How to Survive Communism in the USA? Part 4
Editor’s note: I can only post very short pieces, so this very interesting article is posted in four parts. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Go to Part 1
Go to Part 2.
Go to Part 3.
Historical amicability of a large number of Jewish-American intellectuals for antifascist projects have been amply documented by Kevin MacDonald. Most Jewish-American authors, for obvious reasons, are pretty tacit when it comes to analyzing the high percentage of leading Communists officials of Jewish origin in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union and their role in early communist-antifa movements, as well as their role in the establishment of repressive communist regimes. The very large overrepresentation of liberal-leftist Jews in the major media and elite academic institutions, as well as in financial contributions to political causes of the left, has also been critical in creating the culture of White guilt and fanning the flames of the communist temptation in contemporary America.
However, reducing the birth and the spread of communism, including its modern version of antifascism to Jewish intellectuals and activists is not the whole story; it means ignoring the all-encompassing, indeed democratic reality of the communist temptation. Gentile communist auxiliaries, reared in the culture of White guilt, operate as willing executioners; they fear being suspected of a lax attitude toward non-communist foes, or harboring themselves latent anti-Semitic feelings, and they often outperform their Jewish-communist comrades. It is no accident that the frontmen in modern antifa riots in US cities today are mostly troubled White individuals who have lost the sense of identity and who, driven by feelings of historical guilt (as is the case with most academics in Germany), look for atonement by becoming the loudest sympathizers or standard-bearers of antifascism.
Removing the communist temptation presupposes cleaning up the swamp, first in American higher education and then in defunding departments of humanities in all colleges. In order to do that, the fallacy of multiculturalism needs to be discarded; it has never worked anywhere in the world. It has always been a recipe for disaster and civil wars all over the world. Abandoned policies of racial segregation must be reconsidered as a viable option for a functional society. It is better to have fences than cohabiting with an alien partner in a fake marriage. Prior to that, however, the whole idea of progress, still strongly embedded in the American dream, needs to be re-examined. Of course, this may all sound like wishful thinking because, as we have seen thousands of times in history, it is the size of someone’s sword which only makes the difference between good and evil.
You have written a wonderfully astute and crystal-clear piece that can be the work only of a writer whose basic evidence is his personal experience of his subject, first in early life, then again in the present time. Thank you. I am most curious to read your responders — will they understand you as I did, that is, in the light of my very similar history and ethnic background to yours? Is any other light even available?
During the first decade of the 20th Century my Great Uncle Sydney worked in the office of Keir Hardie. GUS was given the job of looking after Lenin, when the latter was in London, because nobody else in the Labour Party wanted the bother. My great uncle was at the bottom of the Party and Keir Hardie had asked everybody else.
GUS and his brother in law Uncle William, who was valet to Mr Ellsworthy who worked in the State Dept. in London, used to
carry messages beween the State Dept. and Lenin.
Lenin had fled Russia and reached Belgium, where he became a Freemason, chased by the Tsars secret police. His elder brother was farthered by the future Tsar Alexander. Lenin’s elder brother blew up his father the Tsar, which upset the Romanovs and the Romanovs shot the brother which upset Lenin.
The Russians asked London if they could accident Lenin, The tories and liberals said yes.The Labour Party said yes by one vote but two Labour MPs were at a Miner’s Gala in Durham. When the post arrived GUS saw that they had voted to kill Lenin.
GUS took the mail this boss who told him he was busy and would see to the mail later. GUS waved the votes and said they did not want Lenin killed, which was a lie. My uncle then went into the outer office and burned the votes
This saved Lenin’s life and Stalin later awarded GUS the Order of the Red Banner. Stalin said it was for saving Lenin’s life and cleaning the (redacted) out of Lenin’s trousers.
Lenin had become excited during his voyage to the UK.
A Useful Peasant told me the Bank of England funded Lenin (and I think probably Stalin as well). They both lived in London during the early 20th century. Wall St. funded Trotsky.
Communism has always been owned by the banks and always will be.
I believe that the Stalin robbed banks nonsense was created to cover the fact that Stalin was funded by the banks
“troubled White individuals who have lost the sense of identity and who, driven by feelings of historical guilt (as is the case with most academics in Germany),”
Or, perhaps the motive is more of malice and hatred of their fellow whites rather than guilt. ‘Guilt’, like ‘do-gooder’, implies a set of high moral as the motive, but the true left (I do not include G Orwell as true left here, as he displays genuine morals) do not have ‘normal morals’ that the rest of us have. Their morals are alternative ones, or ‘fake morals’, and and stem from a hatred of the better, not a desire to improve the lot of poor.
The left knew in advance that transferring power from whites to blacks in S Africa would lead to misery for blacks (starvation, tribal warfare, disease, collapsed economy) just as it did in Zimbabwe, yet the lefty whites still preferred this path than the alternative of whites remaining in charge, under which blacks had wealth, jobs, medical care, education and generally a very high standard of living. Lefty whites had no qualms about ending this high standard of living for blacks in S Africa, and letting them have instead the poverty, tribal warfare and disease that always comes with black rule, so such lefty whites cannot be said to have ‘guilt’ as a motive for wanting white downfall, and the lefty whites can only be described as ‘so full of malice for the better whites that they were willing to give blacks the misery that they knew would come to blacks once the blacks took over.
“it is a deadly mistake to view communism as the terror of the few against many”
I know I have said it before, but there was an interesting detail in a 70s documentary about the Soviet Russian ballet touring the West, where the presenter asked if they had KGB representatives accompanying the group to monitor them. ‘There was no need’ was the reply, and it was explained that the entourage visiting the West were already keenly monitoring each other without being asked, and would readily report each other to the Soviet authorities if anyone looked as if they were plotting to defect to the West.
In Britain when Coronovirus lock-down was implemented a few months ago, 200,000 people rang the police to report their neighbours who were breaking the rules, without being asked.
Excellent article, dr. Sunić.
Pozdrav iz Zagreba
In part 3
“since their coming to power communists and antifas in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, in 1917 and 1945 respectively”
I think it should be “in 1945 and 1917 respectively”
While much of the intellectual tradition in the West has already been seriously degraded in the last few years, I don’t think that the exact nature of the plunge into total catastrophe can yet be predicted adequately. But what is most disconcerting to me is the cavalier attitude that so many have toward events that really do point to an imminent dystopia. For example, when in conversation I point out the obvious dangerous attacks upon the First and Second Amendments, I usually receive blank stares – as if perhaps I’m making it all up. Continuing further, when I also point out the historical horrors of past communist rule, something known to all, what really amazes me is when I receive giggles in response – actual giggles. And the people that I’m referencing are not dolts per se. They all have a university education and many have advanced degrees. So I can only arrive at the following conclusion: most in the West are either living in a state of denial, are living in a fairy tale fantasy, or they are stupid beyond words. And the way things are going I’m inclined to opt for the latter as the best explanation.
“They all have a university education and many have advanced degrees. So I can only arrive at the following conclusion: most in the West are either living in a state of denial, are living in a fairy tale fantasy, or they are stupid beyond words. And the way things are going I’m inclined to opt for the latter as the best explanation.”
I think there is another possible explanation. In my experience people with lower education are far more likely to have retained their common sense and rely on their personal observation and life experience. Their advantage is that they have had less exposure to the intensive indoctrination and brain washing that has a cumulative effect with years of “education” in today’s Western academia.
How willing, do you think, the darker skinned problems of the Western world are going to be to be excluded from the pleasures of the white honeypot they have become addicted to? Life for the lesser races is much more comfortable amongst ‘white folks’ and dark folks are showing that they aren’t amenable to exclusion by ‘informed debate’ or peaceful means.
The future is a very much smaller ‘monoracial’ human race and we have the technology to bring that into being. Black lives don’t matter if they are a threat to white lives.
Very to the point. I might deduct that you have thought things through. A lesser global, and I insist on global, population, an adequate proportional quality human population is imperative. Without tuning the global population, nothing else can be implemented. Race, cast, class, individual upward mobility, historical models, they all fade into endless loops as to their solutions at the current numbers of humans. Indeed if AI and the biology of genetics, technology, can be for once applied to a “noblesse oblige” agenda instead of a nagging match, the longer term humanoids future again makes sense. You can answer me if desired at mail address, willing to collaborate with you in turning this into a coherent agenda.
” Black lives don’t matter if they are a threat to white lives.”
Superb example of a politicly incorrect valid statement .
We Whites have a predisposition to guilt, and this has been used to our detriment.
To hell with the guilt. We need to take justifiable pride in our race. After all, nearly all the inventions, medical advances, explorations, scientific discoveries, etc… have come from our people. This is a fact.
We are the true People of Color. Only Whites have blond hair, red hair, brown hair, blue eyes, green eyes, gray eyes, light skin, olive skin. We are not just different shades of brown!
And, I might add, we are the best looking people in the world!
We cannot save ourselves until we truly believe we are worth saving.
And, we need to stay morally and spiritually straight. This is what makes us strong. I cite modern Russia or Hungary as examples.
‘And, we need to stay morally and spiritually straight.’ Excellent prescription! I’m pretty sure I know why you cited Hungary and Russia. But please tell anyway, Tim.
V. Orban openly calls for closed borders and espouses big (Ethnic Hungarian) families. V Putin’s Russia just signed into its constitution that marriage be defined as one man and one woman.
Compare this to USA where California is trying to soften or eliminate pedophilia and where the ‘Supreme Court’ approved same-sex marriage (with 1/3 of its members being Ashkenazim and voting for it). Now the pervert stuff is on YouTube, in public schools, the public libraries, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, etc… Our kids are no longer safe and their innocence is being stolen. .
Yes, both Hungary and Russia are experiencing what I would call a Christian renaissance. It is making them morally and spiritually strong!. Perhaps wrongly I omitted the Christian factor in my original comment, but I did so because it is a fact that, if it were not for most of the mainstream ‘Judeo-Christians’ in the USA, Jews/Israel would not receive the carte blanche American support it receives.
It bears repeating that in America it is only the 98% of the Christians that give the rest of us a bad name. We 2% refer to the others as ‘Judeo-Christians’ for very good reason!
Thank you, Tim! This is exactly what I hoped you will say.
‘V Putin’s Russia just signed into its constitution that marriage be defined as one man and one woman.’
Viktor Orban did this as his first act as PM, now ten years ago. This marriage law is also a tertiary law that can be amended only by the agreement of two-thirds of parliament.That means it is iron-clad law. He is encouraging families to have multiple children, and he offers substantive financial backing to them.
And indeed, the Constitution notes Hungary’s Christian roots. (This really upset the EU Commissars.)
Visiting Hungary is a pleasure. The Christian Renaissance you speak of is palpable. Churches, both Catholic and Protestant, are full on Sundays, and religious holidays are joyously observed.Many Germans have immigrated to escape the hell that is present-day Germany.
True, he is also forever renovating synagogues and Jewish cemeteries. That throws a bone to the beast. But his rhetoric is robustly nationalist. Hungarians trust him, and support him fulsomely. Long may he live.
“Of course, this may all sound like wishful thinking because, as we have seen thousands of times in history, it is the size of someone’s sword which only makes the difference between good and evil.”
I’d change one word to give more truth to the statement:
“Of course, this may all sound like wishful thinking because, as we have seen thousands of times in history, it is the size of someone’s nose which only makes the difference between good and evil.
Correction: California is trying to soften or eliminate PENALTIES for pedophilia.
I should have proofed better, but I don’t even like writing about this stuff.
“It has always been a recipe for disaster and civil wars all over the world. Abandoned policies of racial segregation must be reconsidered as a viable option for a functional society. It is better to have fences than cohabiting with an alien partner in a fake marriage. Prior to that, however, the whole idea of progress, still strongly embedded in the American dream, needs to be re-examined,””
An idea of progress both personally, and politically, is necessary for struggle and goals. It’s psychodynamic is hope , which must be present to get out of bed in the morning, etc, and to make an effort, any effort. JOE WEBB
Progress, as well as setbacks, is part of a psychology of reality that is realistic.
as well as consistent with rational thinking.
We are in a very troubling time. False views do not survive for long. Sometime try this thought experiment on a white liberal….You are antiracist….right? Uh-huh… If you married a white, you are a racist, etc, etc.
Joe Webb
Excellent piece and comments. So the solution is to hunker down and wait for the demons to eat each other? That is a default option, however I would like to see some real teamwork on behalf of our Aryan White people starting with local neighborhoods and adjacent communities. Armed, sober, backyard farmers and homeschoolers – it can’t be that difficult, don’t forget we are born with the Light and everything we need is already packaged and ready-to-go, we just need a little room to flourish… an incremental and total rejection of the systems we all know to be infected is key. Corporate cubicle jobs are a waste of your life energy – they should be abandoned immediately. DO NOT SEND YOUR KIDS TO SCHOOL! There is no justification for this any longer – if you love them, you will not subject them to those fowl indoctrination camps. Anyone with some remaining capital should consider buying some land on which to grow food for their families and nearby bartering communities. We must also amass ourselves as formal opposition in the political sphere on some level – local to start. These actions will spark others to question what it is we are really doing in this life; a ground-swelling will naturally evolve and our people will innately connect and grow – it’s already inside each of us, we just need shine our Light and provide sustenance, the rest will be added. It can a will be done – praise Yahweh!
“… to question what it is we are really doing in this life;”
Any major employment that is not either directly or indirectly consistent with
to develop technologies created by and/or for
mankind to thrive-n-survive beyond
{{ The Solar Extinction Event }}
when ALL life here on planet earth will soon enough be extinguished
is utterly futile unless it supports
As for “Yahweh”, here is a link to a very recent and superb ground-breaking exegisis of Who Is Yahweh with 500+ comments __
Tank you. The Unz article is riveting.
Spoken like a true canite mr. “moneytalks” parasite. I wasn’t asking for advice regarding Yahweh… your superiority complex reveals you – classic jewry. For there is no truth in them (you). And no, your “Prime Directive” is laughable, much like the article you linked. We all know who wins pal. Filthy baby-eating, vampire satanist; Praise Yahweh, you will be dealt with.
Adam, the article moneytalks gave us the URL to exposes the hideous Yahweh of the Torah/Old Testament. Moneytalk’s point in doing that was to urge that the God/Yahveh of the Old Testament not be accepted by Christians to be the God of whom Jesus Christ speaks in the New Testament.
Moneytalks, please excuse my silly typo, above. I meant to say ‘Thank you’, not to call you a tank.