I think the “proposition nation” crowd does not understand what constitutes hiraeth for most people–what it is about home that tugs on the heartstrings and produces intense feelings of yearning for a specific place, no matter what it looks or smells like.

It also appears from immigrant behavior that what America offers the brown huddled masses, other than enough dollars to return “home,” isn’t enough to compete with any shithole in the world.



9 replies
  1. Pierre de Craon
    Pierre de Craon says:

    I think the “proposition nation” crowd does not understand what constitutes hiraeth for most people …

    Does anyone have an inkling as to what “hiraeth” means? The word “hearth,” for example, doesn’t fit the context.

    • Jocelynn Cordes
      Jocelynn Cordes says:

      (especially in the context of Wales or Welsh culture) deep longing for something, especially one’s home.
      “I could not begin to put into words the hiraeth that the Welsh feel for the mountains and valleys of their homeland”

    • Jocelynn Cordes
      Jocelynn Cordes says:

      “Hiraeth is a Welsh word that has no direct English translation. The University of Wales, Lampeter, likens it to a homesickness tinged with grief and sadness …”


  2. Theo
    Theo says:

    Lost in the woods, lost in translation? There is no doubt that we are dealing here with a highly complex, evidence-based and empirically validated finding. Keith Woods translated into Indo-Aryan is Keshav Woodacharya.

    “Goa Goa”

    “The ‘film’ is an cynical, infamous, malicious piece of Indophobic racism that focuses on overemphasizing the dark side”, goes the unanimous verdict of the thought surveillance. But the facts it exploits cannot be completely dismissed.

    Let’s argue, it is not entirely unfunny in places due to the abuse of an AI voice of “Sir David Attenborough” pretending to be the serious narrator, although the laughter sticks in your throat in horror at the fact that the West intends, as Peter Scholl-Latour put it, “to import (not only) all of Calcutta”.

  3. Theo
    Theo says:

    An Indian has achieved the outstanding intellectual feat of writing a “book”. It comprises a full 155 pages (of which 23 pages belong to the appendix).

    It is about “Hitler’s hatred of the Indians”.

    I suspect, however, that Hitler himself would reject this insinuation as misjudged and arrogant: “Contempt is not hatred, only those who deserve respect can be hated.”

  4. Freddy
    Freddy says:

    Due to the current situation (dothead/street shitter invasion of the Americas), “nordologist and rune researcher” Crawford has a professor of poopology and goatfuckery as a guest to explore Vedic cosmology, high culture and state building.

    As always, a tidbit of intellectual inspiration. Content to be conveyed: We should finally accept that these South Asian advanced civilizations are much closer to us than the Jew-killing Hitler!

  5. ps
    ps says:

    Incidentally, “Professor” Smith looks a bit like a little boy who hides his delicate baby face behind a beard and “well-read” glasses. But the trick doesn’t quite seem to work. The protruding ears look grotesque. Actually, he should be crawling under the table playing with his “Hot Wheels”, shouldn’t he?

    Maybe the beard isn’t real at all, but from a costume shop for theater productions (like King Lear), and only glued on as a makeshift? But perhaps, according to my further analysis, since we now live in artificial worlds, Professor Smith isn’t real either, and is in fact a woman who has been injected with male sex hormones for quite some time?

    What’s more, Caley is a hermaphrodite name that both girls and boys have. A rather slippery, fishy thing. There was also this song called Kayleigh, sung by the Scotsman Fish, recorded at Hansa Studios, filmed at the Berlin Wall. Mr. Fish seems to like German women and is now married to one for the second time. The first played in his famous videos.

    At his advanced age, Mr. Fish looks a bit like Horst Mahler, but he speaks with a Gaelic accent. Moreover, he can spend his life in freedom because he never dared to break the taboo of disputing the “Holocaust”. His first wife’s surname was Nowy, a mostly Polish name, but not entirely unknown in Germany.

    Have you ever noticed how “ladylike” Darryl Cooper moves his hand, e.g. when he pushes the glasses that have slipped down back onto his nasal root?

    According to the autistic yoga guru Volker (“Sukadev”) Bretz, the nasal root would activate the energy center to regulate stress and distress simply by repeatedly moving the thumb in its direction. Apparently, no other mental work or engagement with the world around us is necessary.


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