The Dirty Secret: Thoughts on Being a Mischling
Although I’ve had no love for Jews for most of my life, I am ashamed of the amount of time it took for me to accept that those who are vocally opposed to Jewish influence have legitimate grievances. I had always found myself at odds with social and political phenomena that can ultimately be traced back to that influence, but I had never really understood where they came from. My objections to pornography, sex trafficking, and the hypersexualization of women and children in advertising and entertainment were wrongly directed against men in general. My awareness of grave injustices and smokescreens such as 9/11 laid blame at the feet of an entirely faceless global enemy.
It also took longer than I might have hoped to recognize that what I love about humanity — my sense of beauty and aesthetics, musical preferences, values, appreciation for Western architecture, respect for animals, dress, culture, history, literature — the poetry of life — must ultimately all be credited to Europe and her peoples. I now understand that the corruption and subversion of those things close to my heart has largely been the result of external influence and values that are not only foreign but largely antithetical to those of the European tradition.
Slowly, I learned that the enemy is not faceless.
I had believed that people largely hated Jews for their ability to preserve tradition for many thousands of years and for their strong group identity. It took someone explaining to me very politely how others see plainly anti-social Jewish behaviors and in-group preference for me to really understand the animosity some hold against Jews.
But the Jewish question for me is more nuanced than it would be for most people. Growing up in a heavily-Jewish community, most of my friends and teachers were secular Jews. However, I was always aware on a fundamental level that I did not really belong in their world, and rejected it fully by the time I was 12.
I knew I was only half Jewish — a “Mischling.” I knew this because it was obvious that my mother was Jewish and my father was not.
My grandparents had been founding members of their synagogue, but my parents were not allowed to get married there because my father was not of the faith. We celebrated both Christmas and Hannukah when I was a child (the food is a lot better at Christmas) but not Easter. From pre-school to first grade, I attended a Jewish private school where I was taught to revere Israel and encouraged to raise money for it UNICEF-style, as well as spending half the day learning about Jewish culture and reading/singing in Hebrew. From second grade through the end of middle school, I attended public schools comprised mainly of Ashkenazi children. To compensate, my mother made me go to “Hebrew School” three times a week. Hebrew School was an after-school program where Ashkenazi children could learn prayers, Hebrew, and the Torah. (The children in my Hebrew School were most likely attending public schools as well. The more serious orthodox and Hasidic Jews attended private and “Talmudic schools” for the entire duration of their schooling.)
As far as I know, I was always accepted as Jewish, even though I was technically only half. My childhood best friend, an adopted girl with blonde hair and blue eyes whom I met at our private school, was also (from what I remember, being six years old) accepted as Jewish, even though she was not Ashkenazi or any other type of Jew. No one really asked questions. She was far from the only blonde kid there either.
I learned more recently that the act of saying something to try to find out whether someone is Jewish (or drop the hint that you are) is called “bageling.” Once a “bageler” finds out you are Jewish, they seem to light up. You suddenly have something in common. It doesn’t seem to matter if you are half, one quarter, one eighth Jewish — what is important is that you have that component of your identity.
The only one who plays the “Jewish or not Jewish?” game more than “anti-Semites” is my own mother.
As for me, I rejected that component of my identity early on. At the age of 11, I refused to go to Hebrew School any longer. They graduated me early along with that year’s class to avoid shaming my family. I was never Bat Mitzvahed (Jewish rite of passage done at age 12 for girls and 13 for boys.) When it came time for high school, I made a conscious decision to leave the area and went to a decidedly-not-Jewish school in another town that had a magnet program. Suddenly, with few exceptions, none of my friends, teachers, and classmates were Jewish, and I was a-OK with that.
In the early 2000s, my siblings visited Israel on free “Birthright” trips which were available to any Jewish person under the age of 25 who could show that they are at least semi-serious about being Jewish. I had exactly no interest whatsoever in going, and found the idea of living in a desert repulsive even in first grade (my teacher was telling us we would all live there one day.)
Although my ancestry would still technically allow me Israeli citizenship, I was recently called a “shiksa” by a full-blooded left-wing Jew. He seemed to go out of his way to get it in — as if he wanted to be sure I knew he did not accept my Jewishness. I have been called a “fake” or “self-hating Jew” more than once for casting doubt on the holocaust narrative, as well as for scoffing at Jewish holidays and traditions. My beliefs and experiences as someone with Jewish heritage are readily discounted by anyone who finds them inconvenient — unless they are on the right, in which case my Jewish background is often treated as the only thing about me of any real significance — especially if I have upset them somehow.
Most people, even those who are critical of Jews in general, don’t make a big deal about my Jewish heritage if we are talking one-on-one. You might be surprised at the number of blatant “Nazis” I have dated or who have hit on me. I have some very close friends who have had the honor of being mentioned by the SPLC and ADL. But things are always different in a group setting. I was recently rejected whole cloth by a Telegram group called “Alt Skulls’ Charnel House.” I specifically joined this group because I had read an article which discussed the creator’s own Jewish heritage. Yet, someone accused me of having a Jewish name (first I am hearing of this!), and when I answered them honestly, I was immediately banned from the group.
While many think I am decent and attractive enough to be considered an honorable person at least in private, others will stop talking to me when I am honest about my background. I was dismissed and told once I was an “ancient enemy of [the White] race.” Barbara Spectre and countless other Jews are enemies, surely, but I am not. I am an ally. Why would this individual want me on the wrong side?
What prompted me to write this piece was an exchange I had with someone I met through NatConnect. When I mentioned I was half Jewish, I received a response that was almost hysterical, criticizing me for “announcing” that I was Jewish (would they prefer I kept it a secret?) and demanding I disavow White genocide, which I did without reservation. But that wasn’t enough. When I told this person that, while I feel it is important to be honest about my background and that I ultimately consider myself White, I was given an exhaustive list of news articles about how Ashkenazim say they aren’t White and how their DNA is unique, et cetera, et cetera. But that’s a topic for another day.
I do strongly disavow what has been done by Jews and in the name of Jews. That said, I don’t believe in collective guilt. I don’t believe that lay Jews are responsible for the actions of elite Jews any more than I believe that White people are responsible on the whole for “racism” or “colonialism,” although it is more than fair to identify certain phenomenon as having Jewish origins or being Jewish in nature.
I know from my own experience that run-of-the-mill Jews believe all the same lies as everyone else, but view them from a different perspective. Although there are very disturbing patterns indeed, there does not seem to be, for most people from my experience, an articulated conspiracy that is shared by your average Jew. You will have to trust me when I say that most of the elite Jews who are orchestrating subversion are not the same ones studying the Talmud.
No, I’d argue that the cohesion of Jews lies in a sense of otherness and a victimization narrative that is found throughout Jewish tradition and history. It seems particularly important looking back on my early education, for example, that I feel hated and persecuted by a world out for my blood.
At the age of four or five, speakers were already coming to school to talk to us about the “holocaust” and we were shown movies about it. We learned the story of Haman (the Persian official who wanted to exterminate or expel the Jews of Persia for nO rEaSoN wHaTsOeVeR) every year around Purim and drowned out his name with noisemakers during services. We repeated endlessly the story of “our” slavery in Egypt, our persecution throughout the world, the destruction of our temples in Jerusalem, and we lamented the loss of our holy city.
As a child, I was taken by teachers to holocaust museums and even to a Matzo factory that had a portrait of a rabbi with horns on the wall, where it was explained to us that people had once believed Jews had horns.
Why did they feel it was necessary for a young child to see such things? I would propose that the reason is that they found it important, first and foremost, for us little Jewish children to feel hated, rejected, and despised by the world.
Unsurprisingly, I’ve experienced a lot more hostility for being White than for being Jewish. I was lucky enough to get my facial features, skin color, and hair texture from my father’s side. No one has ever been able to identify my cute button nose as Jewish without me specifically telling them about my Litvak mom. I have always found it particularly important that I do tell them in these circles, as I would hate to be misunderstood as someone attempting to infiltrate or subvert the pro-White movement. I am gradually forcing myself to be more reserved on that front.
But I am not alone. I know many others, including full-blooded Ashkenazi and even Sephardic Jews, who are not only pro-White but are “red-pilled on the JQ.” Even they do not receive any reprieve from the social monitors for going against the grain on the basis of our cultural or racial background.
It is true that we could have, but reject, the possible benefits of a Jewish identity — at the cost of rejecting the truth and our own fundamental values.
Despite identifying strongly with Europe and her peoples, I understand that I will never be fully accepted by some of those most like me ideologically or politically based on circumstances outside of my control. It doesn’t seem to resonate that mischling, having been differentiated from full-blooded Jews (who were assumed by the Third Reich to be Communists), fought and died in the Wehrmacht or worked for Adolf Hitler himself — any taint of Jewish heritage is not to be tolerated by a large segment of the far right.
And I am not asking for tolerance. I am not asking for an exception to be made especially for me. I am asking for nuance and sophistication of thought that allows for an individual of any racial or ethnic group not to be assigned the weight of the actions of other members of said group, while respecting obvious patterns and taking proper precautions.
I reject the idea that my father’s Germanic and Anglo-Saxon ancestors were evil. But I also reject the idea that my mother’s ancestors, whose lineage can be traced largely to converts from Ancient Rome, and who lived simply in poor villages in Lithuania and Russia until the late nineteenth century, were inherently bad or evil. They were, and my family continues to be, a far cry from George Soros or any Rothschild.
Casting aspersions on anyone with as much as a drop of Jewish blood is a mistake. We are at war for the future Greater Europe. Jewish people have the propensity to be exceptionally bright and resourceful. Most are not on our side, but for those who are — can’t we use that? I often feel as if there is a campaign on both sides pressuring me to place undue importance on my Jewish heritage and to identify as Jewish first, when it’s not even in my top ten.
Ultimately, does it not serve the interests of elite Jews and bolster the narratives of victimization and otherness to paint anyone with Jewish heritage, no matter how White they otherwise are, and no matter what they value or believe, into a corner? It certainly presents a roadblock to full assimilation.
I known many Jews since my childhood, and had one marry into the family. Many are in “ordinary” jobs and like the rest of us have good points and bad points. I have lunch every now and then with one a Jewish acquaintance. I have long maintained that Jews are not a monolith, but organized Jewry is. It seems the “Holocaust” is about the only thing they both rally around. It’s an observation, not a criticism.
E Furlong, is it not true that everyone who has a Jewish mother is accepted by Jews to be fully a Jew?
Yes. My understanding is that this is because in ancient times, it was thought that the mother could be definitely known while the father could not, it is considered a matrilineal trait.. But like i said, no one really questions you about it. Converts are ultimately accepted as evidenced by my own ancestors, but they do not make it easy!
Dear Ms. Furlong:
Not only during ‘ ancient times ‘, but until the advent of DNA, if anyone were brave enough to invoke it. And certainly among all groupings, including Royalty.
My uncle inherited a double four-storey walk up apartment building on East Berlin’s Grosse Hamburgerstrasse; directly behind the re-consecrated huge synagogue, which was left untouched during Kristallnacht, within shouting distance of the Chancellery, so to speak, simply because the local police precinct chief tolerated no irregularities in his bailiwick. It was burnt out in ’43, by phosphorous bombs developed mainly by German-Jewish emigres at ” German Village ” Utah; with walls left standing.
This Berlin-Mitte [ Central ] part was heavily populated by Eastern Jews, quite apart from their more assimilated western-Berlin Jews, who had a very insulting term for them: which I forgot. Their own differentiation continues to date.
My own uncle Max Welsch, married to my magnificent aunt Gertrud, was accused by a local resident, early during the Reich, that he was the product of a Jewish green-grocer, [ with a store in the said buildings ], and a German employee. This accusation landed on the desk of the local Party-Block-warden, without consequences.
Earlier, he had accepted a Ukrainian woman, who, like thousands of others, had come to the Reich for work and full benefits, to live in his building : ” as long as she behaved herself like any other Christian tenant of his “.
He had also bred more than one national champion German Shepherd. His club joined the SA and he soon ended up in the Ukraine as agricultural adviser and then in combat, peripheral to the battles around Kursk.
As a coincidental member of the SA, friends dug him a secret room off his building’s basement to hide him during the Communist regime. When he did emerge, unbearable months later, he was denounced by one or more Communists, arrested and called before one of those famous, predominantly Jewish NKVD, three-quarter-length, leather-coated Commissars.
The Commissar’s interpreter ? None other than the Ukrainian female tenant of his.
And the simply unbelievable response by the Commissar ? GOSPODIN WELSCH, THE LOCAL COMMUNISTS WHO REPORTED YOU ARE BAD PEOPLE. MY FILE SAYS SO !!!
While several of the comments disagreeing with you are well constructed, I too opt for nuance: as warranted by the above variables.
Furthermore, on more than one occasion, we have listed here an appreciable number of names of Jewish intellectuals in many walks of life, who totally and sincerely agree with us, at considerable cost to themselves. How short-sighted to turn them and their deep insider knowledge away !
A fine article but the author is by no means a Mischling. Whether or not the author’s alienation from the Jewish people is permanent or just a youthful phase only time will tell. Sadly, the if-you’re-not-with-us-you’re-against-us zealotry eventually forces polarization along Jewish/non-Jewish lines.
I’m 36.
Youthful! (No slight intended).
In the final analysis, my similar relationships to those you describe and those of my family which included an uncle who brought home a Polish “war bride” to the consternation of not just the family but the community causing him to move to Detroit and start anew, have not ended well. (audio) The late Edgar J. Steele was a politically-incorrect attorney who died in Federal custody at Victorville for allegedly having conspired to murder his wife; Steele’s wife claims otherwise and that he was targeted for his articulate anti-Semitism.
I think your article is refreshing-
I also think jews tend to push for the “EVERYONE HATES THEM” things mentioned in this article due to wanting jews to marry jews and to keep suport for Israel. It’s ethnocentric in many ways racially based outlook on life coming certainly from the religion and such.
I know people that are half jewish. There were jews that suppoted European kings and were against communism and would have preffered democracy and the like.
And assimulation is one thing many jews do not want hence the often common focus on multiculturalism, without several cultures being accepted in a territory such as it is to some extent in Switzerland they fear the jewish people would dissapear by mixing away.
And of course not all jews can be blamed for what a hostile monetary media. university, state, corporate marketing/commercials, IT people do. But they certainly are pushing hard for conflict. Maybe they are hardcore jewish nationalists that want jews to move to Israel hence push for conflict with whites in order forcefully have a such bad conflict that jews will have to move to Israel. It’s certainly would not surprise me.
Maybe they hate the halflings and hate even more the few 100 % white jews especially those who married other whites. Maybe they fear they are better. It’s a competition they don’t want.
I think it also has o do with the BIBLE’s views on race and racemixing and that many jews did what GOD instructed them not to do and the effects of that. Anyways.
And a lot of jews seem to carefully object to massimmigration. Often saying things like; “when I grew uo Brooklyn was a great place the kids played in the street….”, hence implying it was great before the others moved in.
I think part of the problem is jews seeing themselves as an cultural group a people that is a minority that fight over power with other groups. Hence they don’t understand the way whites in general want to keep the power structure and demographics as white as possible.
The author of this piece makes many good and valid points. There are indeed numerous individuals with part-jewish ancestry who have been on, and even advocated for, “our side.” The problem, of course, is that MOST jews hate our people with a white-hot passion, and so the fact that some of them are not so inclined will not, perhaps unfortunately, prevent white nationalists from being very suspicious of ALL members (mischlings included, and some can indeed pass for white) of the “chosen”.
Suspicion is more than fair and to be expected. I’m just not sure whether being up front about it is actually the best course of action based on my experience..
Well, if one believes behavior and culture is a product of genetics, one can understand a person’s reservation about “nuance and sophistication” when it comes to “mischlings.”
The most important thing at this time is to understand, confront and fight against the white genicide. We already know that many (not all) Jews are the ideologists and financiers of the extermination of the white race, alongside the self-hating white traitors, and the anti-white elite.
The white meat grinding machine is running. It is a fight for our survival.
I think much of the reaction Jews (whether half Jewish, quarter Jewish, or whatever) get among alt-right types is owed to the fact that the latter has been red-pilled on the JQ only in the last few years. Imagine going through life not thinking anything specifically negative about Jews, or even thinking about them at all, to suddenly learning about this stuff. There will be a tendency for the pendulum to swing hard to the opposite extreme. Attitudes will probably relax after a few years for most of them, but there will always be some hesitation there, and yeah some get obsessed. Obviously the Jewish history of false conversions doesn’t do mischlings any favors with regards to group membership, so maybe avoid groups… and don’t go slumming it in places named “Alt Skulls’ Charnel House”?
In the Catalog of Good Advice, this ranks with “believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see with your own eyes” at or very near the top. Cheers!
It’s hard to know where to start when brand new to Telegram! I no longer have that problem
Also, Alt Skull is not just part jewish.. he is also married to a… Japanese man???
Tony Soprano was a fount of such wisdom . Or , at least ,the David Chase writing team were.
So what?
So, your reference to Black – composed lyrics is so banal and commonplace . Any other Motown wisdom you’d like to share ?
I like your tautological ” with your own eyes”.
Just got my copy of ”The Holocaust Industry” Norman G Finkelstein. Looking forward to reading.
It is funny when I look back into my past and realize that I knew quite a few Jewish people, some good some bad.
I never knew at the time though. No doubt some will cast suspicion on your post.
I was going to delete this but I should just leave it. One of my scout leaders was Jewish, Mr Cheetam… He was a decent guy, (his son was also in the scouts and had dock- martin boots and a skinhead in The UK 70’s -The quintessential neo-nazi) Mr C-.. ‘I don’t know what he thought’).
Anyway, sometimes the first thing that comes to mind is the most truthful.
You can cut someone open but you will never find their soul.
Mr. Gruber covered a good bit of this ground here:
Jared Taylor’s The Color of Crime is credited here to Edwin Rubenstein:
And, again, nothing is over until its over. And I submit that many relationships in my experience with apparent utility have not ended well. Dr. MacDonald’s books and Mark Weber’s publications including especially his aggregation of current literature on trending events are invaluable.
Yes, maybe I was letting empathy get the better of me.
I should have said that the bad much outnumbered the good. Many parasitic relations at my disadvantage and downright shock at how Jews act in such hostile ways, without provocation in other situations. As I look back I can see only in hindsight the Jewish negative attitude that I experienced was because of Jewishness and not just meeting assholes.
At least I am secure that my feelings are not just knee jerk or a result of having been duped-the veil was gradually lifted.
I read the Jared Taylor piece, I can see why you recommended it.(In WW2 all the Japanese were put in camps in the US, there must have been ”Nice Japs” in there as well, but the Gov could not make exceptions to the rule) I will read the other piece later(I always try to read links that I am given) Thanks.
One should visit Manzanar, if any of it is still standing. It was probably 1999 when I was there. Over the years, particularly living on Hawaii several seasons and associating with Japanese, I came to understand that we unnecessarily intentionally humiliated them. Our accountant is Japanese and a judoka but a thoroughly-Americanized left-liberal, near as I can determine. Mark Weber recently revisited quite of bit that I’d read and heard-about firsthand in the past. I feel very badly about so much that has been done in the name of the American people and treatment of the Japanese and Southeast Asians is at the top of the list. Anyway, near as I can tell, “concentrating” one’s “enemies” in wartime is an unfortunate necessity to protect them from the kinds of yahoos that have full-sized American flags flapping on their pickup trucks, these days. Yes, I’m sure sabotage including incendiary fires in California in those days was a concern. Better I think to try to understand that our real enemies– those with the motive and the opportunity to do what we’re learning here from each other, and avoid economic slavery by being defrauded into yet another cycle of boom and bust and yet more seemingly unpayable debt. Repudiating it is all that’s possible and that’s going to take a much more informed and motivated populace that I’m encountering in my travels these days.
“You can cut someone open but you will never find their soul”.
Coincidentally just before reading your post I came across the suicide note of one of the two band members of Badfinger (of Apple/Beatles fame) who were robbed and driven to suicide by their Jewish manager. It described him as “a souless bastard”. He would go on to rob others whilst claiming how good he was in “helping” his victims.
It recalled the Jew who pushed himself and his son into the room of dying George Harrison and guided his hand to a guitar they wanted signed as an investment whilst having to tell the barely conscience George how to spell his name.
As Shakespeare described in the Merchant of Venice the quality of mercy is not a particulary Jewish trait.
barely conscience
barely conscious. . .
Bad finger’s manager, Stan Polley, had often bragged that anyone under his wing would be so broken emotionally and financially that if they challenged him, they’d never even attempt to sue him. Jimi Hendrixes manager-Ed Chalpin was of the same ilk, who learned from his father, Sam Chalpin, a cantor from Eastern Europe to make illegal “sound-alikes” for top 20 hits and export them all over the world. They all got very rich, very quickly. It would be very interesting if someone were to write a book on how many musicians got royally screwed over by their managers.
I had never heard of this utterly sordid story about George Harrison’s doctor. How could a doctor be so unconscionable? For those who had not either – here is the story from the British newspaper The Telegraph:
A New York doctor forced George Harrison, lying stricken with cancer on his deathbed, to listen to his 12-year-old son playing the guitar and then sign the instrument, a lawsuit alleges.
The Beatle’s estate has sued Dr Gilbert Lederman, an expert in treating large tumours, for the return of the guitar, autographed cards and £5.5 million in damages for revealing confidential information about the musician and his death.
Dr Lederman’s “most offensive act” was bringing his son and two daughters to the home where Harrison was receiving radiosurgery treatment only a fortnight before he died in November 2001, the suit claims.
Although Harrison was “in great discomfort”, Dr Lederman insisted that he listen to his son, Ariel, play and then autograph the guitar. “Mr Harrison, who was exhausted, resisted and said, ‘I do not know if I know how to spell my name any more.’ “Dr Lederman reached out to hold Mr Harrison’s hand and said, ‘Come on, you can do this,’ and spelled out Mr Harrison’s name for him, according to the lawsuit.
The estate also accuses Dr Lederman of violating Harrison’s privacy by orchestrating invasive media coverage in the interest of promoting his medical practice.
The doctor’s lawyer, Wayne Roth, denied that his client exploited the Beatle. “Patients sign things out of gratitude for their physicians all the time,” Mr Roth said.
After the first suicide Polley without shame then tried to cash in a life insurance policy on the guy whom he had pushed over edge. I don’t buy into the argument that this is really a genetic disorder which results in such group behavior. The best handle I have read on this is who the NT declares to be their father and it isn’t the source of all goodness.
According to Wkipedia’s entry on Stan Polley (it doesn’t mention the fact that he was a jew), he defrauded some white man of a quarter of a million dollars in 1991, and was prosecuted for it. Incredibly, he got off with probation and was ordered to repay the money, but never did. He lived until he was 87. God, as they say, is merciful.
Polley reminds me of an underground publisher I once worked for. A more conscience-free liar, thief and bullshitter I’ve never met. When I learned accidentally that his father had been jewish, and mentioned it to him, he denied vociferously that he was a jew himself, though my experiences with him had proven him to be a classic example of the stereotype. I live in hope that he’ll die before I do, so I can have the satisfaction of saying ‘Well, that’s one shitbird less.’ Excuse my French.
Do you know what would be better than reading articles about how many Jews in the West are sympathetic to European culture, history, and achievement? Not having to read any at all. Because in close kinship nations the issue would never arise and people could focus all their energies and talents on living their lives to the fullest and in advancing their particular civilization. Multi-national and multi-tribal societies waste enormous amounts of energy, brain power, and money in trying to resolve issues of tribal alienation that can never, and will never, be solved.
100% exactly this. The crux of this entire ball of wax is the sheer misery brought upon otherwise decent people by race mixing and forced integration. Imagine if none of that was even an issue.
Very good piece. Completely agree that elite Jewry is a whole other ball game and that fear is wielded in the most manipulative way against rank and file Jews.
Lack of nuance is always irritating and of course the Alt Right has plenty of crackpots in it.
This article has been an eye opener for I didn’t know the real identity of the author. Thanks for that and, specifically, for you openness and sincerity E. Furlong. From now on you have a new follower.
Dear Ms. Furlong,
In common wth, I suspect, a majority of readers and commenters, I am quite prepared to accept your avowal of loyalty to the white side in the present life-and-death struggle. I would accept it all the more heartily and unreservedly, however, if your article’s implicit and explicit calls for sympathy for the hurt you have sustained from those, Jews and white advocates both, who have mistrusted you solely for your Mischling status were a good deal less prominent.
My unoriginal point is that life is unfair. Beautiful women and left-handed pitchers with a working slider have it easier than the rest of us. Unless you are in one of those categories, you must expect to be the object of suspicion, discrimination, even outright malice, from someone or other throughout your life, just as the rest of us are.
I suggest that you take Kevin MacDonald as a model of self-effacing courage and sangfroid. If you cannot learn, as he plainly has, to take a few low punches without collapsing in a ball of self-pity, you will be of little use to yourself and of less use to the white people of this country, whom far too many of your unconverted Jewish kin wish to grind into a state of permanent slavery and degradation.
That said, welcome aboard. God grant you the courage you will surely need in the terrible years ahead.
Thank you, but I’m not sure where you found me in a ball of self-pity. After being in the periphery of this movement for about a decade, and doing absolutely no less than any other person for it, including risking employment, I wrote exactly one article describing my experience. I’m not looking for pity, I only wish to be heard and understood. I am grateful to Mr. MacDonald for the opportunity.
Words to live by, if one excises the extraneous Supernatural ending. Seriously fine stuff. Thank you , PC.
Perhaps one day you’ll come around to the view that what you now deem extraneous is integral to literally everything. Till then, thanks and cheers!
‘I was given an exhaustive list of news articles about how Ashkenazim say they aren’t White and how their DNA is unique, et cetera, et cetera. But that’s a topic for another day.’
Whites should have their own gene pool and be allowed to police who belongs to it. They are not obligated to allow anyone to alter it no matter how White-presenting. White sovereignty 101.
‘ I don’t believe that lay Jews are responsible for the actions of elite Jews any more than I believe that White people are responsible on the whole for “racism” or “colonialism,” although it is more than fair to identify certain phenomenon as having Jewish origins or being Jewish in nature.’
Okey dolk false equivalency number one. Jews are middle eastern collectivists (to quote Andrew Joyce PhD ‘the groupiest group that ever did group’ while Whites except under times of group competition with other races are essentially individualists.
Whites are responsible for their own racism and colonialism but these are human universals and Whites at least either mitigated the effects of these or gave some other advantage otherwise. To put it bluntly Whites were generally the least worst racists/colonialists. Jewish behaviour is distinct even amongst other parasitic groups that need a host society to survive. Also weasel words- would you care to define a ‘lay Jew’ ?
‘I know from my own experience that run-of-the-mill Jews believe all the same lies as everyone else, but view them from a different perspective’
I happen to know from my own personal experience that Jews do not believe their own bullsh*t and tactically use lies for their own advancement both on a personal and tribal level. ‘Different perspective’ lol.
‘there does not seem to be, for most people from my experience, an articulated conspiracy that is shared by your average Jew. You will have to trust me when I say that most of the elite Jews who are orchestrating subversion are not the same ones studying the Talmud.’
How about the conspiracy to slander and accuse of ill intentions the people that they live amongst? Your average Jew has a dual consciousness do they not?
Ah the Talmud. Now here is where it gets ridiculous. The Talmud is a war manual for the destruction of other groups (‘nations’) and is filled with anti-gentile hate. See Judaism’s strange gods by Michael Hoffman. Your average Yeshiva student is even more filled with anti-gentile animus than a left wing Jew simply because having little contact with them they dehumanise them. The fact that they are not generally in positions of power in gentile societies and therefore cannot vent their rage is neither here nor there. Remember that almost all of the parents/grandparents of the hostile Jewish intellectuals/media personalities depicted in the culture of critique were shtetl dwelling Jews who read the Talmud and whose anti-gentile attitudes were passed onto their children who went out into the wider world.
‘No, I’d argue that the cohesion of Jews lies in a sense of otherness and a victimization narrative that is found throughout Jewish tradition and history’
The buck has to stop somewhere. Ultimately I would blame the people indoctrinating their children with such misanthropy towards they wider societies they choose to live
‘Why did they feel it was necessary for a young child to see such things? I would propose that the reason is that they found it important, first and foremost, for us little Jewish children to feel hated, rejected, and despised by the world.’
Ah but you have carefully neglect to mention why. Simply put it reinforced Jewish tribalism and made the Jewish group stronger (‘good for the Jews- common decency towards host populations be damned) which would be fine if it did not involve slandering my people and fostering an implacable enmity against us.
‘I have always found it particularly important that I do tell them in these circles, as I would hate to be misunderstood as someone attempting to infiltrate or subvert the pro-White movement. I am gradually forcing myself to be more reserved on that front.’
Well at least you have that small amount of honesty going for you. Please do not be reserved we have a right to know who we are dealing with.
‘But I am not alone. I know many others, including full-blooded Ashkenazi and even Sephardic Jews, who are not only pro-White but are “red-pilled on the JQ.” Even they do not receive any reprieve from the social monitors for going against the grain on the basis of our cultural or racial background.’
Please make sure you send them into the local Jewish community centre armed with the latest pro-White literature. I will pay for the cab fare.
‘Despite identifying strongly with Europe and her peoples, I understand that I will never be fully accepted by some of those most like me ideologically or politically based on circumstances outside of my control. It doesn’t seem to resonate that mischling, having been differentiated from full-blooded Jews (who were assumed by the Third Reich to be Communists), fought and died in the Wehrmacht or worked for Adolf Hitler himself — any taint of Jewish heritage is not to be tolerated by a large segment of the far right.’
Sounds like special pleading to me. Europeans have a right to their own gene pool and homelands and we do not owe anything to White presenting people especially of those groups who have done us so much damage.
‘And I am not asking for tolerance. I am not asking for an exception to be made especially for me. I am asking for nuance and sophistication of thought that allows for an individual of any racial or ethnic group not to be assigned the weight of the actions of other members of said group, while respecting obvious patterns and taking proper precautions’
You are asking for an avenue to infiltration and co-option of pro-White movements at best and a negation of genuine European ethnic and racial identity at worst. Think about it- would you walk into a synagogue and demand ‘nuance’ from Jews who like to have their gene pool pure?
‘reject the idea that my father’s Germanic and Anglo-Saxon ancestors were evil. But I also reject the idea that my mother’s ancestors, whose lineage can be traced largely to converts from Ancient Rome, and who lived simply in poor villages in Lithuania and Russia until the late nineteenth century, were inherently bad or evil. They were, and my family continues to be, a far cry from George Soros or any Rothschild’
I reject the idea that Jews and White people are the same and that there is a moral equivalence between one group which is self sustaining and self-reliant and another which has to parasitize and use up and destroy other groups to survive. Individual Europeans may choose to be hostile to racial outgroups but it is not in any way essential to their identity (which is based around their enormous accomplishments)- can the same be said of individual Jews (or mischlings)? If not then I suggest you protest too much.
‘Casting aspersions on anyone with as much as a drop of Jewish blood is a mistake.’
Europeans have traditionally underestimated innate Jewish tribalism and ethnocentrism. My many hundreds of conversation with quarter, half Jews etc. online prove this point. Despite not being raised in a Jewish environment and almost never being subjected to prejudice they know that they are different and develop an unusual but still keenly felt Jewish identity. I have had the same experience amongst Irl friends who pretended to be wholly European- one mild criticism of Jews and they were greatly distressed.
‘Jewish people have the propensity to be exceptionally bright and resourceful’
It is the same old story is it not? Let me in! Let me in! I can be so useful to you goy! Only later does the usurpation and betrayal come. History proves that while there will be some short-term benefit from allowing Jews to join your group eventually your group will be weakened and destroyed (deliberately so). As far as I am concerned the only use you have in this movement is to tell your fellow Jews some uncomfortable truths- truths that I would love to tell them but would probably go to jail (and be sued for every last penny) for.
‘Ultimately, does it not serve the interests of elite Jews and bolster the narratives of victimization and otherness to paint anyone with Jewish heritage, no matter how White they otherwise are, and no matter what they value or believe, into a corner?’
The elite Jew ordinary decent Jew dichotomy is an incredibly false one and one that I have come across almost always talking to half Jews etc. Talk about pattern recognition- there it is preventing Whites from doing the exact thing they need to do which is to draw firm boundaries around their gene pool just as Jews have done with their ultra-orthodox breeding factories. If you are dealing with a rival group who have their own closed off gene pools whilst having your gene pools mutated and adulterated not least by defectors from that other group then you are going to lose the competition are you not? Jews live by race why should not Whites do the same?
‘It certainly presents a roadblock to full assimilation.’
It is typical that you end your screed with guilt tripping. Full assimilation is a myth. I have personal close acquaintances who are well aware that five hundred years after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, despite belonging to the Christian religion and living in another country and pretending to be of that ethnicity, that they are well aware that they are Spanish (Sephardic) Jews. They often get stopped on the street and asked if they are Jewish so pronounced is their physiognomy and skin tone.
Jews infiltrate, manipulate and exploit their hosts almost always starting with the elite. Can E. Furlong in good conscience be an accessory to this by providing cover to potential infiltrators? (Provided she is arguing in good faith which I know she is not- ‘elite Jews’ lol).
Good lord where is Tanstaafl when you need him- he would have a field day with this joker.
Whites have a right to decide who is White and who is not. There is no obligation to allow mischlings the right to join pro-White advocacy. The correct way is as Kevin Macdonald has said- to allow them to be allies from a distance.
In the case of E. Furlong’s personal future this is not actually a zero-sum game. There are racially mixed societies with a veneer of European civilisation at the very top where she would be accepted as White without question. Why not emigrate to South America? After all turning White societies into third-world hellholes with Jews and their White accomplices at the top is after all the plan of the Jews in Europe and the European diaspora countries.
Seems like you have a ready made solution to your identity problem right there.
Your arguments are fair, however, since there is far from any consensus amongst white people as to who would be considered white, with some going as far as to exclude Mediterraneans entirely, I find it hard to accept your perspective on the matter as gospel truth. Ask ten people, you will get ten different opinions. I hardly will put that of a stranger on the internet above all others.
I know where I stand. No one is obligated to accept me, nor do I expect to be embraced by the larger movement. None of that changes my willingness to fight for the truth. I simply wish to be understood.
Further, I feel quite at home in America, a country which my English ancestors helped build hundreds of years ago.
Excellent article, Fruit Eater. I was so impressed by it that I printed it off for posterity.
By the way, I hope your soubriquet doesn’t imply that you’re a vegetarian or, still worse, a vegan. I discovered recently that ‘vegetarian’ is an ancient Indian word meaning ‘bad hunter’, while ‘vegan’ is an ancient Indian word meaning ‘village idiot.’
P.S. Hoffman’s book ‘Judaism’s Strange Gods’ is available to read online, free of charge, at Don’t know how long that will last if people like me draw attention to the fact.
In a way. the more “assimilated”, pro-German Jews lost out in the Third Reich more than the Zionists. Zionism succeeded in the end while the multi-cultural Prussian culture that included Poles, Baltic populations and Jews has been destroyed.They were rejected by the purists on both sides. I mean people like Victor Klemperer. Maybe they – and their American equivalents – need their own identity.
One has to see the individual beyond the group-markers they have chosen.
There a lot of people who are “on the side of the fence.” People are basically opportunistic. They want real tangible benefits. And today is not good and profitable being a White or support White cause.
For example there should be some kind of Affirmative Action for being White. Lets say you are White Anglo Saxon Protestant (founding stock so to speak) with credentials of several generations living in USA, that giving you automatically 35 points out of 100 to fill vacant Public Office position, job position or place in University. And it should be open, legal and transparent
It would make being White valuable and desirable. White People will start value their genetic heritage as valuable capital and would take measures to save and expand it. Interracial marriage will come with the real social and economical cost.
On another hand people “on the fence” will scramble find their White grandma, bleach hair, skin, do some cosmetic nose reduction and straitening procedure, attending church etc etc.
Perhaps even Native Americans like Mrs Elizabeth Warren would try to find some European ancestor in their heritage…
There is arguably a much stronger benefit to identify as jewish than White, but not while remaining true to myself. One speaks to my soul, and the other repulses me.
I’m about 1/8 Ashkenazi. Aryans have a right to pure Aryan spaces. Mixed bloods have an honorable place on the periphery of high Aryan lands and groups. At the current time, the focus is on defending Aryas from external invaders. How Aryans decide to segregate their internal affairs is not of concern to mixed-bloods. Aryans need more exclusionary bigotry, not less.
Some of the zealots do tend to get overexcited when encountering a real live partial Ashkenazi, mostly I think because they have no other outlet for expressing their anger towards them. It is a pathetic reaction born of disenfranchisement.
The correct thing to do is to never conceal your mixed heritage, and always be prompt to leave if requested to do so by leadership of any group. There are too many evil Jew infiltrators, and it is necessary to differentiate yourself from their behavior, regardless of how desirable a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy might seem to an Alt Right in desperate need of personnel and rife with men of imperfect heritage.
You will then likely find yourself in groups of pro-Aryan mixed-heritage people, and Aryans who don’t mind the same. There you can function without strife.
Sometimes the correct response to exclusion is to start your own group. Ethnic segregation means never going where you’re not wanted.
If you know of any groups comprised of people in our situation, please direct me to them. I haven’t been successful in finding any. Also, I’m interested in identifying one or two pro-white people with jewish heritage to work with on a podcast or similar project.
I’m open to trying a podcast. I read a wide range of Alt-Right relevant RSS feeds daily, and am nothing if not opinionated.
Regarding finding an appropriate group, there are always compromises. Jim’s blog has an active community that welcomes Jews; Yarvin is a Jewish founding father of Neoreaction, so NRx tends to be tolerant. Vox Day is mixed blood and thus his faction tolerates pro-Western Jews. He publishes Martin Van Creveld. Neither of those groups is quite as blood-and-soil pro-Aryan as the hardcore Alt-Right. I prefer to build my own community.
I identify as a Texan and a frontier American, where the pro-Aryan mixed-bloods battle with the anti-Aryan global south. My faction requires a strong Aryan core America to support its aspirations.
Today the frontier has moved to the Internet, but the spirit is the same. Remember the Alamo.
I am in a similar situation. I’m a half-blood who got red pilled on the JQ in 2016. Like you, I never really felt comfortable around Jews growing up. In 2016 I was a Trump supporter (now I’m pretty ambivalent), and felt very turned off when everyone was screaming about the ‘big bad awful antisemites who supported Trump’. I decided to investigate for myself what these so called antisemites believed about Jews- and now here I am.
I’ve been looking to connect with people in similar situations. I’m sure we aren’t the only ones. We should make our voices heard. Email me at if you want to discuss this further. And hang in there- you’re not alone.
Thanks for the comment. One Jewish great grandparent seems almost negligible. Does that inform your identity in any way?
It was significant, not negligible. Based on my survey of my nuclear family, 1/8 Ashkenazi Americans should be presumed traitors to Aryan American interests, and banished unless proven otherwise.
I had no familial contact with any Jews, not even the 1/2 grandparent, which contributed to my naivete on the matter. La Griffe du Lion dispelled my belief in racial equality.
I was raised on Holocaustianity, and initially resistant to anti-Semitism. I hate being lied to, and I now hate the Synagogue of Satan with genocidal fury. According to Old Testament law, the false accuser receives the penalty he sought to inflict. The Jews accused the Nazis of Holocaust genocide and used it as a pretext to genocide Germans; therefore the Jews have earned genocide.
An eye for an eye, a country for a country. Aryans gave Jews Israel after WWII, and Jewish immigrants to America deliberately disinherited Aryans from America via mass immigration. Israel delenda est.
Do the right thing and don’t worry about what anyone says.
Let it be its own reward.
You will win far more support and admiration that way.
And if you don’t, so the hell what?
The “What about meeeeeeee?” crap is nauseating.
Happy that E. Furlong doesn’t consider himself Jewish and wants to be a concubine in the human zoo that is the Alt-Right. Don’t really hope that you have good luck but what the hell, you’re absolutely going to need it.
This Mischling evidently has not delved deeply enough into the JQ if she thinks it’s the likes of the Rothschild and Soros, those “the elite jews” that are at the top of the food chain, and the rest of Judea is merely passive. Previous to the Rothschild dynasty existing, countless great men throughout history have warned us about the skullfduggery of Jews.
Thomas Dalton Ph.D, ‘Eternal Strangers’ is exceptional and concise. Chapter 10 :To the Present Day deals effectively with the questions raised in this article.
Indeed they have. I would suggest that you start with the eight sermons of Saint John Chrysostom (c. 347–407) entitled Adversus Judæus (“the Jew as adversary” or “the Jew as enemy”). They can be bought cheap on Kindle or, for the moment, found free here.
There can be no doubt that the vast majority of jews tow the party line, but of the many hundreds or thousands of jews I’ve known, relatively few have been involved in anything truly nefarious (i honestly can’t think of anything more than perhaps working in the mortgage industry) or held positions of power. Some of the most stereotypically-jewish people I’ve encountered were actually not of jewish ancestry at all.
Yes, it’s all PURELY anecdotal, but it seems foolish to accept the characterizations of others over ones own experience.
That said, i never meant to argue against the reputation or stereotypes that jews have earned. I think they are both fair and healthy. It is the job of someone like me to work harder than the average person to demonstrate our integrity.
Waking up to the JQ while on Twitter, Paul Nehlen’s pattern recognition turned on and suddenly he could SEE that 99% of the people
spewing hate at him were jews. As an engineer with a scientific mind, he actually made spreadsheets to analyze the hatred blasting
at him from Twitter jews.
I noticed the same thing a long time ago…..the “every.single.time,” phenomenon.
Yes, the “anti-semites” are aware of the fact that it’s “not all jews.”
But there is no doubt and it’s beyond dispute that organized jewry is behind the anti-white agenda. I’m always amazed when I find someone trying to use pretzel logic to divert attention away from what the jews are doing.
Boomer blame is one of those diversions. Blaming women is another one.
And yes, we know it’s not ALL jews, but it’s MOST jews. I don’t hold my jewish dentist personally responsible for white genocide,
but chances are that he probably donates to the ADL and the DNC, so he’s still an enemy to the white race.
The sad fact that pro-white jews number at about a half dozen is an indication that jews are not friends to the white race.
You are 100% correct and I didn’t mean to imply that jews weren’t (the enemy of the white race.) However, i don’t think they have to be. It’s something of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
‘However, i don’t think they have to be.’
How does that work when Jewish identity is based only around the negation of other groups identities and a long (supposed) history of persecution?
They would kind of have to be our enemies would they not?
Welcome aboard Ms E. It is a pleasure to hear from you. I would like to hear more from you and other mishlings or full blooded Jews who are red pilled on the JQ.
I am a full blooded goy who was relatively recently Red pilled myself. I grew up with Jews. went to a secular but very Jewish university, worked with Jews, hung with them, had several best friends and girlfriends over the years who were Jews . Unfortunately or maybe necessarily all that took place before I was red pilled. Now I live in a declasse white area where there aren’t many Jews so the Jews I mostly think about are the jews of dissident right literature which I read all the time and largely believe.
But then there are the jews I used to know. Sometimes I can’t make the Jews I used to know fit with the dissident right stereotype of Jews which I now accept. Not that there is anything essentially wrong with the right wing stereotype of “the Jews”. Where there’s smoke, there is fire and we know there is a lot of smoke. Also I think it is entirely likely that my Jewish friends and colleagues pf yore may have been hiding traits and ideas that are not consistent with the idea of Jews as individuals who just happen to be Jewish – a stereotype in itself which was pervasive at that time.
However, I do think there must be this gradient among Jews which is flattened by right wing conceptions. Justice requires that we white people not do to Jews what Talmudics do to us. Beyond that and more importantly, we must be intellectually ambitious enough to try to understand Jewish Power in all its complexity and contradiction- the better so we can fight it. SOME Jews are white WHITE people like you who are semi Jews or full Jews genetically can really contribute to that understanding.
And don’t be dissuaded by commentors who think you are exemplifying Jewish self pity. It is natural for you to resent your ethnic existential situation, You did not choose it. You got stuck with it. And apparently you have done your best with it Everybody is entitled to bitch sometimes. It is natural. I doubt if it will be at the center of the next thing you write.
You are obviously a mischling and you are obviously talking about yourself. There are no ‘alt-right’ steryotypes’ about the Jews. Most people on this website probably could not have told you what a Jew was unless they were wearing sidelocks and a caftan and only realised what Jews were later on in life.
When I look back on my life I can see countless examples of people who I thought were Whites but who were actually Jews and it is only now that I see the reason for thier bad behaviour.
You clearly are more sympathetic to Jews than Whites. Your tone is disparaging of Whites and sympathetic to Jews. Again this just goes to show my point that most mischlings favour thier Jewish side.
I have had literally hundreds of conversations with people like you.
Just goes to prove my point in the previous comments.
Well Fruit, If you and certain others on this and like sites would spend less time brandishing your skills in semophobia and more time empathizing and sympathizing with your fellow whites, we might get it together to actually confront Jewish Power instead of just bitching about it.
Actually there is no “game to give away”. Since my extremely belated discovery of the truth about Jews, I have henceforth quite intentionally and discernibly described myself as Goy so as to remind myself that I was just as stupid as the Jews think the Goyim are Humility is the beginning of wisdom – something you might ponder.
Fruit, you are one of the people who give antisemitism a bad name
As an addendum to my previous comment to Achilles wannabe the word goy is a perjoritave. When you declare yourself one you give the game away. It shows you deningrate your White side whilst siding with your Jewish side. I have seen lost of similar comments in a very similar style before.
I am glad you pointed that out. Another thing is calling girls “shiksa” as if it is merely a neutral term meaning “female”. They would say that word right to your face. And shigetz as well.
It’s fairly common to refer to oneself as a “goy” when you’re redpilled on the JQ. I guess it’s kind of like feminists referring to themselves as “sluts.”
Personally, I’d rarely heard the term during my youth or adult life except in these circles. The term that was used in my community was “gentiles” for whites and my grandma called blacks “schwarze” (German for black)
There is no “game” to give away. I know goy is a pejorative. I use it intentionally to remind myself and anyone else that I spent the greater part of my life thinking like Jews want me to think. I am not unusual in that respect am I? Maybe if whites spent tine thinking about how goyish we actually are
the Jews wouldn’t have us where they want us? Anyway if white cognoscenti like you would spend more time empathizing and sympathizing with your fellow whites, maybe we would get together to confront Jewish Power instead of just bitching about it.
Thank you. I have a lot of conflicting feelings about my own article, but one of the things I’m trying to work on lately is honoring my own feelings. This was an important thing for me to do, and I’m forever grateful to Mr. MacDonald for providing the venue. I don’t deserve it.
What we need is a test that scores Jews on how high their anti- Goyimism is.
Could anti- Goyimism scores result in a bell curve where the average Jew scores 100?
Big time Jews such as George Soros, Chuck Schumer, Jacob Schiff, would be at one end of the curve rating 150 and above whereas Jews such as Mortimer J. Adler and Gilad Atzmon would be at the other end.
Yeah, that is SMART antisemitism. Whenever I think of any group I remind myself to do a bell curve application
Anti-goyism scores would doubtless be high!
My sister who is half (but looks jewish and celebrates her jewishness) uses the term “goyische” from time to time. Once i exclaimed rather dramatically “______, that’s so racist!” and she was completely shocked. She’d never looked at it that way before.
Samuel Untermeyer kicked off the Jewish boycott of Germany in 1933 after Hitler kicked the Jews out of influential jobs, and cleaning out the pornography in Berlin around the same time. In 1938 a German group bought property in Southbury CT to put up a youth sports camp. The Jews in town seem to have started out with the Congregational minister who then told the town managers that evil Nazis were installing a camp in their midst and this snowballed until the town police were engaged to arrest the camp workers for working on Sundays. Commercial activity was proscribed by Connecticut “Blue-Laws” and somehow clearing land for a camp was interpreted as breaking the law and the workers were arrested. This is still celebrated in Southbury today as the day “Southbury said no the Bund.” There is even a display at the Holocaust Museum, exhibiting the stalwart Southburians, not the Jews, but the Goyim, saying no to the bund. A Goyim Republican Selectman candidate who mentioned how proud she was to be part of a town that said no to the Bund, was elected. I am surrounded like Jeremiah.
Interesting article; I’ll probably write about it on my blog. As for the author, I hope she’ll make the effort to contact me, as it would be nice to correspond with her.
For those not familiar with me, I’m full Jew (99% according to my DNA test) and very much pro-white. Much of what she says resonates with me. As for her mother… if being Jewish was so important to her, then why did she marry a non-Jew? I think that built-in contradiction caused some turmoil in the author’s early life.
Maybe it’s a generational thing, but in my view it’s more important to be a vehicle for The Truth and to fight the good fight than to be “accepted” by any particular group. I fight for white survival because it’s the right thing to do. I call out white genocide when I see it because it’s a primary purpose of my life to oppose evil. If many/most white-nationalists reject me for being Jewish, that’s too bad, but it won’t stop me from being me. I hope that the author can, some day, reach the same conclusion.
“Maybe it’s a generational thing, but in my view it’s more important to be a vehicle for The Truth and to fight the good fight than to be “accepted” by any particular group. I fight for white survival because it’s the right thing to do. I call out white genocide when I see it because it’s a primary purpose of my life to oppose evil. If many/most white-nationalists reject me for being Jewish, that’s too bad, but it won’t stop me from being me.”
Agree 100%, and i didn’t mean to imply at any point that i would back down due to a lack of social acceptance. I am committed to doing the right thing, but I’m also committed to behaving authentically, which has posed some difficulties. I’m excited to learn of your blog and will reach out to you for sure.
at a boy
“I’m full Jew (99% according to my DNA test)”
How can DNA prove you’re a jew? What haplogroup and Mitochondrial DNA is jewish and only jewish?
When has trusting a Jew ever worked out in the favor of Whites? Never. You’d think that after 3,000 years of the Jews’ consistently psychopathic, anti-White behavior that we’d learn our lesson, but apparently Whites- even Whites who have an inkling of racial consciousness- either can’t or won’t.
Jews aren’t White and they have no right to demand access to White civilizations. There’s no conceivable benefit to allowing them live among us. A Jew who is truly pro-White would understand this. Jews already have their own country, so the only reason why a Jew would demand to live among Whites is to harm us in some way. That’s what history shows, over and over again.
We’ve paid a horrible price for our tolerance of Jews: wars, communism, cultural chaos, White slavery, economic turmoil, immigration. Jews aren’t our friends, they’re our enemies, and they are monolithic in that. Tens of millions of Jews across the planet and not one with any influence is pro-White. That’s pretty remarkable solidarity against us.
Wake up, people. Jews don’t treat us as individuals, so stop treating them as such. We are one race and they are another. “Not every Jew is bad” very easily becomes “every Jew is good,” and then we suddenly find ourselves being ruled over by a tribe of Semites who want to kill us all.
Stop being chumps. Stop making the same mistakes our ancestors made. Judaism is an anti-White religion of semitic supremacy. Being pro-White means being anti-Jew because Jewishness is anti-Whiteness.
The author really should have given a better introduction by supplying some elementary background information, and not just hit the ground running in soliloquy. In fact it seemed the author was male until mention of the term Bat Mitzvah, and I suspect even then a lot of readers would not have picked up on that detail. It also doesn’t help that her first name is hidden.
Then there is the issue of what city she grew up in. No mention even of the state, or, come to think of it, country. Why is this based mischling so stingy with the details, while brave enough to be a maverick in defying Jewish conformity? Or is she just a black-belt in backchat and chutzpah? Being anti-Jewish doesn’t necessarily mean pro-white, in fact they often embrace their neurotic cynicism and misanthropy. Think “proud self-hating Jew” Gilad Atzmon.
Elsewhere I got the impression that she has not outgrown her youthful phase of rebellion. If her sentiment was healthy, she would have made a decision by now to leave Jewish identity cold-turkey and never look back. Instead, she is obsessed with the issue and is “bageling” with petty social media groups. Spare us the gossip, it’s the stuff of yentas.
Thank you, E. Furlong, for your courage in penning this piece, and for your willingness to participate in the conversation taking place here in the comments section.
If I may, I would like to ask you a fairly personal question – and if you choose not to answer, I will understand.
It would appear that you are aware of the holohoax. Presumably, as a “mischling,” before uncovering that Lie, you would have been indoctrinated into the idea that the rest of the human race harbours irrational, genocidal intentions towards you and your Jewish brethren.
When you discovered that this was not the case, that in fact the holocaust narrative was largely exaggerated war-time propaganda, how did you feel?
I’m interested in knowing the actual emotions you went through, above and beyond your cognitive experience of the matter.
There are some labrador dogs that are unlike the others and are fierce, and there are some pibull dogs that are gentle and do not like fighting. So although each dog population has a bell curve, and the average dog from each group are far apart, there is nevertheless some overlap, so the fiercest labrador can out-savage the gentler end of the pit bill bull bell curve. This is how the genes are dealt – like cards – most dogs/humans have mixed cards for their hand, but one person can have an exceptional hand much different to the usual, such as all diamonds.
In this way some Jews can be very fair and honest in business practices, and benevolent towards others generally, and meanwhile some white people have no qualms about financially ruining others and cheating others.
As for those Jews who do not look Jewish or feel Jewish, It is actually easy for them to therefore ‘swap races’ in the sense that they are merely joining another race that is already closer to their own genes than their source population average.
There are also some very admirable black people, but it is harder for them to switch as they stand out more due to physical differences. So a black person mixing and mingling with whites will feel he is being pushed to black identify by whites, and drawn to black identity by blacks, so he will feel a misfit all his life, whereas a Jew who does not look too Jewish can easily make the switch. It is the same with many Syrians and Iraqis, who are very white, partly as many are descendants of the Crusaders.
If populations were not plastic in this way they could not have changed so rapidly over a few millennia.
Thank you for the fine piece E. We need you and more like you.
To the suffering Mischlings.
Yes suffering.
Your parents did that to you, though you should forgive them.
And that you will, and must by nature, forgive them,
is another sign you are compromised.
Jews will never fully accept you because nobody is more racist than jews.
Whites must never fully accept you if they want their people to survive.
Whites are open and accepting enough, maybe too much, but Jews have ruined
this for you.
But what about you?
First you must realize that taking up the time and energy that white people
would better spend fighting Jews, even if you don’t mean to, even if you are
totally sincere, is a very Jewish thing to do.
Second, race is real, and jews are a race just like they say they are,
and top jews gloat that “even a drop of jewish blood” makes the goyim
their servant for generations. Perhaps just another vaunting of the
Ass in the Lion’s skin, but there is evidence for it.
* * *
Even in the Aeternal realm (those who have been dead and back
may know this, skeptics bear with me a moment please), even
there beyond is good and evil, there is identity, there is race
— and there is a war between “good” and “evil”.
This is manifested in this material as the living light refracted
through the crystal of the genetic code. And in the war between
Aryans who just want to be left alone to walk their upward path
and the parasite and top parasite race the Jews.
As above so below, as below so above, as within so without.
And sorry to my dear White Christians but the material world is
a main battle, casting a shadow across all the cosmic planes of existence,
across eternity — we must fight here and now and win — if you “turn the other cheek”
here in order to “store up treasure in heaven” you have fallen for a
jewish lie and completely betrayed the creators faith in your existence.
* * *
Anyhow, for a mischling, you are mixed on a cosmic not
just material scale. Mixed in body, soul, and spirit,
you can do good or evil, and as a mixed mirror of the
cosmic light sometimes you might not know if you are
doing the one or the other, if you are refracting darkness,
or light.
Emil Maurice, an early associate of the great Adolf
Hitler, turned out to be part jew, some wanted to
kick him out of the SS (where he had fought bravely beside
them against hordes of jews and commies and traitors
in the early days of the National Socialist German
Workers party). They were not wrong to distrust him,
but Hitler declared him an “honorary aryan” and they
left him in the SS — though he rose no further, and
Hitler diplomatically obstructed his efforts to have
a romantic relationship with Hitlers (sister?/cousin?/
niece? — I don’t recall the exact detail — look it
up yourself).
Was Hitler right or wrong in that? Who knows? He was
certainly honorable. He was also honorable when he halted
the Wehrmacht and let 300 thousand “enemy” (White), soldiers evacuate
from Dunkirk as yet another peace offering to the British
people. Yet another peace offer spurned because Churchill
and many other traitors and fools were owned or controlled
by Jews, and most of the rank and file fooled or at least
tainted by Jewish propaganda. Was Hitler right or wrong
in that? He regretted it later as a mistake in the war,
he had been kind and loving to his fellow whites while
they were being evil jewish puppets in return and those
soldiers came back to help kill and rape and starve
Germans. So hitler was wrong maybe, but again honorable.
And what is honorable for a part Jew who wants to fight
for white survival?
If it was me I would:
1. Always confess up front that I am genetically compromised.
(Anything else is unacceptably suspicious and totally unforgivable.)
2. Get out of the limelight, this isn’t about my problems, my
feelings. Just confess, then shut-up and go fight the jews.
Although tainted genetically I would make it clear I want to live
in a world illuminated by the white race, not darkened by
the Jews. So it would be like this: “I’m part jew, I know you can’t
trust me and I don’t expect it, I don’t want inside, I just want to fight on
the outside because I want to live in a White, not Jewish world.”.
3. The only notice I would want is for what I do against the
jews: Just shut-up and expose the Holy-Hoax, the Holodomor,
That Jews did 911, that they did Bolshevik revolution I
and the murder of all the best of Russia, and are doing
Bolshevik revolution II right now and plan to murder the
rest of the best if not the entire white race this time.
I would just want to be remembered for choosing to do good
and to be allowed, if I survived, to live peacefully on the
the physical or metaphysical borderlands of the white nation.
4. As Linder points out, because the Jews are trying to exterminate
us, when we are eventually done cringing and virtue signalling,
and losing and finally face the fact of the uncompromising
genocidal Jewish agenda, then the only logical counter strategy will be
to mirror the Jew: counter-extermination. As a part-jew, part-white,
stuck in the middle, right or wrong, I would be desperate that it doesn’t
come to either of those eventualities — So I would shut up,
accept my intrinsically outsider status (thanks mom, thanks dad, lol),
and go fight the jew with all I’ve got all the time.
Miscegenation really is a crime, most of all a crime against the
children produced, it cannot be undone, and it doesn’t wash out,
and is perhaps worst of all when the mixture is of the two poles
at the opposite ends of good and evil.
But that is the reality, and all good things start from reality.
All mischlings, of any stripe really though in this case we
speak of part jews, must choose: Do you want to live, albeit
as a genetic outsider, in a beautiful white world that is
progressing toward the stars, or suffer to exist, albeit
perhaps as a minor supervisor or person of privilege
(if you survive), in the charnal-house slave-pit of
the Jewish “heaven on earth”?
Those are the choices.
So just decide, and go fight, and take up no more time
and energy of white people — their time, and yours, is better
spent fighting Jews and traitors and jew-pet minions.
I would just shut-up, and fight the Jew.
THAT is the path of honor for Mischlings.
And remember that even Saint Hitler respected that,
and protected that in mischlings.
Very interesting perspective. Thanks Ms. Furlong. Great reminder that there are plenty of decent and even wonderful people of Jewish ancestry.