The Joys of Jihad: Islamentable, Isatrocious, Isbetrayal
A Few More Individuals
I was unimpressed by the murder of a British soldier in London. Two blade-wielding Muslims, one dead infidel? Come on, my brothers! Did you miss the extensive coverage given in 2012 to what a real warrior of Allah can do if he puts his mind to it?
Groomed for sex at 12, stabbed to death at 17: Shocking life of white teenage mother murdered after Asian lover rejected her child
… Asghar talked about buying a “shooter” for £400 and he boasted about bringing his “hit list” out. In fact, said Mr Campbell, the murder weapon of choice turned out to be a knife. In one message Asghar [sent] to Hussain the day before she died, [he said]: “I’m gonna send that kaffir (non-Muslim) b**** straight to hell”. Mr Campbell QC described Laura as “embracing life with gusto and she was an attractive and popular girl”…
Oh, sorry — my mistake. That’s the wrong kaffir bitch. This is the right one. The right two, in fact:
However, the British authorities have not asked the Afghan authorities to take Mr. Otak off our hands and lock him up in a jail in his homeland. No, he’s snug in a well-funded British jail, eating tasty halal food, watching lots of infidel TV and playing the latest infidel computer-games. But don’t think he’s got off lightly. At sentencing, the judge gave him a very, very stern talking-to. Just imagine how his ears must have burned!Sadistic Afghan asylum seeker made ex-girlfriend watch him stab her sister and friend to death because she wouldn’t take him back
A “sadistic” asylum seeker who forced his former girlfriend to witness him stabbing her sister and her friend to death after she refused to take him back has been jailed for life. Afghan national Ahmad Otak laughed and spat on 17-year-old Kimberley Frank’s body after stabbing her 15 times at her home in Yorkshire while her sister Elisa watched helplessly. He then tied his ex-partner up with electrical flex and lured her friend Samantha Sykes, 18, to Kimberley’s flat in Wakefield, where he stabbed the teenager repeatedly before slitting her throat.
… Leeds Crown Court was told that Elisa had met Otak in a children’s home after he arrived in the UK from Afghanistan in 2007, claiming he was 16 years old. The pair had an on-off relationship and had planned to marry in 2011, but when Otak became more controlling Miss Frank called off the wedding, the court heard. Prosecutor Richard Mansell QC said: “He said that even if she didn’t marry him she could not leave him. He told her that he would go crazy and would kill people.” He later claimed he was joking but later threatened to kill Elisa, her friends and members of family — including his eventual victims Samantha Sykes and Miss Frank’s sister Kimberley.
Mr. Mansell said Elisa was too frightened to report what had happened to the police but Samantha Sykes, 18, was not and reported Otak to the UK Border Agency as an illegal immigrant and contacted police, but no action was taken because Elisa declined to make a statement. In September last year she finally decided to leave him for good but relented when he threatened to throw acid in her face and petrol bomb her mother’s house. On one occasion Otak said he had prepared a “kill list” of 12 people he believed were trying to split the couple up.
In March this year Elisa Frank moved out of the flat they shared in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. On March 9th after she demanded her belongings back from Otak, he went and bought a carving knife and went to Kimberley’s flat in Barden Road, Wakefield, where she was with Elisa, who had again refused to go back to Otak. All three were in the hallway when Otak suddenly attacked Kimberley. “He stabbed and slashed her repeatedly with the knife in a frenzied attack,” said Mr. Mansell. She had 15 wounds, the court heard including a massive stab wound to the neck.
Mr. Mansell said: “At one point he stood over Kimberley’s body, laughed, licked blood from the knife and spat on her. He then told Elisa he was going to kill more people and made her send several text messages to Samantha Sykes, asking her to come to the flat.” He then tied Elisa up with electrical flex. When Samantha arrived at the flat Otak let her in and then attacked her, stabbing and slashing her repeatedly. (Sadistic Afghan asylum seeker made ex-girlfriend watch him stab her sister and friend to death because she wouldn’t take him back, The Daily Mail, 9 November 2012)
Sentencing Remarks of Mr. Justice Coulson, Leeds Crown Court, 9 November 2012
You are an Afghan national whose asylum claim was rejected when you illegally entered the United Kingdom in 2007. However, you were granted a period of humanitarian protection, until 5th November 2013. It now seems that that was the direct consequence of the lies you told about your age. You were wholly undeserving of any such protection; you repaid the generosity of the authorities and the taxpayers of this country by murdering two of its citizens in a carefully planned and entirely cold-blooded way. You claimed humanitarian protection, but you showed yourself incapable of behaving like a human being.
You had an on/off relationship with Elisa Frank in Wakefield. You took advantage of her estrangement from her mother and her emotional vulnerability. Throughout the relationship you were controlling and threatening. Elisa was frightened of you. You repeatedly made threats that if she ever left you, you would kill her, her friend Samantha Sykes, her mother, and her sisters Kimberley and Faye. You even said to her that if she stayed with you she would be saving lives. To reinforce these threats you regularly carried a knife and on at least one occasion you threatened Elisa with that knife. Elisa Frank was too frightened of you to report you to the police. It is one of the many tragedies of this case that her friend, Samantha Sykes, was not frightened, and reported you to both the United Kingdom Border Agency and the Police. Unhappily, nothing came of those complaints. [Etc, etc] (Sentencing Remarks of Mr. Justice Coulson)
Custodians of Justice
That’s right: you can’t pull wool over the eyes of Judge Coulson, a self-righteous liberal windbag — hold on, there’s interference on the line. Let me repeat that: you can’t pull wool over the eyes of Judge Coulson, a stern custodian of British justice. It is indeed “unhappy” that the report to the Border Agency and the police came to nothing. But it’s not unprecedented. In 21st-century Britain, complaints by non-vibrant White girls about vibrant non-White males often come to nothing:
In 2006 alone the police received four complaints from young girls about the men — with corroborative accounts of their activities in some cases. One victim made two complaints in 2006, on one occasion saying she had been held against her will by two Asian men, and later that she had had sex with Akhtar Dogar and another man in a park in exchange for drugs. She told the police: “They’re doing it to other girls, little girls with their school uniforms on.” Dogar was questioned but denied rape, saying the girl had mistaken him for another man. The investigation ended there.
Another girl — known in court as Girl C — was found in 2006 in the basement of the Nanford guest house in Oxford distressed, crying and shaking. She told police she had been drugged, raped and smacked in the face repeatedly. But the investigation was dropped when the girl withdrew her complaint. In 2007 and in 2008, Girl D told the police and social services about Mohammed Karrar, telling officers she had been raped by him. She said she was told it would only be possible to get the men on drugs charges and she decided to “walk away from it”. Social workers were also aware that Asian men were grooming schoolgirls. One said: “Nine out of 10 of the social workers responsible for the individuals were aware of what was going on.” But no one did anything to put the evidence and intelligence together. (Oxford child sex abuse ring: how police overcame past mistakes to jail gang, The Guardian, 14 May 2013)
Rest assured that another judge delivered a stern lecture after that trial too and that the warriors of Allah went off to their halal food, TVs and computer-games in no possible doubt that they’d done very bad things. However, because no White girls were — to the best of our knowledge — actually murdered in Oxford, the warriors in that case didn’t receive as long as Mr. Otak:
Ahmad Otak, you are sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 33 years and 124 days. To put that another way, so that you and everyone else in court understands the effect of this sentence, you will not even be considered for release until the year 2046. (Sentencing Remarks of Mr. Justice Coulson)
You see? Not even considered! It’s TV and computer-games till 2046, no less! That’s the way to stamp out these tragic abuses of our generous asylum system. After all, let’s not forget that Mr. Otak was originally a legitimate asylum-seeker. You should seek refuge in the nearest safe country and England, of course, has a long border with Afghanistan, just as it has with Iraq, Somalia, the Congo, Zimbabwe, Angola, Iran and other nations that have enriched us with murder, rape, fraud, corruption and interesting diseases in the past few decades. Because Afghanistan is just across the border, Mr. Otak was entirely within his rights to claim asylum here. But he didn’t go quietly when his claim was rejected and — oh dear — two White girls have paid the price. I suppose you could call that a vibrancy tax or enrichment levy.
Cold Steel and Caustic Soda
But I was wrong about extensive coverage being given to Mr. Otak’s pointed critique of infidel behaviour. His skill with cold steel received little coverage and is now long forgotten by the BBC and the Guardian, who apparently don’t care about male crimes against women. Then again, I did think that, as some of the worst examples of sadistic misogyny ever seen in the UK, feminists might publicize the murders widely and never allow them to be forgotten. But I was wrong. The feminists weren’t interested. They weren’t interested in that caustic-soda gang-rape either, as committed by Hector Muaimba, Rogel McMorris and Jason Brew, inter alios. The non-White victim was mentally handicapped and the ten-strong, all-vibrant gang laughed as they recorded their endeavours on mobile phones, before pouring caustic soda on her body to destroy forensic evidence. But this never became a feminist caustique célèbre. Go figure. And go figure why the Guardian, unlike the Telegraph, had no space to mention that Mr. Muaimba — “seen smirking at times in the dock” — was born in Angola and Mr. McMorris in Jamaica.
Still, look on the bright side: when the next outbreak of vibrancy occurs in the United Kommunity (formerly the United Kingdom), another judge will deliver another stern lecture at sentencing. And, of course, another vibrancy-outbreak has just occurred in the London district of Woolwich: two more warriors of Allah have expressed their disapproval of infidel behaviour in very sharp terms. However, unlike Mr. Asghar, Mr. Otak, Mr. Muaimba et al., the vibrant individuals in question then waited for the police, rather than seeking to escape. And we must remember that they are individuals, representing nothing but their own warped and twisted selves. It turns out that David Cameron, the British prime minister, hasn’t just been slashing net immigration to mere tenths-of-a-million and playing tennis with the Conservative party’s financial wizard, a Jewish millionaire called Andrew “Brutal Management” Feldman.
Misinterpreting Muhammad
No, Cameron has been acquiring expertise in theology too, perhaps facilitated by having a famous Jewish scholar in his family tree. His interest in religion isn’t confined to native British festivals like Chanukah and Diwali: he’s been studying the world’s most vibrant faith. This is how he knows that the Woolwich warriors have not only launched an attack on the United Kommunity: they’ve also “betrayed Islam.” Yes, they’ve misinterpreted the crystal-clear teachings of their peace-loving, sex-crime-forbidding prophet — you know, the one who waged war for Allah and married a nine-year-old. Funnily enough, that makes the Woolwich warriors just like the 9/11, 7/7 and Bali bombers. And the Boston bombers. And the “scores of men” who committed gang-rape on under-aged White girls in Oxford. And the “177 Asian men, including a police officer,” who contacted a thirteen-year-old White girl for sex in Rotherham. Plus all the other child-rapists and child-pimps in Rochdale, Derby, Bradford, Oldham, Telford, Ispwich and London. By the Prophet’s beard, Islam does seem an easy faith to misinterpret and betray, doesn’t it?
The solution? Well, when the trial arising from the latest vibrancy-outbreak is over, the judge will really have to take the gloves off in his sentencing remarks. Those traitors to Islam must hang their heads in shame. The rainbow folk of the United Kommunity demand no less!