Media Watch – Top of the Masthead: How To Handle Walt and Mearsheimer
In 2003, when The New York Times found it necessary to address the issue of Jewish prompting for the war in Iraq, no less than the Editor — that’s the No. 1, capital “E” editor — wrote the piece himself.
Said Bill Keller, the belief the the war is for Israel is “simple-minded and offensive”. But wrong? The article had enough concessions, though, that it’s easy to imagine the angry phone calls that would have poured in — and been heard — had anyone under Keller penned the piece. Here, a demand to speak to the highest authority in the newsroom would have had the caller patched through to the writer himself — thus defusing the bomb.
Anyone looking for an indication of the gravity of having the editor write about an issue should check to see how many times, since his ascension to the spot, Mr. Keller has done so.
This pattern repeated itself in September of this year, when New Yorker editor David Remnick, who is Jewish, stepped in to discuss Walt and Mearshimer for “Talk of the Town.”
Remnick’s approach is like Keller’s: concede the “grain of truth” to the allegation of Jewish control over foreign policy, but dismiss it otherwise as an oversimplification (Using a quote from Zbigniew Brzezinksi, Remnick compares the Israel lobby to the Armenian, Greek and Taiwanese-American lobbies). And make sure to distance yourself from shrieks of anti-Semitism, which are just as much of an oversimplification.
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But both editors, of course, ultimately dodge the issue. With the evidence stacked so high, they best they can do is to tell us that the issue is really more complicated than that. This rhetorical technique is easily manipulated: Matters are “complicated” when the obvious point makes Jews look bad, but very simple when the obvious point makes them look good — or white gentiles bad. You will never hear Keller or Remnick argue that the Third Reich or apartheid South Africa was “complicated,” for instance.
Both the weakness of their retorts — and the positions of the writers — are yet another insight into the undeniable power of Jews over the direction of America.