Entries by Nelson Rosit

Will Post-Modernity Be Post-Darwinian? A Review of “The Post-Darwinian Zoo”

The Post-Darwinian Zoo Tibur Zorodin Createspace, December, 2023 Perhaps all of Western socio-political history can divided into three eras: Pre-Darwinian, Darwinian, and post-Darwinian. The first period consisted of the millennia before the publication of Charles Darwin’s On the Origins of Species (1859) when men intuitively understood the importance of blood and breed, monarchy and aristocracy […]

The Trials and Tribulations of a White Advocate

“Mr. Williams is an unpopular figure, and had I more experience at the time I would have certainly declined this representation.” Laura Finch, Mr. Williams’ defense lawyer Pocahontas Show Trial: The Wrongful Conviction of an Unpopular Figure in West Virginia (See also the webpage for the book.) William White Williams Cosmotheist Books, 2021. Pocahontas Show Trial […]

The Condensed Dugin: A Review of Alexander Dugin’s The Great Awakening vs The Great Reset,

The Great Awakening vs The Great Reset Alexander Dugin London, Arktos Media, 2021 The Book If you are curious about the analysis of the Russian geopolitical philosopher Alexander Dugin, but do not want to tackle his Foundations of Geopolitics[1] or The Fourth Political Theory[2] you might consider this slim volume. The Great Awakening vs The […]

Consciousness Raising for White Students

Equal Training: An Analysis of Antiwhite Material and Language Manipulation Tactics Used in American Schools Student X Michael Michau, 2023 The simplest definition of education is the transmission of culture, so it is not surprising that schools are on the front lines of the present kulturkampf.  As usual, the Right is reacting to the dynamic […]

How to Create a New Elite

Reinventing Aristocracy in the Age of Woke Capital: How Honourable WASP Elites Could Recue Our Civilization from Bad Governance by Irresponsible Corporate Plutocrats Prof. Andrew Fraser Arkos Media 2022. Conventional conservatives have recently discovered the perils of “woke capital.” Meanwhile, Andrew Fraser has been writing about this issue for over twenty years. Back in January […]

Civic Nationalism’s Last Gasp?

The Dying Citizen: How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of America Victor Davis Hanson Basic Books, 2021 Reviewed by Nelson Rosit Is Victor Davis Hanson Donald Trump with a Ph.D. in classics? There are certain parallels between the author of The Dying Citizen and the forty-fifth president. While Professor Hanson uses […]