White Nationalism and its Leftist Enemies
White Nationalism and its Leftist Enemies
The regressive left is clearly the undisputed victor of America’s culture wars. Even the mainstream “right”[i] has been co-opted by leftists. Together, both left and “right” constitute the leftist American Establishment. Despite an overwhelming influence over contemporary American society and culture, the Establishment refuses to dismiss White nationalism as a bygone relic, like phonograph cylinders or gramophones. Instead, White nationalism remains an object of intense, burning hatred.
But is the Establishment’s reaction to White nationalism without merit? Surveys of White racial attitudes suggest White nationalists do not exceed 5 percent of the American population; they may even be less than 1 percent. They control no major corporations or political organizations. Given the Establishment’s hatred and persecution of White nationalists, their lack of economic and political clout comes as no surprise.
Since the American Establishment is willing to overlook First Amendment rights, White nationalists find themselves covertly persecuted through a combination of legal and economic measures. These include firing, deplatforming and the suppression of White nationalist literature. In contrast, their leftist rivals Antifa and BLM are not subject to state persecution. They are far more organized, far more well-supported and far more capable of mobilizing large numbers of followers. Antifa and BLM can even tear down American historical monuments and turn 6 blocks of downtown Seattle into a police-free “autonomous zone” with total impunity. Would racial dissidents be similarly treated with kid gloves had they seized downtown Seattle and turned it into a police-free White nationalist enclave? The hypocrisy is disgusting, but not surprising given the source.
How is it possible such a tiny percentage of Whites can command the attention of the entire left Establishment? Almost daily, we hear over-exaggerated and even wholly fabricated stories in the media about White nationalist terrorism and surges in White nationalist violence. The intense preoccupation of leftists with White nationalism is seemingly irrational; but from a strategic perspective, it is quite pragmatic.
It’s no secret racial dissidents are among the most hated people in America. After all, White nationalism and Cultural Marxism are competing ideologies; however, in the marketplace of ideas, it goes without saying not all ideas are created equal. The White nationalist case against diversity, unlike the leftist case for diversity, is an unassailable one. Not since the rise of Cultural Marxism in American politics have leftists been able to mount a successful argument in favor of diversity.
Since leftists hate and fear White racial consciousness, they rarely engage with racial dissidents on TV or in print, except in the most superficial manner. On a subconscious level, leftists fear White nationalism because they believe it will persuade many Whites to abandon their beloved multicultural project. Clearly, we are not dealing with a rational political ideology, but secular theocracy guided by mystical egalitarian creed. In leftism, faith takes the place of reason as supreme arbiter of truth. This is the Achilles’ heel of the left Establishment, one which should be exploited by racial dissidents to maximum advantage.
The evidence contra diversity shows us why the Establishment is pathologically leukophobic. Pace the Establishment, White nationalists argue mass non-White migration, the de facto religion of leftist elites, lowers wages, reduces fertility rates, and raises the cost of housing; in other words, non-White migration is White racial displacement. Year after year, America’s cities look more like those of Africa and Mexico, with large pockets of Asia. Mass migration, especially of the kind America has been blighted with since 1965, is a terrible price to pay for ethnic cuisine or whatever else diversity is supposed to enrich us with.
Beyond the usual shibboleths extolling the virtues of diversity, the Establishment has no serious response to any of the evidence on the existence of race, race differences in IQ, etc. Leftist apologetics only gives faith-based reasons for equality and the supposed benefits of Third World migration. “Diversity is strength,” the most popular of these reasons, is a mystical slogan, no different from the Orwellian “Freedom is slavery” and “Ignorance is strength.” Compared to the string of empty platitudes that is multiculturalism, the White nationalist argument in favor of White self-determination is an iron-clad one. For this reason, White nationalism must be suppressed by the Establishment.
As George Orwell (allegedly) said: “To tell the truth in an age of deceit is a revolutionary act.”
Lessons from Orwell’s 1984?
Leftist hatred and persecution of White nationalism serves the same purpose as the Two Minutes Hate in Orwell’s 1984. Emmanuel Goldstein, who defected from the inner party to become a member of the counter-revolutionary “Brotherhood,” is the inspiration behind the Two Minutes Hate. Whenever Goldstein’s image appears on Oceania’s ubiquitous telescreens, people stop what they are doing to express their collective hatred of Big Brother’s sworn ideological enemy.
The point of the Two Minutes Hate is to take people’s minds off the party and its failings by focusing their hatred on a single target, allowing them to divert whatever hatred they have for their own government toward its perceived enemies. The inner party’s demonization of Goldstein is a warning to the denizens of Oceania. Those who defy party orders will be expelled from its ranks and, in Orwellian Newspeak, unpersonned. Leftist hatred of racial dissidents serves a similar broadly utilitarian purpose, reminding Whites of the necessity of ideological conformity, while simultaneously warning them of the dangers of repudiating the status quo. The possibility of expulsion to the margins of society, a social pariah deprived of the ability to earn a livelihood, is a terrifying prospect for the proletariat.
The left’s version of the Two Minutes Hate also serves as a rallying point, solidifying commitment to leftist ideals and strengthening devotion to the status quo. It is meant to pacify naive and innocent Whites into believing the real cause of all their problems are Klansmen and neo-Nazis, not the elites who import millions of non-Whites into their own countries and outsource high-paying manufacturing jobs to the Third World.
As an object of hatred, White nationalism is a convenient scapegoat, much like 1984’s Goldstein. It is not hard to see why this is so, given that White nationalism is the last bastion of reason and good sense amidst an ocean of leftist irrationality and obscurantism. Everything the racial dissident ultimately stands for is anathema to the left. In his refusal to perish along with his race for the “sins” of African slavery, Amerindian “genocide” and European colonialism, he ultimately repudiates the Christ-like role of sacrificial lamb thrust upon him by the Establishment.
The close correspondence between totalitarian democracy and Orwell’s dystopian vision is striking. Perhaps Orwell understood the psychology of leftist totalitarianism more than most. This may explain why so much of what he predicted has come to fruition, unlike the relatively benign dystopian predictions of his contemporary Aldous Huxley.
Leftist Black and White thinking?
In the Manichean vision of the Establishment, leftism is a force for good and White nationalism a force for evil. Through condemnation of White racial consciousness, the leftist, motivated partly by ressentiment, denigrates the traditional virtues of Indo-Aryan society—pride, strength, self-mastery, individualism, objectivity—as moral evils, while elevating the virtues of his own Judeo-Christian slave morality—humility, weakness, equality—to a position of supremacy. Through Nietzschean transvaluation of all values, good becomes bad and bad becomes good.
The Establishment’s negative, irrational stereotyping of racial dissidents, a consequence of its Manicheanism, further justifies leftist hatred of White nationalism, not only among leftists, but to the public at large. If the Establishment = good and White nationalism = bad, it is unsurprising to find racial dissidents unfairly caricatured as gap-toothed hillbillies or uncouth neo-Nazis with a propensity for criminal violence, like the walking, talking stereotypes of American History X. The purpose of the left’s irrational stereotyping is to dehumanize and reduce to pathetic insignificance what cannot be refuted through rational argument. It is so effective that Jewish-owned media outlets and civil rights organizations, among them Hollywood and the SPLC, continue to irrationally stereotype racial dissidents as violent neo-Nazis and Klansmen.
This demonization of White racial dissidents reflects an even deeper animus against the traditional right. Racial dissidents threaten the Establishment’s multicultural project at their foundations, if not literally, then ideologically. In the world of leftism, the demographic transformation of the country is what is called an ideological non-negotiable; it cannot be jettisoned without compromising the entire leftist belief-system. As an ideology of all-consuming, overwhelming psychotic White racial self-hatred, leftism loses its raison d’etre when deprived of its need for race replacement, the leftist’s all-purpose solution to the “problem” of Whiteness. Racial self-hatred fuels the White leftist need for mass non-White immigration, or more accurately, the White leftist psychological dependence upon it for their own general well-being, as if it were some very addictive, very potent narcotic.
Given the absolute depths of White racial self-hatred, it seems only a natural catastrophe can derail plans for a majority-minority America by 2040. We have already seen how it took COVID-19 to shut down borders and bring air traffic to a grinding halt. One shudders to think what it would take for America to end her program of mass migration for good. A devastating race war? A severe economic depression that puts most Americans out of work? A plague that kills off half of America’s population?
If not any of these, then what? An asteroid slamming into the earth’s surface? For leftists, diversity is an “All or Nothing” proposition; either the West must be diverse or it must be pulverized into nothingness.
The madness of the left Establishment is apparently without limit.
Will White nationalism survive the American left Establishment?
The decline of the American Empire is unlike that of any other. Rome is a case in point. From the Chaos of the third century to the barbarian invasions of the fifth, the Roman empire endured a series of violent, earth-shattering cataclysms. By the fifth century, she had succumbed to myriad internal and external weaknesses–plague, civil war, debasement of the coinage, barbarian invasion, ethnic diversity, the spread of Christianity across the Mediterranean, depopulation and so on. Yet the pagan Roman elite still believed in Roma Aeterna and were proud of their descent from Aeneas, despite all of the humiliating disasters that had befallen the imperium since the end of the Chaos. Rome had died a violent, but natural death in the winter of its life-cycle.
Unlike Rome, the decline of America has been purposely engineered by hostile elites. The expatriate Jews of the Frankfurt School pathologized White ethnocentrism and leftists converted it into the unforgivable crime of “racism.” “Racism” was then weaponized against racial dissidents who opposed diversity. They were persecuted until they were forced from the mainstream to the margins of society, serving as a permanent reminder to average Whites of what happens to those who refuse to abandon race and nation.
Through social engineering, the left Establishment orchestrated the unilateral surrender of western nations to the incoming colored hordes; most Whites simply obeyed their Judeo-Bolshevik masters like spineless jellyfish. Few Whites fought back. Apparently, Whites have been so thoroughly indoctrinated by the media and education system they have come to embrace the demographic transformation of America as a fait accompli.
We may consider the decline of America an inexorable one for a number of reasons, all of them ultimately endogenous in terms of their etiology:
(1.) the atomization of modern American society,
(2.) the lack of White racial consciousness, and
(3.) White civilizational exhaustion.
The atomization of society is driven by industrial, technological, and socio-political factors. Through the medium of technology, entire communities have been uprooted, severing the individual’s ties with race and nation. People in America are now more mobile than ever before, unlike previous generations. Neoliberal economic policies have increased their alienation from mainstream society by reducing workers to mere cogs; being easily replaceable, the worker is no longer valued for his contributions. His stake in the social order becomes a precarious one, subject to the whims of the “free” market. As a consequence, he no longer has any reason to care for society or the future generations who must unfortunately inherit the mess left behind.
This lack of connectedness in American society means widespread fatalism and nihilistic apathy. Many Whites have turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with the spiritual emptiness of their lives; the fentanyl crisis sweeping North America is driven, at least in part, by the disintegration of older communal and familial bonds that once existed among previous generations of Whites. In such an environment, it becomes difficult, though not impossible, to maintain a coherent White racial identity.
Secondly, Whites no longer see themselves as White. Until 1965, White racial consciousness was a defining feature of Americanness. Many American Whites saw themselves as Whites pursuing White racial interests. Even though not White nationalist in name, they were nevertheless ipso facto White nationalists. From the colonial period to the end of WWII, American “White nationalism” would have been a redundancy given the close historical connection between White racial consciousness and American ethnic identity.
Since 1965, Western popular culture has promoted diversity at the expense of Whites. For most, articulating a well-defined White racial identity is now beyond the pale. Since White racial identification is considered shameful, Whites have splintered along ethnic lines, returning to the hyphenated Americanism much deplored by Theodore Roosevelt. Whites who choose to defy the new status quo in favor of White self-determination are despised and persecuted.
Besides the atomization of American society, there is another, even deeper reason why the death of America is inevitable. Whites, as a race, have lost their dynamism, their so-called élan vital. The collapse of the great colonial empires in the post-WWII period is explained by White civilizational exhaustion. From once controlling over 84% of the earth’s surface in 1914, Western Whites now risk losing control of their own countries.
White civilizational exhaustion was most evident in places like Rhodesia and South Africa. In these countries, the White man surrendered his hard-earned possessions without even putting up a fight. Race conscious Whites, who believed southern Africa was the White man’s by dint of conquest, were too few in number to mount a successful resistance; not only did they have to fight off Soviet-backed Afro-Marxist guerrillas and their Judeo-Bolshevik allies, they had to resist traitorous elements from within their own ranks. If Whites refused to fight when they had the overwhelming tactical advantage, what will they do when the US becomes Brazil 2.0 by the turn of the century?
In The Hour of Decision (1934), Oswald Spengler writes ominously of the White man who has let down his racial guard:
The coloured man sees through the White man when he talks about ‘humanity’ and everlasting peace. He scents the other’s unfitness and lack of will to defend himself. …
Danger is knocking at the door. The coloured races are not pacifists. They do not cling to a life whose length is its sole value. They take up the sword when we lay it down. Once they feared the White man; now they despise him. Our judgment stands written in their eyes when men and women comport themselves in their presence as we do, at home or in the lands of colour themselves. Once they were filled with terror at our power—as were the Germanic people before the first Roman legions. Today, when they are themselves a power, their mysterious soul—which we shall never understand—rises up and looks down upon the Whites as on a thing of yesterday.
According to Spengler’s understanding of Western historical development, the “megalopolitan soul”—what Faustian man inevitably becomes in his drive towards the infinite—is a consequence of Western cultural decline or, what I previously termed, “civilizational exhaustion.” The megalopolitan soul is traditionless, religionless, hedonist, with an insatiable appetite for panem et circenses, rootless, but thoroughly materialist in outlook. Since he stands in opposition to the traditional social values of Indo-Aryan society i.e., patriarchal monogamy, hierarchy, warrior ethos or bushido, he is easily manipulated by the negation of these values, i.e., sexual freedom, universal peace, tolerance and equality, values he embraces because they undermine the traditional values he despises. At the same time, the non-Whites pouring into America do not share his leftist belief in “humanity” and “everlasting peace.”
That the White man is so naive he cannot discern his enemy’s ulterior motives is his downfall, but alas, a well-deserved one. His socialist world-feeling, his religionless Christianity (in Spengler’s words, his “dogmaless morale”), has blinded him to his own need for self-preservation. The White man refuses to open his eyes to the functional significance of slogans like “Diversity is strength,” which are used by non-Whites and leftists alike to advance non-White ethnic interests in America. By the time he comes to his senses and realizes America has been racially submerged, it is already too late.
In The Decline of the West, the megalopolitan soul is the creature of the winter phase of the life-cycle of cultures, marking the beginning of the end.
Concluding remarks
America wages wars, topples regimes and installs friendly dictators in non-White nations, even though these affairs are without any important geostrategic ramifications for American national security; she squanders precious resources persecuting racial dissidents, but cannot defend her own territorial integrity from the bands of Third World adventurers menacing her frontiers. It is one of the great ironies of Western history that America rose to global prominence as a White nation, but now crumbles into obscurity as a non-White mud puddle. Having long ago betrayed the aristocratic republican principles upon which she was founded, she ends her days as a decaying totalitarian democracy with imperial pretensions.
America must die because the Whites who once formed her civilizational backbone are deracinated, alienated and milquetoast cosmopolitans. If the destructive policies of the elites are irreversible, it is because there is no longer anything for Whites to rally around, nor is there anything to draw them together. America must die, but that does not mean White nationalism must die along with it. White nations have come and gone, but the White race endures to this day. Unlike the White majority, White racial dissidents at least have a strong sense of White racial identity. If a small number of race conscious Whites can survive the destructive tendencies of the White majority in a crumbling American empire, the White race will still have a future on the North American continent.
[i] This is not to be confused with the classical or traditionalist right.
Secularism started to become popular in the 19th century but has gradually eroded all of our institutions.
For these who do not know decadence is spiritual, moral and economic decline, and it always follows in that order.
First we lose our faith, our highest moral values, our drive to serve something more than ourselves.
Second we lose our morality, as morality is dependent on faith.
Finally without faith or morals, all levels of society starts to engage in swindles of various kinds, financialisation, fiat currencies and fractional reserve banking. All debt based, all based on one giant con, a con that would not be possible with a people that were moral, and who had faith in something greater than themselves.
Because it is fraud, because it is parasitic, it inevitably collapses. And that is where we are now.
The only one who will survive will be the faithful.
Western Europeans need to go back to Orthodox Christianity. The authentic Christianity.
This is what Western Europeans really need :
Dear Andrei, You’re spot on, yet to go back to Orthodox Christianity requires not just Western Europeans, but all Europeans, wherever they may be found, that can only be accomplished by a dynamic force of Imperium to unite everyone one of them. I do not believe in this stage of life of a decent into the darkest DE, id est, deconstructionism, degeneration, desensitization, desperation and destruction it can occur. It is going to get worse: these are just the initial stages of the Kali Yuga. Yet, it is refreshing to find someone like yourself who understands the problem is Metaphysical. God Bless, Aristo Boho
A diagnosis whose soundness is exceeded only by its sadness. Thank you, nonetheless, for offering it, Karen.
” morality is dependent on faith.”
Here is the problem with that :
“Faith” is composed of the following 5 major factors __
1 ) Religious programming
2 ) Religious conditioning
3 ) Religious education
4 ) Religious indoctrination
5 ) Religious brainwashing
Clearly , a sufficient execution of each of only the first four factors
will produce a “Faith Warrior”
whom is fully capable of killing-on-command ;
and a sufficient execution of each of all five factors
will produce a virtually incorrigible “Faith Warrior”.
The problem is precisely this __
IF there is anything “wrong” with any of those factors and/or “wrong” in any execution of those factors , then any assassinations/killings/slaughters of an enemy , by a Faith Warrior , would most likely be less than perfectly divinely ordained . Therefore , it is extremely improbable that any worldly religion could ever establish a kingdom of heaven in this world since it is a virtual certainty that there are imperfections or “wrongs” in at least some of the factors or some of the execution of the factors or both ; where godliness requires perfection according to God .
Furthermore , since it is possible for an identical error of commission or omission to be replicated in all five factors , there is a possibility for the particular “faith” to be “based on one giant con” ; and consequently , the justification for the dependent morality ( in particular , a requirement to smite an enemy ) would be invalid .
However , there may be pragmaticly sound reasons to smite an enemy other than “faith” based justifications which rely on corruptible religious mind control factors .
White Rhodesians & South Africans fought Black Communists for over a decade.
The UK & USA sanctioned/strangled them both .
The predatory nature inherent to Man still exists in White Men – but western society currently only tolerates predation by Whites upon other Whites.
Some would say Individualism is another term for Selfishness & Greed.
Armies fight as a collective unit – until White Men find some solidarity with other White Men – they will continue to lose every battle.
The last sentence of this excellent essay says it all. As someone once said, history is made by the minority when that minority embodies the majority of will and courage.
This is not to say we should not learn from mistakes in the past. One big mistake that comes to mind is that in the past we have had organizations whose success was owed largely to one strong leader, and when that leader died or was killed, the organization withered. Let’s not do that again!
And, we have to be vocal on all our values, not just our genetic future. We need to pair White interests with such things as protection of the natural family unit, kindness to animals, opposition to pornography, public safety, care for the environment, and a healthy economy based on productive capital that ensures all young families have good homes that can be purchased for a modest price.
We are the race of explorers, of inventors, of poets and writers and musicians. We are worth saving! And if that is not enough to fight for, the words of David Lane come to mind: “That the beauty of Aryan women shall not perish from the face of the earth”.,
Well said. For my personal taste, too much nostalgia and too much grief about things lost and gone. Let’s look forward: Communities are possible social supporters and enablers, and communities compete with each other for members. But there are yet a lot of Whites who no community is interested in – except of us. And there are not so much communities who compete with ours.
Our problem is, simply said, that our community, at this moment, does not offer the kind of support and enablement that other communities (e.g. Jews, homosexuals etc.) offer for their members. So we have to study these other communities: What do they right that we don’t?
Dear Cassandra,
You’re probably correct but here are a few white pills at least as I see them through my rosy eye wear.
Rationalization isn’t reason except in very very rare cases. Rationalization serves as a form of group identity and as a form of group cohesion. All racial groups except for whites weigh any rationalization as good if it’s good for their tribe and evil if it hurts their tribe. Not an unreasonable take. It carries a religious aire because faith in and devotion to are a big part of being human. Many things seemingly not formally religious are in their nature and in the way they function religious. Goodwhites who identify with antiwhitism do so more out of setting themselves off from badwhites than they do out of solidarity with nonwhites. To both goodwhites and badwhites, nonwhites are NPCs with little if any agency. They are either tools or obstructions in a white internal civil war.
We have our own internal diversity. As you’ve noticed we’ve spent the past handful of centuries upending social structures and genetic lines that had evolved over eons. So instead of symbiotic cooperation we have chaotic class conflicts that get constantly upended, reorganized and always set in conflict. We came out of the last big war with a narrative that weaponized the Jewish narrative so here we are. But we aren’t NPCs nor is nature.
Because we’ve keep out head down since Cville, NAZI and white supremacist is everyone and thing that was once called Western Civilization. Our enemies have defined white interests as all things created by our tribe along with the innate behavior of all white people, good and bad. So now it is a blanket attack on both places like the eastern Kentucky foothills and places like Marin County. They are de-atomizing white communal identity.
Within the white ethnic camp… movement is largely only in 1 direction: from goodwhite to badwhite. People may go dark but no one is going back. Maybe a few whom the other side is more than welcomed to.So here we have a very good example of Nature rolling back Nurture. Nature is not an NPC.
Ideology can muddy the waters and distract us from what is in our own best interests, long-term. But there has to be a payoff for accepting this. If you’ve been a goodwhite for decades and all of a sudden you have to walk out of your front door armed to protect home and family…from the people you’ve spent your life propping up…questions are going to begin nagging at you. Most goodwhites who are antiwhite live a comfortable existence or get social points for doing so. As volatility increases, as that comfortable life gets rocked and begins to fray at the seams, as nonwhite faces scream at you and accuse you of the very thing you once accused badwhite of doing…instinctual affinities for whites will begin to bubble up and push aside all of those high-minded ideals you once placed in the service of nonwhite groups. By no means everyone. We don’t need everyone and some are so badly damaged and so far down the wonderland rabbit hole that we’re better off without them. But we may find ourselves with what we need.
This article needs not a critique but a bloody good kick up the arse. Twenty and more years ago I was happy to spend days constructing replies to stuff such as this, these days I am not in a position, nor inclined, to do so, so it must suffice to say that the lines ‘white civilizational (sic) exhaustion was most evident in places like Rhodesia and South Africa. In these countries, the White man surrendered his hard-earned possessions without even putting up a fight’, show the author’s inability to understand how empires are built and what sustains them, and what causes their end, which might account for his belief in a ‘crumbling American Empire’. The USA does not have an empire, nor anything resembling one, never has and never can because ‘Americans have no idea how to build one.
I am going to use the analogy of fruit: If you have a fruit that has a rotten part, separate the healthy part from the bad, do not waste resources and time in recovering the bad, invest the resources and time in maintaining and separate the good..
The author appears oblivious to the relative novelty of the term “Judeo-Christian” and its context.
It appears that there will only be a small remnant of Whites that survive their jewmasters genocide against the White race .
Protestants were in with the jews from the beginning of the Reformation . The RCC Vatican was infiltrated and secretly captured , beginning with Council II of 1965 , by freemasonic jesuits . The Freemasons are descendants ( ideological/bloodline ) of catholic inquisition persecuted Templars whom readily allied with the jews . The Rothschild ashkenazi jews established B’nai B’rith which eventually attained dominion of freemasonry worldwide which includes the powerful ILLuminati secret society within the secretive Freemasonic society ( which also has connections to numerous other secretive societies such as Skull & Bones ) .
Whites have been historicly mostly focused on land utilization whereas the jews have been historicly mostly focused on conquering and enslaving nonchosenite peoples . The subsequent results of those two different lifestyles are obvious .
Slovenians are historically focused on cultivation of land, not whites in general. Do you think that mayor of Londonistan being a Paki is a result of Jewish conspiracy, or perhaps just a simple consequence of failed British colonial ambitions?
‘White civilizational exhaustion was most evident in places like Rhodesia and South Africa. In these countries, the White man surrendered his hard-earned possessions without even putting up a fight.’
What was the Rhodesian bush war?
Only ended because Henry Kissinger ended oil smuggling.
Truly a fascinating article. The author deserves praise. It’s also depressing. One saw W flight in a few cities as a kid. Thus, moved to Europe. Loved Warsaw (all W). Then, they had Marshall Law. Came back to the USA. Toured the country on a motorcycle for about a year. Worked nearly 20 years. After retirement moved only to discover a 1968 type of scenario unfold (after doing research to insure my region was all W). If one didn’t have moral obligations of family progeny it would be back to Warsaw. As things look now, only Byelorussia, Poland and Northern Russia will retain EuroMan’s world. At least within the foreseeable future. Sad, indeed.
Now that you piqued our curiosity with your question, could you please favor us by answering it ? An admitted hole in my knowledge.
My Reply/Question was addressed to HOWEVER – above !
On the opioid crisis and Oxycontin use now crippling America…..it all began with the Sackler family (all Jewish) of Purdue pharmaceuticals back in the late 90s. Over 400,000 people have died since then from overdoses and this family made over $13.8 billion in profits in the process.
Oxycontins are a tiny pill – about the size of a baby aspirin – coming in 10/20/40/80 mg doses (of the underlying oxycodone dose). As a retired physician I saw people getting hooked after just a few weeks of taking them and street prices of a dollar per mg became the norm, with many people turning to the cheaper heroin.
Despite numerous state and individual lawsuits Purdue has only paid out $600M in damages, with more settlements still in process, despite the Sacklers trying to claim bankruptcy!
The Sacklers knew full well about how addictive these pills were yet launched a massive PR campaign claiming the opposite..
If evil can be defined as someone making a decision they know will harm people, then this family is truly evil and should all go to jail. In typically Jewish fashion they thought that making multimillion dollar contributions to schools, the arts, etc would justify their actions.
Fortunately, it seems that progress is being made in helping addicts – the overall personal, social and familial damage and devastation however has been massive.
Recently it came to light that blacks at a certain university desired to have designated dorm residence halls restricted to “people of color”.
When I heard that, I rejoiced, as finally, blacks were determining for themselves, their own living arrangements, which embraced voluntary non-coerced segregation, which would have been good for all concerned, both blacks and whites.
The white “social justice warriors” (SJWs) and “small hat types” came out of the woodwork to protest this voluntary segregation.
I could not (and still cannot) wonder why any whites could be against such a proposal. This could lead to voluntary segregation by whites as well-a good thing.
Restoration of true “freedom of association” would be the end result-something the “small hats” could not abide, as it would destroy their whole social destabilization goal.
It is understandable that the “small hats” would be against voluntary segregation as it would defeat their whole purpose-destabilizing civil society.
Call me thick, but I have never before encountered the expression “small hat types.” A curiosity-prompted Internet search has taught me more than I ever wanted to learn about haberdashery and the present-day crisis for stylish women who need to color-coordinate their headgear and covid-hoax masks.
Is “small hat” perhaps a reference to the kippah, thus making its wearer a member of (((guess-which tribe)))? Or am I entirely off base?
This was an excellent, sobering, hard hitting article. However, our racial enemies are currently doing an excellent job, (through their vulgar, nihilistic street actions) of waking up White ‘normies’ for us.
Perhaps that’s why the Deep State has finally decided to use Mr. Chad Wolf and the Feds to whack Antifa in Portland.
Your rationale for the federal “rescue” of Portland—with Chicago and Seattle in the offing, n’est-ce pas?—is far sounder than any other I have seen or heard. For the Deep State, the intervention has the happy side-effect of shoveling another foot of dirt atop the coffin of the Posse Comitatus Act and the assumptions underlying it.
Further apropos your remarks, I recommend that you or anyone else hereabouts who might not yet have seen Ann Coulter’s recent column at VDARE on the Portland incursion give it a glance, if only because it serves as a salutary reminder that virtually all of our friends and allies are of the fair-weather or limited-liability variety. In Coulter’s case, what primarily triggers dismay is her conviction that Eisenhower’s September 1957 invasion of Little Rock, in supine obedience to the Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, was a laudable and heroic action rather than a body blow to what little remained of legitimate state sovereignty and a plain instance of using overkill as a response to a trifle that had law but not morality on its side.
You administered some tough love and hard truths here. Let me get some nits out of the way before I go further, though.
Rhodesia and South Africa caved to unbearable pressure from the United States and United Kingdom, who in their usually duplicitous fashion extended empty guarantees to Whites in both nations. Those commitments were never honored and even as post-genocide Zimbabwe begs White farmers to return, the ANC embarks on the same journey of destruction and once again the UK and USA smirk as their lies result in mass murder. Fortunately Europe and to a lesser extent Australia and New Zealand have learned to neither trust nor respect the Anglosphere’s increasingly dusky senior partners.
Within the United States and the United Kingdom themselves, a similar pattern is playing out. The long-dead United States Constitution and its even more ephemeral UK counterpart have become cudgels to beat the White majorities about the head. The same pattern of guarantees extended to encourage “diversity” is taking place domestically. Rights these farcical documents guaranteed to the minorities are ignored and denied to the shrinking majorities. The impulsivity of the Marxists, as a result, are increasing the now-small number of White racial dissidents almost hourly. I agree with Junghans that the Deep State has decided to pacify Portland because it realizes this is happening.
That out of the way…right.
Christianity is a relic of the West. It is ironic that BLM flags fly on Church properties as the very same Cultural Marxists put the torch to them. It is as if the childish Jewish Passover myth was rewritten so the Angel of Death randomly visited the properly marked buildings. The retrograde forms of Christianity that engage in the worship of Blacks and Jews are dying on their own. We should not alienate those who continue to worship but encourage them to do so in a way that recognize their lives matter, too. An atheistic or agnostic Right is inevitable now but there has to be room for those who continue to cling to a faith that long abandoned them. Their children and grandchildren will not be in the pews much longer.
Along the same lines of inevitability is a partition of the United States. It begins with encouraging Whites to live in proximity to one another. Telling Southerners their lands will be given to Blacks, for example, is counter-productive. While GoodWhites already have self-segregated, BadWhites and the Neutrals are doing so rapidly and this trend must be encouraged and accelerated. Boundaries can be drawn once these enclaves are established. The aforementioned GoodWhites are, in rare cases, starting their transition to us.
Things are as bad as you write but not hopeless at all. The increasing terror has awakened many. Once a nation is established, perhaps a statue can be put up for St. George Floyd, the accidental founder of our new homeland.
Prophetic, that call for a Floyd statue. I fully expect that it will come to pass one day. Bravo!
Black political activists (except for the rare conservative) are mostly either black nationalists or black supremacists (and probably there is little practical difference between the two positions; indeed, many black conservatives are also non-aggressive black nationalists, their primary ideological self-justification being that liberalism hurts blacks [which it does], not that it is immoral per se, let alone that it is unjust to whites). It’s a big world, so there might be a tiny number of black genuine leftists who are not ethnonationalists, but I have never encountered any, either via video or print.
So I do not find it in the least surprising that blacks at some university want residential segregation (I want that, too, for their race and mine!), and that white liberals are their loudest opponents. Such stances fit what we know about both races.
White leftist BLM activists are not black nationalists, but either self-hating, auto-genocidal whites (the minority), or else unhinged utopian egalitarians (the vast majority). These latter are mentally ill persons who are in passionate if not outright ‘religious’ thrall to the idea of a secular Brotherhood of Man, most clearly expressed in a desperate need for racial diversity, and for whom any evidence of opposition to this idea, or even contrary behavior, elicits uncontrollable anxiety and torrents of psychotic rage. We are currently living through a period of irrational white religious fervor comparable to the religious wars that ripped through Europe in the 17th century. One of the defects of our race is that we are disproportionately prone to moral panics and female hysteria writ large.
The above was meant to be in reply to “anarchyst”.
Obviously Ferdinand Bardamu is not the author’s real name. Do we know his real name ? I am asking this in order to find other material from him. I find this author’s thinking very intelligent.!Thank you.
Dear Mister Bardamu, Thank you for your article. Before I make a thorough COMMENT I should request to know from you how do you succinctly define White Nationalism and who are its participants, the White Nationalists, according to your interpretation of it? This might seem rhetorical but this isn’t my intention at all, for there are many conflicting perspectives on this and most are self-destructive. God Bless, Aristo Boho