Remigration Demonstration 2024: A Gathering of Identitarian Forces in the Heart of Europe
From Arktos
Remigration Demonstration 2024: A Gathering of Identitarian Forces in the Heart of Europe
by Andrej Sekulović

Andrej Sekulović argues that the new youth of Europe is determined to defend its ancestral heritage against the onslaught of mass immigration and liberal insanity.
It’s completely inappropriate to see ourselves, in the nostalgia of despair, as a rearguard, a last outpost, that struggles with panache for a lost cause. No, we have to see ourselves as the vanguard of the resistance, whose lucid spirit exudes a certain optimism.
— Guillaume Faye, Why We Fight
Clouds were hovering over the city which was once the proud queen of Central Europe, an occasional raindrop falling from the sky on an otherwise warm summer day. Once the heart of an empire, Vienna was known as the home of knowledge, art and culture. It was also at her gates that the ferocious hordes of the star and crescent were stopped a few centuries ago by the common efforts of different European armies. If once Vienna mirrored the multiethnic composition of the Austro-Hungarian Empire as one of its two main centres, it currently mirrors in a more sinister way the inclusive politics of those who are at the helm of the European Union, reminding us of the great demographic replacement that we, as Europeans, are facing in our homelands. The old and majestic architecture, reflecting the rich past of the city, is contrasted with the ugly small fast food stands with “exotic” food prepared by Middle-Eastern, Turkish, Albanian and other migrants, the “new Europeans” of a darker variety walking on the streets, the women in hijabs, and the obligatory rainbow flags hanging here and there from windows and buildings.
But there is more to this city. It still has some of the authentic European strength left. The “progressive” leftists and multiculturalists, who would like to see Vienna and the rest of the old continent turned into some kind of an egalitarian multiracial utopia, were reminded once again on Saturday, July 20th, that they are not unopposed in their endeavours. On that day, Identitarians from all over Europe took to the streets of Vienna. They showed to the public that they will not idly stand by as their homelands are being flooded with the “diverse” masses of the third world, while their people are being poisoned by the perverted egalitarian globalist agenda. A crowd of determined and proud European patriots gathered in the centre of Vienna to attend this year’s Remigration demonstrations, organised by the Austrian Identitarian community, whose most recognisable representative is Martin Sellner. Many of the activists were armed with the symbolic plain yellow or black flags, reminding everyone that censorship and repression are very much alive in the supposedly democratic “freedom-loving” European Union, whose leaders and policymakers pride themselves as the guardians of freedom of speech and champions of human rights.
While the Greek letter Lambda, which shone from the shields of mighty Spartans in the days of the youth of our civilisation and was adopted in our age by Generation Identity, was banned in Austria, the activists of the movement still stand under their flags, fighting their own metapolitical and cultural Battle of Thermopylae. Symbols and names can be banned, but the idea lives on and manifests itself through the actions of the youth of Europe. The prohibition of symbols that are an important part of our heritage, history and culture because they are supposedly adopted by the “far right” is nothing new. They ban everything that they perceive as a threat to their hegemony, with no regard to historical importance. We can only “keep” those parts of our heritage that don’t jeopardise the liberal order.

Still, the resistance is growing. It cannot be stopped by the efforts of those who are brainwashed or bought by the globalists. It seems that with the help of social networks and alternative media, the Identitarian and right-wing ideas are steadily moving in the direction of what, for lack of a better term, may be called the Overton window. The Identitarian movements are marching forward in defiance of all the persecution and censorship. The ideas that were once only whispered about are now making their way into the “mainstream” political conservative discussions and are being more openly discussed by a growing number of people, from conservative politicians to well-established commentators, online and in “real life”. A good example of this is Tucker Carlson talking about the great replacement. This shows us that the Identitarian tactics of metapolitics are working. The metapolitical right has pierced the bubble of “mainstream discussion”, and the Identitarians are bringing this metapolitical change to the next level, as the things that were once considered “hard right” are now being normalised within the broader right-wing and conservative circles, which means that they are also becoming the subject of the general public discourse.
This year’s Remigration demonstrations in Vienna are a good example of this. In the first half of the 2010s, when the organised Identitarian activists first gained attention as a movement, at that time mostly operating under the name of “Generation Identity”, and became known through their street actions and community-building efforts, their ideological rhetoric was more moderate. They would rarely, if ever, publicly speak directly about “racial issues” or use the term “white” when identifying themselves in terms of their ethnic background. They would tactically rather use the more acceptable term “European” when advocating for the preservation of their ethnocultural heritage and identity. But the metapolitical struggle is changing this. When Remigration demonstrations took place this year, we could hear the well-known slogans of the Austrian and German Identitarians, such as “Europa — Jugend — Revolution” (Europe — Youth — Revolution) and “Wiederstand” (Resistance) being chanted by the assembled sons and daughters of Europe. We could also hear them chant repeatedly not only “Save our Nation — Remigration” but “White Lives Matter” as well.
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