David Whiting’s article on Kevin MacDonald in the Orange County Register
David Whiting of the Orange County Register has written an article about me as part of a series on the racialist right in Orange County. All things considered, it is quite good. Readers may be interested in posting comments at the site.
Whiting: ‘White advocate’ teaches at Cal State Long Beach
If Kevin MacDonald is wrong, then one of the most influential civil rights organizations in the nation may be right in branding MacDonald a “neo-Nazi.”
But if MacDonald – considered by many as a leading Aryan intellectual – is correct, heaven help us all.
As the percentage of whites in the U.S. dwindles, the semiretired Cal State Long Beach professor talks of the likelihood of race wars.
With a doctorate in biobehavioral sciences, MacDonald says he merely reports his observations and quickly dismisses the idea that he’s a neo-Nazi. He calls himself a “white advocate.”
Regardless of ideology, I’ll give MacDonald this: Against a firestorm of criticism, including much heat from his own colleagues, the Laguna Hills resident is willing to face his detractors.
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