A Racial War That Dares Not Say Its Name
Politicians are masters of the art of deception.
Martin L. Gross
The roots of the “Hitler-Controlled-Opposition” myth go back to the 1920s and 1930s in the circles of Hitler’s political rivals, namely the German and Soviet Communist Parties, the leftists of the West and the hard left faction of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP).[1] The intention was obviously to prevent Hitler and the NSDAP from being elected, so Hitler sued the socialist newspaper Berlin Vorwaerts that was defaming him with slogans such as “Hitler Got Jewish and Ford Money,” and won his libel case for which he was ironically awarded 6 million marks.[2]
Since then, many other myths about Hitler and how he came to power and why were created for different reasons. Here are a few of the most famous of these straw man fallacies:
– Hitler was a crypto-Jew and a Freemason Zionist, an Illuminati put in place by the Rothschilds in order to destroy Germany and prepare for the Jewish takeover of the world and the foundation of the state of Israel.[3]
– Zionists put Hitler in power and “ordered him to create a Holocaust. They did this to atone for their sins to their god, to create an incentive for Jews to move to Palestine, and to create a pretext for genociding the Palestinians and stealing their land.”[4]
– Nazis who did not lose the war and are now in power in the US and in the West are trying to bring a form of National Socialism to America and the world, creating in essence a new Empire or “Fourth Reich.”[5]
– Hitler was a puppet specifically put in power to start Worle War II in order to enrich the American and German capitalist bankers and corporations that financed him.[6]
Intentionally or not, these myths discredit Hitler and his extraordinary achievements[7] by portraying him as a traitor to his nation, an unscrupulous warmonger, a psychopath who couldn’t care less about his people and the effects of the war he triggered for psychopathological reasons. Nobody comes close to this Darth Vader of humanity except Putin, who is also portrayed in Jewish-owned media across the Western world as the evilest, meanest, and most bloodthirsty dictator of modern history, a Hitler-like maniac intent on conquering the world and imposing his will not only on his own people but also on humanity.
In reality Hitler never had such imperialistic ambitions and neither does Putin. Moreover, Hitler had the support of the vast majority of his people and so does Putin today; both of them raised their country from the gutter; Hitler was neither Jewish nor Jewish-controlled,[8] had both his testicles, was not a homosexual or a pedophile; neither is Putin,[9] and they both resisted war to the very end.[10], [11]
These two giant politicians are in fact considered by most honest and level-headed people the greatest statesmen of their time.[12], [13]
Truth be told, these false accusations are used to confuse and lead the public astray. The protagonists of political or rabbinic Judaism, aka Globalism and its off-shoot Zionism, are the ones who are attempting with their non-Jewish vassals, by various subversive means, to take control of the world and enslave humanity. And they are not doing this for religious or spiritual reasons. This is not, in other words, a war between the Devil and God or between Good and Evil (Satan). As Yale Professor Henry Ashby Turner (1932-2008) stated in his stupendously well-referenced book German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler, whose conclusions are now accepted by nearly all specialists in the field,[14]
One of the most basic premises of the professional study of history is that events are not directly caused by abstract concepts, whether those be “the hand of God,” “manifest destiny,” or “monopoly capital.” The concrete events of history occur because of the actions of human beings, who often carry out their will, to be sure, through institutions of their own creation. Unless this proximation form of causation can be convincingly demonstrated, the invocation of more remote levels of causation remains empty speculation, bereft of any foundation in the realities of history.[15]
So, if it’s not a spiritual or a religious war, what is it? This is in fact a racial war that dares not say its name, a racial war, which uses religion and other tricks to fool competitors and to mobilize its supporters of all denominations. Hitler was well aware of this cryptic Darwinism:
One of the most ingenious ruses ever devised was to sail the ship of the Jewish state under the flag of religion, and thus secure the tolerance that Aryans are always ready to grant to different religious beliefs. But the Mosaic Law is nothing other [PS: I would add to the Torah, the Talmud and the Zohar] than the doctrine of the preservation of the Jewish race.[16]
And this is not about a social class struggle either as Karl Marx would have it and more recently, Warren Buffet (who says “it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”[17] The richest people on earth are indeed at the helm of this war on humanity, but many of them, with few exceptions such as Warren Buffet and the Rockefellers, are Jewish.[18] According to revolutionary socialist, Mikhail Bakunin (1814–1876),
Marx completely ignores a most important element in the history of humanity, that is, the temperament and particular character of each “race” and each people, a temperament and character which are themselves the natural product of a multitude of ethnological, climatological, economic, and historic causes, but which exercise, even apart from and independent of the economic condition, a considerable influence on its doctrines and even on the development of its economic forces.[19]
Is it the Benjamins? Money is a means to an end just like liberalism and democracy. It’s race, all the way. The greatest proponent of Zionism, much more important than Theodore Herzl, was Max Nordau, one of the founding fathers of nineteenth century-European racialism, an ideological current that provides an important insight into the true roots of Globalism and its off-shoot, Zionism. Ron Unz, editor in chief and owner of one of America’s leading conservative websites says the following about Nordau:
I suspect that his crucial role in creating Zionism has been carefully airbrushed out of all popular accounts in order to avoid drawing undue attention to the very close ties between those two nineteenth century intellectual movements [racialism and Zionism], which these days are viewed in starkly different terms by the liberal Jews who dominate our academic life and our media outlets. Indeed, although few present-day Westerners might suspect it, European Jews such as Nordau had actually played an absolutely central role in the birth of modern racialism, of which Zionism may be regarded as merely an off-shoot movement.[20],[21]
No one today in our well-meaning woke society where racial reality is staunchly denied would be allowed to admit that racial and not religious considerations, for example, are the Jews’ main motive for waging war on humanity. But truth be told, Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881), the Jewish prime minister of Queen Victoria from 1874 to 1880, was right:
No one must lightly dismiss the question of race. It is the key to world history, and it is precisely for this reason that written history so often lacks clarity—it is written by people who do not understand [or do not want to understand] the race question and what belongs to it.[22]
Thus, you cannot understand Globalism and its off-shoot, Zionism, if the racial factor is excluded. Race is real[23], [24]; competition between races and individuals is a basic instinct — it’s survival of the fittest — and Jews are exceptionally good at this game. Not because they are more intelligent but because they are better organized and have a higher degree of racial solidarity (hyper-ethnocentrism). As Wilmot Robertson explains in his book The Dispossessed Majority, one of the best contemporary American underground bestsellers ever published,
The truth seems to be that any organized minority with a given amount of intelligence can obtain supremacy over a disorganized majority of equal intelligence. A race-conscious population group is far more effective and successful than in most forms of endeavour than a race-unconscious population group. … To put it in a different perspective, Jewish power may derive as much or more from majority weakness and disorganization as from Jewish strength.[25]
As a minority, always on the defensive, Jews developed by natural selection effective competitive and survival skills. Lacking in brute force, they learned early on that as a minority, money and deception as a group evolutionary survival strategy was the best way not only to protect themselves but to achieve their hegemonic goals by weakening and destabilizing the majority. This is a well-known fact across history and one of the main reasons many Jews are so disliked by everyone that deals with them. Jews have the reputation of being masters of lying and deceit.[26]
Reality Behind the Myths
Let’s get back to the financing of National-Socialism: As conclusively shown by Henry Ashby Turner, big American or German banks and corporations such as J. P. Morgan, I.G. Farben, Flick, Krupp, and Siemens did not, on the whole, support Hitler and his political rise to power:
If the role of big business in the disintegration of the Republic has been exaggerated, such is even more true of its role in the rise of Hitler. While a significant part of the business community contributed materially — if less than wholly voluntarily — to the consolidation of Hitler’s regime after he had become chancellor, he and his party had previously received relatively little support from that quarter. The early growth of the NSDAP took place without any significant aid from the circles of large-scale enterprise.[27]
Big firms and organizations, notes Turner, bestowed the bulk of their funding to Hitler’s opposition, the bourgeois parties who supported President Hindenburg, the hard-left faction of the National Socialist Party itself, and the Jewish-led German Communist Party.[28]
Who then Financed Hitler and the National Socialist Rise to Power?
Emil Kirdof and Fritz Thyssen were the only German captains of big industry who supported the NSDAP. Most of the money came from the German masses. The American writer on economics and business, Peter Drucker, who agrees with Turner, is quoted as follows by journalist Ivor Benson:
The really decisive backing came from sections of the lower middle classes, the farmers and working class, who were hardest hit; as far as the Nazi Party is concerned, there is good reason to believe that at least three quarters of its funds, even after 1930, came from the weekly dues and from the entrance fees to the mass meetings from which members of the upper classes were always conspicuously absent.[29]
In the final analysis, Hitler was an honest man who wanted the best for his people. And so is Putin, although he does not appear to be a racialist and an antisemite like Hitler was.
[1] Henry Ashby Turner, German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler, Oxford University Press, 1985, p. 346.
[2] Hitler wins his libel suit, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, September 4 1923.
[3] Dieter Ruggeberg (for Henry Makow), Adolf Hitler – Agent of Zionism and Freemasonry, HenryMAKOW.com, November 15, 2019.
[4] Christopher Bjerknes, Adolf Hitler Bolshevik and Zionist Volume I, Lulu.com, October 30, 2020.
[5] Jim Marrs, The Rise of the Fourth Reich. The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America, HarperCollins, June 23, 2009.
[6] Anthony Cyril Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler: The Astonishing True Story of the American Financiers Who Bankrolled the Nazis, Claireview Books, 1976 (reprinted in 2022).
[7] Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution, Castle Hill Publishers, 2021.
[8] Was Adolf Hitler of Jewish or Rothschild Origin? Karl’s Substack. Everything about Jews and Judaism, Feb. 26, 2024.
[9] Is Vladimir Putin Jewish? Karl’s Substack. Everything about Jews and Judaism, Feb 02, 2024
[10] David L. Hoggan, The Forced War. When Peaceful Revision Failed, Institute for Historical Review, 2023.
[11] John J. Mearsheimer, The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine War, The Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development, June 16, 2022. Good video on the subject on Judge Napolitano’s YouTube Chanel – Judging Freedom:
[12] Richard Tedor, book cited.
[13] Mark Galeotti, We Need to Talk About Putin: How the West Gets Him Wrong, Ebury Press, June 1, 2019.
[14] William L. Patch of Washington and Lee University cited in Andrew Hamilton, “Funding a Movement: German Big Business & the Rise of Hitler,” Counter-Currents, December 13, 2013.
[15] Henry Ashby Turner, work cited, p. 358.
[16] Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Hurst and Blackett LTD, non-censured edition, 1939, p. 127.
[17] Ben Stein, “In Class Warfare, Guess Which Class Is winning,” New York Times , November 26, 2006.
[18] Michael Collins Piper, “The New Establishment-JEWISH,” The New Babylon. Those Who Reign Supreme. The Rothchild Empire: The Modern-Day Pharisees and the Historical and Economic Origins of the New World Order, American Free Press, 2011, pp. 183 to 191.
[19] Laurent Guyénot, Your god Is our god too, but He Has Chosen Us, 2020, p. 197.
[20] Ron Unz, “Zionism, Antisemitism, and Racialism,” The Unz Review, November 13, 2023.
[21] See also: Kevin MacDonald, Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Antisemitism, 1stBooks, 2004, Chapter 5.
[22] Ivor Benson, The Zionist Factor. A Study of the Jewish Presence in 20th Century History, Veritas Publishing Company Pty. Ltd. Australia, 1986, p. 158.
[23] Charles Murray, Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender, Race, and Class, Twelve, 2020.
[24] Steven Pinker, Fear of Race Realism and the Denial of Human Differences, Conference on YouTube.com, 2012.
[25] Wilmot Robertson, The Dispossessed Majority, Howard Allen, 1972, p. 188.
[26] David Skrbina, Ph.D, The Jewish Hoax. How Paul’s Cabal Fooled the World for Two thousand Years, Creative Fire Press, 2019, p. 63.
[27] Henry Ashby Turner, work cited, p. 341.
[28] Ibid, p. 346.
[29] Ivor Benson, work cited, p. 178.
Now that the Jews have total power and air sovereignty over the Anglos, who can no longer escape their permanent blame game (because of “racism and colonialism”), the Anglos finally know what it feels like to go through what the Germans have been going through for 80 years. No wonder they are now finally also starting to question the Jews and their agenda. But who knows, maybe it will take another 80 years to finally wake up.
Deadly “enrichment” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14352431/Dutch-girl-stabbed-death-Syria-police-arrest.html
He says you “have to believe in a higher power, atheists are not welcome”. Then it should be enough to be a believer in fate, destiny, any kind of a cosmic sky daddy (but not a mummy, of course, because that would mean feminism again) or just generally superstitious, or is a Jew, a Muslim, a Buddhist or a Hindu, as long as they have a white skin, even more welcome? https://www.amren.com/podcasts/2025/02/building-our-own-communities/
I know, it all sounds so incredibly harsh in our oh so benefiting times of spoiled consumerist cuddly wellness-ideology, but our so-called “white race” has long been a predominantly genetic discard due to degenerative processes. I may remind you that race means a process of genetic hardening and crystallizing, which of course all the self-proclaimed Sunday “Christians” among us demonize as evil Darwinism.
So it’s about quality, not quantity! A qualitatively good leader can command thousands of qualitatively underdeveloped followers! I always like to cite the example of the East Prussian Trakehner horse breed, which – despite the Allied extermination by insane bomber pilots – managed to reach the West in only a few numbers, but from which and precisely for this reason a noble, high-quality breed was distilled.
Hitler OVERDID it regarding the Jews; hence more opposition than he might have incurred, and the their de facto victory from 1947 to the present.
The “dynamics” of history are sociological. Hitler correctly identified the major factors as “race” and “personality” versus the communist simplification of “economic production” and “class war”. But see Nathaniel Weyl, “Karl Marx Racist” (1979).
Some curious links between National Socialists and some Zionists are highlighted in books by Tony Greenstein and Mahmoud Abbas. Little attention is given to the meeting between Heinrich Himmler a month before he was killed and a World Jewish Congress representative Norbert Masur, whose report is accessible in full on the Internet Archive.
There is something a bit odd about ex-KGB officer Putin in his relation to oligarchs and his misguided strategy regarding Russian demography and resources. He is inferior to Hitler.
The way around all this disinfo is zoom back to eras before the national socialists, for instance Otto Bismarck’s war against the catholics:
and jews as well:
or even better look at General Ludendorff’s war on jews, christianity and freemasons.
Germany has been fighting these parasites a lot longer than the 20th century.
The only thing that helps is the reintroduction
of a contemporary Ahnenpass by means of a
current authentic 23andme test result, and as
a double safeguard a long family tree without
gaps from the Mennonite register, which must
go back at least to the crew of the Mayflower.
Otherwise you may be Murican/Ozric Tentacle,
but not a genuine Ozarkian/Mountain Daredevil.
“If You Wanna Get To Heaven” (You
Have To Bring A Twentythreeandme)
Add a DNA test, and that should reduce the US population to less than 10% of its present size. Not many votes in it, at any rate.
Wow, are there really still so many? (giggling) I mean, that is indeed a useful argument. You don’t need more white inhabitants than Canada or Australia to run a healthy state system anyway. And since “Americans” are downright word-famous for their optimistims, they could at least argue that with this meager number they can sufficiently fill their new “racial colony” high up in the (unfortunately still heavily Libtard-dominated) Northwest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwest_Territorial_Imperative
The pitiable future of white Americans can best be compared with the expellees from the eastern territories driven out by Stalin’s slit-eyed rapist hordes, who genetically concentrate around Lake Schwerin. https://genoplot.com/discussions/topic/11345/east-european-german-admixture-in-germany-after-ww2-where-they-settled
Today I read that the Faroese suffer from a specific genetic mutation caused by inbreeding, which is an ideal subject for geneticists to draw scientifically valuable conclusions. The following findings also came to light: the Faroe Islands were not colonized from Iceland, as previously assumed, but from Scandinavia. There were two waves of settlement, the first being more Celtic, the second North Germanic.
The male Vikings of the second wave mixed with the female Celts of the first wave. Interestingly, 90 percent of Faroese women have Celtic ancestors, but 80 percent of Faroese men have Viking ancestors. So one in five Faroese men is genetically not a Viking but a Celt. Mr. Fróði Midjord’s pale skin and reddish beard suggest rather Celtic than Germanic ancestry (in spite of all his “martial runic tattoos”).
“Authentic 23andme test result” ?
There’s no such thing. Ill tell you why.
“Anne E. Wojcicki (/wuːˈtʃɪtski/ woo-CHITS-kee;[2] born July 28, 1973) is an American entrepreneur who co-founded and is CEO of the personal genomics company 23andMe…Wojcicki was born in Palo Alto, California, the youngest of three sisters: Susan Wojcicki, former CEO of YouTube,[3] and Janet Wojcicki, an anthropologist and epidemiologist.[4] Her maternal grandparents were Russian Jewish immigrants.”
Jews lie. Jews are the enemy. Jews are manipulating test results.
This is an excellent and incisive article.
Another ludicrous tome that can be added to the bibliography is Hennecke Kardel’s book ‘Adolf Hitler-Founder of Israel’. The lies, slander, and disinformation peddled by the Gegenrasse and their deluded dupes is
Who knows if there are cunning swind-
lers among all those who pretend to be-
live in an Abrahamic god, but in reality
they only believe in heathen forest gob-
lins! Imagine the embarrassing disaster!
Well-informed and clearly written. One of the best articles on this site I have read. Thank you!
This supposed quote could be a fabrication by a certain J.L. Gaddis to attribute quasi-supernatural clairvoyance to Hitler:
“With the defeat of the Reich and pending the emergence of the Asiatic, the African, and perhaps the South American nationalisms, there will remain in the world only two Great Powers capable of confronting each other – the United States and Soviet Russia. The laws of both history and geography will compel these two Powers to a trial of strength, either military or in the fields of economics and ideology. These same laws make it inevitable that both Powers should become enemies of Europe. And it is equally certain that both these Powers will sooner or later find it desirable to seek the support of the sole surviving great nation in Europe, the German people.”
This Russophilia of some people is suspicious to me. Are these genetic descendants of Genghis Khan Europeans? Or are they not really just Europeanized West Asians? Communism was actually the form of society that suited them. In contrast to the Chinese, they lack Confucian wisdom, creative inventiveness and a hands-on entrepreneurial spirit. Now they have a swamp of corruption and a kind of pseudo-aristocracy that profits from the exploitation of natural resources.
A fascinating journey through time. Today, Moscow and Shanghai look more sophisticated than, say, Jew York or Londonistan. In 1994, idealist Ernst actually believed that the Eurasian steppe people, mixed for centuries with Tartar, Islamo- Turkic and Mongolian blood, were in a position to develop a viable ethnonationalist cultural concept. https://linkmix.co/34073259
Possibly a colossal miscalculation. Apparently, Ernst even knowingly accepted the not inconsiderable fact that the supposed “Russian” patriot Zhirinovsky was a primitive, vulgar, hateful, inflammatory, divisive half-Jew in the proven tradition of Trotsky and Ehrenburg. The very name “Liberal Democratic Party” should have made him more skeptical than it obviously did at the time.
Another total failure of his otherwise well-developed instincts. As usual, the inconceivable Teutonic naivety clashes with Jewish callousness. Back then, in the turmoil of the great upheaval, people were obviously prepared to make all sorts of concessions as long as they were given a seat at the table to have their say and help shape things. Zhirinovsky’s fellow tribesmen, the “oligarchs”, became incredibly wealthy within a few years.
Nowadays, Ernst would most likely end up behind bars in Russia just as he did in his homeland, the so-called “free” West. At that time, he was still accompanied by crypto-homo Bela Ewald Althans, who later “married his Taiwanese boyfrind” and has since consistently pursued a Jewish-decadent life model that corresponds to his “innate inclinations”.
“He issued an outlandish threat, declaring that he would alter the gravitational field of the Earth in order to sink the entirety of the United States into the oceans.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Vladimir_Zhirinovsky#United_States
Your ex-wife: the enemy in your bed who went unrecognized for too long (see also “Elisa Hategan”). In any case, there can be no denying that EZ has led an exciting, turbulent, authentic, extraordinary, risky and adventurous life, something that very few of us can claim. “We didn’t want to spend all of our time fighting with the Jews.” https://archive.ph/HLmle
I identified the Hitler quote in at least two biographies considered “serious” (Bullock 1964, Toland 1976). It is unclear from here where the two British authors obtained it. Bullock was Churchill’s “research assistant” before the war. Toland wrote the foreword for two books by “Putzi” Hanfstaengl. Thus, Zündel at least referred to their secondary sources and did not simply fabricate it. If the quote were genuine, this extraordinary foresight attributed to Hitler would be disturbingly phenomenal.
We DO know that Hitler said:
Should the Jew, with the aid of his Marxist creed, triumph over the peoples of this world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of mankind, and this planet will once again follow its orbit through ether, devoid of human life, as it did millions of years ago.”
Adolf Hitler – Mein Kampf – end of Chapter 2 (Stalag Edition)
So the logic is: destroy them first? Was a holocaust attempted, after all?
Stentorian..magisterial..perfectly .superlative quote*. ..Cheers Julius*
Henry Makow regularly expounds on Hitler being an Illuminati agent; this is listed in your references once, as #3, but it goes on to this day. Tons of nonstop, quite vicious, anti-Jew content on Makow’s site, but then out comes another Hitler-Was-A-Masonic-Zionist article. Endless photos of Hitler and somebody or other doing some kind of magic handshake. I can barely type this, I am laughing so hard.
I think that Makow is truly, sincerely frightened for his “nice-like-him” Jews: he says that the overwhelming, vast majority of Jews are basically the same as us (nonjews), being totally assimilated into western society, but are doomed to go to perdition along with us when the Chabad bunch have completed their “world domination, kill-all-goy” project. LOL, SMH, etc. It’s all too much for me.
I follow most of Makow’s work too, and reading your comment was absolutely cathartic. I’ve learned a few things from that jewish codger, but he can be amazingly obtuse.
@a. Er…I do not think he is at all obtuse.
As I live & breathe…seems Henry has just written a book, the 4th in a series (which I didn’t know about).
Illuminati 4: Genocide & War Paperback – January 30, 2025
on amazon dot com.
“Wars destroy Christian civilization, kill patriots, and concentrate wealth and power in Illuminati hands. Freemasons on both sides initiate every major war. Ukraine and Gaza are not exceptions.
“This collection, the first since Illuminati 3 – Satanic Possession (2014) explains that an ancient, diabolical conspiracy is now reaching fruition.
“We gave our national credit cards to people who hate and destroy us. The money supply is the lifeblood of the economy. The Rothschild banking cartel creates the money supply out of thin air
as a debt to themselves. Our governments are capable of doing this debt-and-interest free. The Rothschilds plan a third world war to ensure they never do.”
Great to see the Bjerknes book cited: It is a masterpiece of historical research, and I doubt there is even one inaccurate citation in the hundreds he provides.
The writings of Hannecke Kardel are both informative and very funny. He was an WWII Ostfront veteran, and possibly the first person since the war to explicitly accuse Adolf of being Jewish. He tells of how Adolf expelled a few thousand people from Doellerheim, the village of Adolf’s ancestors, and made the area part of a military base. For a man who was so proud of his ancestors, wasn’t it a bit odd to destroy the village they came from? They say the embarassing gravestones were removed. Even today, the village is abandoned.
He gives chapter and verse of Jewish funding for Adolf, from Trebitsch Lincoln to Schroeder. He also gives detail of Adolf’s support for Zionism.
If Kardel is accurate, there were lots of secret Jews in high places in Germany, all promising to coverup each other’s ancestry. . It’s a farcical scenario, and worthy of a comedy…
Hitler is dead.
Look on his works, and despair.
Great stuff. Thanks Pierre. Please keep up the great writing.