Are Policies Promoted By Jewish Elites Really “Good For The Jews”?
Today, Middle America is caught between the vice grips of plutocracy and crazy leftist policies. The two major parties offer us a choice between lukewarm neo-conservatism and cultural Marxist influenced liberalism, and neither cares about the common people. There’s plenty of blame to go around, though it’s well-documented here that a disproportionate amount of it is from the influence of Jewish elites. The details are indelicate but unmistakable.
Still, there’s a great difference between ordinary Jews and their elites. Most of the former are decent people, and most of the latter deserve to be deported and in many cases should be in prison for financial chicanery or treason. Do the policies of their elites really benefit the common Members of the Tribe? Since “Is it good for the Jews?” is the primary consideration, let’s see how well it’s been working out so far. First we’ll explore in a fictional example how that might work out for one of them.
David’s story
1979: David enters college, with ambitions to be a doctor. He also wants to start a large family some day. He soon finds that radical feminism is all the rage on campus. That began with the Second Wave harpies; a movement that just doesn’t know when to shut up. Thus, unpleasant attitudes are common. He supports feminism too – that’s just about equality, right? After David is shot down hard repeatedly, it leaves him terrified of asking anyone out. Eventually he gives up trying to find a girlfriend, reasoning that he’ll have more time to hit the books.
1990: Now a full-fledged doctor, he anticipates a pretty good cash flow. He looks for a house, but finds out there’s no way in hell he can afford one in Los Angeles, especially with the Federal Reserve’s prime rate at 10%. At least it’s not 20% like ten years ago! He gets an apartment in Watts instead. Being a socially conscious liberal, he considers it his life’s work to serve the underprivileged, and at least here he can be near his clientele. He figures he’ll fit right in; after all, as Franz Boas and Ashley Montagu revealed, race is only a social construct, right?
1991: Getting into business was more difficult than he expected. David still struggles with red tape, something with which he has little experience. Figuring out how to make a small business work turned out to be a daunting task. Although the government gives many advantages to big businesses, there’s not much to help a little guy starting out. Further, he’s paying off a whale of a student loan, as well as an exorbitant premium for malpractice insurance. He’s a very careful doctor, but malpractice insurance is a necessity because of all the bottom-feeder lawyers and their clients looking to win the lottery in court. He has to get credit cards to stay afloat, and soon he’s barely able to afford minimum payments. He begins to loathe bankers. He wonders, “If banking is supposedly a Jewish institution, like those anti-Semites say, then why am I getting screwed?”
1992: After a few years in practice, David is breaking even, but still barely chipping away at his millstone of debt. One burglary and two muggings later, he’s getting just a bit sick of Watts. He hadn’t fit in as easily as expected, getting angry glares frequently. A couple times he asks, are they aware of how much the Jews did for them in the civil rights movement? That gets a pretty bad reaction! Then in April, the LA riots erupt. After cowering in his apartment watching the mayhem on TV, he finds that his doctor’s office was torched, just like all the Korean shopkeepers. He takes the hint and moves.
2000: David is now doing quite well in plastic surgery. His credit cards are paid off – still a very bitter experience for him – and his student loan is way down. In He invests money in some hot new tech stocks that his broker says are soaring. Soon after, they plummet. His broker encourages him to hang on; surely they’ll recover. They do somewhat, then fall even lower. At the end of the year, he cashes out, incurring a huge loss.
2001: After the September 11 attacks, David wonders, “Why do they hate us?” He recalls the words of his grandfather, who had scared the daylights out of him with stories about their people’s past persecutions. He was told that Gentiles are irrational that way; it’s just what they do. David, having received no ill-treatment from his peers thus far, thought his grandfather was a bit behind the times. However, the terrorist attacks make David wonder if perhaps the old man was right. In response, he starts donating heavily to a group combating “hate”.
2002: David once again considers starting a family. Finally he’s financially secure, so why not? One of his brothers married a Salvadoran, and the other a Filipina; they have agreeable personalities because they grew up in countries not polluted by feminism. He asked his brothers why carrying on their heritage isn’t important. One laughed and said, “Aren’t you supposed to be this big liberal?” The other one told him flat-out that in the 21st Century, ethnicity doesn’t matter. Besides, everyone will mix together and look the same one day, and that’s “progress”, right? His objection — “But we’re different!” — falls on deaf ears. In any case, David hasn’t had much luck so far in the dating arena. He thought being a doctor would make him a great catch; it turns out that isn’t the case! This is especially so in Los Angeles, where Hollywood celebrity-worship made everyone want to land a movie star.
2004: Finally David gets a steady girlfriend, sharing his religion — maybe this could be the real thing! Destiny intervenes when she gets pregnant. He’s ecstatic, but she wants to get an abortion — “But what about my career?” As a doctor, he’s heard plenty about what that really involves. It’s very hard to break through her feminist programming, but he talks her away from the brink. To the delight of their parents, they get married. When she looks into her son’s eyes for the first time, she knows she made the right decision not to kill him. He will be their only child; the pursuit of career fueled by consumerism robbed her of her most fertile years. As for now, David decides he’ll need to invest for his family’s future. His new broker turns him onto the next big thing: mortgage backed securities. These were made possible by the repeal of post-Depression measures separating investment banking from commercial banking.
2007: David operates on a veteran injured in Iraq, his face scarred by an IED. Afterward, he angrily fumes about Bush the Younger’s military adventures, all to get cheap oil. On the way home, he fills his gas tank — “What, it’s almost five bucks a gallon now?” At home, he reads the paper, noticing an op-ed by a Washington neocon, arguing that America should invade Iran and Syria too. Something just doesn’t seem right about the whole narrative, but he can’t quite put his finger on it…
2008: Once again, David loses his shirt as his top-quality investments plummet. His business declines as everyone is cutting their expenses. He tries to get a bank loan, but they turn him down. Pressured by the Clinton administration and by lawsuits from “community organizers”, the bankers had been giving loans to anyone with a pulse; but all that changed. David has to go back into credit card debt to make ends meet, though he’d prefer to chew his liver out. So much for any hopes of early retirement… “G-d damn Republicans! I’m going to campaign for Obama!” Meanwhile, Wall Street billionaires lobby for a huge government bailout; they’re “too big to fail”. He hears some nasty anti-Semitic talk about Wall Street being a big Jewish casino. He mutters, “They’re wrong; what the hell good did it do for me?”
2012: David’s eight year old son announces that he wants to try being a girl. David doesn’t care to have his kid become a eunuch, or his future hope for grandchildren to be washed down the drain of some bathhouse. So he has to carefully explain to his son that he’s what nature made him to be. He has a talk with the school administrators, getting quite an education himself about what they’ve been teaching. “Look, I’m liberal too, but this is going too far.” They tell him to stop being so intolerant. Later, he reads news about a new Section 8 housing project in the neighborhood. He has mixed feelings about that one.
2013: Things aren’t going so well. David’s son is getting hassled by newly-arrived Muslim immigrant kids at school. When he finally fights back, the school administrators punish him and threaten to expel him if he defends himself again. Further, ever since the Section 8 development came in, the neighborhood has been declining. Business is doing better again, but moving to a gated community is far out of his price range. When the car is in the shop, David takes public transit. Fully immersed in the vibrancy of Los Angeles, he reflects that California doesn’t look much like it did when he grew up. He always considered diversity a good thing, but how much is too much? The way things are going, any grandchildren he might have will be living in a Third World country.
2014: David is accosted by half a dozen members of a Black agitation group. He pleads, “But I voted for Obama twice, and even campaigned for him. We should be friends. I’m not like those other White people, I’m….” They attack, and ironically, he ends up in the same hospital where he did his internship.
David’s enlightenment
When he gets home, he researches this agitation group, and finds out who’s been funding it and dozens of other front groups. The truth is horrifying. He keeps researching, and can’t stop even though he really doesn’t like what he finds. He discovers the prominent Jewish role in several catastrophic trends. He even learns that the “watchdog” group he contributed to for years is a scam, run by a degenerate.
Then one of his old friends from high school comes back to town, a long-distance truck driver with a family of four children in Utah. They go out to a bar and catch up. Eventually the discussion turns to politics. David considered his friend to have dreadfully provincial views, but perhaps this goyisches Kopf was on the right track about a few things. Loosened up by several beers, David discusses what he’s recently discovered.
His friend replies, “I already know about all that. Word gets around; a lot more than you might suspect. I haven’t mentioned it before because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. If all they wanted to do was make money, I could understand it, but they really need to knock it off with the social engineering. People are getting angry about it, and I’m afraid it might get worse the longer this sort of thing goes on. They’re giving your community a very bad reputation.”
“Here’s what I don’t get. They were doing this all for people like me? A hell of a lot of good I got out of all that! They’ve been wrecking everything, even though America was the best home we ever had. What the hell were they thinking?”
“Welcome to my world.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“All those Jewish big shots you mentioned don’t really give a damn about you. My own politicians and big business figures aren’t working for my best interests either. Do you really think the Clintons, for example, care about people like me? And how about Obama? This ‘Lightworker’ was sold to the public as some big Messiah who was going to heal the country, but are his own people prosperous and happy now? Did Ted Kennedy care about my family’s future? I certainly don’t give him a free pass for being Irish like me; think about that one carefully. The greater question, though, is what we’re going to do to save the society that both of us live in.”
If this was a survival strategy, it completely backfired
Not everyone has gone through the tribulations of our fictional David here. Even so, it would be hard to find any common people — Jewish or non-Jewish — whose lives haven’t been negatively affected by plutocracy or by cultural Marxism (feminism, racial agitation, GLBT evangelism, and many other flavors of leftist craziness). Their elites are the greatest producers of all this, but their own people are its greatest consumers too. Stopping the madness would be a win-win situation for everyone.
For example, Jewish birth rates are even lower than exorbitantly-taxed Europeans. The main cause of this is toxic feminism, in which they had a pretty big role. The picture looks even worse for them considering that by far the most fertile section of their population is the ultra-Orthodox, who are basically their equivalent of “rednecks”. This is true both in Israel and elsewhere. Looking to the distant future, the mass media one day might be inherited by Al-Jazeera, Univision, or perhaps Scientology.
Their intermarriage rates are also decimating their community. The ones at the top have been pushing multiculturalism as a sociopolitical battering ram. Many of their common people didn’t get the memo that this wasn’t supposed to apply to them. There are voices in the Jewish community who are aware of this. I’ve seen their anguish. It’s rather ironic; they want for their people what I want for mine.
About two thirds of the Jewish community is outside of Israel. Of those, the vast majority lives in urban populations in the USA and Europe. There, they are the most susceptible to the effects of multiculturalism and racial agitation. (The Crown Heights incident should be instructive.) This is especially so in Europe, now swarming with Muslims who dislike Jews even more than the native populations they’ve invaded. Are these really the smartest people on the face of the earth?
Finally, treachery by their elites is giving everyone in their community a bad name. Being in control of the media (which is part of that problem) only goes so far to cover it up. The sooner the ordinary Jews realize that their so-called leaders have sold them out and gravely endangered their future, the better. Switching to a peaceful coexistence strategy would indeed be good for the Jews, but repeating past mistakes will lead to mutually assured destruction.
Beau Albrecht blogs at Return of Kings.
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