Why I Vote
I recall having a discussion/debate decades ago with a well-respected White advocate regarding the efficacy of voting. I’m not going to mention his name because I don’t know if he still holds the same position today, but back then he claimed that participating in elections was legitimizing a perverted political order, or as another commentator put it, voting gives symbolic affirmation to the system. I believed then, however, as I do now, that voting is a worthwhile activity.
There is no doubt that our present political arrangement is malfeasant beyond reform. But is the passive resistance of non-participation in the electoral process effective? How about the old adage: silence equals assent? The establishment does take notice of voter turnout, giving lip service to promoting participation. The reality on the ground is they’re mainly concerned about motivating their own constituencies.
Even if boycotting elections sends a message that message is rather unclear. Are non-voters on the Left or on the Right? Are non-voters apathetic, or simply satisfied with the status quo? It should be noted that voter turnout in the US is already low by Western standards. About fifty to sixty percent of those eligible participate in presidential elections, and forty to fifty percent in off-year elections. Yet this low rate has not brought about beneficial political change. So nonparticipation is not an effective strategy for transformation.
A nonvoter might argue that his individual vote is insignificant, so why bother. In an election with hundreds of thousands, or even millions of votes what difference does one vote, more or less, make? Of course if everyone on our side had that attitude we would completely surrender the ballot box to the opposition. Plus low turnout can work to our benefit if we take advantage of it. Several years ago a referendum in my town had a turnout of seventeen percent. Thus mobilizing just nine percent of the electorate carried the day.
The Left appears to appreciate the efficacy of voting more than the Right. The Left is better organized and more motivated on the local level. Trump carried my city and county in 2016, yet the city council and board of education are controlled by Leftists. Shame on us for our indolence and apathy.
Another argument against voting: With no candidates worthy of support, it is tiresome to vote for the lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils is still evil. First, it should be remembered that a ballot is not like a multiple-choice test. The voter does not have to take his best guess on every candidate for office. As long as one candidate has been selected it is a valid ballot. Vote for a third party candidate. Even if he or she does not completely reflect your views, it is still a vote against the establishment. Still no one to vote for? Most states have provisions for write-in votes that must be duly recorded.
Many years ago William Pierce made the oft repeated observation that we’re never going to vote our way out of this mess. Yet Peirce himself was a registered voter and voted in West Virginia elections. Of course what Pierce meant was that voting and electoral politics is not the solution, but it can be one part of our strategy.
Some might point to the 2016 election as an example of the futility of voting. Certainly Donald Trump has been a huge disappoint, even for someone such as myself who had a rather low expectations from the beginning. I have to believe that those who are most bitterly disillusioned had unrealistic hopes for the Trump presidency.
There were many indications during 2016 that if elected Mr. Trump would have a rough time of it. First, he ran against both the Democratic and Republican parties. Thus after his surprise victory he did not have firm control of his party in Congress. As for his own executive branch, he did not have a likeminded cadre to staff his administration. This might not have been an insurmountable problem if Trump had had patience and a firm ideological grounding. But his temperament interfered with finding and supporting strong lieutenants with administrative skills.
Trump was elected as an outsider, a businessman, a game changer. Is politics the only profession where a lack of experience is considered an asset? Reflect on Lyndon Johnson who came to the White House after thirty years as first a legislative aide, then a congressman, senator, and vice president. Johnson knew how get his agenda implemented. Who would want to fly with a neophyte pilot whose claim to fame is as an expert entomologist?
So now in 2017 Trump, without firm party backing and with limited experience, had to confront the Deep State. The term Deep State may have the whiff of conspiracy theory, but it simply refers to the permanent bureaucracy, especially the security and intel community. Any intro to political science textbook will confirm that career bureaucrats have quite a bit of discretionary authority when interpreting and implementing policy. This entrenched bureaucracy is guided by the neoliberal/neocon elite consensus. They saw the Trump administration as illegitimate, so, in coordination with the Democrats in Congress, they attempted what amounted to a not entirely unsuccessful coup attempt.
With his executive branch stonewalling and subverting his policies, with a largely hostile media and judiciary, and without the full support of his own party, it is no wonder Trump has floundered. It was naïve to believe that Trumpism could quickly take over the Republican Party whose operatives have long-standing vested interests. The party coopted Trump rather than the other way around. It is possible that a nationalist-populist ideology could take over the Republican Party, but it would take many years and much effort to accomplish.
To sum up Mr. Trump: The transformation he promised and we had hoped for in 2016 would have required a skilled and focused politician who could have rallied his party and public opinion to support the radical changes the system needs. That would have taken the determination of a revolutionary genius such as V. Lenin. In the end we received more rhetoric than action, and much of the rhetoric was not very articulate.
Did Trump energize the Left? To an extent yes, but any reassertion of White identity has and will continue to enrage the Left regardless of who is in the White House. The bottom line is this: would a Clinton administration have been better for our people? Will a Biden administration benefit our cause?
I’ve acknowledged that the system is terminally corrupt, and that electoral politics has limited capacity to effect change. Why then is it still important to vote? First, we should keep in mind that voting involves no risk, no expense, and very little effort. Thus any benefit obtained from this activity comes at a low cost. The main value in voting is derived from civic engagement. It is important for our people to stay involved in the process. Under present political and social conditions, it is easy to become discouraged and resigned to degeneracy. Our young people especially need to avoid the severe alienation that can impact their ability to function in the real world, to establish careers and families. I hesitate to make a biblical reference, but we need to be in this world, but not of it.
Participating in electoral politics can build connections and provide valuable experience. At present we cannot elect a president or senator, but how about a city councilman, school board member, or county commissioner? (One caveat: do not contribute money to establishment candidates or organizations. Our people and organizations need those funds.) Voting should be part of a broader community participation. While it is important to prepare ourselves and our families for stormy weather, we cannot retreat into a bubble or ideological ghetto. Write a well-crafted letter to the editor of your local fish wrap, join a local organization, a garden club or a gun club or both. Stay informed. If you live in an area where such opportunities are not available to you that’s strong evidence you need to move to a more congenial locale.
It seems genocide has its origin in hebrew litterature. And Marxism. The origins of these ideas (“dissolution of races”). Goim cattle racemixed slaves to serve the jews.
06.08 Dude sais whites and christians killed for their messiah to come:
I do not like nazism ns, but these videos may contain some relevant information. Maybe a TOO article on this agenda among racemixed socalled jews could be informative.
Three possible causes that may interact:
1. Jews are often partially mixed (like on averege 4 % subsaharian african & 8 % arab), so these “jews” want everyone to be mixed like they are.
2. Revenge (eye for an eye…) for the holocaust, pogroms,
3. Get rid of competition (this theme is common in The Document of Elders of Zion). By killing all competition.
4. Religion and culture like the talmud.
5. Fear of pure whites (fear new genocide or anti jewish movement). So kill of pure whites as preemptive strike.
So by owning the media controlling the record industry and advertising they program whites to racemixing and supres white culture. Same with their it companies (including dating apps). They are into control and ethnic cultural monopolies many of them.
And when we have no deep real current white culture what do whites have to fight for. Suits the jws with pwr.
70 % of couples in commercials racemixing, most often subsaharian with WHITE female. Propaganda sell race mixing and product…
The people who call themselves Jews are Hamites – NOT Semites.
Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10 who later intermarried with the children of Esau/Edom. Herod was an Edomite.
A Jewish Mother decides legal status
It’s not a point of view it is the Jews law –
“………..There are situations in Jewish law where, even in the course of a sexual relationship, no paternity is established. According to Jewish law, the child of a relationship between a Jew and a Gentile always assumes the legal status of its mother. The child bears no legal relationship to its father. See Babylonian Talmud, Yevamot 22a-b; Jacob ben Asher, Tur, Even Haezer ch. 16. This is equally true in cases of artificial insemination…………”
Around 126 BC Esau-Edom was captured and its people integrated into Judea.
The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.
“Esau/Edom thereupon takes a daughter of Ishmael to wife” (Gen. xxviii. 9).
Ishmael who took an Egyptian for a wife is the patriarch of the Arab nations (Genesis 21:21)
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.” Jewish Almanac 1980.
Present day Jews are not descendents of the tribe of Judah, but over 2,000 years ago the descendents of Esau lived in Judah.
Revelation 3:9,”Behold, I give out of the synagogue of Satan those saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they lie. Behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.”
Jews declare themselves to be anti-White
Don’t Deny Jewish History and Culture by Calling Us “White”
Micha Danzig — Forward (New York)
… Anyone that understands Jewish history as well as the history of the entire development of the idea or construct of the “white race” should understand how that no Jew, Ashkenazi or otherwise, is “white.” While it is certainly the case that many Ashkenazi Jews today in America (such as Ruiz-Grossman) identify as “white,” that doesn’t make it any more accurate or appropriate … This is not merely a semantic issue. Jews are not “white.” We are a tribal people from the Levant … No one that wants to end anti-Semitism and to fight against bigotry and racism should be claiming that Jews are “white.”
The so called Jews hate Christianity yet use the Bible to make their fabricated claims –
Jews demand Sharia law for non Jews –
………..“Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef said Saturday night that many non-Jews should be forbidden from living in the Land of Israel according to Jewish law. In a recording of Yosef’s weekly Saturday night lecture obtained by Channel 10, the rabbi can be heard saying, ‘According to Jewish law, it’s forbidden for a non-Jew to live in the Land of Israel – unless he has accepted the seven Noachide laws.’
“If he’s not willing to accept one of them, [which is] not to commit suicide, if he’s not willing to accept this, you send him to Saudi Arabia.’”[5]
If he is not willing to go to Saudi Arabia, then you have to eliminate him. Yitzhak adds that once that non-Jewish person is eliminated, Israeli soldiers don’t have “to be concerned by the scrutiny of the High Court or the army chief of staff on the matter.”[6] Obviously because Yitzhak thinks that Rabbinic
“…………..Final Thoughts
Don’t expect the West to counter radical Islamic terrorists anytime soon. They are too much of great weapon in the destabilisation toolbox of the CIA and the Mossad. Britain is loving its weapons sales to the House of Saud – pity about all those innocent Yemenis who are getting slaughtered with them. The US, especially under Trump, is joined at the hip with the Saudis and Israelis, so it’s business as usual. The Saudis and the US continue to sign devilish pacts with each other (oil, petrodollars, arms and expendable radical Islamic terrorists for geopolitical goals), becoming more and more bound to each other’s destiny, so the US doesn’t have as much bargaining power over the Saudis as it used to. Now, with the NWO wanting to conquer Eurasia, don’t be surprised if radical Islamic terrorists are used against Iran (ISIS), Russia (Chechnya Wahhabis) and China (Uyghur Salafis) in the years to come.
After all, with their scary beards, weird hats and blood-curdling utterances, radical Islamic terrorists are the best bad guys that money can buy.
“It doesn’t matter who you vote into office”
Yuri Bezmenov WARNED US! – G. Edward Griffin Talks About KGB Defector’s DIRE Warning Of The Future
Jeremiah 17:5 “Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.”
The bad guys vote early and often. Somebody needs to fight back, so I vote in almost every election.
https://transudationism.blogspot.com/2016/03/icelands-new-nationalist-political.html page recommended George Carlin, whom I’d not heard on such subjects: he’s certainly right about The American Dream. He makes a number of points on not voting here, in just a couple of minutes. Unfortunately, he’s apparently racially a White man and his foul language has become the norm even on talk radio. I read here that he died in 2008 when it wasn’t as bad as today. George Carlin – Why I Don’t Vote:
Consider one more thing: increasingly Americans are asked to opt-into jurisdictions and voter registration is certainly one of them. I’m fascinated by where this coronavirus vaccination push is headed, e.g., https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/09/21/coronavirus-vaccine-patent.aspx?cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20200921Z1&mid=DM660562&rid=969811842 and https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/09/22/coronavirus-vaccine-news.aspx?cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20200922Z1&mid=DM660575&rid=970551913
You seem to suggest, mister Rosit, that like the uninformed/misinformed masses that elected Trump, you too were of the view that he was the “outsider” he pretended to be? Otherwise you would not have used the term “huge disappoint” [sic]. Did you actually believe that he was the white knight in shining armour that would take on the deep state (drain the swamp, in his own parlance)? Even more startling, is that you still seem to herald that view – in essence blaming the fact that Trump did not deliver (whatever the expectations) on discord within his party and a more organised opposition and/or entrenched bureaucracy. Trump is wholly owned by Israel. You can trace that ownership at least as far back as the 1990’s when he was given a hand by one Sheldon Adelson. Has there been a more pro-Jewish POTUS than Trump since FDR? Are you suggesting the nationalist leaning Americans give their support to this man who doesn’t put the interests of your own republic first? What exactly does this “Trumpism” entail that you speak of? Because I can’t see that it ever existed – except in the minds of the people who trusted him (not unlike a person in love, ascribing all sorts of imagined virtues to the object of his infatuation).
Trumpism is Likudism in drag. Vote away to your heart’s content.
Excellent observation “Transvaal Boer”. This pathetic article in favour of the Jew-rigged electoral system proves why Whites are doomed. They are incredibly gullible, and their cowardice predispose them to look for an easy way-out such as these ludicrous elections where the options are Jewish puppets “A”, “B” or “C”,
To make things worse, the author tries to justify and excuse Trump’s shameful record as if he ever was willing to do anything for the dispossessed White working class that voted for him. Having said that, I understand why racially-conscious Americans voted for him; the other option was too awful to consider. The problem was (and is) that many of them believed he would deliver.
Trump’s disgusting behaviour and treacherous nature were exposed during the BLM riots. He did exactly what could be expected of a shill like him: NOTHING
One of the best pro-voting articles I’ve read; balanced and reasonable.
I’ve gone back and forth on this issue; the importance of “no-confidence” signals like extremely low voter participation can be read as signs of warning that the populace has grown alienated; conversely, it can be viewed as evidence of satisfied complacency. I have often felt that the classic “uniparty” of Repubs and Dems simply wanted to keep the system by which they grow rich viable by keeping voting numbers at a respectable level.
I voted for Reagan. I voted for Perot. I never voted for Bush Jr., as I disliked and distrusted him, and sat those two elections out. I voted for both McCain and Romney, though I disliked both, as protest votes against Obama. I voted with renewed enthusiasm for Trump, though I’ve oft been disappointed in him.
I tended to agree, early on, in theory, with the concept of not voting; if we did it in high enough numbers, we could at least shake the establishment’s confidence, I thought. In practice, though, I usually vote. I certainly intend to vote for Trump in November if I have to fight my way into the polling station. And the way things are going, some of us may have to.
The largest USA ethnic group is White Christian sheeple and the ones whom get hyper excited about elections tend to vote for more jewmaster control over their lives since
Christianity is a sheeple oriented religion of self-enslavement to the jewmasters
; not to insinuate that jews do not accommodate the enslavements
; nor insinuate that The RCC never opposed jews in a time past .
It is nice to be allowed to vote but it does not mean nearly as much as many Whites are conditioned to believe it does because Whites on-average are not a politicly astute people . The only vote that puts teeth on the so-called will of the voters is a referendum vote that is not yet widely available . The referendum vote is also subject to election system corruption sabotage .
Very well said “Moneytalks”. Most White Christians are sheeple of the worst kind, but what could you expect of such a disgusting doctrine that preaches and promotes, subservience, cowardice and contempt for your kinfolk? We are paying the price for adopting a sick Jewish heresy/cult as our religion.
The misguided/ignorant fools who like to talk about “the hatred of the Jews for Christianity” as an argument in favour of the latter forget that Jesus was just a lunatic that tried (successfully) to subvert Jewish orthodox faith and religious hierarchy by creating his own sect. Therefore the hatred is understandable and justified.
As Prof. Revilo Oliver clearly and eloquently demonstrated, Christianity is pure poison. No wonder the most enlightened leaders of the NSDAP had nothing but contempt for this vile Semitic cult.
Born sheeple- they would be passive with or without Christianity.
Remember what Bertrand Russell wrote in 1952:
Diet, injections (!), and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.
In those days, it was insulin injections– insulin shock, like electroshock in “state hospitals” that was used for such pacification including attitude adjustment. Unfortunately, political hay is still being made by referring to Russell, like Hitler, as fascist. This morning, I watched a video about a “heroic” Harvard-trained psychiatrist who campaigned tirelessly against such involuntary shock treatment of inmates at state hospitals that reminded him of his uncle’s description of the uncle’s experience liberating Nazi concentration camps (Que the emotional background mustic). And its that kind of psychological manipulation of which the usual suspects are expert that have evolved to at least appear more humane.
https://www.crossroad.to/Quotes/FASCISM/Bertrand Russell.htm
Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. . . .”
Bertrand Russell would later write that a “Black Death” or bacteriological warfare might be needed to cull the population.[28] Wells had already written that ‘they would have a cause that “would make killing worth the while.” (Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1953, p. 103.)
[EDITOR: I spelled music incorrectly and there was emotional background music. Append this to my previous post if you prefer.]
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/09/27/peter-breggin-toxic-psychiatry.aspx?cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art2HL&cid=20200927Z1&mid=DM667058&rid=974429894 [includes link to the video interview]
The Little-Known Sordid History of Psychiatry
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked
September 27, 2020
• Dr. Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist, is frequently referred to as “the conscience of psychiatry” because he’s been able to successfully reform the psychiatric profession, abolishing lobotomies and other experimental psychosurgeries
• Breggin refers to lobotomies as a rape of the soul, the permanent mutilation of an individual’s selfhood, as damage to one area of the brain will harm the integration of the whole brain
• Breggin also had a hand in getting the word out about the dangers of Prozac
• Psychiatric drugs only stifle the brain function of patients. While they might ease some of the suffering, that relief comes at the expense of brain damage
• One psychiatric treatment Breggin has not been able to eliminate is electroshock treatment, which is actually starting to be used more and more. Transcranial direct current stimulation and Neuralink, a transcranial implant designed by the Elon Musk Company, pose severe risks to your brain health and function
Most people are sheeple . My guess is that about one-third of the sheeple majority are DNA sheeple ( ie. born sheeple ) . Christianity produces most of the remaining two-thirds of the sheeple majority of the Westernworld .
I will vote, and all American nationalists must do so too.
This may be our last chance.
If we win the November elections, there must be some kind of political revolution to set America on a straight course. The Right, including the GOP, must grow a political backbone.
Most important institutions have been taken over by the Left, including education, media, government, corporations, and even the Christian Church.
The Left is sick and Bolshevist (I won’t name the main forces that compose the Left) and is out to destroy American culture, White people, and Christians.
This must not be allowed to happen. Decent people need to vote and become active and unafraid.
The democrat marxist/communist Left is destroying White Christian culture and they are not doing it by merely voting . Most Whites are too sheepish to mount an effective counter-offensive against the neoBolshevik democrats and will soon likely be facing extermination like the twenty million or more Christian Russians that were eliminated in the extended 1917 revolution ; and the forty million Chinese exterminated in their marxist/communist cultural revolution ; and the one million Cambodians exterminated in their marxist/communist cultural purge
; et. al.
The author wrote, “I’ve acknowledged that the system is terminally corrupt,” so I would think that to be reason enough to vote against the system by not voting. Many say, “I voted for the lesser evil,” but it’s like saying, “I voted for the one who I think is going to destroy the White man and his civilization less than the other guy, even though they both are ultimately working for the Jew.”
There’s much proof that the Jews give us both the Republican and the Democrat candidate. Whether you check to see who the biggest doners are for both or look at the policies of each after they are elected, you find that the ones who invest the most in them and are served by them are Jews, and especially Isra-hell.
The author also said, “is the passive resistance of non-participation in the electoral process effective?” This sounds defeatist in its implication that too few see not voting as something that a majority needs to do. If one candidate serves us rat poison and the other ricin, the same overall effect is achieved.
Conspicuous by their absence in the author’s argument is the Jew and his overwhelming control of our government. The Jew is not concerned about third-party voters because he knows that it is either his democrat or his republican that is going to be elected. And since evil is evil, the lessor evil should not be voted for even if it’s on principle alone that he not receive my vote. The lesser evil Trump was voted in over the Hildebeast, but it’s hard to imagine that she would have done more damage as president than the Fraud with funny hair, who’s hated by liberals for what he promised on the campaign trial and should be hated by his base for not making good on any of those promises.
” I’ve acknowledged that the system is terminally corrupt, and that electoral politics has limited capacity to effect change. Why then is it still important to vote? First, we should keep in mind that voting involves no risk, no expense, and very little effort. Thus any benefit obtained from this activity comes at a low cost. ”
You must be joking! Voting (the pathway to an ultimately nihilistic act) soaks up the energy and justification for salary of a substantial part of the middle class, the little of cognitive allowance the political class might have, and the list goes on. The process leading up to voting is an industry, as big pharma, as defense. The process to power should not occupy the resources of a healthy society, Other societies get away with far less overhead, resulting in more net benefits of energy spent. In the contemporary, China, Russia are examples, the US is banana tree beach.
Sorry to throw a monkey wrench into your thesis but Doug Casey has an excellent piece of ‘why not to vote.’ Here is just a small taste of it all:
Louis James: The idea of political representation is a myth, and a logical absurdity. One person can only represent his own opinions – if he’s even thought them out. If someone dedicated his life to studying another person, he might be able to represent that individual reasonably accurately. But given that no two people are completely – or even mostly – alike, it’s completely impossible to represent the interests of any group of people.
Doug: The whole constellation of concepts is ridiculous. This leads us to the subject of democracy. People say that if you live in a democracy, you should vote. But that begs the question of whether democracy itself is any good. And I would say that, no, it’s not. Especially a democracy unconstrained by a constitution. That, sadly, is the case in the U.S., where the Constitution is 100% a dead letter. Democracy is nothing more than mob rule dressed up in a suit and tie. It’s no way for a civilized society to be run. At this point, it’s a democracy consisting of two wolves and a sheep voting about what to eat for dinner.
L: Okay, but in our firmly United State of America today, we don’t live in your ideal society. It is what it is, and if you don’t vote the bums out, they remain in office. What do you say to the people who say that if you don’t vote, if you don’t raise a hand, then you have no right to complain about the results of the political process?
Doug: But I do raise a hand, constantly. I try to change things by influencing the way people think. I’d just rather not waste my time or degrade myself on unethical and futile efforts like voting. Anyway, that argument is more than fallacious, it’s ridiculous and spurious. Actually, only the non-voter does have a right to complain – it’s the opposite of what they say. Voters are assenting to whatever the government does; a nonvoter can best be compared to someone who refuses to join a mob. Only he really has the right to complain about what they do
L: Okay then, if the ethical man shouldn’t vote in the national elections coming up, what should he do?
Doug: I think it’s like they said during the war with Vietnam: Suppose they gave a war, and nobody came? I also like to say: Suppose they levied a tax, and nobody paid? And at this time of year: Suppose they gave an election, and nobody voted?
The only way to truly delegitimize a corrupt system is by not voting. When tin-plated dictators around the world have their rigged elections, and people stay home in droves, even today’s “we love governments of all sorts” international community won’t recognize the results of the election.
L: Delegitimizing evil…and without coercion, or even force. That’s a beautiful thing, Doug. I’d love to see the whole crooked, festering, parasitical mass in Washington – and similar places – get a total vote of no confidence.
Doug: Indeed. Now, I realize that my not voting won’t make that happen. My not voting doesn’t matter any more than some naïve person’s voting does. But at least I’ll know that what I did was ethical. You have to live with yourself. That’s only possible if you try to do the right thing.
L: At least you won’t have blood on your hands.
Doug: That’s exactly the point.
L: A friendly amendment: You do staunchly support voting with your feet. https://www.caseyresearch.com/daily-dispatch/weekend-edition-doug-casey-explains-why-democracy-is-uncivilized/
and then there these morsels:
Louis James: Doug, we’ve spoken about presidents. We have a presidential election coming up in the U.S. – an election that could have significant consequences on our investments. But given the views you’ve already expressed on the Tea Party movement and anarchy, I’m sure you have different ideas. What do you make of the impending circus, and what should a rational man do?
Doug: Well, a rational man, which is to say, an ethical man, would almost certainly not vote in this election, or in any other – at least above a local level, where you personally know most of both your neighbors and the candidates.
L: Why? Might not an ethical person want to vote the bums out?
Doug: He might feel that way, but he’d better get his emotions under control. I’ve thought about this. So let me give you at least five reasons why no one should vote.
The first reason is that voting is an unethical act, in and of itself. That’s because the state is pure, institutionalized coercion. If you believe that coercion is an improper way for people to relate to one another, then you shouldn’t engage in a process that formalizes and guarantees the use of coercion.
L: It’s probably worth defining coercion in this context. I know you agree with me that force is ethical in self-defense. A murderer I shoot might feel coerced into accepting a certain amount of hot lead that he did not consent to, but he intended the same, or worse, for me, so the scales are balanced. What you are talking about is forcing innocent, non-consenting others to do things against their wills, like paying taxes that go to pay for military adventures they believe are wrong, etc.
Doug: Right. The modern state not only routinely coerces people into doing all sorts of things they don’t want to do – often very clearly against their own interests – but it necessarily does so, by its nature. People who want to know more about that should read our conversation on anarchy. This distinction is very important in a society with a government that is no longer limited by a constitution that restrains it from violating individual rights. And when you vote, you participate in, and endorse, this unethical system.
Louis James: Doug, we’ve spoken about presidents. We have a presidential election coming up in the U.S. – an election that could have significant consequences on our investments. But given the views you’ve already expressed on the Tea Party movement and anarchy, I’m sure you have different ideas. What do you make of the impending circus, and what should a rational man do?
Doug: Well, a rational man, which is to say, an ethical man, would almost certainly not vote in this election, or in any other – at least above a local level, where you personally know most of both your neighbors and the candidates.
L: Why? Might not an ethical person want to vote the bums out?
Doug: He might feel that way, but he’d better get his emotions under control. I’ve thought about this. So let me give you at least five reasons why no one should vote.
The first reason is that voting is an unethical act, in and of itself. That’s because the state is pure, institutionalized coercion. If you believe that coercion is an improper way for people to relate to one another, then you shouldn’t engage in a process that formalizes and guarantees the use of coercion.
L: It’s probably worth defining coercion in this context. I know you agree with me that force is ethical in self-defense. A murderer I shoot might feel coerced into accepting a certain amount of hot lead that he did not consent to, but he intended the same, or worse, for me, so the scales are balanced. What you are talking about is forcing innocent, non-consenting others to do things against their wills, like paying taxes that go to pay for military adventures they believe are wrong, etc.
Doug: Right. The modern state not only routinely coerces people into doing all sorts of things they don’t want to do – often very clearly against their own interests – but it necessarily does so, by its nature. People who want to know more about that should read our conversation on anarchy. This distinction is very important in a society with a government that is no longer limited by a constitution that restrains it from violating individual rights. And when you vote, you participate in, and endorse, this unethical system.
Doug: As P.J. O’Rourke says in a recent book, and as I’ve always said, voting just encourages them.
I’m convinced that most people don’t vote for candidates they believe in, but against candidates they fear. But that’s not how the guy who wins sees it; the more votes he gets, the more he thinks he’s got a mandate to rule – even if all his votes are really just votes against his opponent. Some people justify this, saying it minimizes harm to vote for the lesser of two evils. That’s nonsense, because it still leaves you voting for evil. The lesser of two evils is still evil.
Incidentally, I got as far as this point in 1980, when I was on the Phil Donahue show. I had the whole hour on national TV all to myself, and I felt in top form. It was actually the day before the national election, when Jimmy Carter was the incumbent, running against Ronald Reagan. After I made some economic observations, Donahue accused me of intending to vote for Reagan. I said that I was not, and as sharp as Donahue was, he said, “Well, you’re not voting for Carter, so you must be voting Libertarian…”
I said no, and had to explain why not. I believed then just as I do now. And it was at about this point when the audience, which had been getting restive, started getting really upset with me. I never made it to point five.
Perhaps I shouldn’t have been surprised. That same audience, when I pointed out that their taxes were high and were being wasted, contained an individual who asked, “Why do we have to pay for things with our taxes? Why doesn’t the government pay for it?” I swear that’s what he said; it’s on tape. If you could go back and watch the show, you’d see that the audience clapped after that brilliant question. Which was when I first realized that while the situation is actually hopeless, it’s also quite comic…
O how I love just one piece “what if nobody went to the polls period? Talk about delegitimizing evil!”
Could you imagine the look on Trumps and Biden’s face?
The illumskies is probs the racemixed sticking together against whites.
Friggin israaid telling sand (n-word could be used) arabs lowlives to go to germanic countries to racemix:
01.05 into video.
ey may see germanic ppls as enemy.
As much as I agree with those who say we’re not voting our way out of this and that voting legitimizes and illegitimate system, I’m in agreement with the author that inside-the-fenceline political activism is a strategy we should not wholly abandon.
Local races still matter most when it comes to who is making arrests & deciding to prosecute Whites defending themselves and a host of other issues that will directly impact your life. In some states, even state policy can still be influenced in a favorable way for Our Guys, particularly in the smaller population states we should be looking to concentrate in and on in the future.
As Nordic Resistance Movement and CasaPound have demonstrated in Europe, movements which focus on being a cultural and social rallying point and bully pulpit can sustain White morale and resistance to replacement even when they’re not winning actual offices. Hopefully the recently-launched National Justice Party in America can follow suit.
An official party has social, cultural and legal gravitas and standing that is less easily memory-holed, ignored or dismissed than a voice that isn’t cloaked in that flag.
I have my disagreements with the author’s deflection of blame from Trump, who I’m now convinced was rotten from the beginning in the mold of the GOP for decades (and yes, I was fooled). But I agree that we shouldn’t throw out the baby with the bathwater and wholly abandon the political, social and cultural arenas to the opposition.
Re “participating in elections was legitimizing a perverted political order” :
Let me be the first and only O-O poster to ever say a kind word about a Jewish left-wing terrorist !
Emma Goldman – Red Emma – pioneering feminist that she was nevertheless opposed women’s suffrage. Presumably, Emma – an anarchist – believed, like Nelson’s commentator, that voting just gives symbolic affirmation to the system. In her words : “Our modern fetish is universal suffrage. Those who have not yet achieved that goal fight bloody revolutions to obtain it, and those who have enjoyed its reign bring heavy sacrifice to the altar of this omnipotent deity. Woe to the heretic who dares question that divinity!”
Even H. L. Mencken, a true man of the right, was an admirer of Emma. He shared her loathing of democracy and liked her independence of thought. For example, she had extraordinarily caustic views about women that would make a modern SJW blanch. And she must be given credit for stoutly defending free speech and being among the first to denounce the Bolshevik tyranny.
I always do vote but I can’t escape a nagging feeling I’m being had.
Voting may legitimize a corrupt system, however, not voting means one gives up the right to criticize the result.
I don’t vote and I am not interested in the result, because I know that whoever wins, the Jewish lobby will have their way.
Well, I don’t see anyone prosecuting those of us who don’t vote for our criticism. One of the things I like about the legal system-side of governments-by-law, if they work as advertised, is the principle that fraud vitiates everything and that there is no statute of limitations for fraudulent acts (at least until the aggrieved can be proven to have discovered the fraud after which they may be blamed for continuing to participate in the fraudulently- induced behavior).
Here’s a piece, just-in minutes ago, by one who taught at my undergraduate alma matter, then an ag school prior to the conversion of farming, Fresno State having been Christened a university, and the advent of agribusiness : Sasan Fayazmanesh is Professor Emeritus of Economics at California State University, Fresno, and is the author of Containing Iran: Obama’s Policy of “Tough Diplomacy.”
SEPTEMBER 24, 2020
Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils: a Vicious Circle
Anyway, that argument is more than fallacious, it’s ridiculous and spurious. Actually, only the non-voter does have a right to complain – it’s the opposite of what they say. Voters are assenting to whatever the government does; a nonvoter can best be compared to someone who refuses to join a mob. Only he really has the right to complain about what they do
Ezra Pound nailed it: to live in a democracy just means you live in a country run by Jews.
To still believe in democracy and that your vote “counts” is akin to still believing Trump is gonna drain the swamp, or Michelle Obama was a woman.
Vote vote vote.
You wanna have a subsaharian white hatin mayor/police chief or judge?
Vote as white as possible and on candidates being atleast a bit prowhite as pro white as possible.
Good things to look for:
1. Anti immigration measures, like building walls. More muslim arab banns.
2. Anti surveilance pro free internet. Surveilance is and will be used against pro whites especially in a later stage. It is also used to steal from whites by racemixed and other races.
3. Anti china 5g well 5g in general is unhealthy and tiktok and the like.
What has Trump done for whites:
1. Built like 10% of the wall, but he was fooled by deep state anti whites. He will probably build 30 to 60 % if republicans win congress.
2. Muslim ban. (should be all muslim and mud countries but atleast something.
3. Calls the anti white media enemy of the people.
4. Forbid tiktok & huawei 5g.
5. Forbid anti white socalled by the murderer genocide people “diversity training” in gov agencies.
6. Will work for pro American and Western education in schools.
7. Not too much restrictions on guns. We need the guns.
8. No hate speech laws yet.
You gonna have to spread the word on issues and then may need guns to break free and in a possible race war so…
Yeah subsaharians hijacked one of two parties when they could wote.
Same in Sweden muslims made deal with environmental party that now works for massimmigration.
Congress includin republicans have voted for increased surveilance I heard. All so far kinda along what William Pierce wrote in the Turner Diaries.
Republicans probably lost congress because they tried to take away what they call “obamacare” and similar popular left things…
Kamala Harris is more likely to attack an etno state or even nuke it.
You need the 4 years to build the movement that will form. And to inform a majority of whites.
And try to get whites off drugs including the still legal opiods stuff that 80 million in the USA are on…
A Second Letter to Thomas F. Bayard,
by Lysander Spooner (1808-1887)
To Thomas F. Bayard of Delaware:
“…..……1. No man can delegate, or give to another, any right of arbitrary dominion over himself; for that would be giving himself away as a slave. And this no one can do. Any contract to do so is necessarily an absurd one, and has no validity. To call such a contract a “constitution,” or by any other high-sounding name, does not alter its character as an absurd and void contract.
2. No man can delegate, or give to another, any right of arbitrary dominion over a third person; for that would imply a right in the first person, not only to make the third person his slave, but also a right to dispose of him as a slave to still other persons. Any contract to do this is necessarily a criminal one, and therefore invalid. To call such a contract a “constitution” does not at all lessen its criminality, or add to its validity. These facts, that no man can delegate, or give away, his own natural right to liberty, nor any other man’s natural right to liberty, prove that he can delegate no right of arbitrary dominion whatever — or, what is the same thing, no legislative power whatever — over himself or anybody else, to any man, or body of men.
This impossibility of any man’s delegating any legislative power whatever, necessarily results from the fact that the law of nature has drawn the line — and that, too, [*5] a line that can never be effaced nor removed — between each man’s own interest and inalienable rights of person and property, and each and every other man’s inherent and inalienable rights of person and property. It, therefore, necessarily fixes the unalterable limits, within which every man may rightfully seek his own happiness, in his own way, free from all responsibility to, or interference by, his fellow men, or any of them.
All this pretended delegation of legislative power — that is, of a power, on the part of the legislators, so-called, to make any laws of their own device, distinct from the law of nature — is therefore an entire falsehood; a falsehood whose only purpose is to cover and hide a pure usurpation, by one body of men, of arbitrary dominion over other men. That this legislative power, or power of arbitrary dominion, is a pure usurpation, on the part of those who now exercise it, and not a “trust” delegated to them, is still further proved by the fact that the only delegation of power, that is even professed or pretended to be made, is made secretly — that is, by secret ballot — and not in any open and authentic manner; and therefore not by any men, or body of men, who make themselves personally responsible, as principals, for the acts of those to whom they profess to delegate the power.
All this pretended delegation of power having been made secretly — that is, only by secret ballot — not a single one of all the legislators, socalled, who profess to be exercising only a delegated power, has himself any legal knowledge, or can offer any legal proof, as to who the particular individuals were who delegated it to him. And having no power to identify the individuals who professed to delegate the power to him, he cannot show any legal proof that anybody ever even attempted or pretended to delegate it to him.
Plainly, a man who exercises any arbitrary dominion over other men and who claims to be exercising only a delegated power, but cannot show who his principals are, nor, consequently, prove that he has any principals, must be presumed, both in law and reason, to have no principals; and therefore to be exercising no power but his own. And having, of right, no such power of his own, he is, both in law and reason, a naked usurper.
Sir, a secret ballot makes a secret government; and a secret government is a government by conspiracy; in which the people at large can have no rights. And that is the only government we now have. It is the government of which you are a voluntary member and supporter, and yet you claim to be an honest man. If you are an honest man, is not your honesty that of a thoughtless, ignorant man, who merely drifts with the current, instead of exercising any judgement of his own?
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55a3c833e4b07c31913e6eae/t/55a52475e4b0bf42f2b02cd7/1436886133244/A LETTER TO THOMAS Bayard.pdf
Parts of jews know about the genocide of whit race plan. It’s mainly by:
1. Massimmigration to white countries.
2. Propaganda for racemixing in movies, music industry, news, tv shows and commercials.
3. The other races being hateful against whites. Africans worst. They rape plunder sell drugs murder. If you put a subsaharian afro or arab near a white child and it a child it will try to put its penis in the white girl childs mouth and vagina, try to have sex before it is at age where it an have a “hard on”. And then it matures sexually earlier than whites and then will rape whites. Same with arabs. Arabs will try to break down white girls by calling them whores constantly and create an oversexualised atmosphere by saing words like fuck, dick, pussy constantly. They hate us cause they are inferior. Then they attack and rape white women in the streets, probably in their nature… And sell drugs to whitey also by latinos.
So whites are lied to constantly and traumatised, which cause drug use. Ppls on drugs even more easily manipulated and wont put up a fight.
4. White guilt propaganda in schools university…. Painting a picture in the media that the white male is nerdy, or weak, or beats his partner, or supress white women (feminism). Making so that whites dont speak to each other, atomization, in an evermore hostile anti white environment. Highligting in the media crimes by whites and hiding crimes by non whites.
Heres a video showing it:
Probably some school shootings are paid for some might e a fraud, used to take away whiteys guns:
Reason they don’t want whites to be armed when their territory stolen and their women raped and they killed by racemixing. They probably expect a racewar…
And they want whitey out of cities, cause the countryside is more atomizing. People meet less people are less social…
And they don’t want people to speak it might get them speaking about the genocide…
And cities tend to have great education, jobs, opportunities. So they get rid of competition (a common theme in doc elders zion)…
Terrorism and covid 19 also atomizing. Suits them and some Israelis probably knew about 911.
Theres a video of some joooow sain “we took them down” about 911 twin towers.
But I support Israel.
Group evolutionary strategies?
For once I’m fairly impressed with the comments section. I’m about as ambivalent about voting as you can get, and I see good points on both sides being expressed here.
During the riots in Louisville last night both Biden and his wretched veep candidate both apparently “tweeted” “say her name”. If that doesn’t make you want to vote for Trump, nothing will. Or you might take a look at Biden’s “Racial Equity Plan”.
We could talk all day about the ethics of voting, the dream of starving our current corrupt system of legitimacy by abstaining from participation, or the fact that Israel owns both Parties. All perfectly valid. But I will vote Trump just based on his position on “critical race theory”. And also based on a “Biden” (leftist puppet) Admin being an actual, clearly foreseeable threat to the White population of this country.
Trump is like the democrat legislators where they give you a dollar with their right hand and then reach into your wallet with their left hand and take two dollars without you noticing .
Trump just cancelled any benefits to Whites , from his recent move against radical critical race theory training , by announcing another 500 BILLION USD federal reparation program for African-Americans on top of the several TRILLION USD that Whites have already paid to the federal government , since ww2 , to support American Negro existence and pay for their riot damages .
Here is a link to that recent Black reparation payment announcement by Trump __
How many more Whites need to be slaughtered on top of the US Civil War death toll , which paid for their freedom from slavery , before neobolshevik Blacks are satisfied ?
By the way I strongly dislike a lot of the material presented in the videos I posted.
I disslike skull measurements and alot of the over racialized language as well as nazism as mentioned. I also dislike the dehumanization and so on. Still the videos may contain relevant information that I referred to.
It never ceases to amaze me that so few know even what they don’t know. Dr. Griffin makes that point well here, something for which it is written that Socrates was condemned for pointing-out: https://nationalvanguard.org/2018/05/what-hitler-believed/
For those considering staying-on-the-porch, Ron Paul, M.D. explains why youngsters are going to support a Marxist-Socialist candidate in the instant election. He has been retained to promote an investment advisory newsletter that is apparently without conflicts of interest. Dr. Paul briefly on not overreacting to the Coronavirus hype and what young, liberal, debt-ridden voters want… https://orders.stansberryresearch.com/?cid=MKT462034&eid=MKT472834&assetId=AST152818&page=1
For those afraid to even consider that we’ve been here before including the most-passive resistance to wearing a mask, much less refusing vaccination, there’s making-sure you’re registered to vote at http://ufcw.com, that’s out to socialize all those who can’t get the patty and cheese on the bun squarely.
It apparently is occurring to more people that our problems are not going to be solved voting. There is a current California ballot initiative to permit 17-year-olds to vote.
Now this:
SEPTEMBER 10, 2020
Silence is Not Consent in Politics
This was a thought provoking article, with some very interesting comments, especially by Transvaal Boer & Angelicus.
Whites in America are finally trapped between a rock and a hard place, as the trite saying goes. They have been apathetic and complacent for way too long, while foolishly being regularly politically sodomized. Then, realizing that things were somehow amiss, along came the political false god Trump. Trump, the fake populist, beguiling them with populist and quasi nationalistic rhetoric. Yes, he fooled many Whites, and is still doing it, playing on the visceral patriotic sentiment of normal folks.
So, what is the upshot of this Trump vs Biden ‘lesser of two evils’ dilemma ? For myself & my conscience, I’m voting third party as a protest vote. No matter what we do, Jewry has the system in gridlock, and the historical process has to be played out. Maybe we’ll get another tumultiousTrump “reprieve” for 4 more years, or maybe the Kamala instigated blood bath will happen sooner, rather than later.
So, eventually, despite the Trump interlude, White America is going to get it’s comeuppance, one way or another, and it’s likely to be nasty & ugly.
Hello Junghans, excellent analysis of yours. The words “political false god” describe Trump to a “T”. I found unbelievable that people here insist in voting. WHO? If only the National Alliance were a party but we know that such a party would be outlawed and destroyed inmediately. Our enemies learned their lesson in 1933, no way the would allow honest, clear elections ever again, the last time they did that guy Adolf Hitler won. Oy Vey!
Yes, most White Americans, like most Whites everywhere deserve what is coming to them. They chose to bury their heads in the sand pretending not to hear the cries of their White brothers and sisters while they were being raped and murdered. The USA is a disgusting multirracial Jewish corporation that deserves to die.
Most White Americans are Christian sheeple of whom many are born sheeple which means they are born cowards . You cannot reasonably expect DNA sheeple to do anything other than “bury their heads in the sand”; and Christian cultivated sheeple are programmed/trained to act sheepishly as if they were born sheeple .
I ask the question – do politicians laws have any moral code as their base as all valid law is based on Divine law, following which is Natural law, then cognitive law, then positive law.
Paul the apostle to the Romans – Romans 13:1-2
A translation of my Greek interlinear provided this –
“Every soul to authorities higher be subject to. For there is no authority if not from god, but the existing authorities under Me having been ordained are. So the one resisting the authority of his God has opposed and those having opposed to themselves judgement will receive.”
Luke 11:28 – But he said, Yea rather, blessed [are] they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Acts 5:29 – Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
From an article by Steve Quayle
“…….Romans 13 is in play until the government, ruling class, authority over you, whatever you want to call it, decides that it is the final arbiter and sets itself up in the position reserved for God alone. When the state or the government moves to exclude God and to erect itself in that position, a Christian has an obligation before God to expose and resist evil. Eph 5.11 have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. even if it means that resistance has consequences from those who assume power that you are resisting…………”
The Queen has reneged on her coronation oath to uphold the Christian faith
The Pirates of Finance operating from “The Crown City of London” which is not a part of Britain and which the queen needs permission to enter have now set themselves up as the highest authority with their Law of the Sea/Admiralty/Maritime law/Statute law.
1 Timothy 6:10 (NKJV) 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Is Lucifer the God of Judaism?
The Nation’s Credit: Senator Richard Darcey, 1941 ( ALP, Tasmania)
“…………………On one occasion I told honourable senators that the people who sent us here are under the impression that the 111 members of Parliament in Canberra comprise a national government engaged in the task of ruling Australia. I have told the people repeatedly that their assumption is entirely wrong and that Australia is governed by the associated banks.
Under the present system no government, can carry on its functions except by continuing the policy of borrowing. The only way to pay the ever-increasing interest bill is by borrowing still more. All money comes into existence through the banks in the form of a debt. That is why we are called upon to pay such tremendously high taxes to-day.
I have spent a considerable part of my life expounding my financial theories to the people, hoping that they will some day realize what a racket is being put over them under the present financial system, and that an obligation rests on the shoulders of every member of this Parliament to scrap it…………………”
“……..That is what I mean when I refer to corrupt governments. Any one who sacrifices the interests of the people for the benefit of profit-makers is a traitor. He is the fifth columnist of to-day-the enemy inside our gates.”
– – Senator Richard Darcey Hansard 12 November 1941
The Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890 reads as if Rothschild himself wrote it, keeping in mind his possession of the Channel Islands.